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年鉴,是系统汇辑上一年度重要文献信息、逐年编纂并连续出版的资料性工具书.由于年鉴的性质和功能,年鉴大多为条目体,决定其条目的文体及文风.条目的记述文体与其它相近文体不同,而准确、简洁、质朴应为条目文风的要旨.  相似文献   

企业文化是经营管理层文化和职工文化的复合体。经营管理层文化和职工文化是互相合作、相互包容、构建和谐、共谋企业发展的关系;它们两者和,则企业兴;它们两者不和,则企业易衰。建设先进的企业文化,必须适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,注重不断凝练和吸收经营管理层和职工文化中先进的和积极健康的思想、信念、价值取向和精神状态。  相似文献   

2010年3月24日,北京市工会干部学院工会理论研究所举办"京沪两地区域性行业性工会联合会的建设和运作研讨会"。研讨会由研究所副所长徐岩主持,京沪两地区域性、行业性工会主席以及研究所的教学科研人员共约100人参加了会议,其中,八位京沪两地的基层工会主席代表进行了发言,介绍了本区域和本行业工会工作的开展情况,从不同的角度论述了区域性行业性工会联合会建设与运作,对存在的问题进行了探讨。北京市总工会组织部副部长周岐,上海市杨浦区总工会副主席张建国,北京市工会干部学院工会理论研究所所长刘桂萍到会并讲话。周岐介绍了北京市区域性行业性工会联合会的做法以及当前北京市总工会的一些工作开展情况。张建国介绍了上海市杨浦区区域性行业性工会联合会的建设及工作开展情况。刘桂萍对本次研讨会举行了总结,并希望以后京沪两地工会加强交流,共同促进工会工作的开展。现将部分基层工会主席的发言摘编如下:  相似文献   

随着企业竞争的加剧,大量非正式职工被充实到国有企事业单位的职工队伍里,他们对国企的改革和发展发挥着积极作用.但由于受到计划体制下传统观念的影响,这部分职工在加入工会组织、合法权益保障方面没能享有与正式职工相同的待遇,在一定程度上阻碍了他们积极性和创造性的发挥.各级党、政、工应从稳定职工队伍,促进国企发展的高度,重视和加强国企非正式职工的工会组建和权益保障工作,最大限度地把他们组织到工会中来,维护其合法权益.  相似文献   


Feminist research and activism have made a distinctive contribution to social studies of health and have also had a significant impact on public health policy. Gender is widely recognised as a key driver in the social determination of health and is a well-established category of analysis in fields such as the sociology of health. As a response to Broom, this article focuses on two ways in which feminist social science has complicated the understandings of gender and health which underlie much health policy and research. The first is the framework of intersectionality, which emphasises the interactions between different aspects of social identity and reveals the limitations of a singular or primary focus on gender in analysing experiences of health and ill-health. The second is the critical analysis of health as a regulatory ideal, prompted by the rise of the ‘new public health’ and its emphasis on individual responsibility for risk reduction. Together these critical insights reveal some of the tensions embedded in feminist goals such as improving women's well-being.  相似文献   

关于大学生思想政治状况调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面、客观、准确地了解和分析当前大学生的思想政治状况,把握其思想动态,不断增强学生思想教育工作的适应性、有效性和针对性,做好新形势下大学生思想教育工作,唐山师范学院学工部对在校学生的思想政治状况进行了一次较为深入的调查了解。根据调查了解的情况,提出了新时期加强大学生思想政治教育的对策意见。  相似文献   

“和谐发展,互利双赢”的理念,是中国特色社会主义工会维权观的原则之一。从历史的沿革、现实的经济基础和制度基础看,实现互利双赢,构建社会主义和谐劳动关系既有迫切的必要性,又有现实的可能性。尽管在构建社会主义和谐劳动关系上存在着诸多矛盾和问题,但劳动关系双方可以通过调节实现合作,促进企业发展,维护职工权益,达到互利共赢。现阶段,在构建和谐劳动关系中要防止双方利益的失衡,对劳动者权益的维护要充分考虑劳动力的发展权。  相似文献   

Migration has been the subject of considerable research in recent years, much of it conducted by economists. This paper is an attempt to provide the basis of a general, materialist framework for research on population mobility. As such it pays particular attention to changing mechanisms of exploitation, which are typically ignored in conventional studies of migration. This article focuses on pre‐capitalist relations of production restricting population mobility, the factors that make those controls increasingly unstable and the different implications for migration of different forms of the transition to capitalist relations of production. Drawing on historical and contemporary evidence it then considers the various functions of migration in transitions to capitalist production.  相似文献   

Eighty-four 16–18-year-old male and female volunteers were sampled to test the relationship of ratings and experience of four types of social stressors (developmental transitions, induced transitions, daily hassles, and circumscribed events). Also the relationship of self-image as measured by the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire to each type of stressor was studied. Contrary to previous research, we did not find correlations between ratings and experience, and observed minimal gender differences in ratings, experience levels, and psychopathology. Several differences in impact were found when stressor types were differentiated. Apparently, developmental transitions are least stressful for adolescents and daily hassles are most influential on their self-image. Gender differences were noted in the perceived change required by types of stressors and the manner in which stressors impacted on self-image. These results suggest that it is important to distinguish type of Stressors by type of adjustment process required, and that previously reported gender differences are less a matter of global differences or affects of specific Stressors than a matter of variations in perceived adjustment required and aspect of functioning impacted.Based on a presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 26, 1986. This work was conducted in part while the senior author was a Clinical Research Training Fellow in Adolescence (funded by T32 MH 14668) at the Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center in a program also sponsored by the Departments of Behavioral Science and Psychiatry, University of Chicago, and the Adolescent Programs of the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute. Support was also provided by an award from the DePaul University Council.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Tennessee. Current research interests are prevention of delinquency, family systems theory, and adolescent development.Current research interest is obesity in children.Current research interests are family functioning assessment and delinquency.  相似文献   

农民工在为促进城乡发展、建设现代化国家作贡献的同时,自身权益保障问题日益突出,成为社会广泛关注的焦点。要从构建社会主义和谐社会的高度充分认识农民工权益保障问题的重要性,加大立法与执法力度,建立健全维权机制,提高农民工整体素质,形成党政主导、各方齐抓共管的农民工维权格局。  相似文献   

高校教职工的身体状况是党和政府十分关心的一个问题。高校教职工普遍具有锻炼身体的意识,但缺少锻炼身体的行为。高校教职工应该把锻炼身体的意识转化为锻炼身体的行为,放松心态、健康饮食、加强锻炼,以提高自己的身体素质。  相似文献   

干部队伍素质的高低、作风的好坏和能力的强弱关系着党和国家各项事业的发展,关系着人民群众的切身利益.加强干部教育培训是提升干部整体素质、保持党的先进性的重要举措,也是建设一支素质过硬、作风优良、业务精通的干部队伍的必然要求,需要紧密结合新时代干部教育培训面临的新形势和新任务,不断改进,探索新途径新方法.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the dossier, situating Lizzie Borden's 1983 film Born in Flames in the contemporary political context. After offering a brief synopsis of the film, the essay argues that Born in Flames serves as both a document of feminist, anti-racist social movements and as inspiration for modeling future political work. The essay then briefly introduces the pieces that comprise the dossier.  相似文献   

Mothers who wish to work are faced with the double burden of paid employment and childcare. They also have to confront the widely held view that ‘a woman's place is in the home’ and the prevailing popular opinion that a mother who also works outside the home is somehow harming her child. Previous research has shown little evidence that maternal employment disadvantages children.The present study, a comparison of the child-rearing practices and attitudes of a group of working (both full- and part-time) and a group of full-time mothers of 4 year olds, reveals few significant differences between the two groups. Mothers in paid employment differ in only one child-rearing practice: they place greater stress on table manners.However, a number of significant attitudinal differences emerged between the two groups of mothers: working mothers found their child rearing more pleasurable, their relationship with the child was better and the child was more likely to be described as happy and contented. Working mothers were rated warmer, higher in self-esteem and less anxious about their child rearing. Husbands of working mothers were more likely and more willing to participate in childcare and were rated as having a more affectionate relationship with the child. Overall, the results of the study are strongly supportive of the aspirations of the growing number of women who wish to combine work and motherhood.  相似文献   

Beliefs about intelligence can vary from the view that it is stable to the view that it is unstable. Third through eleventh grade academically talented students (n =153) rated their beliefs on the stability of intelligence using a 6-point Likert scale. They also rated themselves on similar scales for how smart and hardworking they thought they were, and how much they liked hard tasks. Students' views of the stability of intelligence paralleled a normal distribution, with almost one-half having borderline views that can be easily modified to match environmental demands. Approximately 9% of these talented students were at risk for underachievement based on their self-perceptions of relatively low ability and the belief that intelligence is stable. High school students believed intelligence was more stable than elementary students and females described themselves as being harder workers than males. Findings may account for the differing academic experiences and performance of academically talented students over time.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Maryland Baltimore County. Research interests include self-perceptions, achievement, motivation, metacognition, and family factors that contribute to the development of academic talent.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from Johns Hopkins University. Research interests include gender differences, cognitive styles, and exceptional ability. Her other interests include gifted-learning disabled students and international education.  相似文献   

不断学习、提高素质是妇女解放的长期任务,也是女职工面临的紧迫任务。长期以来,我国女职工素质不高,与她们的学习状况不理想息息相关。终身学习是提高女职工素质的必由之路,为此女职工必须加强对学习重要性的认识,并要在学习的内容和方式上积极进行创新。  相似文献   

机关事业单位职工的工资收入标准由国家统一制定,利用财政拨款发放。从2006年上一轮工资调整至今,已有9年工资标准未涨。如今,国家已出台了机关事业单位工资调整方案和工资正常增长机制,但还未全面落实和严格执行。机关事业单位工会要积极维护职工权益,在职工工资收入调整问题上发挥工会代表和维权的职能,参与工资标准制订和实施细则方案出台的决策,使发放的工资收入符合广大公务员、事业编制干部和其他派遣、劳务制职工的期盼。  相似文献   

法兰克福学派的科学技术观的形成是一个合逻辑性与合历史性相统一的过程。霍克海默首先提出科学技术是意识形态这一论点,马尔库塞加以完善,至哈贝马斯却得出了资本主义统治合法化这一违反马克思主义基本立场的结论。法兰克福学派之所以陷入理论误区,根本上其在于没有区分科学技术与意识形态的异同,但是他们的观点可以引发我们的思考。  相似文献   

A question of general theoretical relevance for political socialization research concerns the role played by basic political orientations in structuring specific political opinions. This report investigates the relationship between beliefs in the legitimacy of political objects and approval of political protest and violence among a sample of children and adolescents. The setting for the research was a Florida town. Four aspects of political legitimacy are defined and measured. Measures of approval of political protest and political violence are distinguished conceptually and empirically. Beliefs in political legitimacy are shown to be of considerable importance in structuring opinions about political violence but have little impact on opinions about protest.  相似文献   

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