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Following a series of African leaders conferences in the EU, China, India, and Japan, the U.S. held the first U.S.- Africa Leaders Summit in Washington D.C. from August 4 to 6. The high-level meeting saw the announcement of a US $33 billion-investment in Africa, in sectors such as construction, clean energy, banking, and information technology, to propel economic and trade relations between the U.S. and African countries. Meanwhile, the U.S. laid down plans to catch up with Europe and China in terms of influence in Africa in sectors such as infrastructure and production.  相似文献   

Into a New Stage     
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang set forth on a four-nation African tour during the first half of May,in his first visit to the continent since he took office in March 2013.Not coincidentally,Chinese President Xi Jinping also visited Africa last April as the newly elected head of state.These two visits are seen not only as the continued implementation of China’s consistent African policy,but also as a display of the willingness and determination of China and Africa to bring their all-round strategic partnership into a new stage.  相似文献   

The friendship between the peoples of Africa and China dates back to ancient times when communication was still a major challenge. Nevertheless, Africa and China started to communicate and engage in trade as early as 3,000 years ago. By the 6th century, China and Africa already had direct contact via sea routes. In the 15th century, Admiral Zheng He, the well-known Chinese diplomat and navigator of the time, led fleets to East Africa four times, and visited places on the African continent…  相似文献   

The U.S.Africa Command goes into operation in Europe amid a firestorm of contention U.S.President George W.Bush announced plans to set up an Africa Command in February.Preparations have since been in full swing.A slew of officials from the U.S.State and Defense departments have visited African countries in the hope of determining a loca- tion for the Africa Command's headquarters.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in  相似文献   

Inaugurated as a vehicle to improve cooperation between China and the African continent in 2000, the annual Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has become a platform for communication and cooperation. On the eve of the Beijing Summit and the Third Ministerial Conference of the forum, to be held in early November, Beijing Review reporter Liu Wei spoke to Zhou Yabin, head of the West Asia and Africa Affairs Department of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), about Sino-African trade and the forum's agenda on promoting the economic relations between China and Africa.  相似文献   

Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Zambian counterpart Levy Patrick Mwanawasa (far right) study a model of the Chambisi Copper Mine after jointly inau-gurating an economic and trade cooperation zone in Lusaka on February 4. The zone, located in Zambia's Copper Belt Province, is designed to form a pro-duction chain with the Chambisi Copper Smelter as the core enterprise. It is the first project of its kind launched by China in Africa. At the Beijing Summit of the Forum of China-Africa Cooperation last November, the Chinese side promised to set up three to five such cooperation zones on the African continent over the next three years to further strengthen bilateral trade exchanges. The establishment of the zone is expected to boost the development of Zambia's light industry, increase local exports and create job opportunities. During his recent eight-nation African tour, President Hu reiterated that the Chinese Government encourages Chinese enterprises to increase their investment in Africa, in particular in those areas that have a direct bearing on the livelihood of African people.  相似文献   

The 1960s and 1970s were decades in which China and Africa began a friendship that was built around Beijing's political backing and developmental aid to a crop of emerging indepen- dent African nations.In the 1980s and 1990s,China shifted its focus by devoting more efforts to establishing a rapport with big powers and neighboring countries to create a sound environment for self-development.Since the turn of the cen- tury,however,the African continent has been rediscovered by China as a strategic partner in many areas.As the Chinese market has flourished,so too has the African economy,which maintained a growth momentum in recent years and has achieved a modest prosperity rarely seen in its history. He Fan,Deputy Director of the Research Center on International Finance affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shared his comments about this partnership on blog on the eve of the New Year.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正China and Africa should strengthen control collaboration in pandemic The number of novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) patients in Africa exceeded 158,000 as of June 3. Although the continent accounts for only a small proportion of confirmed cases in the world so far, the pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to the African economy. The negative impact is likely to continue, and even exacerbate. Therefore, measures need to be taken to mitigate losses and revitalize the economy, and stronger China-Africa cooperation could be one of them.  相似文献   

<正>South Africa’s membership in the BRICS club may bring more opportunities to the whole of Africa At their third summit,leaders from Brazil,Russia,India and China,known as the BRIC group of major emerging economies,welcomed a new member,South African President Jacob Zuma.Zuma led a high-level delegation,including South Africa’s international relations and cooperation minister,economic development minister and trade and industry minister,to attend the summit on April14in Sanya,south China’s Hainan Province  相似文献   

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