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Sichuan cuisine encompasses more than 20 methods of cooking, yet throughout all the spices used are basically the same; only the main ingredient changes. One method of cooking can, therefore, create a whole range of dishes.  相似文献   

ASK any of the seven million people living in Shenzhen what Minsk is, and they will answer promptly: "It is a Russian military ship, an excellent attraction." When I ask this question, two more naturally follow: why does this ship have such a name and what does Minsk mean? These questions are not that easy to answer. The word vessel makes sense, but why Minsk? People don't understand and ask me, "Does it matter?"  相似文献   

Clean and scale the fish, and cut out gills and guts. Cut off the fish head and halve. Cut open the fish along the length of its backbone, leaving the tail on. Cut out the backbone and ribs. Make diagonal cuts on the surface of the fish. Marinate the fish flesh and head in cooking wine and salt. Dice onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and carrots, and scald them. Heat oil in wok. Coat the fish head and meat in flour and egg yolk. Deep fry until  相似文献   

IN 196 B.C. a Chinese philosopher observed to his ruler: "A lord's top priority is the welfare of his subjects; to the people, eating is foremost." Chinese ancients perceived clearly the essentiality of grain cultivation to the survival of the population and country as a whole. This is apparent in the pre-millennial term for "country" - sheji-literally translated as god of land and grain. To the peo-pIe of early agricultur-al China, land and grain were paramount.  相似文献   

WEARY of the Hollywood fast-food culture that has so long domi-nated China, many professional urban dwellers in big and medium-sized Chinese cities have been seduced by the subtle flair of French gentility. American fast-food pales in com-  相似文献   

I often think that Chinese women are wiser than we in the West, as they generally don‘t adopt their husbands‘ names upon marrying. There could be something in the Chinese belief that the name given at birth determines the fate of its bearer.  相似文献   

MY 12-year-old son's bedtime question last night was Mom, when will Mrs. Mei bring Angel back to Beijing?
Mrs. Mei (Kathy) was the principal of The Wall Street Journal's Beijing Office. She and Mr. Mei, who was the first secretary of the U.S. Embassy in China, passed a four-year term here before returning to the U.S. in 2006. My family cherishes memories of our wonderful times with them. Although separated by the Pacific Ocean now, the friendship between our two families has remained close.  相似文献   

GIVEN the vast cultural and linguistic differences between China and Australia, writer-director Eddie White knew he would need some serious help when he dreamt up the idea of an animated film coproduction between the two countries. Working across cultures is never easy, but producing a movie in the labor-intensive world of animation, with two teams speaking different languages, would be a maior achievement.  相似文献   

DAZZLING sunshine radiates from a cloudless sky; gilded temples with dim butter lamps flickering inside day and night sprawl along rolling snow-capped mountains; pilgrims, whirling prayer-wheels in hand, throw themselves flat on the ground with every step they take towards shrines asprayer-banners flutter overhead. These are the kinds of sights that distinguish Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region, from any other city in the world.  相似文献   

小小 《台声》2004,(5):18-19
时下的台湾,“中国”已经被执政者操弄成一个政治概念,在一系列或明或暗的“去中国化”政策主  相似文献   

HAVING arranged to meet a friend of mine from the Netherlands for lunch in downtown Beijing recently, we both turned up wearing exactly the same color and style of sweater. After remarking on this coincidence we forgot it, but at our next lunch we found that our pocket books were the same color - red. On closer investigation of each other's back-  相似文献   

IF, one evening at the theater, you are seated at a table, rather than in a row of seats, and sipping tea and eating peanuts as your neighbors stamp their feet and shout their approval, the chances are you are watching a Peking Opera performance. Nowadays several Beijing theaters show a daily pastiche of extracts from famous operas, featuring acrobatics and martial arts (but not too much singing) that cater to the tastes of Western tourists. Chinese Opera lovers disdain such performances because they lack artistic authenticity. They regard the Westerners that so enjoy such "military" operas as slow-witted children ignorant of the degree of artistry with which Peking Opera is imbued. Theatergoers with a true appreciation of this extraordi-  相似文献   

MANY specialists think that world gastro-nomic variety can be divided into three maingroups: French, Middle Eastern and Chinese cuisines. There are people who do not agree: Italians will bombard you with pizza and pasta, Spaniards have paella, and even my fellow Belarusians can take part in this argument with our famous potato pancakes - draniki. Many Americans also think that pizza and pancakes belong to their national  相似文献   

Traveling to Beijing for the first time? Don't get caught in, out, or up by culture shocks. Know how things should - and shouldn't-be done to ensure your trip is a memorable one for all the right reasons.  相似文献   

随着建设云南民族文化大省以及云南旅游业的发展,云南各少数民族的饮食文化受到了前所未有的重视,一些致力发展民族饮食文化的业内精英,在都市文化的氛围中,在餐饮业的竟争中,创立了一个又一个民族餐饮文化的品牌,拉祜族的拉祜酒家、藏族的玛吉阿米、傈僳族、努族、独龙族的努江大峡谷、白族的龙欣园、傣族的阮家傣味园、傣香饭店、景颇族的家人景颇和景颇福珺、哈尼族的僾伲山庄等等,无不以规模和档次向世人展示着那博大精深而又异彩纷呈的民族饮食文化。  相似文献   

“母子相会汤”起源于古大理国时,其国王段思平是剑川人,自幼父母双亡,在家曾以盘地种蚕豆和放牧牛羊营生,后来当了国王,时常思念母亲,每年让弟弟思良及好友董伽罗回剑川城北院榜村带些蚕豆籽和蚕豆分蘖枝,在王府制作烹调成“母子相会汤”食用,以示恋乡之情思母之恩,在段氏统领大理国的316年间,相继22位国王传承延用,使“母子相会汤”这以名菜流芳于世,成为剑川白族一种独特的传统饮食文化。 夏历九月,在广阔的田野,有许许多多的白家女,足穿稻草鞋,身披白羊皮,腰挎小竹箩,手持短木钻,一刻也不敢怠慢地为蚕豆作物钻筑五寸…  相似文献   

More than 60 overseas media have sent journalists to Urumqi,capital of northwest China's Xinjiang region, after a riot broke out in the city Sunday, leaving 156 people dead and 1,080 others injured.  相似文献   

罗洋 《今日民族》2001,(9):48-49
七月的昆明,在云南民族博物馆举办的“中韩民族造型艺术特别交流展”为云南送来了古老而陌生的韩国民间手工艺。对于韩国这个近邻,我们曾经了解什么呢?是LG电器、大宇汽车、三星手机,还是眼下正流行的韩国青春偶像剧和被称为“韩流”的奇装异服?这些东西体现着韩国的现代文化,所谓与世界接轨的那部分,而真正要触及一个民族的灵魂,就不能不关注这个民族的传统文化。“中韩民族造型艺术特别交流展”的特别之处就在于它给我们带来了散发着传统芬芳的韩国文化。 走进博物馆明亮的大厅,七百余件闪耀着智慧灵光的工艺品吸引着人们的目…  相似文献   

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