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Five states now have mandatory reporting laws when a victim of domestic violence is identified in a clinical setting, and many other states are considering such legislation. Advocates for battered women have frequently warned that abused women may not wish mandatory reporting laws. Published data derived from the opinions, wishes, and beliefs of women victims of domestic violence have been noticeably lacking. This study presents a preliminary study of 45 abused women. Results indicate that women victims overwhelmingly support mandatory reporting laws. In an apparent paradox, however, they were much less certain that mandatory reporting would have been helpful to them in their specific case.  相似文献   

It has been argued that battered women who kill their abusers represent a special class of defendants being unfairly treated in the legal system. As a result, commentators have argued for reforms to permit the judicial system to respond more fairly. Researchers have investigated the influences of these prescribed legal modifications and the possible influence of various demographic and psychological factors on legal reforms. However, social scientists have not yet asked some fundamental, psychological questions. Is the law consistent with what society believes is right and just? Is there a commonsense notion of justice in these cases? What factors constitute cognitive decision rules and influence judgments in cases of battered women who kill their abusers? This study uses a basic, psychological method to identify psychological factors that are important in judgments regarding battered women who kill and to better understand commonsense notions of justice in these cases.  相似文献   

Most Australian jurisdictions have mandatory reporting legislation to compel members of selected professional groups, including nurses, to report suspicions that a child has been or is likely to be subjected to abuse or neglect. This article details the legal obligations of nurses in each jurisdiction, and highlights differences between jurisdictions. Problematic features of the laws are identified, including the use of ambiguous concepts like "reasonable" suspicion and "significant" harm. Literature is reviewed to identify what is known about nurses' legal knowledge, actual reporting practice, and the practical problems that arise for nurses in this context. It is concluded that empirical research needs to be conducted, because it is not known if the laws are practically effective, whether nurses have sufficient training in, and knowledge of, their reporting duties, or what factors influence sound reporting. Such research can inform both the development of sound training systems and recommendations for legal reform.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent medical and legal literature in the field of spouse abuse. Domestic violence is a national phenomenon that directly affects victims of spouse abuse and indirectly conditions the children of the victims to accept violent behavior as normative. This paper characterizes the cycle of violence battered women encounter, describes their injury patterns, explores the dynamics of the abusive relationship, and discusses the factors that compel women to remain in such violent relationships. The second section describes many of the recent legislation designed to prevent spouse abuse. Next, this paper addresses the case law utilizing the "battered woman syndrome" as a defense for spousal homicide. The third section of the paper explores the often neglected topic of the battered husband.  相似文献   

Despite mandatory reporting laws, several studies have found that 30%–40% of professional psychologists have elected not to report suspected child abuse at some time. In this study, we surveyed 226 licensed psychologists from two states concerning factors related to reporting suspected abuse. Thirty-two percent of participants indicated having not reported suspected abuse. Comparisons between participants who have consistently and inconsistently reported indicated that psychologists who have consistently reported rated legal factors as more important than those who have inconsistently reported. Additionally, clinicians who have inconsistently reported were more likely to indicate evidence of abuse as being important in reporting, and less likely to report subjective suspicions of abuse. Results show that a number of factors influence reporting decisions. Implications for public policy and professional training are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the practical skills that agents in the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection develop to accomplish their mandated objectives. In the situational structure and processes of discretionary decision making, we find a persistent surplus of enforcement capacity. Although the consumer protection law establishes a variety of sanctions and legal procedures to be used in enforcing the statute, agents frequently invoke infractions of other laws in the course of resolving consumer complaints. They have this flexibility only because laws, in general, are imperfectly enforced. This leaves scope in a particular situation for the invocation of a wide variety of potential violations of, for example, safety and building codes, zoning or license rules, and tax laws, all remotely if at all related to consumer protection. This article demonstrates the skill with which consumer protection officials exercise this discretion and argues that an adequate conception of the role of law ought to take account of the different ways in which law enforcement agents draw from this reservoir of un-enforced law.  相似文献   

Since 2003, state legislatures in the United States have been active in passing legislation aimed at combating human trafficking. To date, all states have passed laws that criminalize acts of human trafficking, though with significant variation in the penalty structure and associated legal provisions. This article examines what aspects of state human trafficking laws are most impactful at increasing the arrest and prosecution of human trafficking suspects. Using panel data on state laws and associated enforcement actions from 2003 to 2012, this study confirms that more comprehensive state laws that invest in antitrafficking resources are most strongly associated with human trafficking arrests and prosecutions. States that make legislative provisions for victim assistance, law enforcement training, statutory task forces, and mandatory reporting have higher antitrafficking criminal enforcement. The political environment in which state human trafficking laws are enacted also influences their enforcement.  相似文献   

In total, 123 battered Korean women who used domestic violence agencies were asked where they had turned for assistance in response to intimate partner violence. This study examined the factors related to use of formal and informal resources by these women. Formal resources included police, medical, legal, and shelter; informal were family or neighbors. Findings revealed that (a) the women studied used a variety of resources and that (b) income, violence-related injuries, and partner child abuse were related to whether they contacted police. Injury and partner child abuse were related to contacting a medical doctor/medical facility. Income, relationship status, and partner child abuse were related to approaching family or neighbors. The key finding was that partner child abuse increased the likelihood of battered Korean women seeking help from formal service resources and informal networks. This suggests the need for integrative services that link women's and children's protective services in order to meet the needs of both victims and children.  相似文献   

冀诚 《北方法学》2012,6(4):45-53
在我国合同法上,强制性规定包括效力性规定和管理性规定。如何妥善地对二者进行区分,是一个无法在立法技术层面通过改进合同法的规范配置来解决的问题。此问题的解决有赖于案例法体系的建立。在法律论证的过程中,只有以现行法上的规则为依托,以比较法上的研究为参照,在体系思考和案例思考相结合的基础上,对应当参照的各类因素给予充分的关注,才能对违反强制性规定的法律效果作出合理的判断。  相似文献   

The impact of scientific findings on medical, psychological, and legal concepts has led to the adoption of laws and regulations that do not easily fit into the established legal categories of medical law or mental health law. Instead, this convergence of forces has resulted in laws and regulations mandating biopsychosocial treatment guidelines, where both medical and psychological cares are integrated within the framework of a single paradigm. Laws and regulations of this type have been adopted by a number of US states and Canadian provinces, and could be considered to represent a new category, for which we offer the term “biopsychosocial law.” Biopsychosocial laws currently pertain to medical treatment guidelines for workers’ compensation, a medical treatment system noted for high costs, high levels of litigation, and psychological involvement. There are a number of examples of biopsychosocial laws, but the most noteworthy are based on guidelines developed by the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the Work Loss Data Institute, and The Reed Group. These guidelines differ significantly with regard to features, conditions covered, and strength of evidence basis. However, all of these guideline systems were developed with the intent of providing good care while controlling costs, are evidence based, integrate the practice of medicine and psychology, and are legally mandated in certain jurisdictions. Taken together, these guidelines represent a growing convergence of scientific evidence, professional society positions, payor policies, and legal regulations. These forces are propelling a broad societal shift away from Cartesian assumptions that the body and mind are separate, and toward a biopsychosocial paradigm for the treatment of injury and illness.  相似文献   

Expert medical testimony in child sexual abuse cases can be critical to the outcome of a legal case. This article will review the development of the medical knowledge and clinical expertise in child sexual abuse. Since the passage of mandatory child abuse reporting laws, the forensic medical examination of a child for evidence of sexual abuse has become standard. Until recently, many myths regarding female genital anatomy existed but were based primarily on dogma and lack of empirical research. Over the past 25 years, many research studies and accumulating clinical evidence have expanded medical knowledge and debunked old myths. Physical evidence, even in cases of alleged genital or anal penetration is rare. Sexually transmitted infections are also uncommon and often require medical interpretation as to their significance in a prepubertal child. Specialized medical knowledge, training, and clinical expertise have developed in order to evaluate children presenting with allegations of sexual abuse. Such medical expertise provides invaluable service to courts. We review criteria for evaluating such expertise in light of current medical practice.  相似文献   

本文结合国际公约和国内法的相关规定 ,从沉船强制打捞清除的含义、成立要件、实施以及费用的实现等方面对沉船打捞中的法律问题作了论述。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the law of self-defense and provocation in cases where battered women kill their partners. It is argued that neither self-defense nor provocation adequately recognizes the situation most battered women find themselves in, and the present criteria for both defenses reflects this inadequacy. Legal advocates and supporters of battered women who kill have thus sought to find alternative strategies for battered women's defense cases. One of these has been the introduction of expert evidence on the battered woman syndrome. This paper will consider the implications of introducing the battered woman syndrome into the English legal system.  相似文献   

于柏华 《北方法学》2011,5(2):96-103
民法的"公私法混合说"建立在"强行法说"基础之上,该理论通过区分任意性规范和强制性规范把私法的范围限于任意性规范。强行法说预设了一种缺少规范性的"社会实在":一方面忽略了法律对社会实在的构造功能,没能看到强制性规范与私人领域的构成性关系;另一方面忽略了通过强制性规范所表达的私人自治的规范性要素,没能看到强制性规范与私人领域之间在合法性意义上的共生性。尽管公私法的划分问题具有可争议性,但强行法说因其对社会实在的理解存在偏差而无法成为一种妥当的公私法界限理论,民法的"公私法混合说"自然无法成立。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine domestic violence shelter workers' perceptions of child maltreatment reporting. A sample of 82 professionals from domestic violence shelters across the United States participated in a survey focusing on a variety of different types of reports and the frequency of both positive and negative outcomes arising from these reports. Possible outcomes included in the study are damage to the relationship between the worker and the battered woman, disempowerment of the battered woman, discouragement from seeking further help, protection of the child, further traumatization of the child, further disruption to the family, and damage to the woman's likelihood of maintaining custody. Significant differences in perceived impact are found based on identity of abuser (spousal batterer vs. battered woman) and nature of report (child as witness to domestic violence vs. child as victim of abuse). These results point to the complexity of perceptions regarding the impact of reporting.  相似文献   

Mandatory data breach notification laws have been a significant legislative reform in response to unauthorized disclosures of personal information by public and private sector organizations. These laws originated in the state-based legislatures of the United States during the last decade and have subsequently garnered worldwide legislative interest. We contend that there are conceptual and practical concerns regarding mandatory data breach notification laws which limit the scope of their applicability, particularly in relation to existing information privacy law regimes. We outline these concerns here, in the light of recent European Union and Australian legal developments in this area.  相似文献   

Some recent interpretations of the child abuse laws are creating serious and unprecedented erosions of therapist/patient confidentiality. In contrast to the Tarasoff decisions and laws, the child abuse statutes introduced a new element of mandatory reporting which permits no discretionary alternatives and presents prospects of criminal penalties for failure to report. A recent development suggests a possible requirement for therapists to violate confidentiality for the sole purpose of punishing perpetrators. Overinterpretations of the laws by some child protective services have led to recommendations that long past child abuse must be reported, even when no current child is in danger. The California Attorney General's Office has issued a clarification stating that the child abuse statute refers to children and not to adults molested as children. A survey of forensic psychiatrists and psychologists shows that most perceived an ethical problem in reporting adults molested as children when no child is presently in danger, and the purpose of the report is solely for maximal legal self-protection. The survey indicates that fears induced by rigid and intimidating child abuse laws can influence therapists to act in ways most consider unethical. Recommendations are made for improving the current child abuse laws so that they accomplish their goals more effectively.  相似文献   

“不合规”是不符合国家强制性标准的简约表达,我国各地法院对于“不合规”规划许可是否合法的裁决并不一致。国家强制性标准具有法律约束力,把公法意义上对“不合规”规划许可的合法性审查转化为私法意义上对居民是否获得侵权补偿的审查是不妥的,认定“有补偿则合法”实际进行了“超越法律的法的续造”,会产生负外部性效果,因而在公法层面上“不合规”则不合法的判断模式是成立的。为适度发挥司法空间政策形成功能,可确认经补偿之“不合规”许可违法而不予撤销,并制度性激活反向征收作为补救措施,为城市持续发展服务。  相似文献   

论作为第三种规范的法律正义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将法、正义、法律正义视为同一事物的意念 ,是一个需待澄清的误解性意念。法、正义、法律正义不仅有重合会通的一面 ,更有各自的界限。法是一种常见的制度规范 ,正义是一种高层次伦理规范 ,而法律正义则是融合了法和正义两种要素的第三种规范。法律正义也是一种正义 ,是正义中的基本正义、有形正义和正义中的强者。法律正义也是一种法律规范 ,是高层次法律规范 ,是区别于恶法劣法的良规良法 ,是理想和现实相结合的法律规范。明辨三者的界限 ,方能洞知法有良恶优劣的分别 ,完整地认知法的面貌 ,倾力于建设以良法美制为基础的现代法治国家  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) constitutes the majority of assaults against women in the United States, and greater than one third of female homicide victims are murdered by an intimate partner. In a small percentage of cases, battered women kill their abusers, and evidence of battering and its effects may be used to support a plea of self-defense in these cases. Prior research has shown that culpability attributions toward battered women who have killed their abusers are influenced by perceiver variables, including gender. The present study expands on this research by examining the influence of psychological distress resulting from perceivers' own IPV experiences--and the mechanisms of this influence--on their culpability attributions toward a battered woman defendant. Female undergraduates in the present sample (N = 154) read a vignette, adapted from an actual criminal case about a battered woman who had killed her abuser. Data supported a hypothesized path model, wherein participants reporting greater psychological distress resulting from IPV perpetrated against them perceived themselves more similar to the defendant, in turn empathized with her to a greater extent, and, in turn, attributed less legal culpability to her. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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