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我国个人所得税法虽经历次修改但仅是局部微调,没有弥补现行个税法的根本缺陷,我国个人所得税法的改革和完善仍任重而道远。本文借鉴国外个人所得税法改革的合理成分,在分析我国个人所得税法缺陷的基础上,提出应在分类征收模式向分类与综合相结合的征收模式转变;减少累进税率级次,降低最高边际税率;实行税收特别措施;采用基本扣除与专项扣除相结合的方式,建立弹性税制,推广税收指数化和加强征管五个方面予以完善。  相似文献   

谭金可  黄锋 《行政与法》2009,(3):106-109
个税自行申报遇冷从深层次上说是遭遇制度之困,有必要对此现象的产生作系统性的制度分析.欲促进个税自行申报制度的全面推进,不仅需要完善其本身制度设计,而且需要转变理念、健全与跟进相关配套法律制度.  相似文献   

关于完善个人所得税法若干重大问题的法律思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朱大旗 《法学家》2001,(3):60-67
在西方市场经济国家,因个人所得税的主体税种地位及其与人民利益直接相关,个人所得税法的完善与否已被视为一国税制是否成熟的重要标尺之一。在我国,随着改革开放的实施与深入,《个人所得税法》得以于1980年9月颁行,其后又历经1993年10月、1999年8月两次修订,…….  相似文献   

Italian REITs, as defined under Article 37 of the Italian consolidatedlaw on the financial sector (Legislative Decree of 24 February1998 n 58) have traditionally enjoyed a favourable tax treatment.Since 2004 they have been exempt from income tax, whereas unit-holdershave been liable to a  相似文献   

The impact of health reform on employee health benefits programs could be dramatic. Depending on the health reform program adopted, employers could face significant new regulatory and economic burdens in operating employee health benefits programs or could find themselves greatly relieved of such burdens. President Clinton's proposal, in particular, would dramatically alter today's practices. This article focuses on how the Clinton proposal would change employee health benefits programs. Although President Clinton has indicated a willingness to compromise, his legislation may prove to be a house of cards, with all provisions interdependent. Employers should study all pending proposals carefully and weigh in on the debate so as to ensure that lawmakers are fully educated before making potentially irreversible decisions.  相似文献   

Can analysts provide better guidance to policymakers about the valuation of health effects? This paper argues that valuation questions usually cannot be easily sidestepped by the use of cost-effectiveness analysis. Valuations are implicit in the measures of program outcome that we use, as illustrated by an examination of a policy of maximizing discounted quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). The paper concludes that surveys focused directly on the questions that health and safety policymakers face could be a most fruitful source of guidance.  相似文献   

The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice 2004 report on competition in health care raises the issue of nonprofit versus for-profit form in several contexts, including their relative financial performance, pricing behavior, and role in caring for the uninsured poor. The report, however, does not discuss in detail the connection between tax exemption and the nonprofit/for-profit debate. Is tax exemption, for example, "buying" charity care for the poor, and would withdrawal of exemption negatively impact health care for the uninsured poor? Or is tax exemption justified on the grounds of other nonprofit behavior outside the financial realm and thus not considered by the report? If nonprofit status does not result in differential financial behavior (as the report concludes) and if competition will end the ability of hospitals to cross subsidize free care for the poor (as the report speculates), is there any reason to retain tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals? This article summarizes the debate on these issues and offers some alternatives to the current structure of tax exemption for nonprofit health care providers.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(158):36831-36845
We are proposing regulatory changes to carry out a requirement of Pub. L. 97-455 (enacted on January 12, 1983). That legislation requires several changes in the procedures used by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to conduct periodic reviews of disability cases for continuing eligibility. The proposed regulations would implement Sections 4 and 5 of the new law, which require SSA to make a face-to-face evidentiary hearing available in connection with the reconsideration of any initial determination that an individual receiving disability benefits under title II of the Social Security Act (the Act) is not now disabled. We also propose to make the new reconsideration procedure available in blindness and disability termination cases in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program under title XVI of the Act, pursuant to the Secretary's broad rulemaking authority in the SSI program. Although Congress has not specifically required that we do so, it is customary to extend legislative improvements in the title II disability program to comparable SSI cases, since the medical eligibility requirements in both programs are quite similar. Moreover, the proposed inclusion of SSI blindness and disability termination cases would promote effective program administration by providing a uniform appeal procedure in the two programs. We believe that this new procedure will make the reconsideration level more meaningful in blindness and disability termination cases, that beneficiaries affected by these termination decisions will be better served and that the overall quality of the decisionmaking process will also be improved.  相似文献   

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