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For some time there has been an intensive effort among police scholars to determine the attitudes of law enforcement personnel. Their efforts have focused particularly on the determinants of police cynicism. However, to date, there has only been one attempt to construct an index estimating that attitude—Niederhoffer's in 1967. Thus, all discussions of police cynicism rest on that index.This paper examines for the first time the reliability and validity of that instrument on a separate population of police personnel. The results were significant. First, it is shown that the index has an extremely low reliability and validity. Then, it is revealed that the index is tapping at least five separate dimensions of cynicism—not one, as police scholars so frequently assert.The implications from this research are great. The most obvious is that it is time to stop discussing the “cynical cop.” Instead, social scientist can begin specifying toward which dimensions of the occupation officers with particular traits are likely to become cynical. Second, the findings indicate the need to develop additional measures of police cynicism that are more reliable and valid than the sole existing index.  相似文献   

The views of 105 police chiefs throughout the United States were obtained in regard to their ranking of the seriousness of 60 criminal offenses. Responses indicated that the chiefs see most crimes very much in the same light as do citizens surveyed by Rossi et al. (1974) in Baltimore a decade ago. There also is considerable consensus among chiefs throughout the country in their views about seriousness. Variations between the present findings and those of similar studies of other populations are also set forth.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to examine the ability of police peers and supervisors to predict police street performance, as measured by citizen evaluations of the service received on recent police service calls. One question to be answered was whether there was any correlation between what a police supervisor, a police peer patrol officer, and a citizen percieved as “good” police performance. It was hypothesized that peer patrol officers would more accurately predict the quality of police street performance than would police supervisors. Results supported the hypothesis. An additional finding of the present study related to the feasibility of the evaluation of police street performance by citizen consumers.  相似文献   

Expert witnesses are sometimes asked to assess the reliability of young witnesses and victims’ statements because of their high susceptibility to memory biases. This technical note aims to highlight the relevance of the Griffiths Question Map (GQM) as a professional forensic tool to improve expert witnesses’ assessments of young witnesses and victims’ testimonies. To do so, this innovative question type assessment grid was used to proceed to an in‐depth analysis of the interview of an alleged 13‐year‐old victim of a sexual assault and two rapes. Overall, the GQM stressed how the interview was mainly conducted in an inappropriate manner. The results are examined with regard to scientific knowledge on young witnesses and victims’ memory. Finally, it is argued that expert witnesses in inquisitorial systems might use the GQM while encountering difficulties to fulfill the legal standards for expert evidence in adversarial systems because of the lack of studies regarding its reliability.  相似文献   

The central focus of this study was to examine types of contact between adolescents and police as determinants of attitudes toward these authority figures. Three value or group expressive determinants — race, deviance, and parental defiance — were used as control variables to specify conditions under which the importance of actual contact with police is enhanced or diminished. Positive contact with police was found to be predictive of positive attitudes and negative contact was predictive of negative attitudes toward police. Further investigation revealed that the relationship between positive contact and positive attitudes toward police became significantly stronger among youths who had experienced negative encounters with police, as well as among those who reported being frequently involved in deviance, and among those who had been defiant of parental authority. The effects of negative contact with police were most significant among whites, those who report infrequent deviant behavior, and those youths who had experienced little or no positive contact with police.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):27-45

Police antifencing operations, euphemistically called “stings,” have been and continue to be a popular police undercover tactic for combating property crime. This paper is a time-series analysis of the effects of an antifencing sting project on what Mohr (1973) described as transitive (environmental impact) and reflexive (organizational survival) police organizational goals. The study, based on data from a 1985–86 Birmingham, Alabama sting, finds that only the reflexive goals were served and that the project may have had a negative environmental impact. It is concluded that the potential benefits to police reflexive goal achievement do not offset the potential costs associated with storefront stings and that the police industry should give serious consideration to removing this tactic from its arsenal.  相似文献   

Police student officers' attitudes towards domestic disputes following family-crisis-intervention training are analyzed. A total of 359 student officers from fourteen training classes participated in the study. The most dramatic improvement in attitudes was observed in officers' perceptions of disputants and in their perceptions of domestic disturbance calls. The study also investigated the attitudes of student officers toward organizational policy, training, and community relations. Student officers' attitudes significantly improved in thirty-one of fifty-one items (p < .05). In general, the changes in attitudes demonstrated that the family-crisis-intervention program did affect the attitudes of student officers in the predicted direction of change. Following training, student officers were more likely to view domestic disputes as legitimate police business and more likely to believe that their actions could influence families in crisis and that people in crisis both want, and will benefit from, assistance. It is concluded that crisis-intervention training appears to be responsible for the change in officer attitudes and that family-crisis training should be included in the curriculums of police training academies.  相似文献   

Imminent cybersecurity threats of a massive global scale have led countries to review and strengthen their national cybersecurity strategies and to enact new and bolder legislation that is both comprehensive and far-reaching. This paper discusses how Singapore's enactment of the Cybersecurity Act 2018 is one such attempt to foster a secure and resilient national infocomm environment against cyberattacks.  相似文献   

Conclusion Recent studies have concluded that a number of major police departments have under-utilized their trained negotiators and suggested that they be used to develop further training, especially in the area of elementary psychological concepts such as communication and rapport building skills. This argument can be extended to include the use of negotiators or psychologists to train members of the department in essential psychological processes such as the importance of command and control, perception and communication. The advantage of training police personnel in the understanding of psychological concepts is that it can easily prevent injury to the public with the attendant reduction in civil liability. If the officers involved in the case discussed had understood even one of the three areas of basic psychological concepts the hostage might not have been injured nor would there have been the resulting civil liability of the law enforcement agencies. Proper psychological training is of benefit to police agencies not only in the delivery of services, and the advancement of the profession, but also in the prevention of injuries to the public and the lessening of civil liability.  相似文献   

Conclusive evidence was obtained in this study that immunoelectrophoresis could be used in the identification of blood-stains in two particular cases: for diagnosis or approach to diagnosis of the age of a blood-stain, and for diagnosis of the human origin of a blood-stain that had been treated with petroleum products.Although many aspects should be investigated in more detail, it is certain that this method can be employed in combination with other methods.  相似文献   

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