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While a number of nonmetric sex-related traits have been proposed, the accurate assignment of sex to subadult skeletal materials is generally considered problematic. Eight previously proposed nonmetric traits of the ilia and mandible have been demonstrated by other researchers to be related to the known-sex of subadults, yet there has been relatively little research attempting to evaluate the utility of these traits using independent collections of known-sex subadult skeletal remains. These eight traits include: elevation of the auricular surface, angle of the greater sciatic notch, depth of the greater sciatic notch, the "arch criteria," curvature of the iliac crest, gonial eversion, mandibular protrusion, and mandibular arcade shape. The present study blindly tested these eight nonmetric traits using 85 autopsied prehistoric known-sex mummified subadult remains from northern Chile that range in age between newborn and 15 skeletal years of age. The two primary questions examined for each trait are: (1) are the different character states for each of the eight traits related to known-sex, and (2) which of the eight traits are accurate enough for use in forensic cases? These questions are examined for each trait by both sex and age class so as to uncover potential sex- and age-related strengths and weaknesses for each of the characteristics. The results indicate that all eight of the previously proposed subadult sex-related traits are indeed related to known-sex, but that there is a great deal of variation by both sex and age in terms of the strength of congruent sex-related associations. With the exception of gonial eversion, all of the traits produced statistically significant chi2 values for their associations with known-sex when all subadult remains were considered. However, when all subadults are considered, only four traits demonstrated acceptable levels of accuracy for forensic applications. These traits include the arch criteria (82.3%), angle of the sciatic notch (80.7%), depth of the sciatic notch (79.0%), and mandibular arcade shape (77.6%). For subadults ranging in age from newborn to five skeletal years of age, only depth of the sciatic notch (81.5%) and the arch criteria (81.5%) approach acceptable levels of accuracy for use in forensic cases. The implications of these results are discussed and recommendations for bioarchaeological and forensic applications are made.  相似文献   

Current standards for age at death estimation from the pelvis are based on Americans of European and African ancestry. Our limited understanding of population variability hampers our efforts to apply these techniques to the various skeletal populations around the world, especially in global forensic contexts. However, documented skeletal samples are rare, limiting our ability to test our techniques. This study tested the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphysis aging method and the auricular surface method originally developed by Lovejoy et al. on a large sample (n = 404) of known sex and age from the Sassari Collection, housed at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Bologna, Italy. The results indicate that for both methods, bias and inaccuracy increased with age and actual age tended to be underestimated over the age of 40. The auricular surface method performed slightly better, exhibiting slightly lower levels of bias and inaccuracy, especially for males.  相似文献   

Lamendin et al. (1) proposed a technique to estimate age at death for adults by analyzing single-rooted teeth. They expressed age as a function of two factors: translucency of the tooth root and periodontosis (gingival regression). In their study, they analyzed 306 singled rooted teeth that were extracted at autopsy from 208 individuals of known age at death, all of whom were considered as having a French ancestry. Their sample consisted of 135 males, 73 females, 198 whites, and 10 blacks. The sample ranged in age from 22 to 90 years of age. By using a simple formulae (A = 0.18 x P + 0.42 x T + 25.53, where A = Age in years, P = Periodontosis height x 100/root height, and T = Transparency height x 100/root height), Lamendin et al. were able to estimate age at death with a mean error of +/- 10 years on their working sample and +/- 8.4 years on a forensic control sample. Lamendin found this technique to work well with a French population, but did not test it outside of that sample area. This study tests the accuracy of this adult aging technique on a more diverse skeletal population, the Terry Collection housed at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Our sample consists of 400 teeth from 94 black females, 72 white females, 98 black males, and 95 white males, ranging from 25 to 99 years. Lamendin's technique was applied to this sample to test its applicability to a population not of French origin. Providing results from a diverse skeletal population will aid in establishing the validity of this method to be used in forensic cases, its ideal purpose. Our results suggest that Lamendin's method estimates age fairly accurately outside of the French sample yielding a mean error of 8.2 years, standard deviation 6.9 years, and standard error of the mean 0.34 years. In addition, when ancestry and sex are accounted for, the mean errors are reduced for each group (black females, white females, black males, and white males). Lamendin et al. reported an inter-observer error of 9+/-1.8 and 10+/-2 sears from two independent observers. Forty teeth were randomly remeasured from the Terry Collection in order to assess an intra-observer error. From this retest, an intra-observer error of 6.5 years was detected.  相似文献   

A simple method for the extraction of testosterone from bloodstains followed by its measurement by radioimmunoassay is described. Complete discrimination of males and females was achieved with measured bloodstains as small as 40 microliters. With stains of unknown volume the total protein content of the stain was determined as an internal reference level. Using the testosterone/protein ratio unequivocal identification was possible for 75% of the stains from males and 50% from females.  相似文献   

Age determination from human skeletal remains is an important biological parameter in both forensic and bioarchaeological contexts. This study presents the results of a blind test of the revised auricular surface age estimation method proposed by Buckberry and Chamberlain (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 119 (2002) 321-329) on a large sample (n=404) of known sex and age from the Sassari collection, housed at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Bologna, Italy. Ilia were scored for five features: transverse organization, surface texture, microporosity, macroporosity, and apical changes, which combined for a composite score. The results indicated that all features and the composite score were positively correlated with known age. Composite scores were significantly different between the sexes, suggesting that males and females should be treated separately. Bias and inaccuracy varied across age intervals. Age tended to be overestimated in individuals under age 59 and underestimated for those over age 60 years. However, the revised method showed improvement over the original auricular surface method (Lovejoy et al., Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68 (1985) 15-28), especially for aging older individuals. Considerable variation exists in the age ranges derived from composite scores and few significant differences were found between age stages, suggesting that fewer stages with wider age ranges may be necessary. The independent, quantitative scoring of the surface features makes the revised method substantially easier to apply and the method shows significant improvement for aging older individuals.  相似文献   

The absorption-elution technique with low ionic strength solution (LISS) and papain-treated test cells previously used for bloodstains was employed for the detection of ABO antigens on human hair. Antigen identification was always possible, with good intensity of agglutination, even in those cases where classic techniques had given false-negative results. It was possible to obtain positive results with fragments of human hair as small as 0.2 cm.  相似文献   

目的探讨PCR-RFLP法在mtDNA多态性分析中的应用价值。方法应用限制酶RsaI和MnlI消化mtDNA D-LOOP区(HVI16106~16297)PCR扩增产物,聚丙烯凝胶电泳进行RFLP分型,对不同PCR-RFLP分型扩增产物进行测序,并对150例辽宁汉族随机个体及30例真三联家系血样进行检验。结果在150例随机个体中,RsaI和MnlI酶切分别发现3和8种表型,DNA测序结果和PAGE分型结果一致,GD值分别为0.107,0.670。联合两种酶切,发现12种表型,GD值为0.708。在30个家系中,母子的RFLP带型完全相同。结论 PCR-RFLP法适合在基层实验室mtDNA分析中应用。  相似文献   

A recently developed technique used in the estimation of age at death is based upon the metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium. This technique was designed to be used in seriation to estimate the age distribution of a skeletal sample. However, the technique has also been used in forensic science cases, which must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. The present study examines the use of the auricular surface technique as the single aging factor. Two hypotheses are tested using a sample of 189 individuals drawn from the Terry Collection, housed at the Smithsonian Institution. The hypotheses are (1) is the method equally applicable across race and sex, and (2) how well does the method perform as the single aging factor? The results indicate that the amount of degenerative change in the auricular surface is not dependent upon race or sex in any given age category. However, the rate of degenerative change is too variable to be used as a single criterion for the estimation of age; the range of estimation error is simply too large for forensic science purposes.  相似文献   

Three documented European skeletal series were examined to assess the accuracy and reliability of the pubic variables described by Phenice for correctly identifying the sex of adult human skeletal remains. The accuracy and objectivity of these variables, as reported by Phenice, Kelley, Sutherland and Suchey, and Lovell, could not be confirmed on this European material. In general, the subpubic concavity feature, when used alone, proved to be the most reliable variable for sex identification. In this study, the level of correct sex identification that could be achieved using the Phenice variables was shown to be significantly affected by the previous experience of the observer.  相似文献   

This study investigated the value of antemortem (AM) and postmortem (PM) radiographs of the claviculae and C3-T4 vertebrae to identify skeletons of missing U.S. soldiers from past military operations. In total, 12 field-recovered skeletons and AM chest radiographs of 1460 individuals were used. For each skeleton, examiners analyzed an array of AM chest radiographs (up to 1000 individuals) and attempted to identify the correct PM/AM radiographic match. When examiners were able to compare all images within a single test, only true-positive identifications were made. When AM radiographs were presented one-at-a-time, in sequential order, and without examiners having knowledge of array size, erroneous identifications resulted but they were almost exclusively made by untrained examiners (accuracy = 35% vs. 90% for trained examiners). This study demonstrates the value of chest radiographs for the identification of disarticulated and even eroded skeletons, but only when methods are wielded by trained examiners.  相似文献   

Anthropometry can be used in certain circumstances to facilitate comparison of a photograph of a suspect with that of the potential offender from surveillance footage. Experimental research was conducted to determine whether anthropometry has a place in forensic practice in confirming the identity of a suspect from a surveillance video. We examined an existing database of photographic lineups, where one video image was compared against 10 photographs, which has previously been used in psychological research. Target (1) and test (10) photos were of high quality, although taken with a different camera. The anthropometric landmarks of right and left ectocanthions, nasion, and stomion were chosen, and proportions and angle values between these landmarks were measured to compare target with test photos. Results indicate that these measurements failed to accurately identify targets. There was also no indication that any of the landmarks made a better comparison than another. It was concluded that, for these landmarks, this method does not generate the consistent results necessary for use as evidence in a court of law.  相似文献   

目的统计分析1574例盗窃案件中提取的2496个现场生物检材,为提高DNA在盗窃案件侦破中的应用成效提供参考。方法根据2496个生物检材的类型、现场提取方法、重点提取部位、DNA检测结果等进行统计和分析比较,总结常见类型盗窃案件现场生物检材的主要发现提取部位以及不同方法提取的现场生物检材DNA检出率。结果接触类检材已成为盗窃案件最多见的生物检材类型,但检出率仍然较低,对混合分型应进一步分析筛选以提高DNA的认定率;不同方法提取的现场生物检材在DNA检出率方面存在统计学差异,接触类生物检材以植绒拭子和原物提取的方式为首选;现场生物检材的主要发现提取部位根据盗窃案件的类型不同有所侧重。结论现场勘查人员在盗窃案件中发现和提取到有价值的生物检材是提高DNA检出认定能力的关键因素,应着力培养现场勘查人员的微量生物物证意识,提高现场勘查人员提取和处理微量生物检材的能力。  相似文献   

The background and goals of a national study to determine the feasibility of blind proficiency testing in U.S. forensic DNA laboratories are discussed. Part of the project involved designing and executing a series of fifteen blind proficiency tests. Execution included biological specimen donor recruitment and case evidence manufacturing. Simulated cases were submitted to DNA laboratories by law enforcement agencies and in some cases by other forensic-science laboratories. Replicate-manufactured evidence was submitted to reference laboratories to simulate the workings of a larger-scale program. Ten tests were straightforward, and essentially tested analytical ability. Five tests involved selecting on the basis of case facts appropriate bloodstains for typing from a bloodstain pattern. We describe in detail our experience in designing and conducting these blind proficiency test trials, and relate those experiences to the overall issue of blind proficiency testing as a quality-assurance tool in forensic DNA laboratories. In this feasibility test series, one blind test was detected by a laboratory, a second one was shown to the lab by law enforcement, and a third was never completed because of lapses in communication. Turnaround times were relatively fast in the independent/commercial labs and relatively slow in the larger public laboratories. Two cross-state case-to-case CODIS "hits" were "planted" among the first series of ten blind tests. One pair was detected. One member of the second pair went to a lab that was not CODIS-ready.  相似文献   

目的探讨心理生理测试技术在鉴定造作伤诈病中的应用价值。方法采用同方神火多导心理生理测试仪(TH型4.0.0.15)对50名学生分别进行伪装疼痛和造作鼓膜穿孔为主题的CQT问题测试。采用t检验和χ2检验进行数据统计分析。结果诚实组结果有效率大于说谎组(P0.01);自动评分和手动打分的结果有效率无显著差异;伪装疼痛问题测试和造作鼓膜穿孔问题测试的结果有效率无显著差异。结论本实验为后续的实案测试提供了良好的研究基础。  相似文献   

微波消解-扫描电镜联用法在溺死诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨微波消解-扫描电镜联用法在溺死诊断中的应用价值。方法收集已知死因的尸体标本105例,其中水中尸体85例(生前溺死70例,死后抛尸入水15例),陆地自然死亡尸体20例。水中死亡案例同时收集落水处水样。分别用微波消解-扫描电镜联用法(方法 A)和硝酸破机-光镜联用法(方法 B)对上述尸体的离体肺、肝、肾、骨髓组织及水样进行硅藻定性、定量检测。结果①溺死尸体的肺、肝、肾、骨髓中及落水处水样硅藻检出率:A法分别为100%、94.3%、92.9%、82.9%、100%,硅藻检验阳性率为100%;B法分别为90%、62.9%、51.4%、28.6%、92.9%,硅藻检验阳性率为65.7%。②两种方法检出的硅藻种类与落水处水样中硅藻的种类均一致。③两种方法在死后入水尸体离体的肺中也检出少量硅藻(<3个/2g肺组织),但在死后入水尸体的其它脏器及陆地自然死亡尸体脏器中均未检出硅藻。结论微波消解-扫描电镜联用法较硝酸破机-光镜联用法对尸体离体组织脏器中的硅藻检出率高,方法灵敏,定性准确。  相似文献   

Forensic scientists may sometimes be asked to identify the presence of urine in cases such as harassment, rape or murder. One popular presumptive test method uses para-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMAC), favoured because it is simple, rapid and safe. This paper confirms that DMAC reacts with urea rather than creatinine, ammonia or uric acid. Sensitivity studies found that the 0.1% w/v DMAC solution currently used for urine identification detects levels of urea found in other body fluids, potentially resulting in false positives. A 0.05% w/v solution was found to be more appropriate in terms of sensitivity to urea however the test is still not specific for urine, giving positive reactions with a number of body fluids (saliva, semen, sweat and vaginal material) and other substances (foot lotion, hair removal cream and broccoli).  相似文献   

Carpals are often used as age indicators. In a recent study, Cameriere et al. studied the use of the ratio between the total area of carpal bones and epiphyses of the ulna and radius (Bo) and carpals (Ca) as age indicators. The present study, of a sample of 158 Slovenian children and adolescents aged between 6 and 16 years, focused on analysing the best regression for age estimation. The regression model yielded the following equation: age=-3.411+0.942 g+20.927(Bo/Ca), and explained 91.6% of total variance (R(2)=0.916). The median of the absolute values of residuals (observed age minus predicted age) was 0.09 years, with a quartile deviation of 0.786 years, and a standard error of estimate of 0.658 years. Comparisons between the previous equation referring to Slovenian children and the equivalent linear equation proposed by Cameriere et al. did not reveal any significant differences between the intercepts and slopes of the two linear models. These results suggested a common regression model for both Italian and Slovenian samples. The common regression model, describing age as a linear function of gender and Bo/Ca ratio, yielded the following linear regression formula: age=-2.907+0.408 g+20.757(Bo/Ca). This model explained 86% of total variance (R(2)=0.86). The median of the absolute values of residuals (observed age minus predicted age) was 0.02 years, with a quartile deviation of 1.02 years and a standard error of estimate of 0.96 years.  相似文献   

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