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根据全球通用指标,判断一国经济形势稳定与否主要参考市场物价指数、社会就业水平、财政收支形势、GDP增速及国内外投资力度等相关变量。本文拟从德国近年来的GDP增速、社会失业问题、财政赤字等二大方面揭示德国经济所面临的严峻局面。  相似文献   

This article investigates how State departments can best equip Local government to implement State environmental protection legislation effectively. Research on joint implementation by the then New South Wales Environment Protection Authority and NSW Local government authorities is reviewed to explore inducements and constraints on intergovernmental policy implementation, including the multi-jurisdictional nature of policy.  相似文献   

中国企业劳动关系:转型,紧张,迈向和谐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,随着所有制结构的调整和市场经济的发展,中国的企业劳动关系发生了一系列变化。这些变化调动了各方面的积极性,明显地推动了经济增长和经济效益的提高,但也使企业劳动关系呈现出逐渐紧张的趋势。针对造成这种状况的原因,今后应继续实行有利于扩大就业的经济发展战略,改变企业在国际分工中的不利地位,健全劳动法制体系,完善劳动保障监察执法手段。  相似文献   

5月中旬,应挪威"道德重整"组织和德国艾伯特基金会的邀请,朱达成副会长率中国国际交流协会代表团访问了挪威、德国.我作为代表团一员,工作之余有机会亲眼看到和感受这两个欧洲国家的社会生活和环境,感触颇深.  相似文献   

What are the connections between personal risk-management and governmental responsibility toward citizens? This paper argues that governments in neoliberal societies increasingly acknowledge a responsibility to help citizens make "informed choices" in order to reduce or avoid risk. A key feature within this framework is the issuing of official governmental advice to the citizens. But such advice does not merely carry information that citizens are free to accept or decline. Rather, it also consists of a conscious effort on part of governments to construct individuals as calculating, prudent, and rational persons that know how to manage risk (to "responsibilize" them). Below I examine the practice of governmental advice as an effort of responsibilization in the case of travel warnings issued by foreign offices to international travelers.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of local government officials from the Slovak and Czech Republics taken in December of 2005 are presented and analysed. Attitudes about and perspectives on intergovernmental fiscal relations in the two republics are probed. Differences and similarities in Czech and Slovak views are established regarding some of the perceptions of local autonomy and the sufficiency of available funds; whether or not public services are supplied by the appropriate levels of government; the potential benefits of adopting a serious rather than a nominal property tax; and the flexibility of local budget planning in Czech and Slovak cities and towns.  相似文献   

Jewish-Palestinian Relations in Israel: From Hegemony to Equality?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on the relationships between the Jewish majority and the Palestinian minority in Israel. Opening with a historical perspective that emphasizes the marginality of the minority, the article proceeds to describe empirically that minority's inferior and subservient condition. The third section proposes an elaborate conceptual framework for analyzing politics in deeply divided societies and then applies it to the Israeli case. The final part addresses the possibility of transforming Israel's political system from one that is ethnically hegemonic and democratically flawed into a polity that is open, inclusive, and genuinely democratic. The article identifies ways for effecting such a systemic transformation through individual-based approaches (especially liberal democracy) and group-based designs (consociationalism, multinationalism, federalism, cantonization, and autonomy).  相似文献   

美中关系在经过2010年的跌宕起伏后,于2011年转向稳定并开始取得实质性改善,其明显标志就是胡锦涛年初对华盛顿的国事访问以及2011年5月第三轮美中战略与经济对话的举行。中美关系正在从"不稳定"或"脆弱的稳定"朝着"实质性的稳定"迈进。鉴于两国关系的客观复杂性、这种关系的全球性特征、两国不同的政治社会制度、两国的规模大得惊人的经济和军事力量以及相互重叠的国家安全利益,相互之间存在竞争是很自然的,但这并非一种冷战式的竞争。未来美中关系很可能仍将是一种合作和竞争的混合体,我们的使命就是要扩大合作范围并管理和减少竞争范围。  相似文献   

2009年,中美关系异常密切,而一进入2010年,情势就急转直下,中美之间龃龉多生,让世人担忧。中美关系到底怎么啦?是滑出了预定轨道,还是正常运行中的波动?  相似文献   

The misuse of passports is intrinsically connected with international terrorism. Terrorist groups and their operatives demonstrate a propensity to travel in order to meet, organize, train, plan, reconnoiter targets, and deploy for attacks. To travel surreptitiously, terrorist activists and operatives typically make use of improperly obtained, altered, or counterfeit passports and visas. The present study addresses three key issues relating to the terrorist misuse of passports: (a) the role of passport misuse in the operational activities of international terrorist networks; (b) the ways in which terrorist elements acquire seemingly genuine passports; and (c) the various international covenants, agreements, and related action plans intended to constrain terrorists’ ability to move surreptitiously across borders. The analysis describes a terrorism cycle, a complex array of key activities that together serve as enablers for international terrorism. The role of passports and surreptitious travel is examined for each stage of this terrorism cycle.  相似文献   

<正>How to mobilize world countries to work together in addressing global climate change is now another focus of world attention.This is a major milestone in the history of human social development and progress in modern times and also a tremendous,complex and systematic project.Its success or failure depends not only on the transformation of the traditional old model of high-emission and high-growth development,which is formed in the industrialization process over a long period of time,into a new model of low-emission and high-growth development,which is adapted to the change of the times and the ecosystem.It also depends on the political will of countries around the world to jointly attach importance to and participate in tackling global climate change,and on more awareness and consensus among them to the importance and urgency to meet the challenge.Against this background,it is highly necessary to shape a multidimensional strategy for international cooperation and work out supplementary policies and practical measures.  相似文献   

If solving the global sanitation crisis lies within Indian borders, then it is important to understand the influence of caste relations on sanitation building and usage. Our ethnography investigated three villages in rural Tamil Nadu where seven separate sanitation interventions had failed. The analysis indicates caste relations played a key role in the failed interventions by creating and reinforcing the means by which caste groups distinguished themselves from each other at the village scale. Issues of cleaning, access to subsidies, latrine design, and purity served to facilitate and limit the processes that enable the everyday, unequal relationships of caste.  相似文献   


China, once seen as a threat by the states of South Asia, is now viewed correctly as an alternative development opportunity. The unprecedented success of the Chinese development model places it as an obvious alternative to that offered by India—or indeed by the Western model of development—but what implications does this have for the middle and small powers that surround India, and indeed for India and the Western developed world? The fundamental rationale for China's relations with South Asia has changed radically, but the Sino-centric nature of Chinese foreign policy remains. Uniquely, for India's neighbours, but also for the global political economy as a whole, Chinese economic power raises political issues of human security, economic interdependence, and the relationship between physical infrastructure and the benefits of global public goods. The Chinese necessity to tranship through South Asia is identified as a complex new reality for the great power.  相似文献   


The heightened interest in performance measurement (PM) in government holds tremendous promise for both academicians and practitioners. Indeed, under a best-case scenario, PM is a subject in which public administration researchers provide relevant information that informs practice and bolsters citizen views of government. However, as the authors contend, many fundamental questions remain regarding implementation. Moreover, the research methods generally deployed in PM research are unlikely to answer these questions, not the least of which is the cost-effectiveness of PM implementation. Thinking paradigmatically about PM research entails an appropriate linkage of important questions and appropriate research methods. Twelve years after the Governmental Accounting Standards Board first proposed Service Efforts and Accomplishment reporting, the authors believe it is time to begin as systematic approach to PM implementation. Public Administration as a discipline can make a huge contribution to public management with sound research in the PM arena. But achieving this end will not be easy in light of the discipline's historical research shortcomings.  相似文献   

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