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吴容年 《桂海论丛》2001,17(1):45-48
经济全球化是当今国际社会广泛关注的焦点 ,是世界经济不可逆转的客观趋势。经济全球化是一把双刃剑 ,既会带来难得的历史机遇 ,也会带来严峻的挑战和风险。我国只要善于抓住机遇 ,勇于迎接挑战 ,采取的措施得当 ,就一定能够趋利避害 ,与世界共享经济全球化带来的好处。  相似文献   

周广庆 《理论月刊》2003,(3):105-107
本文探讨了20世纪90年代以来,全球化对世界人口增长势态的影响,影响又分为抑制作用和促进作用,从这两种作用入手,把全球化对世界人口的影响分为四种类型:抑制作用占主导地位;基本上只有促进作用;促进作用占主导地位;抑而难止。  相似文献   

在经济全球化进程中 ,劳动及其所决定的价值不断发生变化 ,国际价值成为价值的普遍形态 ,并发生价值跨国转移、增殖和分割。  相似文献   

赵秋梧 《理论月刊》2001,(12):21-22
全球化时代社会各个领域都发生着急速而深刻的变化。作为社会的主体因素,人格也面临由传统向现代的转向。传统人格的特质和全球化的发展趋势都决定了这种转向是必然的也是必要的。只有完成了传统人格的真正转向,确立了具有全球意识的现代型人格,我国才会实现真正意义上的现代化。  相似文献   

IN the Headquarters of Hong Kong and Macao Youth Association in Tianhe District,south Chinas Guangzhou,visitors see road signs like Nathan Road and Queen's Road — all familiar names to Hong Kong residents.Budding entrepre-neurs are benefiting greatly from the workplace,which comprises a total of 100 offices with several other functional zones including a studio for lives-treaming online influencers,a brainstorming room,a shared economy zone,and an open leisure area.  相似文献   

2003年9月1日,《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》正式颁布实施,该法规除对建设项目要进行环境影响评价外,同时要求对有关规划进行环境影响评价,这标志着我国环境与资源立法步入了一个新的阶段——从决策的源头来防止环境污染和生态破坏。随着经济的快速发展,其暴露出来的问题越来越多,尤其在环境影响评价的范围、公众的参与以及法律责任的承担等方面。所以,我国环境影响评价相关法律需要在适当的时机对评价的范围、公众参与等相关规定进行修改,以此来保障经济发展的高质量。  相似文献   

对经济全球化下中国文化安全的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化是一个国家、一个民族全部智慧与文明的集中体现,是维系一个国家和民族的精神纽带。世界历史的本质是文化和文明。现代社会的发展在根本上是文化性的,是文化的扩展、征服与认同,是文化的融合与沟通。西方资本主义对经济全球化的主导性在文化上就表现为文化帝国主义,它对非西方的发展中国家的文化主权进行着猛烈的侵蚀、同化和控制,使发展中国家的文化主权与文化发展受到了  相似文献   

Political leaders and establishment intellectuals in China often claim that their country is experiencing challenges from the Internet that entail threats to traditional culture, Chinese youth, and existing value orientations and ideology. To meet the challenge, they argue, there is a need to re-think outdated strategies of propaganda. In this article, I coin the term ideotainment, which is helpful for understanding the underlying rationale and concrete outcome of their thinking. Ideotainment is the juxtaposition of images, symbolic representations, and sounds of popular Web and mobile phone culture together with both subtle and overt ideological constructs and nationalistic propaganda. It is argued that strategies of ideotainment are envisioned as an effective means to engage perceived enemies in China's cyberspace, win battles of public opinion, and not least to shore up legitimacy for the Chinese Communist Party in the information age.  相似文献   

民营企业是我国经济社会发展的重要力量,浙江更是民营企业集聚并引领发展的“重要窗口”。本研究基于对浙江省民营企业家的两次调查,概要勾画了该群体安全感、获得感、幸福感的基本状况以及新冠肺炎疫情影响下心态变化特点。结果发现,民营企业家获得感评分最积极,主观幸福感次之,安全感相对较低。获得感较强,源于对自身在企业发展中作用的肯定,以及感受到政府用心改善营商环境带来的激励效应;幸福感源于对生活总体的满意;安全感不很高,源于当前对企业的可持续发展和经济形势预判信心不很足。要增强民营企业家的整体幸福感,需在保证其安全感的基础上,通过切实的支持政策和行动,着力提升其获得感。  相似文献   

包心鉴 《重庆行政》2010,12(4):7-15
1978年中国共产党十一届三中全会开启了当代中国改革开放和经济社会转型性发展的新时期。这一历史时期,正是世界格局发生重大变化,时代主题发生质的转换,全球化趋势逐步形成的重要历史时期。这一历史时期,也正是中国特色社会主义社会形态逐步形成并在世界舞台上日益发挥显著作用的重要历史时期。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代中期以来,经济全球化成为人类社会历史发展进程中的一个重要现象.明晰经济全球化的性质,对于我们全面把握当代资本主义的发展脉络及其未来趋势,积极应对经济全球化给我国在新世纪的发展带来的机遇与挑战,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.  相似文献   

ONOctober27,1998,China'sMinistryofScienceandTechnology(MST)andtheUS-basedinternationalDataGroup(IDG)signedanagreementof'cooperationinBeijing,announcingthatovera7yearperiodIDGwillinvestUS$1billioninMSTtosetupastart-upfundaimedatencouragingtheestablishmentofhigh-techenterprises.ThenewsimmediatelyevokedastrongresponseamongChina'sindustriesandscientific/technologicalcircles.InChina'scomputercircles,thestoryaboutKingsotiCompanysellingitsoil'icestoraisemoneyiswidelyknown.Oncethecompanybe…  相似文献   

China was a latecomer to the preferential trading bandwagon that has swept East Asia in the years since the financial crises. The Chinese government was unwilling to go down the path of negotiating bilateral and minilateral agreements until the terms of its accession to the World Trade Organization were finalized. Since then, it has become one of the most active participants in the negotiation of preferential trading arrangements, currently being engaged in negotiations with more than 20 countries. The paper will address the following questions about China's move to preferential trade: (a) What forces are driving China's approach to the negotiation of preferential trade agreements? (b) To what extent is it possible to untangle economic and political motivations in China's choice of partners for PTA negotiations? And, which economic interests are being pursued most aggressively? (c) How are conflicting domestic interests reconciled in the policy-making process? (d) To what extent will the new PTAs facilitate Chinese-dominated production networks in the regions? (e) What overall impact will the PTAs have on the Chinese economy?  相似文献   

Renhong Wu 《当代中国》1998,7(19):443-458
This article attempts to analyze China's economic development since 1980 by examining major macroeconomic issues. The analyses focus on a central issue: will the Chinese economy maintain high growth and low inflation in the period 1998–2010? To answer this question, the article examines GNP growth, unemployment, external balance, inflation, government budget deficit, and structure changes during the period 1980–1997, and provides an outlook on the economy. If the political situation is stable, China will achieve annual economic growth of 6–7% during 1998–2010, because the major factors that contributed to the high growth during the period 1980–1997 will continue to exist. However, it is less likely that the economic growth will continue at two‐digit level, because new and greater challenges have emerged in the economy: there has been excessive capacity in the industrial sector; it is difficult to maintain a high export growth; and the weak financial sector is highly likely to cause financial instability. Moreover, the increasingly large unemployed population will become a serious problem for both economic development and political stability.  相似文献   

China's foreign trade has been developing in tandem with the pulse of the country's overall economic development.During the first  相似文献   

全球化浪潮打破了国家和地区市场之间的壁垒,外国企业和资本以直接和间接方式进入中国市场,以及我国企业国际市场的开拓和对外投资能力的增强,使我国的经济和市场与世界经济一体化程度不断加强,也使得我国企业的竞争环境呈现出越来越明显的动态特点.中小企业如何健康成长与发展是理论界和实践界关注的重要课题,动态能力是企业获得持续竞争优势的动力源所在,因此,中小企业的动态能力便成为学术界探索的焦点问题.本文首先对动态能力的内涵、特征进行了分析,然后分析阐述管理柔性、组织学习能力、技术创新和企业家素质等四个方面是中小企业形成动态能力的基础.  相似文献   

Launched in 2002, Human Rights magazine operates under the auspices of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, a non-governmental organization in Special consultative status with the Economic and Social  相似文献   

Launched in 2002, the Human Rights magazine operates under the auspices of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, a non-governmental organization in SPECIAL consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.  相似文献   

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