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管制与法律的互动:经济法理论研究的起点和路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
管制(监管)与法律的互动不仅确立了政府管制(监管)在经济法理论研究中的重要地位,而且直接导致管制(监管)研究将对经济法基本理论问题的探索产生最为重要的影响。①这一命题可以从三个方面得到论证:首先,管制与法律的密切联系决定了有关政府管制(监管)的研究是经济学与法学的交叉地带;其次,作为国家干预重要方式的政府管制(监管)及其与法律之间的互动决定了经济法理论研究的逻辑起点和基本路径;再次,从管制与法律互动的角度,政府管制(监管)研究将对经济法有关国家适度干预的边界、经济法律的内在结构以及中国经济法体系框架构建等基本理论问题的研究产生重要影响。  相似文献   

李耀磊  张永华 《河北法学》2021,39(1):112-120
智能化体育产业需要进行必要的法律规制,以实现体育产业的有序发展。随着我国人工智能、大数据和互联网等相关技术的快速发展,体育产业呈现出多维度泛在智能化趋向。在智能化体育产业法律规制方面,《体育法》存在明显的缺位,体育行政法规和部门规章也存在规制的不足,而《新一代人工智能发展规划》对智能化体育产业并未予以适当关注。因此,在对智能化体育产业的法律规制策略方面,应选择在《体育法》中进行总则概括规定、分章明确细化规定、在行政法规和部门规章中进行适当体现、由行业协会进行重点监管的法律规制路径。  相似文献   

The criminal law raises wonderfully thorny foundational questions. Some of these questions are conceptual: What is a plausible conception of crime? What is a plausible conception of criminal law? Some of these questions are genealogical: What are the historical and genealogical roots of the criminal law in a particular jurisdiction? Other questions are evaluative: What are the political and moral values on which a given conception of criminal law depends? What kind of rational reconstruction, if any, could the criminal law be given? And, finally, still other questions are exploratory and normative: Should parts of existing criminal law be abandoned? What new topics in criminal law theory need to be addressed in our globalised, technologically savvy world? The contributors to Antony Duff and Stuart P. Green’s collection Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law tackle these questions with zeal and independent spirit. They disagree markedly with each other about what the foundational questions are. And, they disagree about how those questions should be handled. This article charts their disagreements by situating the contributors within two taxonomies. The first groups them according to their approaches to the foundational questions; the second groups them according to their modes of theorising. This double taxonomy provides a useful frame within which to analyse these competing takes on the philosophically foundational work of criminal law theory.  相似文献   

The contemporary search for new forms of international governance, of which the debate around lex mercatoria is but an example, should attentively build on the lessons on public and private ordering learned in the nation state. Sophisticated commercial practices on a transnational scale, while necessitating adaptive and flexible procedures within an adequate institutional framework, involve many of the same normative questions posed by economic law in the nation state. The following article critically discusses the claims made in the lex mercatoria debate as to the rise of a transnational private law society ('Privatrechtsgesellschaft') in which political problems of exclusion and freedom have allegedly been resolved by the universal spread of private autonomy. Against similar images of a world exclusively made up of independent, self-relying market citizens, it is argued that if a conception of rights is to be rescued from the deathbed of the traditional nation state, then the learning experiences made within its confines are well worth considering in light of the pressing legitimacy needs of emerging institutions and polities.  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》是国家管制贯彻于合同关系始终,亦即管制呈现为结构性介入的调整劳资关系的法律。该法调整劳动合同关系的基本技术形态仍是私法性的,但国家管制借助于这些技术,以强制性规范的方式全面渗透到劳动合同关系的主要方面,并集中落实在对劳动力交易对价以及劳动关系解除成本的控制上,其稳定就业和提高劳动力交易价格的劳工政策目的十分明显。同时,国家通过三方协调机制的设置,在劳动关系持续发展过程中充当着启动并引导"当场交易",维系劳资关系动态平衡的实质作用。  相似文献   

体育性别歧视是体育运动中对某种性别参与者的不平等对待.奥林匹克运动有性别歧视的传统.体育性别歧视的样态表现在:体育参与机会不均等、同工不同酬和体育性骚扰.它侵权的类别有:体育参与权、体育劳动权和体育人格权.反体育性别歧视的法律制度体现在国际公约方面和国内立法方面.体育性别歧视法律应对机制存在不足,应该对其进行完善.  相似文献   

Although reports state the frequency of general crime has fallen across the developed world, no such trend is evident within organised crime. This has caused law enforcement agencies to search for more innovative approaches to tackle this global problem. Emerging prominently within this period has been a ‘disruption’ approach, albeit little systematic research currently supports its use. This study explores the way one English Police Force has tackled 15 Organised Crime Groups (99 individuals), using this type of approach. The study specifically examines the characteristics of the offender, the tactics used, and the re-offending levels following the police activity. It concludes by highlighting: the methodological challenges associated with the measurement of organised crime disruption; the ethical questions surrounding this type of intervention; and the overall effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

杜涛 《北方法学》2013,7(5):117-123
气候变化问题越来越引起全球关注,与此相应,气候变化诉讼案件在世界各国法院大量涌现。无论在美国还是在其他国家,气候变化诉讼都面临一个法律障碍:法院是否有权进行裁决。这取决于各个国家是否将气候变化问题视为法律问题。在美国,气候变化诉讼从产生之日起就面临所谓的"政治理论问题"的困扰。根据美国最高法院判例,政治性的问题或者那些被宪法和法律授予行政部门负责的问题,决不能由本法院来处理。气候问题是不是政治问题,引起了法律界的广泛关注。美国法院的判决在双方面也没有一个明确的答案。随着跨国气候变化诉讼的增加,联合国也开始关注这一问题。中国作为世界最大的碳排放国,应该及早在法律上作出应对。  相似文献   

刘柏纯 《政法学刊》2010,27(4):50-54
量刑偏差现象在世界各国普遍存在,在我国也是使刑事司法深受困扰的难题,量刑偏差严重损害了法律的尊严和司法机关的威信,危害极大。导致量刑偏差有多种原因,必须有针对性在采取措施,预防、避免量刑偏差。  相似文献   

法律和体育是人类生活的两大领域,也是重要的文化现象。如何从基本的理念与价值层面,揭示法律和体育内在关系的深刻社会基础与内在机制,为依法治体,构建以人为本的和谐体育法治提供基础性理论指导,就成为法学界和体育界面临的共同课题。运用比较分析方法,探讨法律与体育在构成要素、运行方式和思维模式方面的共同性或相似性,同时也分析法律与体育在价值选择、规则类型以及解纷机制上的不同点。通过对法律与体育的比较分析,期望能够对加强法律和体育之间的沟通与交流,推动当代中国体育运动的法治化进程提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

Through drawing on the work particularly of sociological and organizational theorists socio-legal work has added considerably to an understanding of the uses of law and discretion, and shown the contingency of the operation of law on the economic, political and organizational context. Some important questions still remain unanswered, however. In particular, if in decision making law is not determinative, but rather decisions are shaped by other bureaucratic or organizational norms, political and economic pressures and an individual's own world views and interests, what role does law play? Further, what impact does the decision process, in which different norms or considerations all bear, have on law? In starting to answer these questions the article examines the models of decision processes and decision behavior which underly the different new institutionalist analyses, and suggests that whilst they provide some insights, they have their own limits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Revelations in the United States of secret legal opinions by the Department of Justice, dramatically altering the conventional interpretations of laws governing torture, interrogation, and surveillance, have made the issue of “secret law” newly prominent. The dangers of secret law from the perspective of democratic accountability are clear, and need no elaboration. But distaste for secret law goes beyond questions of democracy. Since Plato, and continuing through such non‐democratic thinkers as Bodin and Hobbes, secret law has been seen as a mark of tyranny, inconsistent with the notion of law itself. This raises both theoretical and practical questions. The theoretical questions involve the consistency of secret law with positivist legal theory. In principle, while a legal system as a whole could not be secret, publicity need not be part of the validity criteria for particular laws. The practical questions arise from the fact that secret laws, and secret governmental operations, are a common and often well‐accepted aspect of governmental power. This paper argues that the flaw of secret law goes beyond accountability and beyond efficiency to the role that law plays, and can only play, in situating subjects’ understanding of themselves in relation to the state. Secret law, as such, is inconsistent with this fundamental claim of the law to orient us in moral and political space, and undermines the claim to legitimacy of the state's rulers.  相似文献   

Prior to the Human Rights Act 1998, there were significant expectations that it would promote the development of environmental rights and extend remedies for environmental harm. This has not been the case, but then the expectations were probably always false. The paper points to three reasons why: the retention of a strong model of parliamentary sovereignty; the need to mould human rights principles alongside the common law; the traditional reluctance of the courts to determine questions of utility where questions of resource allocation arise. The paper concludes by reflecting on whether one would hope, in any case, to advance the cause of the environment through the mechanism of the Convention and suggests that there may be reasons to doubt the wisdom of this approach.  相似文献   

DANNY PRIEL 《Ratio juris》2008,21(3):404-411
Abstract. The paper begins by challenging Hart's argument aimed to show that sanctions are not part of the concept of law. It shows that in the “minimal” legal system as understood by Hart, sanctions may be required for keeping the legal system efficacious. I then draw a methodological conclusion from this argument, which challenges the view of Hart (and his followers) that legal philosophy should aim at discovering some general, politically neutral, conceptual truths about law. Instead, the aim should be to discover the values because of which certain things in the world are classified as law and others as non‐law. Focusing on those would give us a more insight to the roles law plays in society, as well as more illuminating answers to traditional jurisprudential questions like the status of law in evil regimes.  相似文献   

美国反托拉斯法上的外资并购控制及启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
刘和平 《现代法学》2006,28(5):182-193
在反托拉斯法上,美国对外资并购主要实行国民待遇原则,并从管辖权、实体法和程序法上进行规制,但为避免过度管辖,对外资并购申报规定了四种豁免。在特定产业的外资并购,还必须接受双重审查。我国对外资并购进行干预具有国际法依据,但应坚持国民待遇原则、依法监管和对等原则,合营企业应纳入并购规制范围,并应结合国家产业政策法进行反垄断规制。  相似文献   

行政垄断的反垄断法规制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许光耀 《中国法学》2004,(6):123-132
行政垄断是行政机关滥用行政权力介入市场竞争的行为,反垄断法对此应起到基础性的调整作用。对于抽象行政垄断行为,反垄断法可以起到上位法的作用,作为否定下位抽象垄断行为的依据。而从事具体行政垄断行为时,行政机关实质上具有市场主体身份,相当于具有市场支配地位的企业,可以适用反垄断法关于支配地位滥用的规制方法,而并没有提出反垄断法上全新的理论问题,其主要意义是宣示性的。目前我国相关立法最需完善的是相关的责任制度以及执行机制。  相似文献   

姜栋 《法学家》2022,(1):128-142
体育赛事转播权作为一种体育行业约定俗成的惯用语,在我国并未构成法律权利。体育赛事转播“三点三层”的商业模式和法律构架能够证明,体育赛事转播建筑于赛事组织者对于体育赛事所享有的某种未经法律认可的基础性权利。学理分析表明,“商品化权”和“无形财产权”的学说并不能正确解释此种基础权利,而“物权”和“民事权益”的解释方法也难以精确的定位该权利属性。因此,赛事组织者对体育赛事所拥有的绝对权难以在现有法律体系内得到妥善解释。在比较欧美体育强国有关体育赛事转播权法律定性的基础上,本文指出,赛事权利应由体育法进行规范,赋予体育协会赛事权利人的合法地位,从而借助民法和体育法间的一般法和特别法关系完整保障赛事权利,这也是解决具有行业特殊性的体育法律问题的一种有效方式。  相似文献   

In Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche presents a history of metaphysics that can also be read as a history of jurisprudence. Nietzsche shows how—via Platonism, Christendom, Kantianism, and utilitarianism—the “real” or “true” world of ideals gives way to an “apparent” phenomenal world that is itself ultimately brought into question. This article shows how 20th-century legal thought, broadly construed, also moves away from “ideals” of law toward an understanding of law as observable social phenomena. It suggests that the move to the “apparent” world in legal thought raises questions similar to those raised by Nietzsche's work: Does sociological law point to a nihilistic destruction of the legal tradition or to a joyous possibility of overcoming that tradition?  相似文献   

汪丽青 《政法论丛》2014,(5):121-129
随着现代生殖医学技术的发展,死后人工生殖已成为现实。在死后人工生殖的法律规制方面,美国走在了世界前列。死后人工生殖的前提是死后配子的支配问题,对此,生前取精和死后取精各有不同。死后人工生殖主要涉及家庭法、继承法、保险法等方面的法律问题,美国法院对这些问题的处理各有不同。我国应当借鉴美国的经验,有条件地许可死后人工生殖,并在相应的立法文件中有所体现。  相似文献   

Kitty Calavita's Invitation to Law & Society: An Introduction to the Study of Real Law (2010) offers a broad and useful overview of the intellectual accomplishments of law and society scholars and a self‐confident assertion that they perform an invaluable service by focusing on “real law,” that is, law in action rather than law on the books. This essay argues that the field is more fragmented than Calavita notes and that law and society research is neither engaged with a common set of questions nor organized around a single central insight or an agreed‐upon paradigm. Moreover, this essay raises questions about Calavita's claims about “real” law and suggests that we complement law and society's traditional focus by examining the varied performances of law, whether in texts or in the world beyond those texts.  相似文献   

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