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略论反垄断法所规制的垄断王先林实行市场经济的各国将促进和维护竞争作为其一项重要的政策目标,而且主要通过制定和实施反垄断法来加以体现和保证。为适应社会主义市场经济的需要,我国正在研究制定反垄断法。本文试就反垄断法所规制的垄断这一基本问题作一粗略的探讨。...  相似文献   

反垄断法的实施体制是以反垄断法实施机关为本位的机构设置和运作体制。它主要通过法院、反垄断专门机构、私人等力量推动运行。在考查美国、日本、德国、英国、欧盟等国家和国际组织的反垄断法实施体制后,笔者发现它们采用了大体相同的政策目标和运作原则。本文拟对这些政策目标和运作原则进行论述。  相似文献   

薄冰 《江淮法治》2008,(15):30-32
《中华人民共和国反垄断法》(以下简称《反垄断法》)已经十届全国人大常委会第二十九次会议审议通过,并于今年8月1日起施行。作为成熟市场经济中竞争政策的核心部分,反垄断法是市场经济内在和本质的需要,是维护自由市场机制的基础性法律,以至有“经济宪法”之称。《反垄断法》的诞生堪称中国经济体制改革进程中的一个里程碑,意味着我国社会主义市场经济相关配套法规更加成熟,市场经济体制更趋完善。解读《反垄断法》,有8大亮点值得关注。  相似文献   

略论我国反垄断法的政策目标、本质与对象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、反垄断法的竞争政策目标 竞争是市场经济的灵魂,竞争政策是一国实行市场经济的基本国策,而这一国策必须通过法律的形式予以保障和实施。自20世纪90年代以来,中国虽然突出强调了开展市场竞争的重要性和必要性,井且为保持公平竞争于1993年颁布了《中华人民共国和》反不正当竞争法,但是,市场竞争问题还远未作为市场经济最基本的问题来对待,竞争政策还未成为一项基本国策,从而也没有把作为这一国策予以法律形式体现的竞争法当作最基本的法律制度来看待。 探索和确立反垄断法的政策目标,必须立足于反垄断法从属于经济法的部…  相似文献   

我国反垄断法政策以新制度经济学派为主导思想:提高经济效率为主,以市场结构方案为辅。提高社会福利和维护公共利益应当是我国反垄断法的价值目标。竞争标准是反垄断法立法和执法的基础,应当根据交易费用学派和可竞争理论确定竞争标准。中国反垄断法体现的竞争政策有成功也有不足。产权制度改革应当是河北省自然垄断行业改革的重点。  相似文献   

我国反垄断法与产业政策、竞争政策目标   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吴宏伟 《法学杂志》2005,26(2):16-20
竞争的正常运行需要有法律保障,但成就于国家政策目标的落实与实现。我国反垄断法在制定过程中,应将产业政策和竞争政策主要体现于反垄断法的适用范围、规制对象和执法机构这三个问题上。  相似文献   

竞争政策以维护竞争的自由、公平与有效为目标,是自由与干预的矛盾体。而作为我国竞争政策法制化的核心法律规范《反垄断法》的制定与实施总是要在垄断与竞争、自由与干预之间作出选择,这是《反垄断法》具有政策性的重要前提。针对当前金融危机,以宏观经济平稳运行为出发点,《反垄断法》的政策性对国家干预经济具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文阐述了经济学与反垄断法的相互作用关系,分析了一些否认经济学对反垄断政策的指导和推动作用的观点,讨论了经济学是如何影响反垄断法的制定和确定其应走的道路。  相似文献   

反垄断法政策目标的多元化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竞争是反垄断法设计的方法和手段,它不具有政策目标的意义,反垄断法所关注的并非是、而且从来也不是竞争本身,而是竞争能为我们带来什么。各国近百年来的反垄断实践揭示出了反垄断的种种政策目标,诸如保护消费者利益、促进经济效率、维持中小企业的生存和发展等,以期将竞争导向正确的方向。事实证明,反垄断法的政策目标是多元的,人们要做的工作不是诠释其对立,而是要在实践中使各种目标更加的协调。  相似文献   

正知识产权、创新与反垄断执法的关系在很多情况下都是非常复杂和敏感的,涉及对知识产权法和反垄断法两法域边界的划分及其交叉问题的认识和处理,关系到维护竞争和激励创新两大目标的平衡。近年来,知识产权领域的权利行使行为越来越受到反垄断执法机构的关注,如何协调好知识产权与反垄断执法的关系,准确定位适应技术创新要求的竞争政策,是反垄断法在创新经济条件下必须面对的问题。一、知识产权与反垄断法的基本关系实践中,无论是政策制定,还是执法与司法实践,都在努力寻求着反垄断法和知识产权法两者之间的相互补充以促进创新。知识产权法借助排他权驱动创新,鼓  相似文献   

杰罗姆·柯恩 (JeromeA .Cohen)教授是美国当代中国法研究的开创人之一。从 60年代初开始研究中国法以来 ,柯恩教授对美国的中国法研究做出了重要的贡献。这些贡献包括 :创建哈佛大学法学院东亚法律研究中心、倡导中美之间在法律和其他方面的友好合作与交流 (包括担任北京—纽约姐妹城市美方主席 )、积极协助中国当代的法律改革、培养大量专长于中国法的海外学者和律师等等。 (对柯恩教授更详细的介绍 ,可参见《美国的中国法研究 :杰罗姆·柯恩教授纪念论文集》序言 ,载北大法律信息网 ,http ://2 1 1 1 .1 0 0 .1 8.62 /f…  相似文献   

A.B. v. C     

Max Young 《The Law teacher》2013,47(2):145-150
ON THE assumption that law schools should seek to foster a legal profession which takes ethics seriously, this article explores how it may promote the moral development of its students. Having examined how legal education currently fails in this regards, it explores competing psychological theories of moral development and argues that law schools should seek to start students on a ‘moral apprenticeship’ leading to the development of the necessary moral character to equip them for the ethical challenges of practice. The article then looks at the extent to which ideal methods for promoting moral development can be implemented given the current climate in legal education. In particular, it argues that an excellent and viable means of assisting in the process of moral character development is through student involvement in live‐client clinics, particularly if they are run on an extra‐curricular basis.  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1987, a wide-ranging corruption scandal in Pennsylvania resulted in the conviction and disgrace of a number of high-ranking elected officials, as well as the much publicized suicide of state Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer. This C.T.A. case initially appeared to be a straightforward and almost commonplace affair involving bribes and kickbacks to secure state contracts; but on further examination, this seemingly uncomplicated case can be shown to have involved elaborate conflicts at both state and federal level, and the direction and outcome of the prosecution were heavily influenced by political factors and bureaucratic self-interest.This paper will provide a narrative of the C.T.A. case and related incidents, and also describe the external factors which shaped the investigation. Particular emphasis will be placed on the complex relationship between state-level political interests and the activities of federal prosecutors. The C.T.A. affair offers an excellent illustration of the difficulty of gaining an accurate understanding of even an apparently simple case of political corruption, and the implication is that more elaborate incidents are even less amenable to any kind of academic or social scientific observation. The case can only be understood if full account is taken of the prosecutorial and investigative process which turned the original illegal transactions into a full-blown public scandal, factors which are often insufficiently emphasized in research on political corruption.  相似文献   

This article offers a brief tribute to the father of the field of family violence, Murray A. Straus, Ph.D. Murray spent the bulk of his career at the University of New Hampshire, where he studied partner violence, corporal punishment, developed the Conflict Tactics Scales, and mentored thousands of students, post-doctoral research fellows, and colleagues alike. His productivity and the significant impact that he had on the field and the public at large, in addition to his warmth and good humor, are noted here.  相似文献   

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