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试析对区域性国际组织运用武力的法律控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域组织运用武力问题在科索沃战争后更为引人关注。在联合国宪章体系下 ,区域组织运用武力有三种类型。其中 ,集体自卫和授权型运用武力对及时有效地反对地区霸权主义、维护国际和平与安全具有重要意义。但从国际关系实践来看 ,区域组织运用武力尤其是授权型运用武力存在着较多问题 ,只有对其实行有效控制 ,才能发挥区域组织在维护国际和平与安全方面的作用  相似文献   

冷战结束之后,联合国集体安全机制的困境越来越突出.在安理会的决策方面,大国一致原则导致的选择性制裁和反应迟钝问题日益凸显.在军事行动的执行方面,安理会缺乏及时和有效的管控手段.与此同时,战略转型后的北约以“危机应对”为路径,开始谋求成为全球性集体安全机制.在“自愿合作”取代“整体对外”,成为军事干涉的决策基础之后,北约的军事干涉机制更加高效,但也更加危险.科索沃战争与利比亚战争都说明:联合国与北约两种集体安全机制的兼容存在相当大的困难,但并非不可能.实现兼容的两个前提是北约的军事干涉能够获得安理会的事先授权,并且安理会能够对北约的军事行动实施及时和有效的管控.当两者无法兼容时,考虑到北约集体安全机制的封闭性、进攻性和危险性,我们只有坚持安理会的权威才能真正保障世界和平.国际社会不应对联合国集体安全机制失去信心.一方面,即使美国及其北约盟国也无法彻底放弃联合国集体安全机制;另一方面,在推动联合国改革的基础上,通过遵守和完善《联合国宪章》所规定的集体自卫权与区域办法,两种集体安全机制仍然可以实现兼容.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后建立的联合国为使后世免于再次遭受“惨不堪言之战祸” ,建立了以联合国安理会为中心的集体安全制度以确保国际社会的和平与安全。但是宪章中确立的这种在维持国际和平与安全领域以联合国安理会为主、各区域组织为辅的集体安全体制并没有能够真正有效地发挥其作用。造成这种状况的原因多种多样 ,区域组织在实践中对安理会权威的侵蚀就是其中的一个重要方面。本文主要分析了在实践中区域组织究竟是如何通过强调宪章第 5 1条所规定的集体自卫的权利、对宪章第 41条和第 42条的狭义解释、对宪章第 5 4条规定报告制度的严格限制、以所谓的默示授权的强调和利用以及对宪章条款并未作出明确规定的维持和平行动的利用等方式逐渐削弱了联合国安理会在维持国际和平与安全领域中的权威。  相似文献   

群体性劳动争议是群体性个人争议和集体争议的集合,我国目前主要表现为群体性个人争议,但集体争议会随着集体劳动关系的成熟而日益增多,并迫切需要制度跟进。"国家统合"或"协约自治"是集体劳动关系制度选择的基点,对二者的权衡也决定了政府在应对群体性劳动争议中的角色选择与行为方式,并对争议预防、集体谈判的进入与进行、集体争议及产业行动的处理提出了相应的制度要求。  相似文献   

联合国集体安全机制自建立以来在防止战争升级、结束战争、解决政治冲突各方面扮演了重要角色、但也存在着诸多现实挑战.有着主权共享与主权独立之间、集体安全与强权政治之间及团结一致与利己主义之间各种矛盾.未来的联合国能否成为强大而高效的组织,取决于各成员国的政策与实践.  相似文献   

侯玲玲 《法律科学》2013,(4):104-116
利益调整所引发的集体争议行动是市场经济背景下劳资争议的重要型态。基于劳资自治的保障需求,大多市场经济国家(地区)对劳动者集体争议行动这种侵权行为予以有限制的法律保护。我国因加薪所引发的集体停工频发,凸显了法律对集体争议行动失范及其法律秩序重构的必要。借鉴国外立法例,结合国情,我国宜采取消极立法模式,通过特殊的法律责任豁免制度和特殊的劳资利益争议处理程序,以规范劳动者集体争议行动。  相似文献   

"人道主义干涉"在历史上并非新鲜事物,但随着冷战的结束,特别是上个世纪九十年代以来,"人道主义干涉"的行动在国际舞台上越来越受人瞩目,尤其是1999年的科索沃战争可以说达到了顶峰。"人道主义干涉"虽为很多西方国家及其学者所倡导,但其无论在理论上,法理上还是在政治、机制方面都面临着难以跨越的困境。  相似文献   

本文通过比较分析和谐世界理念与集体安全制度,探讨二者的关联性,从而进一步突显中国提出和谐世界理念的正确性和适时性,以促进和谐世界理念对集体安全制度的丰富和发展。  相似文献   

2003年3月20日,美英等国发动了对伊拉克的军事打击行动。同年5月1日,美国总统布什宣布伊拉克境内的主要战事结束。到目前为止,伊拉克局势仍动荡不已。这场战争造成了海湾地区大规模的人道主义灾难,严重危害了世界的和平与安全。伊拉克战争所引起的一系列国际法问题正越来越受到国际社会的关注。本文以伊拉克战争为线索,主要探讨人权的国际保护及其实施等问题。  相似文献   

饶戈平 :按联合国创立者们的设想 ,联合国的首要宗旨就是维护世界和平与安全 ,防止新的战争爆发。为此 ,《联合国宪章》规定了一系列基本原则和制度 ,其中包括国家主权平等、和平解决国际争端、不使用威胁或武力、不干涉内政等原则 ,以及联合国集体安全体制。在这一体制下 ,国际社会的绝大多数国家 ,经由联合国这个世界上最重要的普遍性政治组织 ,共同承担起维护世界和平与安全的责任。而主要的执行机构则是联合国安理会 ,安理会特别是其中的五大国被授权承担了维护世界和平与安全的主要职责。《联合国宪章》规定 ,安理会不但担负着主持和…  相似文献   

联合国的改革进程涉及诸多国际法问题,它对国家主权平等原则、不干涉内政原则和禁止以武力相威胁或使用武力原则提出了挑战。联合国改革与集体安全制度、《联合国宪章》的修改也密切相关。在联合国的改革进程中,现代国际法将发挥重要作用。同时,联合国改革又将进一步推动现代国际法的发展。  相似文献   

The scope of the collective security system established underthe United Nations Charter has expanded significantly sincethe end of the cold war to cover new fields. An increasing linkagebetween maintenance of peace and economic reconstruction haslead the United Nations to play an unprecedented role withinthe economic realm, be it by the widening of the range of measuresadopted by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charterwith economic consequences or through the direct managementof economies in post-conflict situations as part of a globalstrategy to restore peace in war-torn territories. This evolutionhas brought to light the limits of the existing UN collectivesecurity system as a framework to deal with economic issues.It is submitted that the ‘derogatory’ logic underArticle 103 of the Charter and under WTO law through its exceptionclauses is no longer sufficient to review and assess the UNaction in the economic sphere. The promotion and integrationof a broader set of principles and rules of international economiclaw such as principles of fair competition, non-discrimination,or transparency, would help enhance the legitimacy of actionsof the UN Security Council. Moreover, this article argues thattaking into account international economic law would contributeto achieve UN goals in post conflict situations by paving theway for a stable and safe economic environment in a long-termperspective. The recently established Peacebuilding Commissionmay contribute to develop a coherent and integrated legal approachin this area.  相似文献   

The issuance of the Declaration of Independence by Kosovar authoritiesin February 2008 has been treated by the United Nations as notcapable of creating a precedent in international law. The questionremains as to whether the act was in conformity with internationallaw. In resolution A/RES/63/3, the United Nations General Assemblydecided to request the International Court of Justice to renderan advisory opinion on that question. The Kosovo case, consequently,raises issues that merit further consideration. A legal findingby the Court would be worth all this trouble if it clarifiedthe rules regarding post-colonial-age secessions, even thoughits conclusion on the situation of Kosovo will not be likelyto affect the matter of recognition to any great extent. Internationalintervention as a title to sovereignty is given some truth followingthese events concerning Kosovo. The conformity or not with internationallaw of a unilateral act always depends on the legality of boththe root for its initiation and the original rationale. Fromthis perspective, the independence of Kosovo is indeed a uniquecase of secession.  相似文献   

武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题关系到国际法律秩序的前途与联合国集体安全体制的命运。通过对美国武力反恐政策与实践在国际法学界引发的争议、国际法上自卫权规则和安理会授权武力强制措施的适用性、国际恐怖主义泛滥对自卫权理论和规则的发展方向的影响 ,以及联合国在武力反恐中的作用等问题的分析 ,我们可以看到 ,虽然现有国际法理论和规则并不完全支持武力反恐 ,但是完全排除受害国使用武力反恐既不合理也不可行。为了既有效打击恐怖主义又不滥用武力 ,现行国际法和联合国体制都需要改革 ,以建立一个由和平措施和武力措施共同构成的反恐机制。  相似文献   

伊拉克战争对国际法治的冲击和影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美英发动的伊拉克战争对国际社会提出了一系列值得认真思考的国际法问题。本文着重探讨这场战争对国际法基础的冲击以及违反联合国宪章规定非法使用武力问题 ,探讨在国际武装冲突中实施国际人道法面临的困境。在此基础上 ,作者提出了加强国际法治的若干建议。  相似文献   

对我国参与联合国民事警察维和行动进行国内立法是我国参与联合国警察维和行动的基本要求。我国目前有关参与联合国民事警察维和行动的国内法依据极为不健全,既没有在相关法律中进行明确规,也没有参与联合国民事警察维和行动专门法律法规,现有的零星规定也存在诸多缺陷。笔者认为,为完善有关维和法律法规,必须对我国参与联合国民事警察维和行动展开专门立法。在立法模式上,由于我国军事维和已经进行了专门立法,因而可以借鉴军事维和立法模式,对我国参与联合国民事警察维和行动作统一立法,或者在人民警察法中单列参与民事警察维和章节。总之,通过对我国参与联合国民事警察维和行动的专门立法,不断促进我国参与联合国民事警察维和行动走上制度化、法治化水平,提高我国参与联合国民事警察维和行动的效率和影响。  相似文献   

In 2010, two Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (CHEs) befell Haiti: a devastating earthquake in January and in October, a cholera outbreak that continues to this day. This essay focuses on the latter and examines the paradoxical role of the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH—now United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti—MINUJUSTH) in this tragedy, particularly, in a chain of events that call into question its peacekeeping mission.

According to Barry Pakes, a Complex Humanitarian Emergency (CHE) is a “type of disaster event that is caused by and results in a complicated set of social, medical and often political circumstances, usually leading to great human suffering and death and requiring external assistance and aid.” CHEs are associated with a variety of factors, such as war, poverty, overpopulation, human-caused environmental destruction and change, and natural disasters. The United Nations (UN) considers a CHE to be a crisis involving multiple causes and requiring a broad and integrated response with long-term political and peacekeeping efforts.” The 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti could be considered a CHE, according to this definition.  相似文献   

This article discusses China’s influence on the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC). It describes China’s participation in the discussion of war crimes investigation and punishment, emphasizing the particular influence of Chinese Representative Wellington Koo. The article examines Koo’s application of international law to address Japanese atrocities committed towards China, particularly in using the UNWCC as a means of ensuring that Japanese aggression did not go unpunished. Despite the inability to hold many Japanese war criminals accountable, the author emphasizes China’s remarkable impact on the UNWCC, and maintains that China continues to remain a strong force in international law.  相似文献   

This article traces the evolution of discussions within the Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties and the United Nations War Crimes Commission regarding the establishment of an international criminal court. The Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties was the first war crimes commission that seriously debated establishing an international criminal court for the prosecution of war criminals. Following the discussions held in the UNWCC, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg was created. All three institutions played a major part in the development of international criminal law.  相似文献   

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