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An analogy between the flow of technology and the flow of electricity is used as a method to analyze technology transfer. This effort is expanded by an analogy to the Lewin's field theory in Social Science. An effort is then made to understand better the types of barriers to technology transfer. Several classes of barriers are identified and are then discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The applied technology transfer process is a communication process based on planning, marketing, and training. Planning is the single most important element, while pre-planning is also essential. The marketing part of applied technology transfer involves an in-depth knowledge of both consumers and products. A sound knowledge of media is also essential. The marketing step is the key delivery or transfer element. Applied technology transfer is a system that requires skills such as management and communication techniques which can be learned in traditional academic courses. However, other skills such as applied human relations are more easily learned under a supervised workshop approach. More complex technology transfer systems require additional training on a continuing education basis. The development of technology transfer learning centers can also be useful. Applied technology transfer is a research investment rather than a cost. It is the technology transfer process that insures the timely application of research effort. Research pay-off is derived from use of research products. Thus, applied technology transfer represents research delivery insurance.  相似文献   

Transborder data flow and technology transfer issues have a substantial overlap. Transborder data flows represent flows of information with economic and/or cultural value. Electronic access to “know-how”, information, data, etc. is becoming more and more important to technology transfer and sharing. National transborder data flow policies either affect or can themselves be technology transfer policies.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Nearly 40 years ago Congress laid the foundation for federal agencies to engage in technology transfer activities with a primary goal to make federal...  相似文献   

Frequent tensions continue to plague the operations of multinational corporations (MNCs) in less-developed countries (LDCs). Accusations of insensitivity and heed-lessness toward the needs and aspirations of LDCs are commonplace. In this writer's opinion, negative perceptions of the MNCs' operations result in part from differing “world views” between the two groups that are frequently overlooked in strategy formulation. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate that productive, culturally sensitive strategies can be formulated if MNCs use a multiple-perspective approach in their relationships with LDCs. To illustrate this, cognitive mapping is used to analyze the MNCs' decisionmaking behavior. Use of this process should provide MNCs with an opportunity to evaluate the consequences of their actions, the prospect of more effective strategies emerges.  相似文献   

This paper was written while vacationing on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. It deals with current conditions, shortcomings, and the potential improvement of the lots of its people through technology transfer. The authors' thoughts reflect a long-standing love affair with the Island and its people. They are unfinished but the message to the reader is clear. There is a hitherto overlooked dimension of Technology Transfer activities, the responsibility of the transfer agent to pursue his mission with wisdom and concern for all potential consequences of technological innovations.  相似文献   

Evaluation of technology transfer is an important part of the total transfer process. Sound results require a practical approach, which avoids use of the research model. The evaluation process is often expensive and time consuming. However, good evaluation will improve:motivation,knowledge,decisions, andaccountability. Evaluation must be based on use of reliable data. Technology transfer evaluation data can be classified — based on accuracy — aslow,medium, orhigh order — data. Evaluation problems can be designated — according to origin — as being related tonew information,human elements, orinstitutional structure. In each area, the more common evaluation problems can be solved with careful attention to detail. Technology transfer evaluation can be a complicated, but rewarding process. There is nosingle, correct way for Technology Transfer evaluation, but rather there is a wide variety of techniques which all have merit, depending on local circumstances.  相似文献   

The withdrawl of Federal funds in a number of social service programs and state and local government budgets calls for an upsurge in volunteerism. Since August 1978, a Technical Volunteer Service (TVS) has been doing just that at one of the nation’s largest Federal laboratories. As measured by service to the community, acceptance by laboratory management, and satisfaction for the volunteers, this program has been an outstanding success. The time is ripe to transfer this program to other Federal laboratories, universities and industry. This paper describes the program and offers practical suggestions for its transfer to other organizations.  相似文献   

This paper highlights those organizational factors which the research literature indicates as having an impact upon an organization's likelihood to exhibit innovative behavior. Measures of technical progressiveness, characteristics of firms receptive to outside information, the effect of organizational size, internal structure and procedures, and other factors are investigated, as are policies which encourage innovation. It is concluded that most research offers little of value to one desiring to make agiven organization more innovative (such as through effective internal communication of technical information), but is of value to an outsider attempting to identifywhich organizations are likely to be receptive to new technology.  相似文献   

The conversion of R&D into commercial new products has long been considered a basic tenet of industrial innovation and competitiveness. This paper describes the key variables that affect the successful commercialization of new technologies in industrial companies. Drawing on the authors' own research and consulting experience with hundreds of US and foreign companies, the paper examines the more effective practices, identifies key barriers and problem areas, and provides some conclusions and implications for practicing managers.  相似文献   

Pouring millions into R&;D with insufficient innovation and paltry returns? One solution: Revamp the process of bringing a product to market by integrating the efforts of technology and marketing personnel.  相似文献   

As societies and cultures are changed, technology transfer is an integral part of the process of creating a new world order. A primary question is whether technology transfer serves as a force for good or evil. Based on some of the recent history of the United States and the impact oftechnology transfer upon a small group of tribal people in India, this article discusses the need for a social impact analysis approach to ameliorate the negative effects of rapid changes caused by unregulated technology transfer.  相似文献   

This paper recommends development of teaching materials and cases on technology transfer for undergraduate and graduate courses in business and engineering. Its focus is the process of transferring technology from the federal laboratories to business organizations.  相似文献   

The role of an individual known as a ‘linker’ is examined and the similarities between his role and those of ‘gatekeeper’, ‘opinion leader’, and ‘innovator’ are discussed in detail. Not only are the similarities among these roles pointed out but also the unique characteristics of the ‘linker’ are clarified. A Linker Model for Technology Transfer is presented showing the value of a ‘linker’ to the parent and users organizations. Managerial endeavors to understand and promote technology transfer can be facilitated by the in-depth research presented.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the technological orientation of firms and universities and their propensity to have knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) activities. This study looks at the technological potential for KTT and how it is used, emphasizing differences between smaller and larger firms. To this end we collected information about the technology activities of firms (patent statistics) and the technology activities of universities. Furthermore, we used survey data on technology transfer activities. We combined the three datasets and found??especially for smaller firms??that great technology proximity fosters transfer activities with different universities (case 1). The same is true if proximity is low and expertise is considerable at universities in the respective technology field (case 2). In both cases additional transfer potential exists. In the second case firms engage in transfer activities in order to update and modify their knowledge base and as a consequence improve ??competitiveness?? in certain technology fields. Furthermore, firms show a tendency to diversify their contacts with universities in order to avoid knowledge lock-in.  相似文献   

Research on innovation management and technology transfer in China is in its early stages and growing rapidly, as technology is transferred to Chinese organizations and the organizations themselves create innovations. The studies to date provide promising theoretical ideas, but specific findings should be regarded as tentative, due to the research designs and methods employed. As with early research on innovation in the West, it is likely that these early studies of innovation in China will have significant impact on innovation research and practice in the future, both in China and throughout the world.  相似文献   

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