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Abstract. Can the label “law” apply to rules as amoral as the enactments of the Nazis? This question confronted the courts in Germany after 1945. In dealing with it, the judges had to take sides in the philosophical debate over the concept of law. In this context, the prominent voices of the legal philosophers Gustav Radbruch and Hans Kelsen could not go unheard. This paper draws on what could have been the “Radbruch‐Kelsen debate on Nazi Law.” In examining the debate, it will argue for a substantive account of the morality of the law, as expressed in Radbruch's Formula.  相似文献   

陈坤 《环球法律评论》2011,33(3):151-160
长期以来,对社会规范的研究并不是法律经济学的重心,人们更关注正式的法律制度.这表现在,当权利交换需要一个初始界定时,当个体理性与集体理性发生冲突时(如囚徒困境[1]、公地悲剧[2]以及其它的集团行动问题[3]),人们更容易想到的是法律,而不是社会规范.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the importance of trust, distrust and betrayal in the context of relational contracts in the modern welfare state. We use a specific case study of the allocation of social housing. That context is one in which the local authority has statutory obligations towards households in housing need but limited ability to fulfil those obligations without reliance on other social housing providers, specifically registered social landlords. Relationships between providers are, in theory, negotiated through nominations agreements. In this paper, we draw on data from a research project concerned with 'problematic nominations' to illustrate the production of trust, distrust and betrayal. Our analysis is structured by reference to three frameworks for the production of trust: characteristic-based, process-based and institutional based trust.  相似文献   

埃里克森和小波斯纳的共同点在于运用博弈论和信息经济学的理论工具研究民间法与国家法之间微妙复杂的关系,只不过一偏实证调研,一偏理论推演。通过在法律经济学的发展谱系中分析埃里克森和小波斯纳的学术贡献和理论推进,考察博弈论视野下民间法与国家法之间的冲突与合作并运用上述思路讨论了中国法治建设中的两个问题。  相似文献   

疑案·存案·结案——从春阿氏案看清代疑案了结技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末春阿氏杀夫案在司法档案和纪实小说中有着不同版本。刑部、法部和大理院轮番审理,未能查出事实真相。大理院迫于结案的压力,以存案的方式了结了该案。判决书内容含混,而处理疑案的技艺则甚为高超。以疑案及其结案技术为切入点,重新审视并评价皇权下的司法实况,可以观察到司法现实复杂而生动的本来面目。  相似文献   

Major controversies regarding the value of legal and policy reforms have accompanied research on wife battering and social reactions to it. The present study examines the utility of law enforcement and emphasizes the relationship between gender, culture, and politics. It points to the difficulties arising from the shift from private, traditional methods of dealing with violence against women to a more public approach characterized by intervention of the state and the criminal justice system. In this connection, it was hypothesized that enforcement of the Israeli Law Against Family Violence among the oppressed and discriminated Palestinian minority generates new conflicts within the group, exacerbating control and abuse and re-victimizing women. Social control agents (formal and informal) who were interviewed about their perceptions and attitudes regarding the applicability of such a law pointed to obstacles created by sociocultural variables, the political legacy and procedural barriers. An attempt is made to show that application of the law without prior preparation and understanding of its sociocultural and political ramifications may produce adverse effects at the victim's expense. That is, unless power struggles, cultural pressures, and political priorities are taken into consideration, criminal strategies that seek to eliminate abuse may prove to be dangerous.  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique -  相似文献   

社会演进与刑法修改——以德国为视角的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑法的制定源于社会的需要,刑法的修改也是社会政治、经济形势发展推动的结果。因此,适时修改刑法,根据客观需要合理界定罪与刑的范围,乃是各国刑事立法的重要内容。本文以德国为视角,在概述德国刑法修改概况的基础上,从刑法修改始终依从社会的客观需要、始终与刑事政策的变化相呼应、始终伴随着刑法理论的发展三个方面对社会演进与刑法修改的关系进行分析,进而提出,我国应当借鉴德国刑法修改中体现时代性、注重实用性、反映国际性和追求超前性的经验,为不断完善我国刑事立法服务。  相似文献   

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change mandates parties to prepare for adaptation to climate change. This is of direct relevance to the management of wildlife. Climate change is likely to alter and/or expand the habitats of wildlife and may make the conditions within existing habitat ranges unsuitable for the continued existence of a species. Of necessity, efficacious adaptation must attempt to address this likelihood. Using New Zealand as a case study, this paper considers the range of present legal instruments that might be utilized within that nation to manage the movement of wildlife and identifies any lacunas that should be addressed. The conclusions will be of interest to any nation wishing to protect wildlife from the adverse effects of climate change.  相似文献   

现代行政权能随着经济与社会的发展而呈现不断扩大的趋势,但各类行政机关之间围绕行政权限发生的争议也随之日益增多。这不仅会导致行政效率的下降,而且会严重影响行政机关的威信并损害行政相对人的利益。"魔兽争霸"网游监管权之争即是其中典型。当然,目前已经存在一些解决权限争议的行政惯例,但行政惯例的作用有限,且有悖行政法治的基本理念。从行政法治的视角来看,有关部门应当进一步树立正确的行政执法理念,拓展行政权限争议解决渠道,完善相关争议解决制度,以促进行政权限争议解决过程的规范、效率和公正。  相似文献   

This article reviews newly declassified US intelligence files and other sources, including relevant trial documents, related to the Nazi killing of mentally and physically sick individuals deemed to be of little further use to society. It both supplements and revises existing work on the so-called ‘Euthanasia’ programme at the Kaufbeuren psychiatric institution in Bavaria, and highlights a series of gender issues related to the involvement of women nurses including Catholic nuns, in this institute. In addition, this study not only casts new light on the way in which patients were, from admission onwards, redefined as disposable objects but also emphasises contradictions within the defence case of the defendants. School of Law, University of Manchester.  相似文献   

夏立安 《现代法学》2008,30(2):29-36
在公共卫生的推进尤其在艾滋病防治中,法律的积极作用是显而易见的,但是其消极影响常为人们所忽视。一方面,法律作为一种桥梁或机制,将社会地位的不平等转化为健康的不平等,使艾滋病成为社会弱势群体的疾病;另一方面法律作为社会因素的一员,它通过社会等级和政治过程的制度形态体现出来,使健康的不平等制度化;在一个二元化社会中,由于艾滋病病人话语权的缺失,这个群体处于十分不利的法律语境之中。  相似文献   

This paper examines autopoietic theory with reference to functionally differentiated social sub-systems, particularly law, science, and politics. It sets out to 'test' the practical relevance of autopoietic theory in relation to ongoing debates about post-adoption contact and personal identity issues. Law has resisted social scientific pressure to regulate post-adoption contact in the context of a social policy approach, which emphasizes the relationship between identity development and genealogical continuity. I argue that law's response to this pressure relates to the particular nature of adoption as this is expressed through legislation and case law. Law's refusal to intervene in post-adoption contact reflects its self-referential operations and its attempts to avoid epistemic entrapment by a social scientific discourse. Applying autopoietic theory to law's practical operations in adoption clarifies its explanatory value, provides a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between law, politics, and social science and indicates areas that require theoretical refinement.  相似文献   

一、案情上诉人 (原审原告 ) :罗实被上诉人 (原审被告 ) :摩托罗拉 (中国 )电子有限公司案由 :商业秘密纠纷受理法院 :北京市朝阳区人民法院 (一审 )北京市第二中级人民法院 (二审 )罗实在一审诉称 :2 0 0 0年 4月 ,我应广州南方高科有限公司 (以下简称高科公司 )武汉销售中心副总经理鲁锋之约 ,策划完成了高科公司手机“零风险购机”活动方案 ,并于同月交付给鲁锋。后鲁锋以“难以操作”为由退还给我。 2 0 0 0年 11月 ,我发现摩托罗拉(中国 )电子有限公司 (以下简称摩托罗拉公司 )在全国90多个城市推出了由我策划的“零风险购机”活动。…  相似文献   

This article draws from a qualitative study of Singapore's gay movement to analyze how gay organizing occurs in authoritarian states, and where and how law matters. Singapore's gay activists engage in “strategic adaptation” to deploy a strategy of pragmatic resistance that involves an interplay among legal restrictions and cultural norms. Balancing the movement's survival with its advancement, they shun direct confrontation, and avoid being seen as a threat to the existing political order. As legal restrictions and as a source of legitimacy, law correspondingly oppresses sexual conduct and civil‐political liberties, and culturally delegitimizes dissent. However, when activists mount pragmatic resistance at and through law, it also matters as a source of contestation. Further, law matters as a trade‐off between reifying the existing order in exchange for survival and immediate gains. Yet, by treating law as purely tactical, these activists arguably end up de‐centering law, being pragmatically unconcerned with whether they are ideologically challenging or being co‐opted by it.  相似文献   

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