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Social injustice is disruptive both personally and collectively, and the ordinariness of implicit prejudice plays a role in this process. In this report, I discuss the correspondence between implicit and explicit biases, and factors that moderate their association. In addition, I differentiate between declarative and procedural definitions of implicit bias, which have implications for their nonconscious nature. To underscore their conceptual distinction, I also present evidence that points to different origins for implicit and explicit biases. Finally, actions for confronting implicit bias are prescribed.  相似文献   

Three broad themes that emerge from the social psychological research on unconscious or implicit prejudice and stereotypes are highlighted in this article. First, individuals who belong to socially advantaged groups typically exhibit more implicit preference for their ingroups and bias against outgroups than do members of socially disadvantaged groups. This research suggests that intergroup preferences and prejudices are influenced by two different psychological forces—people's tendency to prefer groups associated with themselves as a confirmation of their high self-exteem versus their tendency to prefer groups valued by the mainstream culture as a confirmation of the sociopolitical order in society. Second, these inplicit prejudices and stereotypes often influence people's judgements, decisions, and behaviors in subtle but pernicious ways. However, the path from implicit bias to discriminatory action is not inevitable. People's awareness of potential bias, their motivation and opportunity to control it, and sometimes their consciously held beliefs can determine whether biases in the mind will manifest in action. Finally, a new line of research suggests that implicit biases exhibited by individuals who belong to socially disadvantaged groups towards their own group may have unintended behavioral consequences that are harmful to their ingroup and themselves.  相似文献   

犯罪故意成立:违法性认识还是社会危害性认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪故意的成立究竟要求违法性认识还是社会危害性认识备受争论。中国刑法语境下的违法性认识指的是刑事违法性认识,社会危害性认识指的是行为人对自己实施的行为是否符合社会主文化群体利益、需要的主观认知。普通老百姓几乎不懂法是一个不容争辩的客观事实,行为人在行为时不可能准确判断行为的违法性;违法性认识作为故意的内容不利于实现刑法保护包括犯罪人在内的全体公民基本人权的目的,违法性不是故意的认识内容,社会危害性认识才是故意成立的必备要素。  相似文献   

Although adolescents are commonly assumed to be rebellious, risky and moody, two experiments demonstrate for the first time that these beliefs operate both explicitly and implicitly as stereotypes. In Experiment 1, participants (a) explicitly endorsed adolescent stereotypes and (b) implicitly associated adolescent stereotyped words more rapidly with the adolescent than the adult social category. Individual differences in the explicit endorsement of adolescent stereotypes predicted explicit perceptions of the rebelliousness of a 17-year-old but not a 71-year-old, although individual differences in implicit stereotyping did not. Identification with adults was associated with greater implicit stereotyping but not explicit stereotyping. In Experiment 2, subliminal exposure to adolescent stereotyped words increased subsequent perceptions of the rebelliousness of a 17-year-old but not a 71-year-old. Although individual differences in implicit adolescent stereotyping did not predict explicit evaluations of adolescents, stereotypes of adolescents nevertheless influenced explicit evaluations unconsciously and unintentionally.
Curtis D. HardinEmail:

内隐无意识加工及其在教学中的体现与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内隐认知已成为认知心理学研究中最新的发展趋势和前沿性课题之一,本在现有研究基础之上,对内隐认知在幼儿言语习得,问题解决中的直觉顿悟,决策及学习迁移等方面的体现加以解析,进而从理论上探讨了内隐无意识加工在直觉思维培养,隐性课程设计以及学绩测评等与教学相关方面的应用及其前景。  相似文献   

行政规则的规范和信任资本的积累是地方政府治理的重要基础,行政规则的运作会影响信任资本的发展,而信任资本的状况也会影响行政规则的效力。行政潜规则的存在会弱化显规则的效力,削弱地方政府的公信力。因此,必须完善行政规则体系,提升信任资本,通过行政规则和信任资本的良性互动循环增进地方合作治理的绩效。  相似文献   

Social psychologists have addressed stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination for nearly a century. Everyday prejudices first seemed to lodge in abnormal personalities, pathological bigots who were exceptional (bad apples), but Freudian explanations proved inadequate. Purely cognitive explanations took their place, arguing that bias inevitably results from normal processes of categorization and association, often automatic. But this so-called cognitive miser account denies the role of intent, which does influence the activation and use of stereotypes and prejudices. People are more realistically motivated tacticians who display more cognitive bias under particular social motivations. The author's continuum of impression formation, proceeding from initial categorization to possible moderation by motives, illustrates this view. Plausible social motives include belonging, understanding, controlling, self-enhancing, and trusting, all known to influence ordinary bias. Social neuroscience is beginning to show that motivation and cognition mix at the earliest stages of ordinary bias.  相似文献   

夫妻忠诚协议:价值认知与效力判断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夫妻忠诚协议是亲属法中的前沿问题。不仅学界对其性质界定莫衷一是,就连司法界对其效力判断也南辕北辙。为衡平“夫妻忠诚协议”当事人的利益,矫正认识误区,统一司法实践中的效力判断标准,有必要对夫妻忠诚协议进行价值认知、性质界定,它将有助于夫妻忠诚协议纠纷的顺畅审理,促进婚姻的和谐及社会的稳定。  相似文献   

Positive administrative control uses social exchange theory to explain how management impacts institutional rates of inmate disorder. This study proffers that prison managers can use their relationship with staff to influence them to act in accordance with agency desires, which in turn affects institutional disorder rates. Using data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the model demonstrates an indirect connection exists between management/staff relationships and disorder. However, two of the scales used to explain positive administrative controls’ sway—the leader-member exchange (LMX) and perceived organizational support (POS)-had opposing effects. Increases in the quality of the leader-member exchange (LMX) was associated with decreases in misconduct rates, while increases in perceived organizational support (POS) was associated with increases in misconduct rates.  相似文献   

社会认同论作为群体间行为的解释理论是群体关系研究中最有影响的理论.由于群体地位的差异,当某一群体在认知、情感上产生对所属群体身份不承认或疏离和自卑时便产生了社会认同威胁.为应对威胁和困境,社会认同管理策略旨在通过不同的策略手段以期获得积极的社会认同,提高个体和群体自尊.社会认同复杂性与管理策略的研究有助于加强我国转型期各群体之间的和谐共生,消减个体认同的困境,促进社会不同群体之间的融入与和谐.  相似文献   

The equality rule is an important coordination rule in symmetric public good dilemmas. Although prior research emphasized that people use the equality rule out of efficiency concerns (as it helps to obtain the public good in the most efficient manner among group members), it may also reflect a true preference for fairness. More precisely, research examining emotional and retributive reactions as a result of a violation of the equality rule by a fellow group member showed that equality indeed is related to people’s personal values and what they consider to be fair. The present paper suggests that a violation of the equality rule results in emotional reactions, and these emotional experiences encourage further retributive actions. The different reactions following an equality violation are described as a function of three features: (1) the motives to use equality, (2) attributions for explaining the violation, and (3) the honesty of the given explanation. The write-up of this paper was partly supported by GOA/05/04 from the Research Fund of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. The research and write-up was supported by a fellowship of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, Grant No. 016.005.019), awarded to the second author.  相似文献   

经济法自产生以来,就肩负着坚持社会责任本位,追求社会公共利益的重任,其本质是强调国家从社会整体、长远利益出发,通过经济法律对社会经济关系的调整,促进市场经济社会的稳定与和谐发展。我国目前社会管理的目标是追求社会公平正义,构建和谐社会,直接目标是社会稳定,且稳定是社会管理的基础。由此可见,经济法社会责任本位理论与我国社会管理创新之间存在契合之处。以社会责任本位的理念指导和主导我国经济与社会发展,进行社会管理制度创新,意义深远。  相似文献   

基于不同的文化传统与政治经济背景,世界各个国家在不同历史时期形成了不同的社会管理模式,“大社会、小政府”的社会管理模式已成为当今世界的主要趋势之一.西方社会管理的发展变迁及成功经验显示出,社会管理的法治化、分权与自治、管理方式的市场化以及广泛的公众参与已成为各国社会管理模式的主要创新要素.我国社会管理应当坚持深入地转变政府职能,促进社会管理的法治化、市场化与公众参与的制度化.  相似文献   

张伟 《行政与法》2013,(9):62-65
推进、加强和深化社会管理创新工作,必须始终不渝地坚持以法治为主导的理念和原则,建立健全中国特色法治主导型社会管理模式。当前,我国推进社会管理创新工作所面临的主要问题包括:理念观念落后,主体定位模糊,方式方法陈旧,体制机制不畅。为此,需要借助和发挥法律手段在创新社会管理中的作用与功能,真正树立科学发展和以人为本的理念,实现由政府统管向与社会协同治理的转变。具体而言,一要加快法治政府建设进程,营造宽松良好的社会发展环境;二要不断完善有关社会组织的法律法规体系,促进其规范发展;三要发挥政法部门的作用,夯实社会管理创新的法治基石;四要努力实现社会管理过程中公众参与的制度化转向。  相似文献   

Schools are venues in which gang and non-gang involved youth converge. It is therefore a likely venue for gang recruitment. The extent to which this occurs depends upon the ability of gang members to connect with non-gang members. In this study, we compare the social network positions of high social status gang members who are well integrated into school networks with low status members who are not. Using network data from the Add Health study (n = 1,822), we find that not only are high status gang members strongly embedded within school networks, but that this status is driven by their ability to connect with non-gang members rather than other gang members (indicated by the high number of friendship nominations they receive from non-gang members). These gang members are potentially in optimal positions to influence others to join gangs. The implications of these results for school-based gang prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

杨春福 《法律科学》2009,27(2):3-11
当今各国的法律主要是以语言作为载体表现出来的,但法律创制者(成文法的制定者、判例法的创立者)所欲表达的信息与意义,一旦通过言语的方式固化后,其所传达给受众的信息与意义在不同程度上会发生扭曲或变异,成文法与显现的法律相当,隐在的法律必须被置于“活法”中加以考察,对真实法律判断不但要考察法律的形式,同时,也需要从互动的角度加以观察。  相似文献   

语言与认知的互动:语言系统生态批评的理论基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言与认知处于互动的关系。一方面,语言符号的形义结合是有理据的,是人类认知的结果;另一方面,影响着人类的认知语言,对认知具有反作用。语言的认知性表明,语言势必反映了人类对现实的认知,包括对人类自身与自然之间、以及自然界内部诸要素之间关系的认知,即对生态问题的认知,从而使得对语言系统进行生态批评具有了理论上的可行性。而语言对认知的反作用则使得这一批评具有了存在的必要性。由此可见,语言与认知的互动为语言系统生态批评提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

本文在分析国外社会管理理念、法律规章制度建设、社会结构调整、非营利组织充分参与社会管理、建立完备的社会保障和救助体系及利益协调和对话机制等成功经验的基础上,对推进我国社会管理创新做些有益的探索。  相似文献   

社会管理创新要求我国传统行政法主体、原则、理念、体系和价值目标等都要做出相应的变革,以适应社会管理法治化的需要。回应社会管理创新要求,本文提出构建与社会管理创新相适应的现代行政法的建议。  相似文献   

文斌 《行政与法》2012,(8):46-49
农村社会管理主体权威日渐弱化、"乡政村治"造成权力运行中的体制摩擦、农民组织化程度偏低、社会协同管理意识薄弱等是当前农村社会管理体制中存在的突出问题。因此,在新时期创新农村社会管理体制,应建立并完善农村社会管理多元主体的协调运转机制,建立健全统筹城乡发展的社会流动机制,建立健全农村社会矛盾纠纷预警调处机制,不断完善具有中国特色的农村社会保障机制。  相似文献   

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