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正A tide of innovation is sweeping across China.For three years China has led the world in patent applications,carving a foothold in modern fields like high-speed trains,machinery exports and technical standards.Every business in the industrial sector is braving the tide,struggling for  相似文献   

Irecently had some free time in between studying and starting a new job, and decided to go traveling. For some reasons the things I usually found charmingly strange about Beijing had just annoyed me during those last days of the semester,  相似文献   

Riding Roughshod     
<正>The Trump administration’s railroading of controversial tax legislationmay backfireCongressional Republicans backed by the Trump administration are railroading controversial tax legislation at the year’s end.Critics say it amounts to class warfare as it benef its the rich and corporate America while hurting the working classes.The legislative process is under fire in part because neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate have held serious hearings to hammer out the complex  相似文献   

正THE International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream concluded in Shanghai on December8,2013.Attended by nearly 100 experts and scholars from 24 countries,the two-day event enacted international and cross-cultural dialogue on the latest research achievements on the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

Riding the Rails     
My seat was in the full, upright position as one of the attendants came by. I showed her my ticket,to which she smiled and said, "Enjoy your trip." The seat was spacious and comfortable.  相似文献   

At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017,a two-step approach was put forward on building China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous,strong,democratic,culturally advanced,harmonious and beautiful by the middle of the century.The following 30 years after 2020 will offer great opportunities for the transformation of the global industrial structure.China needs to seize the chances and develop its productive forces for the rejuvena-tion of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

I Have a Dream     
FORTY years have passed since 1969 when I first realized the staggering importance of environmental issues. People liketo call me "the first person of Chinese environmental protection," but actually I was only a witness to this undertaking in China. I remember the first environmental protection organization was established during the "cultural revolution," by direct instruction from then Premier Zhou Enlai (1898-1976).  相似文献   

Party’s policy pledges give migrant workers greater hope in integrating into cities For 16 years, Ren Xiaoyun, a street cleaner, drove his truck past the Great Hall of the People during his daily waste collection route along Beijing’s Chang’an Avenue. Yet he had never entered the political landmark, and for a long time it seemed even more distant than his hometown.  相似文献   

I Have a Dream     
MARTINLutherXingisfamousforsaying'Ihaveadream.'Hisdreamwasracialequality.Ihadadream,too-tobealawyer,asuccessfullawyer,"saidShanWeihong,headofQizhiLawFirminBejing.ShanWeihongsawalotofforeignmovieswhileinmiddleschool,andwasalwaysimpressedbytherectitudeandmoralcourageofthelawyersportrayedinsomeofthem.Sowhenshegraduatedfromhighschool,shehasnosecondthoughtsaboutapplyingtotheLawSchoolofBeijingUniversity.Shanwasdiligentduringherfouryearsthere,andunlikemanyofherclassmateswhowereatalossaboutwha…  相似文献   

<正>Private equity(PE)investment in China has picked up momentum in tandem with the ongoing economic restructuring.Emerging sectors,providing better investment returns,have become the new pillars of the world’s second largest economy.The combined size of committed capital in all 52,403 PE and venture capital(VC)funds registered with the regulator topped12.28 trillion yuan($1.8 trillion)as of April,rising by 380 billion yuan($55.15 billion)  相似文献   

IT was at the lowest level I’ve ever experienced, says Li Zhongjian, describing last year’s business confidence in Zhejiang Province’s economic powerhouse, Wenzhou. Li, who has been doing business for 30-odd years, is president of Wenzhou Orient Light Industry Co., Ltd, one of the city’s most prominent enterprises. Nowadays, however, Li is cautiously hopeful about the future. After the release of the China’s 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015) for the Growth of Small  相似文献   

Dream on the Way     
First Chinese rider completes top European cycling tour Ranking at the bottom in a sport event does not always mean loser, especially not for rider Ji Cheng.Despite his 175th position,the last on the final list,the 25-year-old made history at the 2012  相似文献   

<正>China’s musical queen sparkles in theChinese version of Mama Mia!Istill remember the feeling of standing on a stage for the first time, singing and dancing, when I was six,said Shadow, the stage name of musical performer Zhang Aojia. I felt so thrilled and happy.  相似文献   

China’s opening-up and reform provide the room for all citizens to fulfill their ambitions.DURING my tenure as its president, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) jointly sponsored the Chinese Dream and the Harmonious World seminar for three consecutive years from 2006 to 2008 in partnership with Beijing Foreign Studies University,  相似文献   

China is a domicile for all dreams. Among those that can testify to this are Jie Hongyun, whose status as farmer changed to that of permanent resident of Zhongshan City through urbanization reform; Yin He, who voluntarily embarked on a career in Tibet; Wu Xiaolin, two-time earthquake survivor; and Li Shouwei who, with help from the government, rebuilt a local mosque.  相似文献   

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