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The focus of this article is on whether, and to what extent, the major UN bodies for environmental issues—the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD), and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)—have had any impact upon how China addresses and approaches its environmental issues. The UN bodies seem to have had some degree of day-to-day influence in a range of fields. UNEP has provided assistance in terms of policy formulation, technical assistance, training of personnel, public awareness and networking. The CSD seems to have made fewer practical and concrete contributions to China’s environmental policies; it serves as an arena for learning and discussion of environmental issues, rather than as a body for policy implementation. The GEF, on the other hand, has been an important source for the implementation of environmental policies in China. As to China’s contribution to environmental issues on the global arena, China does not seem to give priority to the international level of environmental policies. It is an active participant and stakeholder in international bodies such as UNEP and the CSD, but it is currently not providing any leadership. This is in clear contrast to domestic policy, where environmental issues are becoming increasingly important, attracting the attention of the media, policy-makers and the public. The article concludes that should this trend consolidate, establishing the management of the environment and natural resources as major issues in Chinese politics, it is reasonable to expect that China will in the future aim to play a leading role in environmental politics at the international level.  相似文献   

In east-central Africa, nestled between Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda is Burundi. From the onset of independence in 1961, Burundi has had a history of internal armed conflicts, ethnic tensions and civil unrest in the form of crimes against humanity, massive and systematic rape, and other gross human rights violations that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. Nonetheless, there has been relatively little attention paid to these types of crimes by criminologists. Political discourse and subsequent media reports suggest that the cause of the violence in Burundi is rooted in reappearing ethnic tensions between two ethnic groups. Yet, the origins and continued enactment of the conflict is far more complex. In this paper, the authors draw upon the extant state crime literature to both conceptually frame, and theoretically illuminate, the crimes against humanity and other gross human rights violations that have occurred.  相似文献   

由于人类片面追求经济增长的发展模式,人类社会逐步陷入了发展的困境——生态环境恶化。摆脱发展困境的唯一选择只有走可持续发展道路。可持续发展战略的贯彻与实施必须有公共政策作保障,因为公共政策与可持续发展具有科学性与价值性的统一。只有加强与完善公共政策的制定与实施,才能促进人类社会的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

Organizations interested in implementing community policing should be cognizant of the attitudes of line officers toward this policy due to the fact line officers are responsible for implementing community policing on the street level. Successful implementation of organizational change may rely on identifying individuals who are most supportive of community policing. What remains unclear is what factors are related to officers' acceptance of community policing. This research examined the factors related to acceptance of the community policing philosophy. Surveys were administered at roll calls by researchers to a total of 445 officers of all departmental ranks. It was found that officers who supported informal problem-solving tactics perhaps involving agencies outside the police department, and officers who were non-White were more likely to support concepts of community policing. At the same time, several factors, which presumed to be related to community policing, did not materialize, including previous work on structured problem-solving projects, rank, education, and desire for autonomy. Explanations and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper critically examined the implementation of treaties related to labor and labor relations in Nigerian law. Prior to the amendment of the Constitution in 2010, section 12(1) stipulated that all treaties must be domesticated before enforcement. But in that year a new provision – section 254C(2) – was introduced which empowered the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN) to enforce treaties related to labor and labor relations which have been ratified though not domesticated. One relevant question examined was whether section 254C(2) of the Constitution could be applied to enforce treaties that are partly related to labor and labor relations and also have been ratified in view of a decision of the NICN which applied that provision to enforce a treaty that was wholly related to labor and labor relations. It was argued that section 254C(2) should also be applied to enforce treaties that are partly related to labor and labor relations.  相似文献   

In the United States, the absence of federal funding and coordination for immigration legal services often means that local resources determine immigrants' access to justice. Many of these resources go toward supporting immigrants caught in the detention and deportation system. Yet local support is also critical for implementing federal benefits programs such as the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. In this article, we draw on 146 interviews with representatives of legal services providers and their nonprofit collaborators in three immigrant-dense metropolitan areas—the Greater Houston Area, the New York City Metro Area, and the San Francisco Bay Area—to analyze the distinct, place-specific service and collaboration models that have emerged over the last decade to meet demand for DACA implementation support. Specifically, we examine how local context shapes the types of actors that immigrants can turn to for immigration legal services, and how they have coordinated on the ground in distinct ways during a time of increasing uncertainty.  相似文献   

中国刑事政策源远流长,因时因地不同而产生了不同的刑事政策,而各个刑事政策的执行方式也大相径庭,而其直接后果则是刑事政策执行的失败与成功。学界历来不缺对刑事政策本身的研究,但对刑事政策的执行方式却鲜有论述,本文分析了现存刑事政策执行方式的不足,提出了刑事政策执行在理论上存在的三种可能方式,并认为综合式执行方式是中国目前刑事政策执行方式的首选。  相似文献   

政策性金融是为解决市场金融的不完善而发展起来的一种金融形式,现已成为金融体系中重要的组成部分.本文以发达国家为对象,分析政策性金融机构的种类、运营方式及监管原则,多角度考察政策性金融机构的发展经验.以期为我国政策性金融机构改革提出建议.  相似文献   

There has been an “upgrading” of the regional level in the European policy process which also has implications for educational policy and administration. At the same time federalism has become a model not only for nation states but also for the construction of Europe. While regionalism and federalism has attracted more and more scholarly attention there has been a neglect of the implications for the educational field. The article starts by looking for models of regionalisation and federalisation as a legal and political technique of conciliating between the different levels in education. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

As an institution of thegovernment the military has an obligationto be useful to its society. Yet the use ofthe military in an internally oriented drugwar is problematic for any democracy,especially one in transition fromauthoritarianism to democracy. This articleexamines U.S. and Mexican decisions tomilitarize the Drug War in light ofMexico's democratic transition. Itcritiques the Fox administration's relianceon active duty military officers to staffDrug War administrative positions as wellas U.S. promotion of the myth that themilitary has a special ability for fightingdrug production and trafficking.  相似文献   

Undoubtedly, some African states have put in place cybercrime legal frameworks and institutional policies to combat cybercrime and curtail the proliferation of the crime globally. Although the cybercrime policy implementation gap is a global problem, this paper notes that these African States have a peculiar challenge of implementation gap or lack of implementation of cybercrime legal frameworks and policies as a basis for cybercrime proliferation and this poses great concerns for internet users. Incentive is comparatively drawn from the United States of America and the United Kingdom in determining what these African governments and institutions should do towards fighting cybercrime.  相似文献   

The Hill-Burton program offers a rare opportunity to study a distributive health policy from its adoption to its elimination. This study reveals that the political dynamics of the policy changed over time. It concludes by observing that interest group influence on distributive health policies may only be decisive when circumstances permit. Those circumstances include the involvement of powerful elected officials and the degree of consensus among policy experts about the need for the policy and the appropriateness of its objectives.  相似文献   

This paper examines the available empirical and theoretical literature on the connections between drug use and violent crime, using the conceptual framework developed by Goldstein (1985). The authors argue that the available evidence on the drugs/violence nexus does not support moral claims about the ‘harmfulness’ of illegal drugs that underpin the criminalization of certain mind-active drugs. Instead, much of the connection between legal and illegal drug use and violence appears to be an effect of a history of criminalization of certain drugs. Law is therefore implicated in producing the connection between drug use and violence, rather than acting simply as a neutral mechanism for controlling criminal violence.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine progress so far, as well as current challenges and opportunities for EPI in bilateral official development assistance (ODA). A short review of progress shows that effectiveness has so far been limited. Although there has been intense donor activity in relation to stating commitment to the EPI principle and developing a wide range of processes, institutions, and tools, a large part of ODA still is likely to have directly harmful impacts on the environment. The implications for EPI of the emerging governance framework for ODA, namely, the principles stipulated in the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, are then discussed. Both challenges and opportunities are presented, and these are empirically illustrated with a case study of the integration of climate change adaptation in ODA. Finally, this article proposes that at least four special conditions apply to EPI in the bilateral ODA context as compared with domestic EPI: two or more jurisdictions, electorates, and governments are involved; a negotiation context characterized by sovereign states but with a potential power asymmetry; potential conflicts of interest and equity concerns in cases where environmental objectives refer to global environmental problems primarily caused by developed countries; and a policy-making process characterized by a comparatively wide span of both strategic and operational decisions, where EPI can take on very different meanings. The initial exploration presented in this article suggests that these conditions hold, and that, as a consequence, EPI arguably involves more ‘high-politics’ decisions and questions than in a domestic policy context.  相似文献   

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