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Much has been researched and said about the impacts of international trade liberalisation at the country level; but little is known about its social and environmental local-level impacts. Since national averages can mask the existence of winners and losers, national-level studies may be a poor guide to addressing the plight of the rural poor and the environment that are at the core of the agenda of the social and conservation movement. This article compares the international trade-liberalisation debate with the findings of local rural-based case studies in seven countries, co-ordinated by WWF and the World Bank during 2004–2007. It discusses some actions that the conservation and social movement could take to improve the discussion and the practice of trade liberalisation, poverty alleviation, and environmental conservation.  相似文献   

Commodity markets have changed significantly in the past two decades, with smallholders increasingly requiring robust market intelligence to understand and secure benefit from the new environment. This article explores the approach to, and lessons stemming from, an IFAD-financed market information service in Zambia. It finds that by locating the service within a pre-existing institution with legitimacy and credibility, the service has secured the interest of a wide range of actors, and has better enabled smallholders and traders to access and utilise relevant, up-to-date, and actionable information to shape decision-making. The article concludes by discussing the key considerations that shaped the institutional analysis, and the issues that will influence the financial sustainability of the service.  相似文献   

The need for eco-regional or landscape-scale conservation and development has been widely recognised in Madagascar, yet implementation remains problematic. The approach was initially driven by biodiversity-conservation concerns, without enough emphasis on sustainable development, especially agriculture. Current challenges include consensus building for eco-regional visions, strengthening partnerships with government institutions, and negotiating land-use trade-offs within focal landscapes. Increased attention to revenue generation from agriculture and forest products, as well as enhanced communication and widespread participation by all stakeholders, should augment the success of broad-scale conservation and development programmes.  相似文献   

As natural-resource issues become more complex, particularly in developing-world contexts, there is a growing need for adaptive management solutions. However, the skills necessary to deal with these increasingly complex situations are not always present in many low-income countries. There is also a growing recognition that many capacity-building activities are limited in their effectiveness. This article suggests a problem-based learning (PBL) approach to capacity building. Using the example of training courses developed to help natural-resource management in Guyana, this article illustrates how PBL can help to enhance the capabilities needed for adaptive management.  相似文献   

Taking the case of Burkina Faso, the paper analyses effects of local purchase on marginal producers. It argues that because of imports of food together with ‘distress sales’ on the part of the producers, perfect market conditions do not exist. Therefore market price does not equal the optimal price. In the absence of an optimal price, price interventions are justifiable and this makes payment to local farmers of a ‘fairer’ price both possible and desirable. The additional income thus generated will not only give the producers greater access to food, but also the ability to invest in order to increase production.

Comment renforcer l'efficacité pour le développement de l'achat local de l'aide alimentaire

En prenant le cas du Burkina Faso, ce document analyse les effets de l'achat local sur les producteurs marginaux. Il soutient que, du fait de l'importation de produits alimentaires, conjuguée aux ventes sous l'effet de la détresse effectuées par les producteurs, les conditions de marché parfaites n'existent pas. Ainsi, le prix du marché n'est pas le prix optimal. Comme il n'y a pas de prix optimal, les interventions au niveau des prix sont justifiables et le versement aux agriculteurs locaux d'un prix « plus juste » est à la fois possible et souhaitable. Les revenus supplémentaires ainsi générés donneront aux producteurs non seulement un accès supérieur aux produits alimentaires, mais aussi la possibilité d'investir afin d'accroître la production.

Como fortalecer a efetividade do desenvolvimento de compras locais para ajuda alimentar

Tendo como base o caso de Burkina Faso, o artigo analisa os efeitos da compra local sobre produtores marginais. Ele argumenta que por causa das importaçóes de alimentos juntamente com vendas de sofrimento por parte dos produtores, as condiçóes perfeitas de mercado não existem. Portanto, o preço de mercado não é igual ao preço timo. Tendo em vista que não existe preço ótimo, as intervençóes de preço são justificáveis e o pagamento a produtores rurais locais de um preço mais justo é possível e desejável. A renda adicional assim gerada, não apenas dará aos produtores um maior acesso a alimentos mas também a capacidade de investir para aumentar a produção.

Cómo mejorar la eficiencia del desarrollo mediante la compra local de la ayuda alimentaria

Basándose en el caso de Burkina Faso, este ensayo analiza los efectos de las compras locales realizadas por productores marginales. Sostiene que, debido a la importación de alimentos y a las “ventas de pánico” de los productores, no existen condiciones de mercado perfectas. Por lo tanto, el precio de mercado no es equivalente al precio óptimo. Como no existe un precio óptimo, se justifican las intervenciones en los precios, y el pago de un precio “más justo” a los productores locales es no sólo posible sino deseable. Los ingresos adicionales asi generados permitirán que los productores dispongan de más alimentos y de los medios para invertir e incrementar su producción.  相似文献   

Forage development is one of the strategies to address feed scarcity and low livestock productivity in Ethiopia. In line with government strategy, multiple actors took part in a forage development programme for six years (2004–09) in Alaba Special District, in southern Ethiopia. This paper analyses the six-year forage development programme, comparing its two phases, from an innovation systems perspective to identify best practices. The study shows that key forage innovative practices are: targeting innovative forage farmers, developing local forages, establishing private forage sources, forage promotion and diversifying capacity building. These best practices can be scaled up and out to address feed scarcity and increase livestock productivity.

Innovation en matière de développement des forages : données empiriques du District spécial d'Alaba, sud de l'Éthiopie

Le développement de forages fait partie des stratégies mises en ?uvre pour lutter contre l'insuffisance de fourrage et la faible productivité du bétail en Éthiopie. Conformément à la stratégie gouvernementale, de multiples acteurs ont pris part à un programme de développement de forages pendant six ans (2004–09) dans le District spécial d'Alaba, dans le sud de l'Éthiopie. Ce document analyse le programme de développement de forages de six ans, en comparant les deux phases d'un point de vue de systèmes d'innovation afin d'identifier les meilleures pratiques. Cette étude montre que les pratiques clés innovantes en matière de forages sont : ciblage des agriculteurs innovants utilisant des forages, développement des forages locaux, établissement de sources privées pour les forages, promotion des forages et diversification du renforcement des capacités. L'échelle de ces meilleures pratiques peut être accrue en termes de portée et de nombre afin de lutter contre la pénurie de fourrage et d'augmenter la productivité du bétail.

Inovação no Desenvolvimento das Forrageiras: Evidência Empírica do Distrito de Alaba Special, no sul da Etiópia

O desenvolvimento das forrageiras é uma das estratégias para abordar a escassez de ração e baixa produtividade da produção de gado na Etiópia. Alinhados com a estratégia do governo, vários agentes participaram de um programa de desenvolvimento de forrageiras durante deis anos (2004–09) no Distrito de Alaba Special, no sul da Etiópia. Este artigo analisa o programa de desenvolvimento das forrageiras de seis anos de duração, comparando suas duas fases a partir de uma perspectiva de sistemas de inovaçóo para identificar as melhores práticas. O estudo mostra que as práticas cruciais e inovadoras relativas ás forrageiras são: ter como alvo produtores inovadores de forrageiras, desenvolver forrageiras locais, estabelecer fontes de forrageiras privadas, promover as forrageiras e diversificar a capacitação. Estas melhores práticas podem ser intensificadas e expandidas para abordar a escassez de ração e aumentar a produtividade do gado.

Innovación en el cultivo de forrajes: datos empíricos del Distrito Especial de Alaba en el sur de Etiopía

El cultivo de forrajes es una de las estrategias para responder a la escasez de alimentos y a la baja productividad ganadera en Etiopía. En línea con la estrategia gubernamental, varios productores del Distrito Especial de Alaba en el sur de Etiopía participaron en un programa de cultivo de forrajes durante seis años (2004-2009). Para identificar las mejores prácticas, este ensayo analiza el programa y compara sus dos fases desde una perspectiva de innovación de sistemas. El programa mostró que las prácticas más innovadoras para la producción de forraje son: orientar a los productores que utilizan nuevas prácticas en sus cultivos de forraje, desarrollar forrajes locales, crear fuentes privadas de forrajes, promover los forrajes y diversificar el fortalecimiento de capacidades. Estas buenas prácticas pueden darse a conocer y propagarse para responder a la escasez de alimentos e incrementar la productividad ganadera.  相似文献   

The pastoralism of the Turkana has persisted in the challenging environment of northwestern Kenya for some 200 years. Yet many pastoralists find that they increasingly rely on food relief during droughts and famines. This article contextualises emergency responses to famine among Turkana pastoralists by considering their encounters with colonialism, development, and humanitarian interventions. It uses key informant interviews, participant observation, and content analysis, to analyse the benefits and challenges of a small-scale food relief programme. The article argues that such programmes can weaken the viability of pastoralism, and concludes with considerations for future policy and programming.  相似文献   

This article describes the experiences of a small Bangladeshi NGO in using actor-oriented tools to focus on key people and partnerships in project planning, monitoring, and evaluation. The approach has helped to identify interventions that are context-specific, building on key local actors and indigenous networks, and sensitive to the constraints experienced by the poorest. As a result, the NGO has moved away from an externally driven agenda, to become a more thoughtful and responsive organisation. In developing the approach, the NGO encountered some problems due to the political sensitivity concerning the representation of linkages. This underlines the importance of using these tools in a politically aware, positive, and reflective way.  相似文献   

Although the confluence of Fair Trade and organic agriculture has become a salient phenomenon, they contradict each other at the production level: Fair Trade focuses on specific products, while organic agriculture targets production units. This article explores how Southern small-scale producers cope with this discrepancy, by observing one farmers' group's attempt to obtain the two certifications in India. This case study identifies stakeholders who react to the two certifications differently under different livelihood strategies. Combining the two initiatives may not always be the best practice for realising poverty reduction and environmental conservation –aims which the initiatives have in common.  相似文献   

The vast natural resources of India's forests, including non-timber forest products (NTFPs), such as medicinal and aromatic plants, leaves, fruits, seeds, resins, gums, bamboos, and canes, offer employment that provides up to half the income of about 25 per cent of the country's rural labour force. However, poor harvesting practices and over-exploitation in the face of increasing market demand are threatening the sustainability of these resources, and thus the livelihoods of forest-dependent tribal communities. This article analyses the role of NTFPs in livelihoods-improvement initiatives and considers recent initiatives intended to enhance their conservation and sustainable management. It recommends policies to optimise the potential of NTFPs, both to support rural livelihoods and to contribute to India's social, economic, and environmental well-being.  相似文献   

An approach to establishing improved private extension-service provision for smallholder horticultural producers in Kenya was developed between 2003 and 2005 by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology and Natural Resources Institute in the UK, in collaboration with EurepGAP FoodPLUS GmbH and the House of Quality–South Africa, international NGOs, export companies, and out-grower farmer groups. The approach focused on good agricultural practices, food safety, EU regulations on maximum pesticide-residue limits, and the EurepGAP Standard. The approach is not a blueprint, but the lessons learned are applicable to similar smallholder production systems in other African countries.  相似文献   

All over Gaya District in Bihar, irrespective of a person's caste or economic status, irrigation is the overriding topic of concern on public platforms and in private conversations. In the absence of adequate government action, different kinds of community endeavour are emerging to answer the need, some supported by radical political movements, others by organisations of a religious persuasion, and still others primarily by prominent local citizens.  相似文献   

The importance of livestock as a pathway out of poverty is widely recognised, but the effectiveness of pro-poor livestock development projects has been questioned. This study examines a sample of livestock development projects to draw lessons about their effectiveness and identify best practice. A large proportion of projects (60 per cent) were categorised as having not been successful. Project success is found to be positively associated with size of project, diversity of direct project beneficiaries, institution development activities in projects, and effective monitoring and evaluation activities. Lack of reliability of government partners, and inclusion of other agricultural activities together with livestock activities in projects, undermine success.

Résultats en matière de développement pro-pauvres des projets basés sur l’élevage : analyse et enseignements tirés de la documentation de projets

L'importance de l’élevage comme moyen d’échapper à la pauvreté est largement reconnu, mais l'efficacité des projets de développement pro-pauvres basés sur l’élevage a été mise en cause. Cette étude examine un échantillon de projets de développement basés sur l’élevage pour en tirer des enseignements concernant leur efficacité et identifier les meilleures pratiques. Un considérable pourcentage des projets (60 pour cent) ont été catégorisés comme n'ayant pas réussi. Le succès des projets se révèle être positivement associé à la taille du projet, à la diversité des bénéficiaires directs du projet, aux activités de développement des institutions dans le cadre des projets, et à des activités efficaces de suivi et d’évaluation. Le manque de fiabilité des partenaires gouvernementaux et l'inclusion d'autres activités agricoles dans les activités d’élevage dans le cadre des projets ont aussi une incidence négative sur le succès.

Desempeño de los proyectos de desarrollo ganadero en pro de los pobres: análisis y aprendizajes a partir de la documentación de los proyectos

Es ampliamente reconocida la importancia que tiene el ganado como un medio para salir de la pobreza. Sin embargo, se ha cuestionado la efectividad de algunos proyectos de desarrollo ganadero en pro de los pobres. El presente estudio examina una muestra de proyectos de desarrollo ganadero, con el fin de obtener aprendizajes sobre su efectividad y de identificar las mejores prácticas. Un elevado porcentaje (60%) de los proyectos fue clasificado como no exitoso. Se encontró que el éxito del proyecto se asocia positivamente a su tamaño, a la diversidad de los beneficiarios directos, a las actividades de desarrollo llevadas a cabo por las instituciones participantes en el proyecto, así como a actividades de monitoreo y de evaluación efectivas. El éxito de los proyectos se ve disminuido por la falta de formalidad de las contrapartes gubernamentales y por la incorporación de otras actividades agrícolas en los proyectos ganaderos.

Desempenho de projetos sobre gado pra o desenvolvimento dos pobres: análise e lições extraídas da documentação de projetos

A importância da criação de gado como um caminho para sair da pobreza é altamente reconhecida, mas a efetividade de projetos sobre a criação de gado para o desenvolvimento de pessoas pobres tem sido questionada. Este estudo examina uma amostra de projetos sobre criação de gado para o desenvolvimento visando extrair lições sobre sua efetividade e identificar as melhores práticas. Uma grande proporção dos projetos (60 por cento) foi classificada como não tendo sido bem-sucedida. Constatou-se que o sucesso do projeto está positivamente associado ao seu tamanho, diversidade dos seus beneficiários diretos, atividades de desenvolvimento institucional nos projetos e monitoramento efetivo e atividades de avaliação. A falta de confiança de parceiros do governo e a inclusão de outras atividades agrícolas, juntamente com as atividades de criação de gado nos projetos, impossibilitam o seu sucesso.  相似文献   

Within the last two decades microfinance has been widely adopted as one of the best development strategies to reduce poverty and empower women in many developing countries. Drawing on ethnographic research undertaken in Ethiopia, this article elucidates the complexities of microfinance processes, and argues that current microfinance practice does not facilitate the participation of women in decision-making over the use and management of loans as well as the income they generate from running small enterprises. The article illustrates that women are engaged in running small-scale economic activities at home that produce low returns, and they have limited access to lucrative markets. It also demonstrates that due to a discriminatory household division of labour, women are overworked in their households and in their enterprises. Through engaging in a mode of representation (ethnography) that allows specific critical voices to be heard, the article contributes toward tempering the current enthusiasm for the widely expanding microfinance industry.  相似文献   

Widows are one of the socially excluded groups in India. This study primarily focuses on the needs of widows in Rajasthan for social security, and also seeks to examine the outreach of existing social security schemes to them. The study found that a considerable proportion of widows are engaged in physically-demanding casual work. Involvement in casual employment reveals the vulnerability of widows since such employment is often considered the last resort for earning a living. Social security in various forms can play a crucial role in their lives.

La sécurité sociale et les veuves rurales au Rajasthan : une étude empirique

Les veuves constituent en Inde un des groupes exclus de la société. Cette étude est axée essentiellement sur les besoins de sécurité sociale chez les veuves au Rajasthan ; elle essaie aussi d'examiner les programmes actuels de la sécurité sociale qui sont destinés à leur aide. L'auteur de cette étude a trouvé qu'un pourcentage important de veuves sont engagées dans un travail physiquement éprouvant et à titre temporaire. L'emploi à titre temporaire met à jour la vulnérabilité des veuves puisqu'un tel emploi est souvent considéré comme la dernière solution pour survivre. La sécurité sociale sous ses différentes formes peut jouer un rôle capital dans leur vie.

Seguro social para las viudas del área rural en Rajastán: un estudio empírico

Las viudas de India conforman uno de los grupos socialmente excluidos. El presente artículo se centra en las necesidades de seguro social existentes entre las viudas de Rajastán y pretende examinar el alcance que distintos programas de seguro social tienen para este sector. Las conclusiones del estudio demuestran que un número significativo de viudas participa en el sector del trabajo informal físicamente exigente. En este sentido, la participación en el empleo informal constituye un indicador de la vulnerabilidad de las viudas, ya que este sector se considera como el último recurso para ganarse un ingreso. El seguro social en sus distintas variedades puede llegar a desempeñar un rol importante en las vidas de las viudas.

Segurança social para viúvas da área rural em Rajasthan: um estudo empírico

As viúvas são um dos grupos socialmente excluídos da Índia. Este estudo primariamente concentra-se nas necessidades das viúvas em Rajasthan de segurança social, e também busca examinar o alcance de esquemas de segurança social existentes para elas. O estudo constatou que uma considerável proporção de viúvas está engajada em trabalho temporário fisicamente demandante. O envolvimento em emprego temporário mostra a vulnerabilidade das viúvas, uma vez que tais empregos são frequentemente considerados a última opção para se ganhar a vida. A segurança social pode, de várias formas, desempenhar um papel crucial em suas vidas.  相似文献   

The concept of food autonomy draws attention to qualities of local food and food networks that can facilitate connectivity between local food production and consumption. This article reports on a study conducted in Hisar, India, that reveals how rural producer, processor, and consumer preferences of mung bean quality interact with their aim to maintain and develop a territorial mung bean connectivity so as to reinforce food autonomy. The study showed that local mung bean food qualities related to suitability in the local cropping system, processing requirements, and consumption choice. It suggests that local preferences be integrated into a reorientation of research and scientific development agendas, and should become an essential consideration of development and extension efforts, which also carries implications for the food autonomy of local producers, processors, and consumers.  相似文献   

This article conceptualises the potential for a relationship between asset-based community development (ABCD) and community-based tourism (CBT), with a view to improving CBT's patchy record in delivering community development. ABCD has previously been used in international development and community work, but is new to tourism for development. Hence, the article seeks to relate ABCD's characteristics with CBT on a theoretical level, based on a shift away from ‘needs-driven’ development towards a conscious appreciation of community assets. The authors suggest that ABCD can, and should, be applied to CBT, given the positive emphasis it puts on people and their potential.  相似文献   

Index insurance is an agricultural risk management tool that can provide a safety net for smallholder farmers experiencing climate risk. While uptake and scale-out of index insurance may be slow among smallholders, we can learn from experiences that demonstrate where crop insurance can protect smallholders’ livelihoods from climate risk. Integrating gender into climate risk management is necessary to ensure that the benefits of index insurance are experienced by both men and women. A dedicated intention to integrate gender may be required. Taking South Africa as a case study, the potential for gender-sensitive index insurance scale-out among smallholders is investigated.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, 72 per cent of urban and 98 per cent of rural households use fuelwood for energy. In Kenya use of charcoal in urban areas has risen by 64 per cent in two decades. Despite the charcoal industry providing employment to 500,000 people and generating over US$427 million that benefits grassroots communities, it has been kept out of the formal economies of this country. This review presents the status of the charcoal industry in Kenya, highlighting its contribution to livelihoods, production, utilisation, and implications for the environment; policy issues; and stakeholders' involvement. The review also proposes strategies to improve the sustainability of this sector.

La production de charbon de bois au Kenya et des stratégies pour l'augmentation de sa durabilité

Dans l'Afrique subsaharienne 72 pour cent de ménages urbains et 98 pour cent de ménages ruraux se servent du bois combustible pour leur propre énergie. Au Kenya l'usage de charbon de bois dans les secteurs urbains a augmenté par 64 pour cent au cours de deux décennies. Malgré le fait qu'elle fournit un emploi à 500,000 personnes et qu'elle génère plus de US$427 million de bénéfice aux collectivités populaires, l'industrie du charbon de bois reste écartée des économies formelles de ce pays. Cet examen présente la situation de l'industrie du charbon de bois au Kenya, en soulignant sa contribution aux moyens d'existence, à la production, et à l'utilisation ainsi que les implications pour l'environnement ; des questions concernant la politique ; et l'implication des parties prenantes. L'examen propose également des stratégies pour l'amélioration de la durabilité de cette industrie.

Producción de carbón y estrategias para aumentar su sostenibilidad en Kenia

En el África subsahariana, 72% de los hogares urbanos y 98% de los hogares rurales utilizan la leña como fuente de energía. En las áreas urbanas de Kenia, el uso de carbón ha aumentado 64% en dos décadas. A pesar de que la industria de carbón crea empleo para 500 mil personas, generando us$427 millones en beneficios para las comunidades de base, se la ha marginado de las economías formales de este país. El presente artículo examina la situación de la industria de carbón en Kenia, analizando, por un lado, su contribución a los medios de vida, y por otro, su forma de producción y su utilización, así como sus implicaciones para temas de política ambiental, además de la participación de los actores en la misma. Asimismo, el artículo propone estrategias para mejorar la sostenibilidad del sector.

Produção de carvão e estratégia para aumentar sua sustentabilidade no Quênia

Na África Subsaariana, 72 por cento de famílias da zona urbana e 98 por cento de famílias da zona rural utilizam lenha como fonte de energia. No Quênia,o uso de carvão nas áreas urbanas cresceu 64 por cento em duas décadas. Apesar da indústria de carvão proporcionar emprego a 500.000 pessoas e gerar mais de US$427 milhões que beneficiam comunidades de base, ela tem sido deixada de fora das economias formais deste país. Esta revisão apresenta o status da indústria de carvão no Quênia, destacando sua contribuição para os meios de subsistência, produção, utilização e implicações para o meio ambiente; questões de políticas e envolvimento dos stakeholders. A revisão também propõe estratégias para melhorar a sustentabilidade deste setor.  相似文献   

In rural Sri Lanka, remittances from housemaids working in the Middle East figure prominently in household livelihood strategies. This article examines the impact of housemaid remittances on living standards and suggests measures to maximise the benefits of remittances for recipient households while minimising the personal and financial costs of migration. The effectiveness of migration as a household strategy depends on a decent overseas job with a reliable income, a reduction in the costs of migrating and remitting, and the responsible management of household welfare and finances by recipients, including the maintenance of local income sources while the migrant is away.  相似文献   

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