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依据美国《统一商业秘密法》,商业秘密所有人可以向法院申请禁令以阻止他人公开商业秘密,然而依据美国宪法第一修正案,任何人都享有出版(公开)自由权;在商业秘密所有人的经济利益和他人的出版(公开)自由权之间必然存在冲突.借鉴美国法律为了保护宪法第一修正案所赋予的权利而创设的"具有报道价值的公共利益例外"规则,我国商业秘密立法应设置以表达自由来抗辩商业秘密权的条款.  相似文献   

权利位阶论——关于权利冲突化解机制的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权利位阶是法律世界的客观现象,反映了权利效力间的高低、强弱或者价值上的轻重关系."权利位阶规则"指以直接规定不同权利之间的效力优先顺序为内容的法律规则,依权利位阶规则获得的权利优位是绝对的、确定的.权利位阶规则可分为意定权利位阶规则、法定权利位阶规则."权利位阶原则"指以确定权利的价值轻重为内容的法律原则,依权利位阶原则获得的权利优位不是绝对的.确定权利位阶原则的过程是价值判断活动.  相似文献   

婚姻关系存续期间,夫妻一方以个人名义所负债务的性质是个人债务还是共同债务,直接影响到非举债方配偶和债权人的合法权利保护,现有的法律规定和最高人民法院的相关司法解释尽管有一些认定规则和推定规则,但其价值取向、判断标准不同。有的从保护非举债方配偶权利和婚姻家庭整体利益出发,形成以"为夫妻共同生活"所负债务为夫妻共同债务的认定规则和推定规则,这种规则有时导致夫妻合谋假离婚实现逃债,侵害债权人权利情形的发生;有的从维护交易安全、保护债权人权利出发,形成以"婚姻关系存续"时间内所负债务为夫妻共同债务的推定规则,这种规则有时导致夫妻一方与第三人合谋制造虚假债务,侵害非举债方配偶权利情形的发生。上述情况造成了司法实务部门对具体案件法律规则适用上的困局,破解该困局的最佳方案应当是:依据兼顾交易安全、保护债权人权利与非举债方配偶的权利的价值取向和原则,在现有法律、司法解释框架下,对夫妻一方以个人名义所负债务清偿规则进行重新解构。在实体法层面以日常家事代理权制度为中心,实现相关法律规范与清偿规则的有序衔接;在程序法层面,通过在一定条件下增加债权人注意义务,合理分配举证责任实现各方利益的平衡。  相似文献   

非法证据规则本身是作为刑事诉讼中限制国家权力而设计的实体性/程序性规则,其目的是为了调整侦控权力与被告人权利之间过于失衡的对比关系,从而达到被告人权利保障之目的.对于非法证据排除规则上述目的实现效果如何,司法中心主义或者审判中心主义的制度设计至关重要.在美国,证据排除规则基本运作良好,这有赖于上述权力/权利构架的有序及稳定.在我国,非法证据排除规则却呈现出与制度设计者预期不符的消极现象.这其中有非法证据排除规则制度设计方面存在缺失的因素,包括对非法证据"违法手段"界定模糊,以及上述缺失都与其背后的支撑性理论—审判中心主义及控辩平衡原理有着直接的勾连.因此,应当结合/溯及非法证据排除规则在我国运作失灵表象背后的制度设计及支撑性理论,以法律实用主义为指导原则确立我国行之有效的非法证据排除规则.  相似文献   

随着人工辅助生育技术的日益普及,实践中出现了一些涉及胚胎的法律问题,问题的解决需要首先厘清胚胎的法律属性,再确定胚胎的处置规则。本文在分析相应法律规范、制度、案例的基础上,结合比较法和实践研究,对以上问题进行初步探讨,提出了胚胎的法律定位应界定为"中介",在处置规则上应考虑生育行为的社会属性、未成年人利益及利益均衡,以不允许单方处置为原则。  相似文献   

陈兴良 《法学评论》2012,(3):117-127
最高人民法院和最高人民检察院在2010年分别出台了《关于案例指导工作的规定》,标志着我国案例指导制度的正式建立。案例指导制度是具有我国特色的判例制度,它的建立使我国形成了法律—司法解释—案例指导规则这样一种多元的法律规则体系。本文对我国案例指导制度的功能定位等问题作了论述,并期待着案例指导制度在司法实践中发挥应有作用,从而使案例指导规则成为我国除法律、司法解释以外的一种规则形成机制。  相似文献   

权利本质上是分配稀缺资源的规则,法律中的产权规范正是伴随着资源稀缺程度的加剧而不断发展演化。户外广告发布权正是在此背景下从所有权的"权利束"中分离出来,并逐步成为一种可独立交易的权利类型。该权利自产生以来就争议不断,它揭示出一个备受关注的理论问题,即权利的初始配置影响资源的利用效率。这是科斯定理的既定结论。法经济学对科斯定理所作的推论,为新生权利的初始配置提供了思路。根据产权配置的"低交易成本规则"和"价高者得规则",依附于私人建筑物的户外广告发布权应当配置给私人建筑物业主所有。此种产权配置方案使得法经济学的产权理论与物权法原理能够实现内在统一。  相似文献   

王国柱 《当代法学》2015,(3):106-112
著作权"选择退出"默示许可具有介于财产规则与责任规则之间、兼顾权利人负担与作品使用者负担和通过法律表达商业模式的结构特征。在立法定位方面,"选择退出"默示许可应当是政策考量的制度安排、独立存在的制度形态和特殊适用的制度选择。我国应当在已有立法实践的基础上,以社会公益、授权效率与权利保护的统一为原则,以技术进步、商业模式与法律制度的互动为途径,以集体管理、权利公示等配套制度的完善为保障,构建更加完善的"选择退出"默示许可制度。  相似文献   

最高人民法院和最高人民检察院在2010年分别出台了《关于案例指导工作的规定》,标志着我国案例指导制度的正式建立。案例指导制度是具有我国特色的判例制度,它的建立使我国形成了法律—司法解释—案例指导规则这样一种多元的法律规则体系。本文对我国案例指导制度中的案例的性质、形成机制以及与国外判例的界分等问题作了论述,并期待着案例指导制度在司法实践中发挥应有作用,从而使案例指导规则成为我国除法律、司法解释以外的一种规则形成机制。  相似文献   

权利位阶论——关于权利冲突化解机制的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权利位阶是法律世界的客观现象,反映了权利效力间的高低、强弱或者价值上的轻重关系.权利位阶规则指在直接规定不同权利之间的效力优先顺序为内容的法律规则,依权利位阶规则获得的权利优位是绝对的、确定的.权利位阶规则可分为意定权利位阶规则、法定权利位阶规则.权利位阶原则指以确定权利的价值轻重为内容的法律原则,依权利位阶规则获得物权利优位不是绝对的.确定权利位阶原则的过程是价值判断活动.  相似文献   

U.S. CLS     
Schlag  Pierre 《Law and Critique》1999,10(3):199-210
This essay offers a brief account of the rise of cls thought in the United States and of its development within a largely hostile legal academy. As the essay suggests, cls thought has been variously deformed, arrested, normalized, and diffused – leaving the contemporary American legal academy in a state of suspended animation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Research Summary
Concern has been expressed that prisoner radicalization poses a high probability threat to the safety of the United States. Although the threat of terrorist acts planned in prison is known to be above zero because of a nearly executed terrorist plot hatched in a state prison, the central finding of this research is that the actual probability is modest. The reasons for a modest probability are fourfold: Order and stability in U.S. prisons were achieved during the buildup period, prison officials successfully implemented efforts to counter the "importation" of radicalism, correctional leadership infused antiradicalization into their agencies, and inmates' low levels of education decreased the appeals of terrorism.
Policy Implications
The prison environment permits a great deal of information to be collected on the activities and, more difficult to detect, planned activities of inmates after they are released. This environment requires the attentive observation of staff, collection of information from inmates, and efforts at different levels of a correctional agency to assemble, collate, and assess information; much of it is likely to be false and some will be vital.  相似文献   

Innovation is seen as a source of strength and vitality in the U.S. economy. Better measures of innovative activity—including but not limited to innovation alone—could improve what we know about the sources of productivity and economic growth. The U.S. Census Bureau collects data on some measures of innovative activity that research shows affect economic performance. But understanding how the effects work requires more than just measures of innovative activity. It also requires solid statistical information about core measures of the economy so we can rule out the possibility that a measure of innovative activity merely proxies for something omitted from or measured poorly in the core data. Gaps in core measures can be filled by better integrating existing data and by more structured collections of new data. Versions of this paper were presented at the NSF/SRS Workshop, Advancing Measures of Innovation: Knowledge Flows, Business Metrics, and Measurement Strategies, Arlington VA, June 6–7, 2006, and circulated to the Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. This paper is unofficial and thus has not undergone the review accorded to official Census Bureau publications. Lucia Foster, Ron Jarmin, Jeffrey Mayer, Thomas Mesenbourg, and Daniel Weinberg, and the editors made valuable comments. However, the views expressed in the paper are those of the author and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.  相似文献   

The social science literature on the comparative history of the welfare state offers conflicting accounts of the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. At first blush, the comparative history of health care policy in the United States and the United Kingdom seems to affirm the dominant view that the U.S. and U.K. welfare states have diverged substantially during the twentieth century. A comparison of U.S. and U.K. health policy, however, suggests that there are more parallels and points of tangency between the two systems than are readily apparent. The comparative history of health policy over the past century reveals common political and policy challenges and frequent interchanges of policy ideas, and helps uncover the political dynamics behind the development of health policy in the two countries, which can, in turn, help illuminate the contemporary politics of reform in both countries.  相似文献   

叶莉娜 《时代法学》2013,11(2):94-103
随着经济全球化的深入发展,跨国纳税人的避税行为日益频繁,反避税立法成为国际税法和国内税法的共同任务。美国是世界上最早进行反避税立法的国家,其中,其受控外国公司立法,是世界上第一个CFC规则,已经成为其他国家相关立法的模板。由于越来越多的跨国纳税人利用递延纳税进行避税,CFC规则价值凸显,其在美国反避税法律体系中的地位也日趋重要,具体规则也日趋严厉。尽管美国CFC规则也面临一定的冲突和挑战,其反避税价值仍然值得我们深入研究。近年来我国也面临严峻的反避税任务,对美国反避税相关立法进行研究,对中国具有直接的现实意义。  相似文献   

The structure and organization of the middle tier of higher education in similar institutions in the U. K. and U. S. are compared to draw conclusions on the effect which differences and similarities have upon the quality of the educational process, its cost-effectiveness, student independence and maturity, faculty load, relationships with business, industry and government.  相似文献   

This paper finds that U.S. firms tend to utilize their manufacturing processes when operating in the U.K. but that they adopt the production standards of the host country. Three process technology variables are examined: MRP I (materials requirements planning), JIT (just in time), and TQM (total quality management). While significant differences are found between indigenous plants in each of the two countries, the adoption of these manufacturing technologies is similar for American firms operating in either country. In contrast, U.S. transplants are found to be enthusiastic adopters of ISO 9000, suggesting that host country effects are large when it comes to conforming to regional standards.  相似文献   

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