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公司法的核心使命就是实现对公司董事行为的最优控制。在反收购中对董事行为的合理控制是平衡各方利益冲突的关键。董事是否善尽义务也是对反收购行为进行合法性检验的重要标准之一。本文通过对董事义务的分析,提出在反收购中对目标公司董事义务规制的制度设计以完善我国反收购行为的立法。  相似文献   

论目标公司董事的忠实义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘桂清 《河北法学》2002,20(6):37-42
在目标公司的反收购活动中 ,管理者的利益与公司和股东的利益之间将会发生尖锐冲突 ,忠实义务理论可用来规制董事的反收购行为 ,使其在公司和股东利益范围内行事。分析英美国家的相关立法后认识到 ,要使忠实义务理论发挥实效 ,必须做到以下两点 :第一 ,反收购权力的合理配置 ;第二 ,忠实义务理论的具体化、规则化。  相似文献   

董事的法律地位研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
董事的法律地位研究●中山大学法律系张民安董事的法律地位是董事权利和义务在法律上的体现。在英美法系国家公司法中,董事居于代理人和受信托人的地位,在大陆法系国家公司法中,董事居于受托人的地位。传统公司法主要是从董事义务的承担方面来论证董事在公司中的地位,...  相似文献   

英美董事义务与目标公司反收购   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、问题的提出 对目标公司反收购行为的规制,从立法上看,按照我国学者通说,有英美两种模式①。英国将目标公司采取反收购措施的权力交由股东会行使,未经股东会同意,董事会不得采取实质性的防御措施。美国则通过判例法从董事义务中派生出“经营判断准则”,认为目标公司中董事采取反收购措施属于“经营判断”范畴,只要有充分地理由就可以免责,从而使董事在反收购中具有了较大的自主权。目标公司董事能否自主采取反收购措施,关键要看其是否拥有此项权力。而在英美公司法中对董事和董事会的权力仅作了较为概括的规定。如美国的《标准…  相似文献   

梁平  王世成 《河北法学》2003,21(6):124-126
通过对欧洲反收购立法中采用的严格中立原则中存在的忽视股东集体行动和董事对于非股东利益相关者的义务、经验主义、为政府强制性反收购措施所不容等非理性状况的分析,提出了在欧洲反收购立法中采用经营判断原则的建议,认为这样可以为敌意收购行为提供更统一的运作环境,保护股东利益,减少成员国在建立反垄断屏障的压力,并且为企业在采取反收购行动时提供更丰富的选择。  相似文献   

目标公司反收购的法律规制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曲冬梅 《法学论坛》2004,19(2):60-66
上市公司收购已成为我国证券市场上最为重要的新生力量。收购市场的活跃引发目标公司反收购的激烈。由于缺少完善的规制反收购的法律规则,我国目标公司的反收购不仅损害了目标公司及股东的利益,而且阻碍了公司收购在公司治理方面有效作用的发挥。本文通过介绍英美的经验,提出了我国当前规制目标公司反收购可采取的措施:(1)确立董事的信义义务;(2)建立控股股东表决权排除制度;(3)构筑司法救济体系。  相似文献   

随着上市公司股本结构的变化、证券市场法律法规的完善以及经济的全球化发展,上市公司收购现象越来越普遍,收购必然导致反收购,许多上市公司都举起了反收购的旗帜。反收购措施不胜枚举,在公司章程中制定反收购条款作为其中一种有效的措施得到了众多上市公司的采纳。新的《公司法》强化了公司章程的作用,赋予公司更大的自主权,在诸多方面均允许公司在章程中自行规定,上市公司完全可以在章程中设置一些条款作为收购的障碍。与此同时,公司章程中的反收购条款也并非可以任意制定,应以股东利益、董事诚信义务和不得违反法律强制性规定为原则对反收购条款的合法性进行判断。  相似文献   

颜延 《法律科学》2014,(2):126-135
金融衍生产品十分专业、复杂,买方往往无法弄懂自己所购买的产品,而只能依赖卖方提供的建议进行投资决策。在此情况之下,买卖双方之间存有信赖关系,卖方应当对买方承担忠实与勤勉之责。信赖关系与受信义务是英美金融法的重要基石,存有信赖关系的金融衍生产品交易,卖方应当对买方负担受信义务。我国公司法引入衡平法观念的成功经验值得借鉴,为保护投资者利益,应通过专门立法对信赖关系、受信义务以及违反受信义务的特别法上的请求权进行规定。  相似文献   

我国监管机构与法院目前主要采用强制性规范规制反收购条款。2018年海利生物案将限制股东提名董事的反收购条款判定为无效。然而,反收购条款对股东利益的影响具有两面性,在理论上存在股东优位主义与董事优位主义之争,尚无定论。对于反收购条款的规制需要兼顾遏制投机性修订与保持章程适应力的二元目标,我国现阶段采强制性规范规制反收购条款容易造成规制不足与规制过度的问题。在规制策略的选择上,法院与监管者应当认识到作为"规则"策略的强制性规范与作为"标准"策略的司法审查以及强制性规范多元制定主体之间的替代关系,综合运用强制性规范与多种规制工具构建针对反收购条款的规制体系。  相似文献   

论我国反收购条款的规制限度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建文  范健 《河北法学》2007,25(7):98-102
在我国,反收购条款对上市公司因应敌意收购具有特殊价值.但实务部门对反收购条款的特殊价值与运用策略还缺乏清晰认识,相关理论研究也不足.我国反收购实践中被广泛应用的反收购条款主要有分期分级董事会条款与董事资格限制条款,绝对多数条款等其他反收购条款则未被采用.就被采用的反收购条款来看.存在许多问题,或规定不当或违反法律.因此.应从理论上明确各种反收购条款的制度空问,以便寻求合理的法律规制限度.  相似文献   

UK pension fund trustees’ interpretations of their fiduciary duties may shape pension fund approaches to corporate stewardship and engagement envisioned by the UK Stewardship Code. Data from interviews with pension fund trustees, executives, investment intermediaries and pensions experts reveals interpretive pluralism of the concept of fiduciary duty in the area of pension funds. This article develops a model identifying the spectrum of pension fund engagement, linking interpretations of fiduciary duty to intensity and methods of engagement in practice. The findings help disambiguate the concept of ‘Fiduciary Duty’, highlighting the practical challenges of Stewardship Code application. These insights are relevant to the ongoing revisions of the Stewardship Code and policy clarifications of the nature of fiduciary duty by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. The paper encourages trustees, regulators and others to consider what role pension fund trustees should have in stewardship, which may not be directly relevant to their fiduciary duties as trustees.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of the body of literature dealing with the question of whether or not a doctor stands in a fiduciary relationship with a patient in Australia assumes or asserts that this should be the case, despite strong indications to the contrary in Australian case law. Three key bases for making such assertions, the internationalist, revisionist and remedialist approaches, are identified and critiqued. It is argued that each of these approaches to justifying the characterisation of the doctor-patient relationship as a fiduciary one is flawed and unlikely to meet with success in future litigation. Additionally, there are issues of economic and resource allocation conflict in doctor-patient relationships. The implications for these conflicts in the doctor-patient fiduciary debate are briefly considered. It is concluded that, contrary to the dominant assertion in the extant literature on the subject, in Australia at least, the scales tip against, rather than towards, the characterisation of the doctor-patient relationship as a fiduciary one.  相似文献   

In Harris v Digital Pulse Pty Ltd (2003) 56 NSWLR 298, the NewSouth Wales Court of Appeal held that exemplary (or punitive)damages are not available for breach of fiduciary duty or otherequitable obligation. The decision runs counter to authoritiesin Canada, New Zealand and some U.S. states. Punitive (exemplary)damages is a hotly debated topic in the United States and ithas attracted considerable interest among law and economicsscholars, particularly in the tort litigation context. Thisarticle analyzes the Digital Pulse case from a law and economicsperspective. Polinsky and Shavell (among others) argue thatthe function of punitive damages is to achieve optimal deterrencein cases where the probability that the plaintiff will discoverand successfully litigate the defendant’s wrongdoing isless than 1. Given the high costs of monitoring fiduciary behaviour,it might be tempting to conclude that exemplary damages shouldbe routinely awarded for breach of fiduciary obligation. Thearticle explains why this view is wrong. On the other hand,given the availability of gains-based remedies (the accountof profits and the like) for breach of fiduciary obligation,it might be tempting to conclude that exemplary damages arenever justified in fiduciary cases. The article explains whythis view is wrong too. The main conclusions are that: (1) exemplarydamages should be available for breach of fiduciary duty andthe like, but not as a matter of course; and (2) exemplary damageswere probably not warranted in Digital Pulse itself.  相似文献   

Fiduciary law is in a state of flux. We know that the core obligationof a fiduciary is an obligation of loyalty, but we are lesssure what ‘fiduciary loyalty’ encompasses. We knowa fiduciary has duties not to profit or put himself in positionsof conflict, but how these duties interact with other non-fiduciaryduties (whether tortious or contractual or otherwise) is moredifficult to discern. Against this background, Conaglen hasmade a recent contribution to our understanding of the fiduciarydoctrine. He suggests that fiduciary loyalty offers a subsidiaryand prophylactic form of protection for non-fiduciary duties.This article considers his analysis, and argues that it is notsupported by case law and creates a number of inexplicable implicationsfor the fiduciary doctrine. In view of these difficulties, Conaglen'sanalysis should be rejected.  相似文献   

李玫  刘涛 《法学杂志》2012,(7):84-88
银行的业务模式具有天然的脆弱性和不稳定性。当一家银行发生严重危机时,考虑到银行服务的广泛性及特殊性,银行监管机构通常会对其实行行政接管,采取各项救助手段使其恢复正常经营,避免其走向行政关闭或司法破产的末路。目前,我国银行行政接管法律制度对于接管条件、救助手段、接管程序、接管权力等方面的规定均存在不足。结合我国银行业发展的现状,建议出台针对银行行政接管的专门规章,在银行行政接管的实施过程中,各政府部门应协调同步,司法部门应予以必要协助。  相似文献   

信义义务下的美国小股东保护制度及其借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡光志  杨署东 《法律科学》2008,26(6):97-104
由于封闭公司的异质性,多数决原则、集中控制、商业判断规则等传统的公司规范不适宜于封闭公司。为此,美国制定法和判例法不断修正和调整信义义务规范,通过宽泛地适用信义义务规则,课以公司控制者更严格的信义义务要求和标准,加重其信义义务责任,甚至类比适用合伙原则,给予小股东,特别是小型封闭公司小股东充分、有效的保护和救济,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

Chambaz  Laurent 《Trusts & Trustees》2007,13(7):255-261
The French Government has been considering the introductionof a fiduciary trust-like relationship into the Civil Code.Thirty new Articles were inserted into the Civil Code as a consequenceof the adoption on 19 February 2007 of the fiduciary law institutingthe fiducie. In the author's view, this has generated turmoil.The impact of this new law, with the translation of the newArticles, is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Fiduciary obligations are imposed by the common law to ensure that a person occupying a societal role with a high potential for the manipulation of vulnerable persons exercises utmost good faith. Australian law has recognised that the doctor-patient relationship, while not wholly fiduciary, has fiduciary aspects. Amongst such duties are those prohibiting sexual or financial abuse of patients or disclosure without express authority of confidential information. One important consequence of attaching such fiduciary duties to the doctor-patient relationship is that the onus of proof falls not upon the vulnerable party (the patient), but upon the doctor (to disprove the allegation). Another is that consent cannot be pleaded as an absolute defence. In this article the authors advocate that the law should now accept that the fiduciary obligations of the doctor-patient relationship extend to creating a legal duty that any adverse health care event be promptly reported to the patient involved. The reasons for creating such a presumption, as well as its elements and exceptions, are explained.  相似文献   

在公用事业特许经营的实施过程中,当公共利益遭受或面临重大损害时,监管者有权采取临时接管措施来保障公用事业运营的连续性和稳定性.然而,实践中的临时接管操作存在着程序倒置、程序缺失、程序失调等重大的程序瑕疵.公用事业特许经营临时接管程序法制的缺失,加剧了政府临时接管行为的合法性危机.危机消解的根本之道在于强化临时接管程序的立法规定,通过对申请、听证、决定、启动、执行、终止六大程序的系统建构来约束政府的临时接管行为,保障各方利益主体的合法权益.  相似文献   

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