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On Chinese Media     
正EconomyNation Weekly Issue No.8,published on April 14,2014Railways Boost Urbanization Strategic thinking among China’s top leaders has been to advance urbanization through railway construction.But the fi nancial plight of China Railway Corporation,which is deep  相似文献   

中国国家现代化历程与中华民族的觉醒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族的觉醒也就是近现代民族意识的形成 ,它是一个民族从自在走向自为的关键 ,是在一定的经济和历史条件下 ,与国家体制的现代化、近现代国民的形成紧密相关的历史进程。其核心内容为对建立主权独立完整和主权在民的近现代国家 (单一民族国家或多民族国家 )这一历史使命的认识。现代民族意识觉醒具有大众性和实践性两个特征。 2 0 0 0多年统一的多民族的封建国家的历史造就了中华民族这一族际共同体 ,然而在“天下国家”专制君主体制下 ,中华民族只能以自在的方式存在。近代西方列强的入侵摧毁了中国的“天下国家”体系和观念 ,同时中国各族在团结御侮、救国救民的斗争中加强了对中华民族的认同。 2 0世纪初 ,中华民族开始其觉醒的历史进程 ,经历了三个阶段 ,至194 9年中华人民共和国的成立 ,最终完成了从自在到自为的转变。  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正Southern Metropolis Weekly Issue No.27,published on July 28,2014Love It or Hate It,English Language Is Inescapable The popularity of English language learning has opened a new window for the Chinese,and advanced their integration with peoples of the world.The ability to speak and read English has changed many Chinese people’s fate.Meanwhile,English has become a staple on Chinese school curricula and is a main feature of the job market.Love it or hate it,therefore,English language learning in China is inescapable.  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正China Newsweek Issue No.6,published on February 24,2014A New Era of Psychological Disorders It seems that today’s urban residents are suffering from new types of psychological maladies,such as willpower deficiency,decision-making difficulties,affinity phobia,social anxiety and language learning mania.The exact pathogenesis cannot be identified,nor can any medical treatment be given.If charted on a spectrum of psychological disorders,  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正South Reviews Issue No.12,published on June 1,2014Modern Chinese Corporations,30 Years on China’s opening-up and reform harks back to 1978,but it was 1984,when the central authority decided to shift its development focus from the countryside to cities,that marked the start of modern corporations in the country.It was in1984 that Deng Xiaoping made his southern tour to Shenzhen Special Economic Zone,so giving China’s business sector a shot in the arm.That year also saw the founding of a multitude of companies,including Lenovo,Vanke,Haier,  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正IT Time Weekly Issue No.17,published on September 5,2014China Advances amid Doubts about Its Anti-Monopoly Action The Chinese market regulator has launched anti-monopoly probes into giant companies in the technology,automobile,and auto components and parts sectors,signifying a step forward in the enforcement of the country’s six-year-old AntiMonopoly Law.Anti-monopoly action is part of the market economy,and is necessary to regulate the market order.However,China  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正China Business Focus Issue No.11,2013,published Nov.5,2013Visiting the Shanghai Free Trade Area(FTA)Reporters from China Business Focus recently got to observe how the comprehensive services hall of the Shanghai FTA management committee copes with overwhelming crowds.The management committee set up the first floor for registration and certification and the second floor for information.There are 29counters on the first floor,to register company names,receive documents,or grant certification.Ropes divide  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正Oriental Outlook Issue No.32,published on August 21,2014Deng Xiaoping’s Conception of China’s Systems Deng Xiaoping once said,"To judge the success of our Party and country’s systems,the most important yardstick is their ability to achieve the three goals."The three goals he mentioned were:outperforming the capitalist world in economic achievements,creating a more successful and practical democracy,and cultivating  相似文献   

浅议档案管理的科学发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
档案是人类文明的真实写照,是人类认识世界、改造世界的真实记载。社会的发展、经济的繁荣促进了社会对档案信息需求的增长。也带动了我国档案事业的向前发展。档案管理具有举足轻重的作用,它承担着向社会传播档案信息。为我国政治、经济、文化、教育的发展提供信息服务的功能。  相似文献   

卢尚纯 《桂海论丛》2008,24(5):56-58
舆论监督在民主政治建设中具有重要的地位和作用。但是,我国舆论监督存在着疲软与失范的现象。产生原因主要有思想观念的误区、文化传统及新闻理论的缺失、利益因素、体制原因和立法原因。舆论监督的疲软和失范,必须从机制完善上解决。  相似文献   

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