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The relation between Anti-terrorism and human rights Protection is rather complicated. Based on the practices in Africa, this article analyses the conflicts and contradictions between the two. While countering terrorism, governments have to take the duty of human rights protection as well. Rights are of key importance in preventing and countering terrorism. Integrating human rights construction into antiterrorism mechanism is rather helpful in eliminating various moods of dissatisfaction which are easy to breed terrorism.  相似文献   

According to the latest statis-tics, China's HIV positive men and women are in the ratio of 5.2:1. This sharp increase in the number of HIV positive men can be attributed to intravenous drug use and unprotected sex. The survey reveals that youth between the ages of 20 and 29, some of whom are college and technical school students, account for as  相似文献   

佟晓牧 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):468-469
Traditionally women’s primary role should be wives,mothers and homemakers,and today women are still mothers,but few of them stay home full time to take care of the house and children.They never cease their steps to gain equal rights with men.The paper will try to analyze the changes of women’s social status in the 20th century,exploring its reasons.  相似文献   

In human history, women have long been regarded as being inferior to men in many ways, which, as seen in law, manifests itself in the unequal position or even subordinate position. One of the major objectives of feminist movement is to win equality with man in the area of law. Gender fairness and women protection are also a major issue in the areas of legal theories. This paper tries to explore into the problem from the perspective of  相似文献   

ZENG YU 《人权》2009,(6):6-9
China has made steady progress in putting into practice the concept of gender mainstreaming, the public policy concept adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in 1995 in Beijing, which calls for assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programs, in all areas and at all levels. Meanwhile, there are still shortfalls in China's mainstreaming effort, which indeed merit our attention. This article attempts to analyze, in light of gender mainstreaming, the various aspects of China's endeavor to ensure labor protection for women.  相似文献   

Elimination of discrimination in all forms against women, equality between men and women and protection of women's rights and interests-this has always been a state policy pursued by the Chinese government in striving for economic development and social progress. The government has adopted a complete range of measures to ensure full implementation of this state policy. Legislation Equality between men and women is a basic principle under China's legal system. The Constitution provides that men and women shall enjoy equal political, economic and cultural rights and that women  相似文献   

With more rural men migrating to work in cities, young women from the countryside are also seeking new chances to make the best of their abilities. A small school in a suburb of Beijing has helped thousands of rural women develop career potential since 1998.  相似文献   

正The rights of women and children are an important part of human rights.China consistently adheres to the basic national policy of equality between men and women and the principle of priority for children,and keeps improving the legal system,policy system,work system and organizational system for promoting the development of women and protecting the rights and interests of women and children.The third round  相似文献   

THE main differences be- tween migrant villages in Luhua and Xingjing town- ships and those inhabited by indigenous villagersare their higher level of greening and apparent paucity of inhabitants. In the daylight hours, only children and, occa- sionally, women can be seen there. This is a good sign, according to Ma Zhen- jiang, director of the Migration Con- struction and Development Department of the Ningxia Poverty Reduction Of- fice, because it means that able-bodied men and women are …  相似文献   

THERE is nothing shy about China's new generation of Olympic sportsmen.Born almost exclusively in the 1980s,the athletically gifted young men and women who will represent China at the 2008 Games are far more willing to open up to the public than their predecessors,and like 20-somethings everywhere,they are at home on the Internet,managing their own fan blogs and communicating with their peers online.Their uninhibited self-expression has attracted the attention of commercial advertisers,and occasionally some less welcome interest,and they are celebrated as China's"new generation"in sports circles,ready to take center stage in August before a world audience.  相似文献   

THERE is nothing shy about China's new generation of Olympic sportsmen. Born almost exclusively in the 1980s, the athletically gifted young men and women who will represent China at the 2008 Games are far more willing to open up to the public than their predecessors, and like 20-somethings everywhere, they are at home on the Internet, managing their own fan blogs and communicating with their peers online.Their uninhibited self-expression has attracted the attention of commercial advertisers, and occasionally some less welcome interest, and they are celebrated as China's "new generation" in sports circles, ready to take center stage in August before a world audience.  相似文献   

<正>Two schoolmates invent a small gadget which helps women to boost rate of pregnancy Traditional y,conceiving a child was mainly considered to be a woman’s job.But this hasn’t discouraged two young men,who graduated from the largely male-dominated STEM hub of Beihang University in 2006.Liu Ting and Liu Hongtao have committed themselves to creating a device designed to help women get pregnant,this despite the fact that their respective majors are completely unrelated to the venture—one holds a master’s degree in aircraft engine data processing and the other  相似文献   

Women are different from men physiologically as well as psychologically. This differentiation, however, was often ignored in the past. Once recognized, it has led to better prosecution work in handling criminal cases involving women. Based on this understanding, the People's Procuratorate of Chaoyang District in Beijing has set up all-women prosecutor squads to handle criminal cases involving women. The squads are made up of women prosecutors with at least ten years of experience in handling criminal cases. Women-to-women contact has inevitably  相似文献   

COVER STORY In a country where the majority of people will steer clear of controver syatall costs, GuoJianmei, fearless lawyer and champion of humanrights, has no qualms about diving into the areas of lifewhere she can do the most goo d . Guo has been in strumental in raising awar eness and putting intopr actice a legal aid system in China, but more especially giving under-r epr esented women access tole galrep resentation. She has found that wom e n ’ sfamilial rights, their personal rights and their rights inthe wor kplace are the three most frequently violated .Her NGO, the fir st of its kind in China to focus onle gal aid for women, addr esses these issues and hasbeen a run a way success. This legal pioneer now seeksto promote the development of China’s emerging legal system as a whole and in the process try to deal withthe fla ws and contradictions that remain.  相似文献   

正In late April,Zhengzhou,capital of central China's Henan Province,launched female-only bus services to combat sexual harassment in the summer time.The special buses,deployed during the city's rush hours,are decorated with fake flowers and toys to distinguish them from ordinary ones.While most women welcome the practice,some men feel the move is discriminatory as it implies that all men have  相似文献   

IT is almost impossible to find a bottle of men's deodorant in most Chinese cities. Chinese men are not renowned as Metrosexuals.But several publishinghouses are banking on their ability to turn local men into shopping and sex sophisticates. Publishers of men's magazines have identified Asia as the biggest market of the future, banking on the change in lifestyle and habits of local men. Up to 1995, post office sub-  相似文献   

正Medical workers win respect and love with their dedication to duty With the world's eye on the havoc caused by the novel coronavirus,there can never be too much space given to the ordinary men and women who have shown extraordinary courage and dedication to duty to keep life going for others.They range from people working in  相似文献   

With the worlcf s eye on the havoc caused by the novel coronavirus,there can never be too much space given to the ordinary men and women who have shown extraordinary courage and dedication to duty to keep life going for others.They range from people working in supermarkets and drugstores to security guards and transport workers who always turn up for work during the worst weather and crisis.  相似文献   

SHEN GUOQIN 《人权》2009,(2):34-36
The women's liberation movement in China started after the first opium war and it took shape with the aim of protecting the race and salvaging the country. Doubtlessly, the emergence of modern feminism opened the precedent in the theory of women's liberation in China and exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on women's liberation afterwards. But we must face up to the fact that there was some traps or misunderstanding of modern feminism, which were unfavorable for realizing women's rights and such influence was long, so much so that till today we are still seeing its existence. It is, therefore, necessary to have a full reflection of modem feminism, unveil the original meaning of women's rights and make women's rights return to human rights in order to make the development of women's fights continue.  相似文献   

Women's human rights are an important component part of human rights. The Chinese government has over the years made equality between men and women a basic state policy and made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention in the legislation and practice on protecting the rights of women. Not long ago, Ms. Huang Qingyi, Vice-Chairperson of the All-China Women's Federation, granted an interview with this reporter and answered questions on related issues.  相似文献   

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