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Toxicological evaluation of postmortem samples collected from a pilot involved in a unique fatal civil aircraft accident is described in this paper. A one-occupant airplane was substantially damaged upon colliding with terrain in poor visibility. Remains of the pilot were found outside the aircraft. Pathological examination revealed multiple blunt force injuries and vascular congestion. The fluorescence polarization immunoassay disclosed 8.0 microg/mL amphetamines in urine. Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analyses determined the presence of methamphetamine (1.13 microg/mL in blood and 59.2 microg/mL in urine) and amphetamine (0.022 microg/mL in blood and 1.50 microg/mL in urine). Methamphetamine was distributed throughout the body, including the brain. The amount of methamphetamine in gastric contents was 575-fold higher than that of amphetamine. The (+)- and (-)-forms of methamphetamine were present in equal proportions in gastric contents. The methamphetamine concentration found in blood was in the range sufficient to produce toxic effects, causing performance impairment.  相似文献   



According to morphological criteria, cervical spine injuries include, among others, contusion, distortion, luxation and fracture. Distortion of the intervertebral articulations occurs when the force of movement exceeds the physiological range, and the articular/joint capsule, cartilage and ligaments are damaged. While within the articulation a haematoma is formed, which produces clinical manifestations such as localised idiopathic pain, tenderness to palpation and analgesic limitation on both the passive and active joint mobility (i.e., a syndrome of subjective painfulness), as reported by the patient, the diagnostic imaging techniques (i.e., regular radiograph pictures) typically applied in such cases do not show any post-traumatic changes. Distortion of the cervical spine, resulting in a post-traumatic feeling of pain, usually occurs indirectly as a result of transmission of the force of injury onto the spine, as in the case of a traffic accident. Frequently, in cases of abuse, arriving at a hasty clinical diagnosis of post-traumatic cervical spine distortion apparently presents a serious problem in giving medical opinions for court purposes; thus encouraging the authors to attempt objectifying the condition of cervical spine distortion.


In a retrospective investigation, the authors analysed the medical opinions given by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, for court purposes.


Among nearly 5500 opinions in the past 5-year period, we analysed 167 cases related to cervical spine injury.


An attempt is made to either substantiate or negate the clinical diagnosis issued for court purposes by assessing the following: the findings of the physical examination of the person involved, the condition of the person involved in the accident from the period prior to accident (radiograph findings confirming the level of the already existing degenerative changes; age and sex of the person involved; positive or negative history of injuries sustained prior to accident), the course of treatment after the accident (character of symptoms reported and their evolution with time; co-existence of other bodily injuries; outpatient treatment instituted, including the application of Schantze collar, rehabilitation) and also the circumstances in which the accident occurred.  相似文献   

The authors have reported a macro- and microscopic study of brain lesions in 120 victims of fatal road traffic accidents, independent of the survival time. Diffuse vascular injury (DVI) was found in 14 patients (11.7%). All patients with DVI died within 24 h after the accident. The 14 patients with DVI also showed severe (Grade 2 or 3) diffuse axonal injury (DAI). Since DVI is restricted to road traffic accidents and incompatible with life, the high frequency observed in our series could be explained by the fact that all 120 patients were victims of road traffic accidents, and 69.2% had died within 24 h after the accident. The association between DVI and severe DAI (Grades 2 and 3) suggests that both lesions depend on the same mechanism, with the degree of axonal and vascular damage being determined by the intensity of the head acceleration. Our results show a relationship between DVI and DAI that suggest there may be a spectrum or at least a continuum between these entities as distinct from DVI being a separate entity.  相似文献   

On 21 November 2006 in the Halemba coal mine, Ruda ?l?ska, a mass industrial accident occurred. The underground catastrophe was probably due to combustion of methane followed by explosion of pulverised coal and resulted in death of twenty-three miners. The occurrence has been acknowledged to be one of the most serious accidents in Polish mining industry. Post-mortem examinations of the deceased were carried out in Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, and in some cases additional dissecting techniques were employed. Photographs were taken as well as numerous specimens for various laboratory tests were collected. Toxicological analyses of blood samples revealed high levels of carboxyhaemoglobin saturation in seventeen cases, and detected presence of methane in the lungs of seven individuals, whereas microscopic specimens mainly showed lesions characteristic of putrefaction. The post-mortem procedures eventually allowed to establish the cause of death of all victims. The authors attempt to determine a range of requisite medico-legal proceedings and examinations that should be carried out in case of a mass industrial accident, and emphasise the need for development of appropriate guidelines.  相似文献   

This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the impact of alcohol consumption on road traffic safety in Slovenia and to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes in road traffic safety legislation concerning this issue within the period 1980–2006. For this purpose we have performed a retrospective analysis of 1913 autopsy reports on traffic casualties, with an emphasis on their blood alcohol concentration (BAC), mode of participation in traffic (drivers, pedestrians, etc.) and the impact of legislation changes. In addition, we have analysed the relations between BAC, the time and day of death and the gender of victims. Changes in the legislation were made in 1981, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1998 and 2005, yet only those made in 1981, 1990 and 1998 resulted in the increase of the actual fines. Within the observed period there was a substantial reduction in the average BAC in almost all of the categories of traffic participants (pedestrians: from 1.20 to 0.73; passengers: from 1.08 to 0.56; cyclists: from 1.11 to 0.56; motorcyclists: from 0.68 to 0.33) except in the category of drivers (negligible reduction from 0.81 to 0.76). Insufficient improvement in the latter category is extremely important, because many sober vulnerable traffic participants become victims of drunk drivers. Further concern arises from the finding that heavily drinking drivers are not responsive to penalty increases. We came to the conclusion that, in addition to raising fines and expanding penalty points, the introduction and effective enforcement of complex legislative measures together with wide community action are necessary to resolve DUI problems in Slovenia.  相似文献   

The relationship between ethanol levels in blood and bile was determined in human postmortem specimens. The influences of several physical properties--surface tension, specific gravity and viscosity--and bile lipid content on the blood/bile ethanol ratio were evaluated. A gas chromatographic direct injection technique was employed to determine the ethanol concentrations in postmortem blood and bile specimens. A positive correlation was established between the levels in the two fluids. No correlation could be found between the blood/bile ethanol ratios and the aforementioned physical properties of bile. Correction of the observed bile ethanol for lipid content had an insignificant effect on the ratio. The average blood/bile ethanol ratio was 1.03 +/- 0.29 (range: 0.32-2.91). The wide range observed makes it undesirable to use bile ethanol concentrations to predict specific blood ethanol concentrations. However, under certain conditions, bile ethanol levels may be used to estimate blood concentrations within a range of values.  相似文献   

张力 《河北法学》2007,25(3):65-71
前苏联,继而是俄罗斯民法中所采用的"公民"概念,并不是其民法学对政治概念的误用,出于其民族传统中对自然人的民法身份与政治身份的关联性考虑,俄罗斯民法中的"公民"包含了私法上的人以及作为隐含条件的公共领域中的人,这两重含义,期望通过唤起个人在维护自身利益方面的公共责任感,来维护社会总的安全,这体现了其民法的民族性取向与社会化价值,对确立现代民法的发展方向具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

Does a victim's race explain variation in the likelihood of homicide clearance? Attempts to address this issue date back to the 1970s. Yet, despite its theoretical and policy relevance, we lack a comprehensive and clear empirical answer to this critical question. Here, I causally focus on this problem by investigating racial disparity in homicide clearance in the United States, exploiting two sources covering the 1991–2020 period: the Murder Accountability Project data set (N = 522,278) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System data set (N = 98,677). I primarily analyze these sources by employing exact matching to achieve perfect covariate balance and subsequently isolate the effect of race on the probability of clearance. For comparative purposes, I also use regression adjustment without matching obtaining complementary estimates. I demonstrate that the likelihood of clearance is 3.4 to 4.8 percent lower for homicides involving Black victims, depending on the sampling and estimation approach. In addition, I empirically show that this race effect is slightly higher for males and that racial disparity has moderately but significantly increased over time. These findings contribute to the extensive amount of evidence on discrimination affecting Black individuals in the administration of justice in the United States, calling for structural efforts to reduce this divide.  相似文献   

In elite sports, indirect testing of testosterone abuse is mainly based on the testosterone over epitestosterone (T/E) ratio. Since this marker is characterized by a small ratio of intra- to inter-individual variation, it is surprising that current anti-doping strategy uses a screening test based on a population-based limit. From a database of more than 15,000 steroid profiles obtained from routine controls, the collection of steroids profiles of 11 elite athletes followed during 2 years, and a longitudinal study involving 17 amateur athletes, 8 of which were orally administrated testosterone undecanoate pills, we selected 12 case studies to represent the possible scenarios to which the anti-doping laboratories are confronted. Various detection strategies at the disposal of the laboratories are employed and discussed, including isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analysis and a Bayesian interpretation of the T/E-time profile. The weak sensitivity versus specificity relation of a population-based limit for the T/E ratio is outlined. As a result, we propose a Bayesian screening test whose T/E threshold progressively evolves from a population basis to a subject basis as the number of individual test results increases. We found that this screening test heightens drastically the capacity to detect testosterone abuse, at no additional financial and administrative expenses for anti-doping authorities.  相似文献   

随着高等教育的发展和高校科技创新能力的提升,高等学校实验室的作用日渐凸显,实验室已成为学生培养创新能力的主要场所,成为高等教育事业走持续性发展战略的重要基地。由此,实验室的安全问题已纳入学校管理的重要环节之一。本文针对新形势、新时期下,实验室的安全管理及如何应付实验室突发事故,提出应对措施及救援预案,使实验室安全管理工作逐步完善。  相似文献   

这次全省行政学院院长会议是在一手抓非典防治,一手抓经济建设的特殊时期召开的一次非常重要的会议,目的是深入学习贯彻十六大精神,围绕全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,分析研究公务员培训工作面临的新形势和新任务,加快行政学院的建设,推进全省公务员培训事业快速发展。行政学院是公务员培训的重要基地,肩负着提高公务员素质的重大历史使命。几年来,行政学院在各级党委、政府的领导下,坚持正确的办学方向,在公务员培训方面做了大量的工作,为我省的经济社会发展作出了贡献,学院建设上也取得了较大进展。对此,省委、省政府是满意的。下面,我围绕…  相似文献   

The concentrations of ethanol were determined in femoral venous blood (BAC) and urine (UAC) and the UAC/BAC ratios were evaluated for a large case series of forensic autopsies in which the primary cause of death was either acute alcohol poisoning (N=628) or chronic alcoholism (N=647). In alcohol poisoning deaths both UAC and BAC were higher by about 2g/l compared with chronic alcoholism deaths. In acute alcohol poisoning deaths the minimum BAC was 0.74 g/l and the distribution of UAC/BAC ratios agreed well with the shape of a Gaussian curve with mean+/-standard deviation (S.D.) and median (2.5th and 97.5th centiles) of 1.18+/-0.182 and 1.18 (0.87 and 1.53), respectively. In alcoholism deaths, when the BAC was above 0.74 g/l (N=457) the mean+/-S.D. and median (2.5th and 97.5th centiles) UAC/BAC ratios were 1.30+/-0.29 and 1.26 (0.87 and 2.1), respectively. When the BAC was below 0.74 g/l (N=190), the mean and median UAC/BAC ratios were considerably higher, being 2.24 and 1.58, respectively. BAC and UAC were highly correlated in acute alcohol poisoning deaths (r=0.84, residual S.D.=0.47 g/l) and in chronic alcoholism deaths (r=0.95, residual S.D.=0.41 g/l). For both causes of death (N=1275), the correlation between BAC and UAC was r=0.95 and the residual S.D. was 0.46 g/l. The lower UAC/BAC ratio observed in acute alcohol poisoning deaths (mean and median 1.18:1) suggests that these individuals died before absorption and distribution of ethanol in all body fluids were complete. The higher UAC/BAC ratio in chronic alcoholism (median 1.30:1) is closer to the value expected for complete absorption and distribution of ethanol in all body fluids.  相似文献   

To outline the recent features of child and elderly victims from the medico-legal perspective with special reference to abuse and neglect, a retrospective investigation of forensic autopsy cases over a 5 year period (1994-1998) in the southern half of Osaka city and surrounding areas (a population of 1.57 million) was undertaken. Among 646 autopsy cases, there were 53 child cases (under the age of 15 years, about 80% below 6) and 121 elderly cases (65 years old and above). Nearly half of the child deaths and more than half of the elderly deaths were described as accidental. Fire and traffic victims were much more frequent in the elderly. Child victims included those of neonaticide/infanticide (n=6), physical abuse (n=10), unintentional fatal infliction (n=2), neglect (n=2), mutual suicide (n=2), suicide (n=1) and murder (n=3). Child abuse and neglect were domestic maltreatment by the parents. In this series, there was a comparable number of fatalities due to maltreatment in the elderly (n=13) and in children, and non-domestic violence was more frequent in the elderly than domestic violence. Elderly females tended to be battered by their sons or grandsons in domestic violence cases, whereas males were predominantly attacked by younger males in non-domestic violence. The other elderly victims included those of self-neglect (n=2), murder (n=7) and suicide (n=9). Non-domestic homicide of the elderly occurred mainly in the center of the city, whereas domestic maltreatment of children and the elderly was sporadic, although somewhat more frequent in the peripheral zone of the city and the surrounding areas. The above profile of child and elderly abuse suggests a substantial influence of social and familial backgrounds.  相似文献   

Several studies have provided evidence that antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality traits of intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators significantly increase proneness to violence. In addition, an imbalance between testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) levels has been observed in this population, making individuals prone to violence. We aimed to establish whether IPV perpetrators differ in personality traits, T/C ratio and anger expression from controls, and also to examine the moderating role of the T/C ratio in the relationship between personality traits and anger expression. The sample consisted of 16 IPV perpetrators and 20 controls. T/C ratio was obtained as the quotient between salivary T and C levels. Anger expression and personality traits were measured with STAXI-2 and MCMI-III, respectively. Our results indicate that IPV perpetrators have higher antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality traits and anger expression than controls. Nonetheless, they did not differ in basal T/C ratio. Finally, only in IPV perpetrators there was a positive relationship between these variables, the T/C ratio playing a moderating role in the relationship of antisocial and borderline traits with anger expression. In IPV perpetrators the T/C ratio may explain why certain personality traits are associated with high risk of becoming violent.  相似文献   

困境与出路:我国公民知情权的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘广登 《法学论坛》2003,18(4):102-105
目前 ,宪法修改的呼声越来越高 ,对此次修宪 ,人们议论最多的是如何进一步完善我国公民的基本权利体系 ,这既是宪法的一个根本问题 ,又是与国际人权公约接轨的需要 ,也是世界各国立宪经验的总结。就我国而言 ,由于现行宪法规定的公民基本权利不充分 ,因而应当入宪的公民基本权利较多 ,其中 ,当务之急 ,应将公民的生命权、财产权、知情权、公职权、迁徙自由权、公平审判权和生活环境权写入宪法。为此 ,本文对上述诸多权利进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

Variability in the blood–breath ratio (BBR) of alcohol is important, because it relates a measurement of the blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) with the co-existing breath-alcohol concentration (BrAC). The BBR is also used to establish the statutory BrAC limit for driving from the existing statutory BAC limits in different countries. The in-vivo BBR depends on a host of analytical, sampling and physiological factors, including subject demographics, time after end of drinking (rising or falling BAC), the nature of the blood draw (whether venous or arterial) and the subject’s breathing pattern prior to exhalation into the breath analyzer. The results from a controlled drinking study involving healthy volunteers (85 men and 15 women) from three ethnic groups (Caucasians, Hispanics and African Americans) were used to evaluate various factors influencing the BBR. Ethanol in breath was determined with a quantitative infrared analyzer (Intoxilyzer 8000) and BAC was determined by headspace gas chromatography (HS-GC). The BAC and BrAC were highly correlated (r = 0.948) and the BBR in the post-absorptive state was 2 382 ± 119 (mean ± SD). The BBR did not depend on gender (female: 2 396 ± 101 and male: 2 380 ± 123, P > 0.05) nor on racial group (Caucasians 2 398 ± 124, African Americans 2 344 ± 119 and Hispanics 2 364 ± 104, P > 0.05). The BBR was lower in subjects with higher breath- and body-temperatures (P < 0.05) and it also decreased with longer exhalation times into the breath-analyzer (P < 0.001). In the post-absorptive state, none of the 100 subjects had a BBR of less than 2 100:1.  相似文献   

The reliability of cemental annulation counts in teeth was examined to determine its value as an age indicator for humans. One hundred extracted human teeth were embedded in polyester casting resin and sectioned using a diamond wafering saw. Thin sections were photomicrographed, projected, and counted in a double blind random method of presentation. The age of the specimen was determined by adding the number of cemental annulations counted by the observers and the eruption age of the specific tooth that was used. The data analyzed by simple regression indicated that determining chronologic age in humans from cemental annulations is not possible.  相似文献   

目的探讨1 371例交通事故中受伤人员后期医疗费的影响因素,并为此类案例后期医疗费的法医学评估积累经验. 方法设定影响因素参数为" 评估时间、是否评残及后期有无手术",并行卡方检验. 结果评估时间在1月内者为475例,3月内者1 118例;评估时间的不同、是否评残及后期有无手术等因素对后期医疗费的影响有显著性意义(P<0.01). 结论后期医疗费的法医学评估是必要的,原则上应依据"普及价格"并考虑多种影响因素综合评估.  相似文献   

道路交通事故受伤人员后期医疗费评估的法医学探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨 13 71例交通事故中受伤人员后期医疗费的影响因素 ,并为此类案例后期医疗费的法医学评估积累经验。 方法 设定影响因素参数为“评估时间、是否评残及后期有无手术” ,并行卡方检验。 结果 评估时间在 1月内者为 475例 ,3月内者 1118例 ;评估时间的不同、是否评残及后期有无手术等因素对后期医疗费的影响有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 后期医疗费的法医学评估是必要的 ,原则上应依据“普及价格”并考虑多种影响因素综合评估  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(5):480-485
This study demonstrates how RGB color values from microscopic smears stained with the Periodic Acid-Schiff reagent under standardized microscopy conditions can be used to indicate the presence of vaginal secretions. Based on data obtained in the study, a numeric threshold determined from the sum of separate values for red, blue and green was determined to differentiate vaginal-based samples with other body fluids. Using this threshold, 55 of 57 vaginal-based samples tested positive for the presence of vaginal secretion. Conversely, 27 of 29 smears prepared from other body fluids yielded negative results. However, when graphing RGB sum values against a calculated RGB integer no overlap in data was obtained between all vaginal-based samples and other body fluid samples, clearly differentiating them. One-way ANOVA testing with a 95% confidence interval indicated that vaginal samples from different age groups showed no difference in RGB sum values. Similarly, the location that vaginal swabs were collected (from the outside of a condom or a vaginal swab) also showed no statistical difference using one-way ANOVA at 95% confidence. Furthermore, refrigerated test swabs aged up to 15 months showed no demonstrable differences. Pair-wise t-testing using RGB sum values, however, did show significant differences between vaginal samples and all other body fluids tested. Finally, the method successfully differentiated between pre-and post-coital penile swabs and finger swabs taken before and after digital vaginal penetration in anecdotal comparisons using the method.  相似文献   

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