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一、2005年案件受理及审结情况 (一)经贸仲裁办案情况 2005年,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(以下简称贸仲委)受理案件的数量创历史最高纪录,共计受理仲裁案件979件(涉外427件,国内552件),其中北京总会462件,上海分会304件,华南分会213件。与2004年全年受案850件相比,增加129件,增长率为15.2%。案件争议金额为人民币120.6亿元。北京总会争议标的超过人民币1亿元的案件有8件。2005年,贸仲委共结案958件,其中北京总会448件,上海分会301件,华南分会209件。  相似文献   

从中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(贸仲委)2004年年终总结会上获悉,该仲裁机构去年涉外和国内案件受案数量创造了自1995年以来的最好成绩,达到850件,其中涉外案件462件,位居国际商会仲裁院和美国仲裁协会之后,列世界第三位。这是贸仲委贯彻拓展、办案、监督和研究工作方针所取得的良好战绩。  相似文献   

经国家有关主管机关批准同意,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会/中国国际商会仲裁院于日前作出决定,将中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会,更名为中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会,并同时启用中国国际商会仲裁院华南分院的名称,新名称于2004年6月18日正式生效。  相似文献   

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(简称贸仲)设立50多年来,共审结各类经济贸易纠纷一万五千余件,其作出的仲裁裁决在世界上140多个国家和地区可以得到承认和执行,受到中外当事人的一致认可和好评。自上世纪90年代以来,贸仲的受案量始终位居世界知名仲裁机构前列。  相似文献   

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(简称贸仲)设立50多年来,共审结各类经济贸易纠纷近一万七千件,其作出的仲裁裁决在世界上140多个国家和地区可以得到承认和执行,受到中外当事人的一致认可和好评。  相似文献   

1953年7~11月间,中国畜产公司和英国油饼油籽公司用电报成交29吨绵羊毛。成交后,英方将书面确认书寄给中方复查并签字。确认书规定该笔交易如果发生争议,将由英国布兰福特沃尔协会仲裁。  相似文献   

《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会金融争议仲裁规则》评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仲裁是诉讼外解决金融纠纷的一种常用方式。为了进一步在金融领域推广仲裁服务,公正快速地解决当事人之间的金融纠纷,中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会在国内金融界、仲裁界和律师界的大力  相似文献   

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(简称贸仲委)新修订的仲裁规则于2005年1月11日经中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会通过,2005年5月1日起施行。新规则更加尊重当事人的意思自治,程序更加灵活高效,规则更加透明开放,在现有法律框架内,充分体现了仲裁本质的特点。新规则刚一出台,就在仲裁界引起了强烈的反响,获得了极高的评价,被业内人士誉为是一部符合国际惯例的、具有实质性突破的、现代化的仲裁规则。  相似文献   

中国移动通信联合会副会长兼秘书长倪键中先生与中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(以下简称贸仲委)副主任兼秘书长王生长博士于2005年3月2日在京签署合作协议,中国移动通信联合会正式授权中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会作为短信网址争议解决机构,解决短信网址争议。  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为公正快速地解决当事人之间的金融交易争议,特制定本规则。  相似文献   

被撤销之国际商事仲裁裁决的承认与执行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张潇剑 《中外法学》2006,(3):361-374
<正>当今世界,作为解决国际商事争议的一种有效途径,仲裁方法得到了广泛应用。双方当事人通过对仲裁的选择,便当然地排除了国家法院对其相互争议行使司法管辖权,除非他们提请仲裁解决的纠纷,依照有关法律系属于不可仲裁事项。然而,这并不等于说国家法院对仲裁根本不能介入。从实际情况来看,国家法院对仲裁及其裁决是保有某种程度的监督权的。就仲  相似文献   

In recent years increased attention has been paid by various international forums to the dangerous upsurge in internationally oriented white collar and economic criminality. At the same time, organs like the United Nations or the Council of Europe are attempting to effectively deal with economic crime occurring on national levels. The author traces the development of international efforts in the field by focusing on the relevant United Nations resolutions and agreements, as well as on documents adopted by the Council of Europe. It is demonstrated that the use of terminology which is not substantially different from theories of white collar crime developed on national levels, as well as indirect references to Sutherland's ideas, constitute the conceptual link between the international instruments dealing with white collar crime (including specific United Nations agreements and codes, and the work undertaken by the Council of Europe), and traditional, nationally-oriented theories. This similarity has far-reaching practical implications: except for purely international white collar crimes, many of which are of very recent origin, white collar crime theory can be applied in combating international crime occurring within national boundaries, the seriousness of which is evident from an examination of the relevant documents. The author advances a theory of international white collar crime and suggests that its increase necessitates the adoption of new theoretical horizons and new practical methods for dealing with this dangerous form of law-breaking which defies traditional notions of “crime” and “criminal”.  相似文献   

In the context of WTO dispute settlement, the precautionary principle is a predominant concept, in the face of serious risks and scientific uncertainty, that is often characterized as “better safe than sorry.” Although the precautionary principle appears in various treaties, declarations, and even laws, it is often formulated in abstract terms, leading to the great ambiguity of its primary elements. The Panel and the Appellate Body always avoid discussing the precautionary principle in WTO cases due to its obscure definition. On March 13, 2012, the United States, the European Union, and Japan each requested consultations with China as China’s measures that made restrictions on the exportation of rare earths, tungsten, and molybdenum had been in conflict with their national interest. After examining the matter at issue, the Panel and the Appellate Body rejected China’s arguments regardless of its repeated claims about its consideration of environmental protection. With the case as the starting point, this article focuses on the precautionary principle and explores its status and elements, in order to establish a two-dimensional model of the precautionary principle that is applicable in international trade.  相似文献   

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