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Hong Qu 《当代中国》2011,20(70):433-448
During the first 30 years of its existence, the People's Republic of China (PRC) committed itself to making atheist Marxism the fundamental ideology of the country, depriving the Chinese people of their constitutional right of religious liberty. Since 1979, new policies, regulations, and legislation impacting religious freedom have been created and implemented. This paper proposes an unconventional framework for understanding China's religious policy. It attempts to explain the evolution of this policy through an analysis of the party's changing view of religion; the nature of its new religious policy and law; and the function of its supervision of religion. It calls for the consideration of the validity of a distinctive Chinese model in religious affairs similar to that which has evolved in economic development.  相似文献   

<正>The recovery of the American economy is moving along with a strong momentum and with steady improvement of employment and inflation,as indicated by its latest economic growth and job growth rates.The U.S.Federal Reserve(Fed)is widely expected to raise interest rates in the first half of 2015 for the first time since the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008.  相似文献   

杨蓓 《理论月刊》2002,(12):41-43
本文从解析欧盟统一欧元的原因入手,重点分析了欧元区的货币政策及财政政策,指出了启用欧元的标志性意义,即全球经济一体化的时代已到来。  相似文献   

TAO XIE 《当代中国》2008,17(54):141-165
This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of China bills introduced and passed in Congress in 1973–2005. Three important findings emerge. First, many more punitive China bills were introduced and passed in the House than in the Senate. Second, the two congressional parties agreed with each other most of the time on roll call votes related to China. Third, the major events in US–China relations largely determined the ebb and flow of China bills. Negative binomial regression analysis sheds further light on the dynamic of China policymaking on Capitol Hill. A Republican majority in the House facing off with a Democratic president brought about many more China bills. Also, there appears to be a significant gap between public opinion and congressional attitudes on China policy. Finally, the Tiananmen Incident has had a profound impact on Congress, making it much more active and punitive in China policy since then. I conclude the paper by briefly discussing the policy implications of my findings.

Only in the case of Communist China has the Congress played a major role over a long period of time to confine narrowly the president's means of maneuver.1 ?1. Herbert N. Carroll, ‘The Congress and national security policy’, in David B. Truman, ed., The Congress and America's Failure (Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1965), p. 161. View all notes  相似文献   

许经勇 《湖湘论坛》2001,14(5):59-62
1997年我国国民经济出现“软着陆”之后,仍然继续采取适度从紧的货币政策。但是,到了1998年,由于国际经济环境的变化,特别是受亚洲金融危机的影响,爆发危机国家的货币的大幅度贬值,为维护国内经济稳定,保证香港经济繁荣,我国坚持了人民币不贬值政策,在客观上形成了外部通货膨胀与内部通货不膨胀的反差。这种反差不仅表现为出口商品和劳务价格的相对上升,而且表现为国内商品和劳务价格的相对下降。“一升一降”的互动关系,便形成了通货紧缩的重要原因。同时伴随市场取向改革的深化,体制转轨造成人们对未来前景不确定的预…  相似文献   

正U.S.Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently changed her cautious attitude and suggested in her speech on August 26that an increased interest rate is more likely to happen in the near future.Since Yellen didn’t elaborate on when the Fed would raise the rate,the global market still maintains a skeptical attitude.There are three rate negotiation meetings to be held in September,November and  相似文献   

Pascal Abb 《当代中国》2015,24(93):531-553
This article provides an overview of activities by Chinese foreign policy think tanks, with a particular focus on developments over the last decade. Covering a sample of prominent institutes, it provides up-to-date information about their academic, advisory and PR functions, and highlights major differences between individual institutes and organizational groups. In line with the findings, I argue that Chinese think tanks have undergone a remarkable increase and professionalization in their academic work, as well as made big strides in improving their footprint in the media. Finally, the article also considers new developments in networking organizations that have been particularly important in bringing experts together to pursue mutual interests, and how these relate to changes in Beijing's international agenda.  相似文献   

Sally Sargeson 《当代中国》2006,15(49):575-583
This is an introduction to the special section of articles that analyze the gendered modalities of policy and institutional change in rural China and examine how women are engaging with, and affected by, those changes. In two consecutive issues, eight articles examine changes in policies and institutions relating to rural development, village-level politics and property rights, marriage migration and urbanization. Through their individual case studies, the contributors elucidate how gender is integral to the conceptualization and implementation of policy and institutional changes in rural China; how those changes are altering the status, rights, resources, goals and arenas of action of different categories of rural women, thereby reinforcing or altering gendered constructs; and, finally, how women's actions are triggering further policy and institutional changes.  相似文献   

中国社会变迁中,当公共领域里,利益矛盾直接而尖锐,主要须靠法律调节的情况下,道德-法律关系发生着重大变化.这个变化的表层是,道德论地位日益缩小,论作用逐渐减弱,从社会调控的前线退居二线;法律论地位日益扩大、上升,论作用日益强化,进入社会调控的第一线.这个变化的深层则是,道德是法律的精神或灵活,在立法、执法、司法、守法的全过程都是如此;而法律则是体现道德之精神、灵魂的载体.可以比方说,道德是统帅,法律是送统帅去其想去之处的车子;或可用中国哲学的范畴来表达:道德是体,法律是用.  相似文献   

To curb price speculations and overheated investment in the real estate market, the mainland Chinese government has determined to tighten bank lending to the market in recent years, by resorting to administrative tools through specific real estate control policy. With hindsight, the market response seems to have invalidated the policy initiatives. This research is aimed at investigating the impediments to achieving the laudable policy objectives of using administrative credit controls. A series of research interviews with property practitioners unraveled prevalent evasive practices and illicit tactics adopted by developers to thwart policy effects. This study leads to a better understanding of the institutional backdrop behind the less-than-expected results of the real estate macro-control measures. To better steer the real estate market, effective monetary control requires both the government and industry to make concerted efforts and consistent headway towards a complete, transparent and responsive ensemble of institutional arrangements.  相似文献   

政治与行政二分理论在公共行政思想史上具有里程碑式的意义,对公共行政实践的发展也产生了持续深远的影响。本文在述评政治与行政二分理论基础上,分析其核心价值在我国的普适性,并藉此审视我国行政系统政策过程中的现实问题,提出相应的完善策略。  相似文献   

Ya-Peng Zhu 《当代中国》2013,22(82):554-572
A recent trend in policy scholarship is to explain policy changes and paradigm shifts by focusing on the features and interactions of policy networks. This paper aims to contribute to the current literature by exploring how policy networks affect policy paradigmatic change in China with reference to urban housing policy development. It is argued that both exogenous and indigenous factors can be attributed to the difficulties of paradigm replacement. The closed policy network in the housing field delimits the choices of policy instruments and hinders paradigmatic shifts. Contrary to mainstream studies, exogenous shocks are identified as serious handicaps to significant policy changes.  相似文献   

预期管理对于货币政策的宏观经济效应具有重要影响。本研究将经济行为主体获得的信息分为消息、"惊喜"和噪声三类,在新凯恩斯主义框架内考察了货币政策信息的宏观经济效应。研究表明,不同类型货币政策信息的宏观经济效应存在显著差异:(1)消息冲击与"惊喜"冲击对宏观经济的影响基本一致,但消息冲击的宏观经济效应相对较大;(2)噪声冲击对宏观经济的影响与消息冲击、"惊喜"冲击相反,并相对较小。货币政策信息不同构成成分的宏观经济效应存在显著差异,表明忽略货币政策信息构成将无法科学考察货币政策的宏观经济效应。同时,在货币政策实践中,重视预期形成的作用,进行预期管理引导政策预期,货币政策当局信守承诺,有助于充分发挥货币政策对于宏观经济的稳定作用。  相似文献   

政策供给意愿是政策供给的重要变量之一,地方政府的政策供给意愿受到三方面政策需求的影响:中央政策需求、公众政策需求与地方政策需求。三种政策需求形成三条需求溪流,持续地对政策系统施加影响,表现为政策供给意愿确立的引力、压力、推力和阻力,而政策供给意愿的形成或变更就是这三条溪流的博弈均衡,体现为一种间断——平衡的演进路径。  相似文献   

地方保护主义是困扰我国社会经济生活的一大"痼疾",学术界从地方保护主义的表现形式和特点、产生的危害、孳生和蔓延的根源,以及遏制对策等方面进行了广泛探讨和理论分析.但存在概念混淆而产生研究和认识上的误导、横向的比较研究不够和学科的综合研究不足等局限.因此,加强地方保护主义研究要从正视我国地方保护主义问题存在的长期性,与时俱进地加以剖析;紧扣学术前沿、跟踪发展趋势;借鉴国外研究的积极成果,多学科交叉综合进行等方面入手.  相似文献   

建构社会中国:中国社会政策的发展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以社会中国为视角,审视新中国成立以来中国社会政策的演变和发展.1949年新中国成立以来的中国社会政策发展历程可划分为三个阶段:前改革阶段、1980~1990年代的改革阶段、2002年以来的新阶段.随着我国社会政治经济状况的变化,国家在社会福利和服务中的角色经历了从改革开放前的国家垄断,到改革开放后的国家退却,再到国家再临的演变过程,从而使我国的社会政策发展呈现出明显的阶段性特征--由二元社会中国到三元社会中国再到福利地区.在新世纪,面对经济改革过程中积累的种种社会问题,中国开始强化国家在公共福利和服务中的角色,出现了社会政策的急剧扩展,新的社会政策体系正在形成之中.但是,统一的社会中国的图景依然模糊,省域公民社会身份的形成或是破题之处.  相似文献   

实现高质量和充分就业是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容。人工智能为有效的劳动力市场治理带来了挑战,促使财富积累方向由资本转向知识,加快了劳动力外部化趋势,改变了工作的技能需求。这进一步造成社会发展不均衡、既有社会保障功能弱化和外部性风险加大。本文探讨了税收与转移支付、基本收入保障、积极劳动力市场政策、人力资本投资和再培训账户等政策工具组合的综合治理功能,并提出调整社会财富分配格局、增强劳动者对新技术的适应性、打造多方参与的劳动力市场社会治理格局和促进社区就业并重的政策建议,为增强劳动力市场综合治理能力奠定基础。  相似文献   

冷战后,随着美国对外战略、国内政治及联合国维和行动的发展,美国的维和行动政策不断调整。美国对联合国维和行动的政策先后经历了积极主导、消极参与、有限参与等阶段,但在联合国框架外的维和行动则呈扩大趋势,并带有明显的强制性与干预性。随着世界格局多极化趋势日渐增强,预计美国将调整其单边式维和政策,更加借助联合国和区域组织实施维和行动,并且维和行动的方式也将更加多样化。  相似文献   

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