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Climate change is a security problem that requires global solutions. Despite some important recent advances, current international responses to climate change are inadequate. This paper assesses whether the United Nations Security Council possesses sufficient legal authority to compel states to address the causes and consequences of climate change. While not advocating the immediate adoption of coercive measures, this paper initiates discussion of this issue, with the goal of developing an institutional framework within which to respond to this emerging threat, if necessary. The paper begins with a brief overview of the clear links between climate change and security, and the inadequacy to date of international remedial efforts. This is followed by a detailed analysis of Security Council legal authority, in particular the UN Charter, including a discussion of its evolving invocation in the context of non-traditional threats. Applying this legal framework to the specific issue of climate change demonstrates the substantial authority of the Security Council to take binding decisions relating to this subject, and its wide range of available enforcement measures, recognizing that political will to exercise and support this authority is required for any successful Security Council efforts to address climate change. The paper concludes that the Security Council has the legal authority to address the causes and consequences of climate change, and that its recent counter-terrorism and non-proliferation measures provide an illustrative institutional framework within which to address this emerging ‘threat to international peace and security’.
Christopher K. PennyEmail:

International law was traditionally a horizontal and state-centric system of rules. Although state-centrism is in decline, it is still reflected in some of the core concepts and procedures governing contemporary international law. This article identifies the community-oriented values in the international community that stretch beyond the interest of sovereign states. It further explores how these values can be protected by the international community when states abuse their sovereign powers. Attention is paid to the concepts of Chapter VII powers and limitations on the authority of the Security Council, as well as the concepts of obligations erga omnes and norms jus cogens. While the latter two concepts reflect fundamental values of the international community, they cannot be used as an enforcement mechanism to address the abuses of sovereign powers. The enforcement can come from Security Council resolutions adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Notably, the concept of the international peace and security nowadays covers even seemingly purely domestic gross and systematic violations of human rights. Despite this stretch of the Security Council’s powers, the community-oriented rules also demand that its measures need to be interpreted with the framework of international human rights law in mind. The article concludes that the post-Second World War era has seen a turn away from state-centrism and toward a community-oriented international legal system. The international community has acknowledged the existence of a rights-based minimum threshold of a shared value system. However, the enforcement of this value system remains subject to state-centric procedures. There is no automatic and readily available remedy against abuses of sovereign powers.  相似文献   

联合国安理会改革的国际法思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雪平 《法律科学》2005,23(4):122-128
在国际和平与安全方面,确立二战后国际秩序的规则和制度,已不能完全适应全球化时代的需求,建立在以安理会为核心、以联合国为基础之上的国际集体安全体制,面临新问题时显得危机重重。国际情势的变迁,严重震荡着安理会原有的权力结构以及由此确立的权力秩序,与此相关,国际法律秩序也遭遇严重挑战。安理会改革的主张各有利弊,其中涉及诸多的国际法律问题,解决好这些问题,有助于安理会改革的顺利进行,并期望由此推动和平稳定的国际新秩序的形成。  相似文献   

刘健 《现代法学》2007,29(5):136-142
关于国际刑事法院管辖权与联合国安理会职权的关系,《罗马规约》作出了妥协性的规定,二者的关系既表现为平等与协作,又反映出相互间的适度制约。这种妥协性的规定反映了国际社会现实,体现了国际刑事法院司法职能与安理会政治职能的相对分离和互动,具有现实合理性。  相似文献   

对国际社会来说,海盗仍然是一种严重威胁,尤其是在索马里地区,海盗异常猖獗。由于海盗对国际贸易和世界安全的破坏,对海盗罪的普遍管辖权已得到各国的普遍承认,但现行国际法关于海盗罪的规定却存在许多"空白",普遍管辖权不能涵盖所有的海盗行为,因此,国际法应该进行相应的变革以应对海盗的威胁。这些变革应包括对海盗罪重新定义,建立危险海域的护航机制,推动区域性打击海盗机制的建立及由安理会提供必要的授权。  相似文献   

朱文奇 《中国法学》2012,(4):176-190
北非中东一些国家的形势突变,反映了西方国家正在努力构建有利于己方价值观的世界格局,也表明在构建国际秩序方面,除了经济、政治及军事因素以外,还有"人道"和"人权"的考量。联合国安理会关于利比亚问题的决议与国际法的新走向,反映了国际关系中新的价值取向。然而,国际法规则存在于多个领域,有多种视角和原则。在这些领域,不同的规则有不同的的考量:基于一定价值理念的"人权"或"人道",与国家主权原则等国际法其他规则之间存在冲突。当今国际社会对是否要对叙利亚局势予以干涉的博弈,反映了国际法规则在国际秩序形成过程中的重要性。所以它不仅事关叙利亚国家和人民,也关乎整个世界局势的走向与发展。中国在联合国安理会合理运用国际法,体现了她作为大国对国际责任的坚持。  相似文献   

The divergence of opinion between EU and international lawyers as to the consequences of the Kadi/Al Barakaat judgment is likely to remain for the foreseeable future. While international lawyers focus their analysis on the constitutional role of the UN Charter in international law, EU lawyers seek to assert the autonomy and primacy of the EU treaties. The aim of this article is to analyse where the divergence between the two perspectives can be found. The judgment of the European Court of Justice cannot be interpreted as questioning the authority of the Security Council in discharging its duties for the maintenance of international peace and security. The consequences of the General Court's case‐law as regards the EU autonomous list of terrorists should be borne in mind when faced with the implications of Kadi/Al Barakaat. It is not justified that the level of protection to the individuals or entities affected by targeted sanctions should depend on the legal framework in which the restrictive measures have been adopted (UN or EU), or on the margin of discretion left to the EU Member States by the Security Council.  相似文献   

联合国经济制裁通常以安理会决议的形式出现,安理会决议具有法律效力,各国有义务全面、严格地执行安理会决议。安理会决议应当遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨及原则,不得与一般国际法强制规律相抵触。当一国出现严重侵犯人权的罪行并怠于履行人权保护义务时,安理会可以代表国际社会对其采取保障人权的必要措施。联合国制裁经历了从"传统制裁"到"聪明制裁"的转变。由于缺少对公正审判权的保护,各国执行"聪明制裁"面临选择困境。针对"聪明制裁"可能引发的人权危机,有必要从制度设计层面入手,明确安理会决议的授权范围,完善"和平之威胁"的判断标准,加强对各国执行安理会决议的监督与审查,保障制裁对象的公正审判权,建立多元化的人权保护救济渠道。在联合国经济制裁中加强人权保护,有利于积极应对国际安全形势变化,有利于促进和平解决国际争端,有利于推动构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(186):49249-49251
This public notice informs interested parties of (1) the principles the Department of Health and Human Services ordinarily will consider when deciding whether to exercise its discretion to approve or disapprove demonstration projects under the authority in Section 1115(a) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. section 1315(a); (2) the kinds of procedures the Department would expect States to employ in involving the public in the development of proposed demonstration projects under Section 1115; and (3) the procedures the Department ordinarily will follow in reviewing demonstration proposals. The principles and procedures described in this public notice are being provided for the information of interested parties, and are not legally binding on the Department of Health and Human Services. This notice does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity, by any person or entity, against the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, the States, or any other person.  相似文献   

In September 2005, the UN General Assembly adopted an ambitiouslist of reforms of the UN structure, mandate and agenda. Ifimplemented, it is going to be the most radical reform of theUN to date. Yet, the International Court of Justice, the principaljudicial organ of the organization, has been largely ignored.This Report suggests that States should take advantage of thereform-mood at the UN to consider also some essential reformsof the ICJ. These include: Should the Security Council be enlarged,then UN member States should consider expanding the membershipof the ICJ, too; judges should not be allowed to be re-electedand their tenure should be increased to 12 years; age limitsshould be introduced; the number of female candidates to beelected should be increased; intergovernmental organizationsshould have capacity to be a party in contentious proceedings;the new Human Rights Council and certain international courtsand tribunals should be given the power to request advisoryopinions.  相似文献   

朱鹏飞 《时代法学》2007,5(6):108-112
近来,伊朗所声称的和平利用核能的活动引起了国际社会的强烈反应。在国际原子能机构框架内解决该问题的努力失败后,该问题被移交到联合国安理会。安理会已三次通过决议要求伊朗停止铀浓缩,并逐步加强了对伊朗的制裁。由于伊朗享有核主权,并且这种核主权受到《核不扩散条约》的确认,所以伊朗和平利用核能的权利具有充分的法律依据。但是伊朗和平利用核能的权利应受到三点限制:第一,权利不得滥用原则的限制;第二,《保障协定》及其《附加议定书》的限制;第三,安理会决议的限制。  相似文献   

国家保护责任三题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹阳 《河北法学》2007,25(4):79-82
国家保护责任理论认为国家与国际社会有向处在危险中的人民提供生命支持保护及援助的预防责任、做出反应责任以及重建责任.国家保护责任理论是对传统的主权、安全观的重新阐释.国家保护责任理论通过对安理会作用的扩张解释,赋予了国际社会解决人道主义危机的责任.国家保护责任理论在某种程度上可以应付日益复杂的国际危机,但是我们必须关注其所带来的消极影响.  相似文献   

曲波  刘芳 《河北法学》2011,29(5):2-9
海军护航打击索马里海盗有充分的国际法依据。《联合国海洋法公约》关于海盗行为的定义一定程度上限制了对索马里海盗的打击。短时间内,修订《联合国海洋法公约》关于海盗的定义并不现实,联合国安理会的决议又具有临时性,通过双边或区域协议的方式对海盗的认定达成共识是一种可行的方法。由某一主权国家审判索马里海盗存在一定的困难性,国际社会可采取特设法庭的方式来审判索马里海盗。我国应制定惩治海盗的国内法。  相似文献   

刘博文 《北方法学》2014,(6):150-157
"国家承认"是涉及国际主体能否在国际社会中享有国家权利和履行国家义务的国际法基础性问题。随着国际社会的高度一体化和国际组织的蓬勃发展,传统实践中双边的"国家承认"逐渐被集体性实践所替代。联合国的会员国准入制度与国际社会对一个主体的国家资格的承认存在着密切的联系,在"国家承认"问题中扮演着重要角色。由新近的乌克兰局势可发现,联合国会员国准入制度在"国家承认"的层面面临着种种挑战。为保持和发展联合国的会员国准入制度在"国家承认"问题上的优势作用,应该促进现存会员国对彼此文明的欣赏、包容和互鉴,在安理会和大会形成趋于一致的价值目标的基础上,针对具体案例进行历史和现实的分析,从而和平解决与"国家承认"相关的国际问题。  相似文献   

This article examines therelation between the Security Council andinternational judicial bodies. The first partexplains, on the basis of linguistic theoriesof international security, the new role assumedby the Security Council after the Cold War. Thesecond part analyses, on the basis of insightsborrowed from legal semiotics, the position ofinternational judicial organs vis-à-vis theSecurity Council (especially the InternationalCourt of Justice and the Tribunals for Rwandaand the former Yugoslavia). The article arguesthat international judicial bodies havedeveloped ways of checking the power of theSecurity Council, which go beyond thetraditional modes of judicial review. Legalsemiotics offers the tools necessary tounderstand these countervailing activities andthus the relation between internationaljudicial bodies and the Security Council ingeneral.  相似文献   


With growth in foreign investment and in the number of companies investing in foreign countries, the application of general principles of public international law has not been deemed adequate to regulate foreign investment and there is, as yet, no comprehensive international treaty on the regulation of foreign investment. Consequently, states have resorted to bilateral investment treaties (BITs), regional trade and international investment agreements (IIAs) and free trade agreements to supplement and complement the regime of protection for foreign investors. In the absence of an international investment court, states hosting foreign investment or investor states have opted for investor-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS). This mechanism has brought about its own challenges to the international law of foreign investment due to inconsistency in the application and interpretation of the key principles of international investment law by such arbitration tribunals, and further, there is no appellate mechanism to bring about some cohesion and consistency in jurisprudence. Therefore, there are various proposals mooted by scholars to address these challenges and they range from tweaks to BITs and IIAs, the creation of an appellate mechanism and the negotiation of a multilateral treaty to proposals for reform of ISDS only. After assessing the merits and demerits of such proposals, this study goes further, arguing for the creation of a World Investment Organisation with a standing mechanism for settlement of investment disputes in order to ensure legal certainty, predictability and the promotion of the flow of foreign investment in a sustainable and responsible manner.


大陆法系国家行政法院之考察与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨成 《行政与法》2006,(10):74-76
西方大陆法系国家在多年的探索中,普遍建立了独立的行政法院专司行政审判职能,并取得了较理想的效果。我国有着和大陆法系国家相似的成文法传统,研究西方大陆法系国家行政法院的运作模式,对我国行政审判体制改革具有一定的借鉴意义,我国行政审判体制改革的路径选择就在于建立行政法院。  相似文献   

In Res. 1373 (2001), the Security Council laid down the dutyto bring terrorists to justice and to deny them safe haven.Whereas such duty expressed a clear political imperative inthe aftermath of 11 September 2001, it is less clear how nationalauthorities are supposed to translate it into a set of enforceablelegal obligations. If it is interpreted as ‘obliging’states to prosecute and try terrorists, as the Security CouncilCounter Terrorism Committee seems to suggest, the power of prosecutorsto decide whether or not to bring a case to court may be severelyimpaired. An unconditional obligation to bring terrorists tocourt would not necessarily strengthen states’ judicialresponse to the threat of international terrorism. A sensibleexercise of prosecutorial discretion may be instrumental inarticulating a flexible and more effective response in variouscircumstances. Moreover, a rigid interpretation of the requirementto bring terrorists to justice does not find support in SecurityCouncil and General Assembly resolutions on terrorism. Far frommandating that alleged offenders be unconditionally broughtto trial, the universal counter-terrorism conventions and protocolslimit themselves to requiring that the jurisdiction of nationalcourts be established, which is conceptually different fromimposing its actual exercise.  相似文献   

The scope of the collective security system established underthe United Nations Charter has expanded significantly sincethe end of the cold war to cover new fields. An increasing linkagebetween maintenance of peace and economic reconstruction haslead the United Nations to play an unprecedented role withinthe economic realm, be it by the widening of the range of measuresadopted by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charterwith economic consequences or through the direct managementof economies in post-conflict situations as part of a globalstrategy to restore peace in war-torn territories. This evolutionhas brought to light the limits of the existing UN collectivesecurity system as a framework to deal with economic issues.It is submitted that the ‘derogatory’ logic underArticle 103 of the Charter and under WTO law through its exceptionclauses is no longer sufficient to review and assess the UNaction in the economic sphere. The promotion and integrationof a broader set of principles and rules of international economiclaw such as principles of fair competition, non-discrimination,or transparency, would help enhance the legitimacy of actionsof the UN Security Council. Moreover, this article argues thattaking into account international economic law would contributeto achieve UN goals in post conflict situations by paving theway for a stable and safe economic environment in a long-termperspective. The recently established Peacebuilding Commissionmay contribute to develop a coherent and integrated legal approachin this area.  相似文献   

The Council of Europe is engaging in a process of revising its Data Protection Convention (Convention 108) to meet and overcome these challenges. The Council of Europe celebrates this year the 30th Anniversary of its Data Protection Convention (usually referred to as Convention 108) which has served as the backbone of international law in over 40 European countries and has influenced policy and legislation far beyond Europe’s shores. With new data protection challenges arising every day, the Convention is revising its Data Protection Convention. Computer Law and Security Review (CLSR) together with the Intl. Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL) and ILAWS have submitted comments in response to the Expert Committee’s public consultation on this document. CLSR aims to position itself at the forefront of policy discussion drawing upon the high quality scholarly contributions from leading experts around the world.  相似文献   

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