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Between 1947 and 1975, Tanganyika Packers Ltd (TPL) was Tanzania’s only export-oriented slaughterhouse and beef-canning factory, a branch of UK-based Liebig’s Extract of Meat Corporation (Lemco), which originated in 1860s Uruguay. Until shortly before TPL was nationalized in 1974, it was a profitable parastatal, employing some 1200 workers, anchoring a working-class community, and providing an outlet for indigenous Tanzanian cattle from open rangelands. While nationalization aimed to capture the full value of TPL profits and expand exports into the European Economic Community, it instead severed TPL from the world market when Lemco withdrew its marketing license. Worker layoffs followed, and TPL became primarily a domestic supplier of military rations, creating precarious working conditions, until the factory was shuttered in 1993. Although technically TPL still exists, this article contends that, far from being a victim of a post-cold war neo-liberal transition, as is usually asserted, TPL’s fate is properly located in the period between 1967 and 1974, when state socialism in Tanzania created pressures on the parastatal and its workers to contribute to nation building, particularly by supplying fresh beef to the local butcher trade. This was coupled with a political ecology of disease and corruption, at a time of drought, villagization, and agro-pastoral resistance to market pressures, which prevented TPL from acquiring sufficient numbers of cattle in Africa’s third largest cattle country to take advantage of international beef scarcities in the early 1970s. Global pressures, especially disease controls and the OPEC oil embargo, frustrated TPL beef exports as the world economy moved from beef scarcity to a sudden glut by 1974.  相似文献   

自《中华全国总工会2012-2014年推进职工法律援助工作规划》(以下简称《法律援助三年规划》)实施以来,全国各级工会扎实做好工会法律援助工作,切实有效地维护职工合法权益,在促进劳动关系和谐、维护社会稳定方面取得了积极成效。目前,全国各级工会建立法律援助机构1.4万个,有法律援助工作人员4.3万人,工会法律援助志愿者6.4万人,相比规划实施前的2011年,分别增长了55.6%、  相似文献   

本文以辩证唯物主义的哲学观点,通过求变速运动特体瞬时速度的实例,阐明微积分中导函数的意义及求法.并由此而涉及对0比0这个“不定式” 的认识,处理方法等问题.由于解题方法上采用了以“不变”暂时代替“变”,以“匀速”暂时代替“不匀速”,体现了辩证的对立统一关系.文中还对“量”与“质”,“有限”与“无限”之间的转化关系,以及“否定之否定”规律,提出了一些数学例证,以便从中提取有益的哲学思维养分.  相似文献   

陈铭 《工友》2013,(2):20-20
病房静悄悄,几乎能嗅得到渐渐逼近的死亡气息。54岁的谷成光侧卧在床,嘶哑的一阵咳嗽,一口痰涌向喉管,儿子赶紧把地上的篓子递上前,痰咳出来,他的脸色没刚才那么难看。如果不是插在鼻孔的氧气机管子,也许一声剧烈的咳嗽就要了他的命。  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which the British Empire was central to the women's suffrage debate within the Scottish Christian Union. This analysis follows two trends in the historiography of Britain and of women's suffrage: an integration of the ‘domestic’ and the ‘imperial’ in the historiography of Britain; and a recognition of internationalism within women's suffrage. This discussion points to regional diversity within Great Britain and to the influence of imperialism and evangelicalism on women's activism in the so-called Celtic fringe. In so doing, this article aims to contribute to a more complex representation of middle-class women's participation in Britain's temperance and women's suffrage movements.  相似文献   

This article uses biographical inquiry to piece together the political career of Mary Bridges Adams, who made a name for herself through her work as an educator-activist, a hundred years ago. The objective is to rethink and re-see the place of the personal in academic study and research in the field of education. After briefly reviewing recent developments in theoretical and research uses of auto/biography, the discussion revolves around three main issues: (1) the values and practices of a woman who moved from earning and learning as a pupil-teacher to elementary teaching to political action; (2) her entry into labour politics; and (3) her educational activism. It is argued that the organised activism of the socialist profiled here can be analysed in terms of the idea of the caring subject. Her story not only contributes to an understanding of what it meant to be a socialist woman in this period but shifts our understanding of the left and educational politics itself.  相似文献   

韩晓清爽亮丽.温婉可人.拥有邻家女孩般的阳光青春.弥漫着家居健康的生活气息。现为茹梦果汁品牌代言人。韩晓其实很安静.如果没有她什么事情,就不声不响地坐在一旁看杂志。只有在聊天时,  相似文献   

云南美就美在她的纯粹,雪山白得纯净,湖水绿得透明,天空蓝得刺眼,都是大自然的原色。行前准备:◇云南地处高海拔地区,须备太阳镜以及防紫外线辐射的护肤膏,为应付可能出现的高山缺氧症状,还应备治疗或预防高山反应的药建议行程:7天第1天从昆明出发,如果航班合适,外地游客可当天由昆明转机到达丽江(云南航空公司在旅游高峰期一般会增加丽江航班,临时航班可随  相似文献   

不管你是否喜欢他的音乐,但你必须承认一点,他已经成为华人流行音乐的指向标,只要有华人在的地方,就无法拒绝他的音乐;不管你是否喜欢他这个人,但你也必须承认一点,他在年轻人中的影响力是无法取代的,只要你拥有一颗年轻的心,就无法拒绝他的个人魅力。他,就是周杰伦。  相似文献   

目前,昆明市外来人口已经突破100万人,昆明市第十一届人大常委会第二十八次会议审议通过了《昆明市流动人口管理条例》,将《暂住证》改为《居住证》,分为《昆明市临时居住证》(有效期为1年)和《昆明市居住证》(有效期为3年)。年满16周岁未满60周岁,凡在昆  相似文献   

百合 《工友》2013,(3):34-35
驰骋于房地产市场30多年,建筑公司老总,年逾花甲,如此经历,这般年纪,预想中的谭天江极可能强势、老练甚或像房产大佬任志强般语出惊人,但眼前的谭天江内敛、谦逊,亲自为访客端茶送水,似邻家大伯一样温和敦厚。踏实能干的谭天江使曾经奄奄一息的随州市兴二建公司(以下简称二建)起死回生,不仅偿清所有债务,而且使二建如今跻身随州市乃至湖北省最有影响力的建筑公司之一。谭天江靠的是什么?  相似文献   

著名导演赵宝刚这样评价李小冉: “不属于一夜走红的,而是属于慢慢红起来的,靠的是自己的实力。”小冉给人印象最深的,是她在电视连续剧《像雾像雨又像风》中,扮演的那个外表忧郁内心坚强的柔弱女子安琪,很好地表达出了人物特有的个性,让人不由得心生爱怜。生活中的小冉是典型的北京女孩,说话直接爽快,一如你多年好友。这几年小冉一直比较低调,不怎么接受媒体采访。李小冉笑说: “以前我的确不是很重视宣传,只是觉得自己把这个行业做好比什么都重要。现在,我发现其实宣传也是件很重要的事情,今后我会适当参加一些宣传活动。”  相似文献   

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