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In this article we argue that since 1945 Japanese foreign policyhas evolved through five phases, which will culminate in Japan'sre-emergence as a global ordinary power. We then discuss threepotential models of ordinary power that are ideal-typical innature, but which share some qualities with the respective politicalcircumstances of France, Germany, and Britain. We also considerthe legitimacy and capacity deficits that Japan possesses, andthe way in which recent electoral developments may contributeto the addressing of these deficits. We argue that Japan isusing the British model as a foundation for the acquisitionof ordinary power status. In doing so it is increasingly bindingitself to the United States. But such a move can also providea platform from which to develop the possibilities that liebeyond bilateralism (plus), in the realm of the German model,and wider regional cooperation.  相似文献   

自驾游是有组织、有计划,以自驾车为主要交通手段的旅游形式,已成为中国旅游业发展的新方式,也将是未来增长速度最快的新市场。随着《中越联合声明》等一系列重要文件的签署,中越跨境自驾游再次成为热议话题,各方均期待自驾游能早日常态化运行。本文通过对广西开展跨境自驾游的重要意义、目前现状、制约因素等进行分析后,提出了加强统筹领导、完善市场准入、简化申报手续、推广担保制度、实行便捷通关、加大口岸投入等多项措施,研究探讨推动跨境自驾游实现常态化运行。  相似文献   

Fieldwork in the study of terrorism remains the exception, allowing for scores of publications to be produced each year with little or no contact with the perpetrators of terrorist violence and scarce direct observation of the social realities in which it occurs. While examining some of the serious drawbacks and pitfalls such research can entail, this article makes a case for more fieldwork in terrorism studies, arguing that it can bring greater depth to our understanding of terrorist violence. The discussion focuses on a common assumption – the existence of the ‘terrorist’ as subject – and a common practice of terrorism studies – the concentration on extraordinary events at the expense of ‘ordinary life’ and ‘ordinary people’ – and how they are called into question by the material gathered during field research conducted in the Southern Philippine region of Mindanao. The article concludes with a reflection on some of the challenges facing researchers in danger zones, from their dependence on local knowledge for security to the need for methodological flexibility when faced with the complexity of research in conflict areas.  相似文献   

How do mass citizens understand democracy? Are they capable of distinguishing it from its non-democratic alternatives? Does their understanding about democracy matter? To reveal the contours of cultural democratization in South Korea, this article addresses these questions largely overlooked in earlier survey-based studies. Analyses of the 2010 Korea Barometer survey indicate that all segments of the Korean electorate, including the young and the college-educated, are neither accurately nor fully informed about what distinguishes a democratic regime from its non-democratic alternatives. Moreover, the study provides strong evidence of democratic learning in that an increase in democratic knowledge leads to committed support for democracy. The findings together imply an urgent need to improve the quality of civic education for the development of democratic political culture in Korea and new democracies.  相似文献   

一、四川省东盟国际旅游市场现状 在过去的一个多世纪中,特别是20世纪50年代以后,旅游业在世界范围内有了长足的发展,出境旅游的人数和旅游消费额都有了大幅度增长,国际旅游呈现出了较强的活力,正成为一些国家和地区服务贸易的重要组成部分,甚至成为这些国家和地区最重要的外汇收入来源之一.根据世界旅游组织的统计,自1992年起,旅游业已成为世界规模最大的产业,并且每年保持着4%的发展速度.  相似文献   

Students enrolled in the Negotiation Workshop at Harvard Law School during the past twenty years have participated in an innovative exercise called the Interpersonal Skills Exercise (IPS). Developed through a collaboration of therapists and instructors from Harvard Law School, the exercise uses role plays, videotaping, and certain aspects of psychodrama to help students practice interpersonal skills that they have difficulty performing. The exercise allows students to work in an intensive, safe, and interactive environment with feedback from peers and course instructors. This brief note describes the IPS exercise in more detail, outlining its origins, purposes, and structure.  相似文献   

2010年底起于突尼斯、2011年以来迅速扩散的北非、中东动荡引起了世界广泛关注,其发生的根源、发展趋势及其影响、对中国的启示及中国的应对也是目前我国政界、学界集中探讨的热点问题。当前中东变局的深层根源是什么?骨牌效应会扩散到哪里?会不会改变中东政治力量对比甚至重塑中东战略格局?会不会影响全球战略态势?中东变局对中国的经济影响与战略影响如何?中国从中东变局的发生根源及其影响中可得到些什么启示?围绕这些问题,中国现代国际关系研究院《现代国际关系》杂志社于2011年3月10日举办了题为当前北非、中东变局及其影响的学术研讨会,来自北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、中共中央党校、国防大学、北京航空航天大学、北京外国语大学、南开大学、中国社会科学院及中国现代国际关系研究院的20多位专家学者与会。他们从不同角度就上述问题展开了热烈而深入的探讨。现将部分与会专家学者的主要观点辑录如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生是19世纪美国著名作家、超验主义哲学家和美国文艺复兴的思想领袖。在他构建的超验主义思想体系中,既吸收了西方哲学中的精华部分,也积极的从中国古代哲学思想中汲取养料,接受儒家思想,并为己所用。虽未接触道家思想,却与之奇妙的契合,最终体现为以道家为体,以儒家为用的思维模式。  相似文献   

The effects of counter-terrorism legislation on civil-society organisations (CSOs) based in the South have received little attention in the wider literature. This article reports on the findings of a series of international workshops to examine the effects of such legislation, held in Lebanon, the Kyrgyz Republic, India, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA. The evidence presented at these workshops suggests that counter-terror legislation is undermining the work of civil society in complex and interrelated ways.  相似文献   


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