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从讨论质量和价值的本质出发,阐述了质量的价值和质量创造价值的过程及原理。质量价值产生的两种方式为:功能的增长必然导致价值的增值;根据质量交换规律而以质量换回价值,定义了一种质量的经济价值计算方法:事物质量的经济性价值等于事物的总经济价值与它的抽象成本性价值之差。所有人类活动产物的价值都是人的行为质量的价值,人类社会已经进入了一个按行为质量分享广义资源的时代。  相似文献   

A large strand of research holds that democracy with its broad representation and electoral accountability is beneficial for the provision of public goods. Yet, there is a large variation in how democracies perform, indicating that democratic institutions alone do not suffice for securing citizens’ wellbeing. Recent studies have stressed the equal importance of state capacity for public goods delivery. These studies, however, rarely investigate how the lack of state capacity mutes the effects of democratic institutions on public goods provision. This article addresses this gap by using a mixed methods design. First, the conditional effects of democracy and quality of government (QoG) are tested on the previously under-researched domain of the provision of clean water. The results show that democracy is associated with higher water quality only in countries where QoG is high. If QoG is low, more democracy is even related to lower water quality. The second stage of the analysis proceeds by examining how poor QoG disrupts the effects of democracy on public access to safe drinking water using interview data from a typical case of Moldova. The analysis illustrates that democracy has a number of positive effects and incentivises politicians to focus on the visible aspects of water provision, including the expansion of the water pipe network. However, low QoG hampers adoption and implementation of long-term policies necessary for securing an aspect of water provision that is harder to achieve – namely water quality. This leaves the fresh pipes with dirty water.  相似文献   

National Ministries of Health in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs) have a key role to play as stewards of the quality agenda in their health systems. This paper uses a previously developed six‐point framework for stewardship (strategy formulation, intersectoral collaboration, governance and accountability, health system design, policy and regulation, and intelligence generation) and identifies specific examples of activities in LMICs in each of these domains, pitfalls to avoid, and possible solutions to these pitfalls. Many LMICs now have quality strategies with clear vision statements. There are good examples of quality agencies and donor collaboration councils to coordinate activities across different sectors. There are multiple options for accountability, including public reporting, community accountability structures, results‐based payment, accreditation, and inspection. To improve health system design, available tools include decision support tools, task‐shifting models, supply chain management, and programs to train quality improvement staff. Policy options include legislation on disclosure of adverse events, and regulations to ensure skills of health care providers. Lastly, health information tools include patient registries, facility surveys, hospital discharge abstracts, standardized population and patient surveys, and dedicated agencies for reporting on quality. Policy‐makers can use this article to identify options for driving the quality agenda and address anticipated implementation barriers.  相似文献   

本文根据知识经济时代对创新人才的要求以及我国创新人才素质的状况提出并论述了当代创新人才应具备的六个方面的特征 :一是坚持探索 ,惟真是求的独立人格 ;二是不拘陈见 ,破除框框的批判思维 ;三是敢想敢干 ,敢为天下先的开拓精神 ;四是锲而不舍 ,不屈不挠的意志品质 ;五是学贯中西 ,宽广渊深的文化素养 ;六是博采众长 ,海纳百川的广阔胸怀。  相似文献   

The paper presents the modem management of health care institutions in the electronic medical document (EMD) context. Electronic medical document is in the form of software that provides a comprehensive system for the whole dentist's surgery management. The program allows for complete service of the patient in the private dentist by keeping records, archival photographs, the settlement of visits, and patient registration. It has been shown that technological innovation can fundamentally change the quality of the medical services in Poland, making a revolution in the management of budgetary expenditure. Electronic medical document is a system for the citizens of the 21st century. This is a new quality in healthcare administration, reimbursement systems, and most importantly patient care. Created based on specified standards and national standards, information databases ensure the reliability and comparability of data, and can be an analytical tool for health policy planning at various levels of the administration.  相似文献   

如何依法培养我国的新型农民   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今实施依法治国方略的时代背景下,培养我国“有文化、懂技术、会经营”的新型农民也应该依照法律规定进行。我们应在农村大力实施“五五”普法,树立和加强农民的法律意识;实施《职业教育法》,锻造农民的就业能力;施行《科学技术进步法》和《可再生能源法》,提高农民的科技素质;贯彻《村民委员会组织法》,提高农民的自治能力;严格推行《义务教育法》,培养新型农民从娃娃抓起。  相似文献   

试论案件侦查中的“习惯“   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查人员要善于了解、掌握习惯的特性及种类,并为侦查活动所用。本文主要从习惯的特性、种类及意义三个方面对习惯进行了研究,对侦查实践具有一定的理论指导价值。  相似文献   


Research on decentralization in Africa and beyond has made clear that the quality of decentralized governance is highly variable across localities within countries. In light of that variation, this article has three goals: first, we critique existing academic research on the quality of governance in light of work on decentralized governance in Africa; second, we provide a conceptual map of how to theorize subnational variation in the quality of governance in settings characterized by considerable dependence on higher authorities for revenues; and third, we outline a series of data initiatives that offer the opportunity to study local and regional politics in new and exciting ways across the region. We conclude with great optimism about the prospects for innovative work on decentralized governance within countries across the region.  相似文献   

房亚兵 《学理论》2009,(20):271-273
本文运用素质教育理论,提出创新大学生素质教育应以思想政治教育为重点,把握考试评价和师资队伍建设两个关键,坚持解放思想、科学发展、先行先试三大原则,构建学生创新能力培养、智力与非智力协调发展、通识教育、学生主体性教育四大体系,为创新大学生素质教育提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

社会科学期刊编辑基本素养探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个合格的社会科学期刊编辑,需要具备社会科学的基本素养,其中,政治素养始终是第一位的。社会科学期刊编辑的基本素养,还表现在讲原则、讲公平上;表现在具有高尚的职业道德、良好的文化修养上;表现在具有扎实的编辑技能和广博的学科知识上。同时,学习进取、开拓创新也是社会科学期刊编辑重要的基本素养。  相似文献   

根据布坎南的公共选择理论,各种特殊利益之间的"缔约"在公众中进行集体选择中起着关键的作用,而并非公众所认为的"根据公共利益进行选择"的结果。无论是企业行为还是各种公共选择,其结果均来自各个利益主体的相互较量和博弈。提高公民科学素质工程无论对于国家实力提升、社会均衡发展还是公民个体都是一个无法回避的公共选择,然而在具体政策的制定与措施的实施方面,仍缺少相应的理论依据。基于公共选择理论,从政府支持、科普组织以及主体参与等三方面进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

驾驶技能作为一种动作技能,因有被作用的客体———车辆的存在,所以在其形成的过程中,具有特殊性,有其特殊性的心理特征。而驾驶技能的形成又是一个逐渐发展的过程,其心理特征具有阶段性。本文把其分成四个心理阶段,而各阶段又有不同的心理特征,所以在教学中应根据各个阶段不同的心理特点,确定不同的任务和要求,采取与其相适应的教法与措施,保证教学安全,提高教学质量,达到完善、巩固、稳定地掌握技术动作。  相似文献   

行政合同的行政性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
行政合同是行政行为,其行政性表现在:建立的基础和目的是行政法律关系;行政主体享有统治者特权;行政合同以契约不自由为原则.  相似文献   

朱振娟 《学理论》2009,(9):148-149
体育教师是完成体育与健康课程的组织者和执行者,是增进素质教育。贯彻“健康第一”指导思想的关键。高校体育课程的改革,对高校体育教师提出新的和更高的要求。全面提高和更新高校体育教师的素质,既是高校加强教师队伍建设,提高人才培养质量的重要任务,也是高校体育教师自身适应新形势、新任务,履行教育教学职责的迫切要求。  相似文献   

于晨旭 《学理论》2012,(1):133-135
大学生人文素质的高低不仅关系到其自身的发展,也关系着国家民族的未来。尝试对一所理工科院校的学生进行了人文素质调查,共发放问卷2000份,回收有效问卷1 602份,调查数据具有真实、可靠性。通过问卷调查,发现该校学生存在忽视人文课程,未能积极参加社会实践等现象,最后从可行性的角度提出人文课程合理化、社会实践具体化等相关的建议。  相似文献   

公共安全产品质量与成本及其价值探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文借助于厂商理论,从一个非传统或新管理主义的研究视角,较为详尽地讨论和分析了公安产品、公安产品质量以及公安产品质量成本的概念,并在此基础上提出并探究了这些概念的价值所在.从而在一定程度上为公安降低成本、提高效率与效益,以及最终改进公安质量提供了一个新的视窗或一种铺垫。  相似文献   

郭婷 《学理论》2012,(9):126-127
高校二级学院科研秘书是科研管理团队中的基层成员,是科研体系中不可缺少的一环。其不仅是科研管理工作的具体执行人员,也是各项管理活动的组织人员。以高校二级学院为视角,阐述科研秘书更好地服务高校科研建设所应具备的业务素质。  相似文献   

目前高职学生因为多方面的原因,劳动素质堪忧。这既与劳动教育的缺失有关,也和学生自身认知有关。提出加强劳动素质教育引导、深化人才培养机制改革、在实习实训等生产服务性劳动和志愿服务等社会实践活动中培养的策略。  相似文献   

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