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金海花 《学理论》2012,(25):141-142
介绍了高校图书馆"学科馆员"的内涵和工作职责,分析了高校图书馆强化学科馆员制度的重要性,重点从创建良好的用户信息服务环境、与院系建立良好的合作关系、嵌入式信息服务、开展学科专题索引推送服务四个方面探讨了高校图书馆学科馆员服务创新。  相似文献   

陈醉 《党政论坛》2020,(1):37-40
近年来,上海立足本地实际,在推进社会养老服务体系建设过程中不断融合家庭、社区和机构三者的优势资源,通过在社区嵌入设置长者照护之家和综合为老服务中心等微型养老机构,逐步形成了较为完善的政策体系、分布广泛的服务机构以及丰富全面的服务内容,已经基本探索出了以居家为基础、社区为依托和机构为支撑的社区嵌入式养老服务新模式。系统总结上海的经验,可以为其他城市进一步完善养老服务体系提供相应的启示:一是逐步完善社区嵌入式养老服务政策体系,二是大力推进社区嵌入式养老服务机构建设,三是高效融合社区嵌入式养老服务资源共享。  相似文献   

通过对科研图书馆开展学科化知识服务现状的调查分析,对如何推动学科化知识服务建设,从深化学科服务的模式和途径等方面进行了探讨。开展学科馆员知识服务是图书馆实现其核心定位和自身价值最根本、最有效的途径和必然选择,学科馆员在大数据时代将发挥更重要的作用,将对科研活动产生更大的影响和具有现实意义。  相似文献   

图书馆服务文化是以读者满意为目标,以人文关怀为特征,以馆员素养为载体的综合性服务文化。它在服务读者的过程中,起着导向、约束、凝聚、激励、辐射等功能和作用。注重服务文化建设,提升服务品质是图书馆在现代信息技术环境下,面对激烈竞争的迫切需要,只有确立大服务理念、明确服务文化的定位和内涵、创新服务理念、彰显人文服务环境、提高馆员综合素质、完善服务管理机制等,才能形成优秀的图书馆服务文化,提升服务品质,促进图书馆发展。  相似文献   

何瑜 《学理论》2013,(22):182-183
图书馆与读者之间应保持平等尊重的良好关系。图书馆的文献区分服务、服务秩序维护时要做到满足最少需求,保证全体读者文献信息需要。同时,要切实加强馆员职业伦理建设,提供准确、快速、文明和人性化的文献服务,保证服务质量。图书馆和馆员自觉树立隐私保护意识,维护读者信息安全。  相似文献   

胡嫔 《学理论》2010,(9):115-116
高校图书馆的嵌入式教育活动,是指高校图书馆充分整合和调动自身资源,通过设计一些平台和途径,主动介入高校的日常教学、科研活动,为高校整体发展服务的制度、措施和行为等。高校图书馆的嵌入式教育活动主要包括针对师生开展的两大系统。图书馆嵌入式教育对于高校的学风建设、教学和科研水平的提高、学生综合素质和能力的改善以及和谐管理的探索具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

学科馆员制度既是图书馆与用户之间的一种高效的交流与互动机制,也是一种全新的图书馆服务模式,代表着图书馆服务理念由"资源主导"向"用户主导"转变的发展方向。借鉴团队管理模式,组建跨部室学科馆员团队,将从根本上改变目前大学图书馆"单兵作战""行政集权""被动僵化"的单向组织结构和低效管理模式,对于推进我国大学图书馆学科馆员制度建设良性稳健发展,促进大学图书馆管理与服务改革具有深远意义。  相似文献   

何娜 《各界》2010,19(1)
介绍了以Linux为操作系统,基于ARM9的嵌入式Web服务器的设计,从软硬件两方面详细阐述嵌入式Web服务器实现中的一些具体技术及方案,并且对TCP/IP协议族进行一定裁减,实现了基于ARM的WEB服务器.  相似文献   

金慧芳  徐恭旭 《学理论》2014,(11):251-252
传统图书馆服务模式存在弊端,在当前网络环境下高校图书馆服务模式的转变,要从提高馆员素质、提高资源信息化程度、加大数字平台建设着手。  相似文献   

图书管理员被誉为图书馆的灵魂,然而目前在全国各地(市)内.图书馆管理员的整体服务意识消极,阻碍了图书馆发展前进的道路,因此如何提高图书管理员的综合素质成为了图书馆要解决的首要问题,只有管理员的素质得到了提升,才能更好地为读者服务.针对图书馆管理的现状,提出在图书馆流通服务工作中提高馆员素质的几种方法.  相似文献   

本文以鲁中东村为例,分析了乡村治理中国家权力的见缝插针、国家政策地方规约化以及地方对国家力量援引的运作规则与机制,将国家权力嵌入在村庄的社会结构、关系与规范之中,即基层政权的嵌入式治理。它既加强了国家在农村中的权力,同时也维持与强化了地方性结构与规范,实现国家与乡村社会、国家与农民的有效对接,最终实现国家政策的有效执行和地方秩序的稳定。随着国家能力与乡村社会性质发生双重的转变,当前基层政权的治理机制需要从消极的简约治理、单向度的制度建设中转入积极的嵌入式治理。尤其可以借国家政权从汲取型向输入型的转变契机,将农民对国家的认同进一步提升为国家的治理能力,最终实现基层社会的善治。  相似文献   

郭明 《青年研究》2012,(2):33-41,94,95
文章以杜镇"大学生村官"为研究对象,探讨其在农村社会中扮演的角色及其所面临的困境。对此,本文根据个案调查材料提出三个悖论,且通过对三个悖论的解释和分析认为大学生村官在国家政策与农村社会之间扮演着"弱化的国家政策嵌入者"、村务工作中"秘书人员"以及"无根的农村治理群体"等角色。  相似文献   

介绍学科馆员制度的内涵,分析高校图书馆构建学科馆员制度的必要性,指出高校图书馆构建学科馆员制度所面临的主要问题,提出高校图书馆构建学科馆员制度的几项具体措施。  相似文献   

Malaysia's development trajectory has been comparatively successful, and the country arguably represents another example of the 'Asian developmental state'. However, when examined more closely, the Malaysian development experience is a deviation from the ideal-type 'East Asian success model', in that it occurred in the context of a predominantly Islamic cultural background, marked ethnic-religious heterogeneity,a relatively democratic political system, a strong reliance on FDI, abundant natural resources and a confined state autonomy. This article puts the Malaysian puzzle into perspective by giving a holistic account of the country's success against all odds and by applying an analytical framework centred on the concepts of embedded state autonomy and sociopolitical legitimacy. It is concluded that Malaysia's distinctive social, political and economic features constitute a web of countervailing forces that evolved into a positively self-reinforcing, if sometimes precarious, system of socio-economic reproduction.  相似文献   

漆俐红  刘莉 《学理论》2012,(6):136-137
"多元文化"是近年国际上兴起的研究领域,我国高校图书馆的留学生多元文化服务与国际图联"公正、公平"的服务要求存在较大距离。高校图书馆的多元文化服务举措为提供多语种馆内指引系统、加强多元馆藏建设、开设针对性培训课程、建立留学生网络页面、举办读者联谊活动、提高图书馆员多元文化素养。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the existing criticism of the positive emphasis on user participation in service innovation as co-creation by examining employee resistance to user-driven innovation. The empirical base comprises interviews, document studies, and observations from a project that focused on implementing a user-initiated idea in public care services in Norway. To discuss employee resistance to innovative user ideas, a power perspective is included by drawing on the Foucault-based theory of identity regulation and discourse. Employees resist the required identity regulation by distorting the initial innovative idea to align with their problem representations, which is facilitated by entangled discourses. The power relations embedded in the different parties’ subject positions emphasize how governing the user side is incompatible with being governed by the users. The article contributes to our knowledge of service innovation and the co-creation of value by demonstrating discursive mechanisms for twisting value propositions.  相似文献   

We are pleased to present the following reports on library resources written by Jiri Kende, Departmental Representative of the Social Science Division of the Freie Universitat in Berlin, West Germany, and Mr. Edward P. Kasinec, chief librarian of the New York Public Library's Slavonic Division. Similar reports on other special collections in various countries will be published in forthcoming issues. Mr. Kasinec has been commissioned to write a report on Soviet libraries, which we hope will appear in the next issue.  相似文献   

The increasing demands for public services, growing resource externalisation and decentralisation have driven Chinese governments to seek alternative means of service delivery. This article addresses the largely ignored outsourcing practice in China. Lack of awareness of and research on the widespread outsourcing was a result of the conceptual barriers created by China's economic transition and its choice of incremental reform path. By decomposing national fiscal expenditures, the article finds that from 2002 to 2004, outsourcing accounted for about one‐third of the total governmental services expenditures and demonstrated a trend of continuous growth. Such developments effectively transformed the basic landscape of public service delivery and created significant external dependence. Within just three decades, China has quickly shifted from an omnipotent state to an ‘incomplete’ state. The capacity of the administrative hierarchy has become severely constrained. Nonetheless, the political risks of the macro‐level transformation are largely mitigated at the micro‐level by mechanisms of public–private cooperation. These developments are embedded in informal arrangements that, remarkably, maintain the survival of the current power structure. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Externalised service provision is now an embedded feature of Australia's service delivery architecture. However, the lessons drawn from two decades of contracted service delivery suggest that “competition” is an imperfect platform for the delivery of public services, especially where issues of trust in government come into play. Could the concept of a “social license to operate” (SLO), which has been in use in the natural resources sector for over two decades, help to facilitate the conferral of greater trust, credibility and legitimacy upon governments, and externalised service providers in social policy spaces?  相似文献   

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