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少先队辅导员担负着培养教育少先队员的重要职责,新的世纪、新的挑战使少先队辅导员必须不断提高和完善自身素质结构。在新世纪,辅导员应具备这4个基本素质:(1)思想创新;(2)品德高尚;(3)知识广博;(4)技能全面。  相似文献   

工会干部个人的能力素质在很大程度上影响着工会工作的成效.如果个人本身具有良好的能力素质,就可以发挥巨大力量。团结、影响和带动职工群众形成聚合力.推动工会工作。笔者以为,工会干部应做“三心”、“三宽”、“三有”的干部,不断提高自身的能力素质。  相似文献   

高等学校在对大学生实施素质教育的过程中,可资利用的形式多种多样.其中写字-书法教学活动对大学生的身心素质、智能素质、文化素质、思想道德素质的培养具有独特的作用,值得进行探讨.  相似文献   

成教学生礼仪素质培养的目标内容及其实现途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对成人学生的特点和需要,高校成人教育必须以培养具有道德修养的和谐社会公民、培养具有高尚情操的大学生、培养具有职业道德的从业者作为成教学生礼仪素质培养的基本目标,在公民素质教育中寻求礼仪素质教育的契合点,科学设置成教礼仪课程,使学生在理论学习和技能操作中掌握礼仪原则,形成良好的礼仪素质.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下成人高校学报的创新与发展,应该在充分发挥自身特色的基础上确立自己的目标市场,并制定相应的竞争策略,在市场运作的实践中培养起自己的竞争优势。其目标市场应选择在技术理论及其应用的文化层面上;其方向性策略应该是面向成人教育、面向实际工作、面向应用;其竞争优势的培育主要应从编辑队伍人才结构的整合、联络中心组织职能的延伸、设栏用稿的导向、竞争机制的强化等方面下功夫。  相似文献   

《北京市“十二五”时期职工发展规划》为北京市职工发展事业提出了宏伟目标,首都职工素质建设工程是推动广大职工素质提升的重要平台,根据《首都职工素质建设工程五年规划(2011-2015年)》的目标和任务,工程重心未来向职业教育转变是一大趋势。韩国永进大学是专科层次职业教育的示范性专门大学,培养目标立足于地方社会及企事业单位的人才需求,培养方式有校企合作、产学结合项目等,其经验对首都职工素质建设工程有积极的启发作用。  相似文献   

随着金融危机的持续影响,大学生的就业压力仍然巨大,尤其是在职场竞争异常激烈、工作岗位优胜劣汰的今天,大学生要走向社会成为"职业人",就必须有健康的职业心理素质。  相似文献   

剑锋 《工友》2013,(8):47-47
以前高三班主任老师说我做不了官,我还半信半疑,在学校我一直是佼佼者,班长连续当了多届,"三岁看大,七岁看老。"凭啥断言我走上社会就无能为官。今天听了单位赋闲领导上述一番酒后真言,我总算大彻大悟了。你有酒量无"酒品"做不了官。"酒瓶就是水平,酒品就是人品,酒风就是作风";"喝得半斤喝八两,这样的干部要培养,能喝白酒喝红酒,这样的干部要调走。"你跟哥们  相似文献   

李斌立足本职岗位,不断学习和运用最新数控加工和编程技术,从一名普通工人成长为技术专家,是新时期我国技术工人的楷模.然而,目前我国劳动力市场高级技工匮乏的现象十分严重,培养和提高职工技能素质的任务迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

大学生素质拓展计划的推行有利于进一步提高大学生的素质。当前,高校共青团组织应根据新形式,实施高校团工作项目的开发和整合。团工作项目的开发与整合必须推进团的工作项目的体系化;整合资源,实现工作项目的有序推进;协调好团组织与行政部门的关系;"走出去"、"请进来",实现校内校外资源的重组和有效利用;整合各类资源,开发新项目,推出"品牌项目"。  相似文献   

Students were surveyed at a private liberal arts university as to their social well-being. Students were found to have a number of concerns. As measured by the General Well-Being Schedule, students were found to show signs of moderate to severe distress, especially in terms of depression and concerns about their health and vitality. High social well-being was found to be associated with students who viewed themselves as healthy and were integrated with, and concerned about, others. Low social well-being was associated with students who were in college for primarily instrumental reasons and who lacked social integration.This study was supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation and the University of San Francisco's Institute for Non-Profit Organization Management.Received B.A. in sociology from Westmont College, M.A. in sociology from Marquette University, and Ph.D. in sociology from Washington State University. Currently conducting research on volunteering and nonprofit organizations, religious nonprofit organizations, and substance abuse among adolescents and college students.  相似文献   

The author wished to determine the effect of selected variables on dating adjustment. Questionnaires were administered to 200 males and 130 females in introductory social science classes at a midwestern university. The results of stepwise regression indicated that the variables of frequency, commitment, and age of initial dating were the strongest influences on the dating adjustment of both sexes. Social orientation was found to be significant for the dating adjustment of males but not of females.Received his Ph.D. in sociology from Iowa State University. Current interest is the sociology of adolescence, particularly dating and sexual relations.  相似文献   

当代大学生存在不同程度的诚信失缺现象。其形成的原因有体制背景,有环境因素,有信用机制不 完善等。解决这一问题的途径,是强化大学生的诚信意识,净化社会环境,形成诚信规范,建立信用机制。  相似文献   

This study explores intrapsychic structures underlying Marcia's ego identity statuses in terms of separation-individuation patterns. It was hypothesized that achievement and moratorium adolescents would give greater evidence of intrapsychic differentiation on a projective measure of separation anxiety than would foreclosure or diffusion youths. Marcia's Ego Identity Status Interview and Hansburg's Separation Anxiety Test were administered to 80 female and 60 male volunteers at a New Zealand university. All were under 23 years of age. As predicted, high statuses showed less anxiety than secure attachment or detachment. Contrary to expectation, no differences among attachment styles appeared for low statuses. Difficulties in adapting the identity status interview to the New Zealand context may partially explain these results. A measure of intrapsychic differentiation provides a useful supplement to the identity status interview.This research was supported by a grant from the Internal Research Committee, Victoria University of Wellington. Parts of this research were presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, 1985.Received Ph.D in child development from Florida State University in 1977. Current research interest is identity formation from a lifespan perspective.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):716-733

Statistical information is critical for both government and the general public for monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of employment policies and programmes. This paper revisits the labour market trends between 2012 and 2016 and discusses the importance of job search methods for labour market entry in Ghana. We explored job search methods (Formal and Informal Methods) used by 235 participants from seven regions of Ghana. Results revealed that many of the participants highly relied on informal job search methods to secure jobs across all demographic variables. This has been the case in Ghana when unemployment continues to increase leading to a difficult labour market entry. Our findings, therefore, suggest that in such a restricted labour market, employment success is likely to be determined by ‘whom you know’. The results offer practical recommendations for private and public employment consultancies, as well as policymakers to institute impactful intervention programmes for job seekers on the efficient ways of developing and sustaining meaningful social capital/networks to enhance their chances of finding employment.  相似文献   

20世纪 80年代中后期 ,文学的创作方法潜流着一股从“虚构”到“反虚构”的倾向 ,含有强烈的“非虚构”、“纪实”的新写实小说成了文坛一道流行色。产生这种现象的主要原因是与中国当下的社会变革紧密相关 ,它能将人们在这转型期复杂的情绪最迅速的渲泄出来。  相似文献   

网络文化的兴起,在带给人类进步的同时,也引起了网络道德的失范,给高校"两课"教育带来了严峻的挑战.面对挑战,高校德育工作者应提高自身的素质,调整学校的德育策略.  相似文献   

加强以职代会为基本形式的民主管理制度,保障职工参与管理与监督的民主权利,是贯彻落实党中央和北京市工会十三大会议精神要求,全面促进职工民主参与,寻求"促进企业发展,维护职工权益"让二者互为促进、融合共生的方法和机制,从而探索、构建"职工代表参与"和"职工自主参与"相结合的两条路径。  相似文献   

按照江泽民总书记"三个代表"的重要思想,新世纪共青团建设必须增强党性意识,强化政治性的基本方向;必须体现党的要求,把握先进性的基本前提;必须服务青年权益,体现群众性的基本属性;必须适应新的形势,突出创新性的基本要求.我们要通过坚持不懈的努力,建设一个用邓水平理论武装起来的,能跟随党走在时代前列,深深根植于青年群众,团结带领广大青年为建设有中国特色社会主义事业而奋斗的共青团.  相似文献   

教育信息化建设包括了教育管理信息化、教学管理信息化、教学方式与教学手段现代化等.大力促进和加强教育信息化建设,既是知识经济时代社会经济发展对教育提出的必然要求,也是教育事业自身的生存与发展对管理变革提出的必然要求.我国的教育信息化建设发展之路应以学生的需求为出发点,促进网络教育的产业化、社会化以及服务手段多样化.  相似文献   

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