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深圳福田区警方对卖淫、嫖娼人员进行示众处理的行为属于羞辱性法律惩罚。根据"信号传递—合作"重复博弈模型的分析,羞辱性法律惩罚是一种信息沟通机制,通过传递非合作者的身份信息以便利惩罚与威慑,同时表明国家权力执行者的合作者身份、确保权力运作的合法性。但是,由于存在惩罚程度的模糊性与"次群体"中的反信号问题,羞辱性法律惩罚的功能无法充分发挥甚至会产生负作用,因此已在历史上逐步消亡并且在现代社会中也是不可取的。  相似文献   

为了确立绩效改进在政府绩效管理中的目的指向作用,突出绩效信息使用在绩效结果运用中的实际操作价值,论文在界定地方政府评估对象的绩效信息使用行为、厘清地方政府绩效激励方式和结构的基础上,通过比较案例和定量分析相结合的探索性混合研究,采用变量测量与实证调查的途径,运用均值比较、方差分析和多元回归分析等方法,探索性地验证了绩效激励和评估对象绩效信息使用程度之间的关系。论文验证了含有"晋升承诺"并提供实质性"晋升激励"的政府绩效管理制度是强绩效激励,强激励会对评估对象的绩效信息内部管理使用和外部责任使用程度产生正向影响。证明较强的绩效激励特别是实质的"晋升激励"会促使评估对象更认真使用外生的绩效信息。  相似文献   

法律治理的最高境界是实现非强制性的法律激励。法律激励的场域存在于法律关系的实践之中。法律激励的实现模式主要包括三类六种模式:权利模式与义务模式、奖励模式与惩罚模式、助力模式与阻力模式。各种模式之间具有相互联系、互相辅助的关系。  相似文献   

王凤 《法制与社会》2011,(9):219-220
本文在具体展示A类村庄农民合作事件后,以"行动—结构"理论来具体分析农民合作行为逻辑,包括行动者选择、目标、价值取向、情景、策略等。在此基础上探讨村民合作行为背后的村庄社会基础。其中村庄"社会关联"是农民形成合作的基础,它使农民行动者与村庄社会结构、社会关系之间存在二重性并最终塑造村庄秩序。  相似文献   

公安行政奖励是运用于公安行政执法领域的一种表扬激励措施,其柔和性与公安机关传统行为方式的强制性相结合,推动了公安机关管理方式的转变,促进了公安行政执法工作的开展,更好的起到了预防犯罪的作用。本文就公安行政奖励的相关概念、救济以及意义分析等方面展开探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,网络推手现象在我国颇为引人注意,已引起政府重视,而相关具体规范却没有及时出台。如何规制商业网络推手现象,取决于如何看待商业网络推手在网络中的行为,以及如何按照既有做法进行拟制管理。与推手行为涉及的四方主体相对应,对推手现象的规制有以下四种方法:以信息内容为规制标准、按照媒介渠道规制、约束网络集体行为、约束作为中间人的公关公司。其中,对主要网站和公关公司的事后惩罚是最为稳妥和有效率的方式。这不仅可以在繁杂的商业生态利益链中为各种利益相关者提供强激励,在一定程度上压缩网站和公关公司的预期收益;还可以促使公关行为进一步向传统广告回归,激励网站区隔不同信息,引导用户行为。  相似文献   

职业类型对养老方式的影响在已有的居民养老方式偏好研究中尚未得到足够重视,所以考察职业类型对养老方式的影响具有现实意义。通过对吉林省不同职业类型居民的养老预期和养老方式偏好实证调查的数据分析以及引入养老预期作为中间变量的定性研究,我们发现:职业的稳定性和声望地位均影响居民的养老预期和养老方式偏好:职业稳定性越高,社会声望地位越高,从业者应对风险的能力就越强,养老正预期也就越高,因而更倾向于通过自己和商业机构养老。相反,职业不稳定和声望地位较低的人,养老的负预期就越明显,从而对政府和社会提供的公办养老机构的依赖程度就越大。  相似文献   

王辉  陈筱媛 《公共行政评论》2023,(3):60-81+196-197
地方政府作为政策创新的重要主体,其在实践中形成的政策创新各具特色,然而学界对地方政策创新差异的解释呈现为碎片化的图景。论文通过对重庆T区和D区互助养老政策创新进行案例比较研究,在理论与经验互构中提炼出地方政策创新差异的整合性解释框架。框架包含由政策创新空间、政策创新属性、政策创新行动者、政策创新目标等要素互动作用形成的四重机制。一是空间约束机制。上级政策规范的过程约束和绩效考核的结果约束共同决定政策创新空间约束强度,影响行动者自主决定政策创新方式及内容的自由,对其他要素均产生约束作用。二是属性影响机制。政策创新的风险性影响行动者的创新意愿,兼容性影响行动者的政策衔接选择,而这些潜在性影响受到政策创新空间的调节作用。三是能动创新机制。行动者在空间约束和属性影响之下,结合自身认知偏好,能动生成理性的政策创新目标。四是目标牵引机制。在创新目标的规范性指引下,行动者进一步将目标解释、具象化为政策创新内容。四重机制共同作用,最终形成地方政策创新差异。研究有助于系统透视地方政策创新差异形成的复杂机理,弥合政策创新研究的碎片化格局。  相似文献   

采用MCYQ儿童气质问卷和EMBU父母教养方式评定问卷调查了80名小学四、五年级学生的气质及其父母的教养方式。结果表明:小学高年级儿童的气质只与父母教养方式的情感温暖、理解,惩罚严厉和拒绝否认三个维度显著相关。儿童气质对父母教养方式的影响存在共性和差异,节律性、适应性和坚持性与父母亲的教养方式都显著相关,而情绪、注意品质和反应阈只和母亲的教养行为显著相关。影响父母教养方式的积极气质因素为节律性强、适应迅速、坚持性强和注意不易分散,消极因素为活动量大、适应缓慢、趋避性为易接近、注意易分散等。难养型和偏难养型儿童,其母亲较少表现情感温暖、理解行为,较多给予惩罚严厉和拒绝否认行为。  相似文献   

以色列近年来应对网络犯罪的司法实践表明,对于与传统犯罪同质的网络犯罪行为,网络犯罪更不容易被发现和追诉,为威慑之目的,应对其科处更严厉的惩罚。基于网络犯罪及恐怖主义犯罪的特点,增强刑罚的严苛性和刑事程序的严厉性具有一定的正当性和必要性,建议对恐怖主义网络犯罪进行专门立法,以提高公众对行为反规范、反伦理性的认知和威慑效果,对网络恐怖主义犯罪的帮助者实施威慑辅以奖励等刑事政策。  相似文献   

It is frequently observed that despite individual incentives to free ride, humans decide to cooperate with each other to increase social payoffs. In the current research, we address the effects of individual differences in justice sensitivity on cooperation. Using incentivized repeated public good games, we find that individual differences in justice sensitivity—the ease of perceiving, remembering, and reacting to injustice from the perspectives of an observer, beneficiary, or perpetrator, but not victim—substantially predicts cooperation in the absence of a punishment option. In contrast, when costly punishment is allowed for, cooperation becomes strategic as it also aims at avoiding subsequent punishment. If such a sanctioning mechanism is in place, justice sensitivity no longer predicts cooperation. The results regarding the degree of cooperation as reaction to initial non-cooperation of one’s counterparts highlight the role of justice-concerning personality traits for the sufficient provision of public goods, as sanctioning institutions are not always possible, effective, or suitable.  相似文献   

This article is a companion to an article by the same author in issue 33.3 of Criminal Justice Ethics on the question of the standard by which the severity of punishment is determined to be proportional to the seriousness of the crime for which it is inflicted. Its chief argument is that basing the determination on what the offender deserves to suffer is morally problematic because it conflicts with principles of humanity that call for our taking the good of human beings as our end. By contrast, it is also argued, basing the determination on promoting public safety or preserving civil order is not similarly problematic because punishment inflicted to serve either of these ends is compatible with principles of humanity. The article concludes with a comment on how the harsh sentencing laws enacted in the United States in the past 40 years should be seen as a product of the former mode of determining punishment and not the latter.  相似文献   

This paper develops a retributivist argument for leniency in punishment. It argues that even retributivists who defend desert-based punishment have a reason, internal to their view, to prefer more lenient over more severe punishments when there are doubts concerning how much punishment an offender deserves. This is because retributivists should take an asymmetrical view to underpunishment and overpunishment, and because the likelihood of overpunishment goes up with the severity of punishment. The radicalness of the ensuing leniency depends on the strength of the asymmetry in value between underpunishment and overpunishment.  相似文献   

In human social interactions, punishment is often directed at cheating individuals. Subjective reports and neuro-imaging studies indicate that the experience of interacting with a cheat produces negative emotions and that the act of punishing a cheat assuages these feelings. However, while negative emotions may elicit punishment, the precise source of these emotions remains obscure. Specifically, it is often very difficult to tease apart whether punishing individuals are inequity averse (upset because cheating partner receives more than they should) or, more simply, whether they might be loss averse (upset because their payoffs did not meet their expectations). We compare results on punishment and inequity aversion in humans with results from a non-human model system, the cleaning mutualism between bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and its reef-fish ??clients??. Male cleaner fish are known to punish females that cheat during joint client inspections, but a recent study failed to demonstrate evidence for inequity aversion in this species. We suggest that punishment in cleaner fish may be motivated by loss aversion rather than inequity aversion. Punishment in humans might also often be motivated by loss aversion??and empirical studies that disentangle the two competing motives for punishment are a clear research priority.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of gift relations in the Anthropocene. We reinterpret Mauss’s original concept of the gift to understand its application and transformation in a social context that increasingly sees human behavior as a resource for the realization of governmental and corporate objectives. Contemporary gift relations focus on reciprocity through personal data instead of physical artifacts, and on promoting control and consumerism instead of forging moral and personal obligations. In our analysis, we distinguish two important elements. First, gifts are used to elicit voluntary exposure of personal data by individuals. In exchange for personal data, people are granted material or immaterial rewards. Second, gift relations have a pervasive element of surveillance that aims to influence behavior through personalized feedback or mechanisms of punishment and reward for good behavior.  相似文献   

首例"核暗杀"事件嫌疑犯的引渡风波,发生于《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》生效前后,突显了国际反恐合作与不引渡问题之间的现实矛盾和激烈冲突。如何消除引渡障碍和加强国际反恐合作,成为国际社会必须面对和亟待解决的问题。通过对各种对策的分析可以发现,"审罚分离"是有效消除障碍、加强合作并缓解反恐合作与不引渡这对矛盾的良策。这一国际社会的新举措,对于已签署该公约的中国,尤其是对于完善中国的有关引渡合作,更具有积极的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested the use of corporal punishment is widely endorsed in our society (Straus, 2000; Straus & Stewart, 1999). Furthermore, perceptions of what constitutes corporal punishment vary. The present study examined social dominance orientation (SDO) and age of child as potential factors that may influence perceptions of what is viewed as corporal punishment versus physical abuse. The sample consisted of 206 undergraduate students enrolled at a Rocky Mountain University. A series of regressions were used to examine the relationships between SDO and six forms of punishment. Findings suggest, higher levels of SDO are significantly related to more ratings of physical punishment versus physical abuse. The primary findings of the present study showed SDO was significantly related to how an individual perceives corporal punishment. These results have important implications by serving as a stepping-stone into further understanding what factors may have an influence on perceptions of corporal punishment.  相似文献   

Rewards are less useful in regulation than they are in markets. Firms respond to market incentives because most markets are contestable. In markets that are not oligopolies it makes more sense to adopt a competitor mentality than a fixer mentality. Regulatory power in contrast is mostly not contestable. Firms are therefore more likely to adopt a fixer or game-playing mentality. Reactance to regulatory control through rewards is likely to be greater than reactance to market discipline. If a responsive regulatory pyramid is a good strategy for optimizing compliance, then punishment is more useful in regulation than reward. Reward at the middle of a regulatory pyramid brings about a moral hazard problem. Under certain limited conditions reward can be useful at the base of a regulatory pyramid. These conditions are transparent, easy measurement of the performance to be rewarded, an imbalance of power such that the regulatee is weak in comparison to the regulator, and an absence of weapons of the weak for subverting a regulatory system to which the weak are subject. Absent these conditions, and we cannot expect the undoubted efficiency advantages of a market where regulatory outcomes can be traded so that they are secured where the cost of doing so is least. While, in general, punishments are more useful to regulators than monetary rewards, informal rewards (praise, letters of recognition) are rather consistently useful in securing compliance.  相似文献   

枫桥经验中蕴含的合作预防、对话型司法等理念深刻影响着中国犯罪学的发展向度。相较于传统的国家惩罚本位主义,枫桥经验注重发挥多种主体的协作优势,并融合法治与德治要素,引领着犯罪合作预防之模式;相较于传统的国家刚性司法面孔,枫桥经验强调乡贤治理与定纷止争,并早已暗合了认罪认罚从宽的对话型司法理念,国家机关不再是纯粹的惩罚主体,而是以沟通的姿态参与犯罪共治的合作格局。在社区矫正方面,通过社会控制理论和标签理论,枫桥经验的合作治理范式得以进一步揭示。  相似文献   

With a focus on the relationship between women's and children's rights and theories of globalization, we conduct an event history analysis of more than 150 countries between 1950 and 2011 to assess the factors associated with policies banning corporal punishment in schools and homes. Our research reveals that formal condemnation of corporal punishment in schools is becoming a global norm; policies banning corporal punishment in the home, in contrast, are being adopted more slowly. We find that the percentage of women in parliament is associated with the adoption of anti‐corporal punishment policies in both schools and homes, suggesting a nexus between women's and children's issues. Countries with more ethnic diversity are slower to adopt home policies, however. We propose that minority groups in these countries may be resistant to laws because of the risk of selective or prejudicial enforcement. In terms of globalization, more aid is associated with both school and home policies, and countries that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child are more likely to adopt home policies. Surprisingly, international nongovernmental organizations are not significantly associated with either type of policy adoption.  相似文献   

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