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Trace metal ratios in human bones were examined to determine if there were ratios that were sufficiently consistent within an individual yet varying sufficiently from the bones of another individual so that bones in a mixed grave could be reassembled. The concentrations of 21 elements sampled at 54 places on 30 human bones in each of 5 skeletons indicated that the magnesium/zinc ratio was the most reliable and that the zinc/sodium, magnesium/sodium, and chromium/sodium ratios could be used as supplements to help reassemble human bones belonging to the same individual after all standard techniques had been used.  相似文献   

Chronic alcoholic intoxication was found to result in changes in trace elemental structure of human hair and mongrel white rat hair. Reliable increase of iron, zinc, copper and manganese in hair of alcoholic patients and tendency to increase iron content in rat hair were detected.  相似文献   

Estimation of the post-mortem interval remains a contentious issue, with forensic pathologists often relying upon the recognition of morphological changes.A radionuclide approach has often been suggested in the literature, although limitations have prevented its application, most notably those of diagenesis. Within this pilot study, we show for the first time that there is a correlation between certain radionuclide content and time since death.A larger study is proposed to confirm these findings and possibly provide a calibration against which bones uncovered can be dated.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish human cremains from filler materials can be important in a variety of situations, the most notorious recent example being the Tri-State Crematorium incident. However, the majority of the papers in the recent literature present methods that rely on trace or minor element analysis, usually followed by a statistical or variable cluster analysis, to determine attribution. This approach is inherently risky, as there is significant natural variation in the trace and minor element body burdens within the human population and no real baseline for comparison. Bones and teeth are a form of calcium phosphate that is part of the mineral group apatite, often referred to as bioapatite. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy is a technique that is used to identify minerals by their crystalline structures rather than their elemental composition. The members of the mineral group apatite have a highly flexible hexagonal (6/m) structure that is able to incorporate small amounts of a wide variety of elements. However, its structure, and therefore its X-ray diffraction pattern, is distinct from the crystalline structures of all of the commonly reported filler materials, most of which are composed of some combination of Portland cement, limestone aggregate and quartz sand. XRD has several advantages over other analytical techniques for the identification of cremains. It is non-destructive, requires relatively small amounts of material, is unaffected by the elemental variations found in bioapatite, and can be used to semi-quantify the components of a mixture, thus determining the relative level of contamination of a sample. This paper presents the results of X-ray diffraction spectroscopy analysis of human cremains and a variety of common filler materials.  相似文献   

Forensic soil comparisons are normally undertaken on the basis of several physical, chemical and biological properties, but in all cases the interpretation of results is dependent on the availability of relevant contextual information. This paper summarises the results of major and trace element analyses performed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry on the < 150 µm size fraction of 1896 soil samples collected in connection with forensic investigations in England and Wales between 1999 and 2007. A number of new methods are described which facilitate inter-sample comparison. Although the available data do not provide uniform geographical coverage they do provide useful information which can assist police search investigations and they provide valuable contextual information which aids the evidential assessment of soil evidence when used in court. There is considerable scope to improve the database by increasing the geographical coverage and increasing the number of soil attributes which are included.  相似文献   

Macro- and trace element composition of hairs on the head, chest, in the armpits, and on the pubis in the population of Asia, Africa, and Latin America adapted and not to the climate, geographic and ecological conditions of the Russian Federation (Moscow) is studied by spectrography (DPS-13 spectrograph). Element composition of residents of 16 countries is analyzed by variation statistics methods using PC: Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, India, Sierra Leone, C?te d'Ivoire, Rwanda, Kenya, Sudan, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brasilia, Columbia, and Chile. Hairs from residents of East Europe (Russians, Byelorussians, Ukrainians) living in Moscow for 6-8 years (adapted) were the reference for comparison. A total of 371 specimens of hairs were examined. Hairs from adapted and not adapted residents of the above-listed countries and continents differ significantly from each other and from the hairs of Russians, Byelorussians, and Ukrainians living in Moscow.  相似文献   

The sizes of explosives particles in fingerprint residues produced from C-4 and Semtex-1A were investigated with respect to a fragmentation model. Particles produced by crushing crystals of RDX and PETN were sized by using scanning electron microscopy, combined with image analysis, and polarized light microscopy was used for imaging and identifying explosive particles in fingerprint residues. Crystals of RDX and PETN fragment in a manner that concentrates mass in the largest particles of the population, which is common for a fragmentation process. Based on the fingerprints studied, the particle size to target for improving mass detection in fingerprint residues by ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is > or = 10 microm in diameter. Although particles smaller than 10 microm in diameter have a higher frequency, they constitute < 20% of the total mass. Efforts to improve collection efficiency of explosives particles for detection by IMS, or other techniques, must take into consideration that the mass may be concentrated in a relatively few particles that may not be homogeneously distributed over the fingerprint area. These results are based on plastic-bonded explosives such as C-4 that contain relatively large crystals of explosive, where fragmentation is the main process leading to the presence of particles in the fingerprint residues.  相似文献   

A 42-year-old woman died from massive barium sulfate (BaSO(4)) lung embolism after a balloon catheter intended for elective colonography was inserted into her vagina. The vaginal insertion of the balloon catheter caused a bilateral laceration of the vaginal wall which was followed by penetration of BaSO(4) into the afferent veins and massive pulmonary embolism. Fluoroscopy performed during the fatal events and post-mortem X-rays revealed a radio-opaque substance in the vagina and uterus, the pelvic vessels and the vena cava, the right heart chambers, the lungs, and the kidneys. In addition to lungs, finely granular intravascular particles were demonstrated histologically in several organs including the brain and the glomerular capillaries. Scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy together with X-ray microanalysis, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) allowed the definite identification of BaSO(4) in lungs and confirmed its capacity to penetrate the pulmonary filter and to embolise via the systemic circulation in various organs.  相似文献   

Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) proposes that the law is a social force that can heal or cause harm to parties in a legal action. Historically, women victims of intimate partner rape and domestic violence could not seek justice in the legal system because police, like other actors in the justice system, treated these offenses as private matters or fabrications. In domestic violence and intimate rape cases, TJ is concerned with the needs of the victims, and how the law and police play a role in increasing their well-being. In this article, we use a TJ approach to the study of police responsiveness to victims of these offenses by investigating arrests of the offenders pursuant to law reforms that encourage or mandate arrest. Given that in these offenses, victims have the lowest reporting rates of any violent crime, the victim decision to call the police represents an expectation that the mere physical presence of a police officer may redefine the nature of the violence from a private conflict to a societal wrong that will not be tolerated. Police partnership with and treatment of the victim with respect and dignity can change the dynamics of the violence, terminate the violence, and set the criminal justice process in motion by arresting the offender in most cases. Police arrest, and subsequent prosecution and conviction, sends a message to offenders that society does not tolerate their violence, and allows the victim to begin to heal. Yet, past research indicates that police are less likely to arrest intimates than acquaintances and strangers in misdemeanor and aggravated assault, rape, and sexual assault cases. Using the National Incidence Reporting System (NIBRS) for the year 2000, we examine police arrests of intimate partner rape and domestic violence in jurisdictions with mandatory and presumptive arrest policies compared to police arrests in full discretion jurisdictions. We also ascertain whether arrest rates are higher for strangers and acquaintances than for intimates in misdemeanor and aggravated assault, kidnapping, and rape and sexual assault. Third, we determine whether police arrests of intimate partner rape is more likely if there is evidence of violence, injury to the victim, and use of a weapon. Our multivariate findings suggest that both the rape and the domestic violence reform movements have reversed the tide of historical negative treatment of female victims of these offenses. Logistic regression analysis indicates that police agencies in mandatory and preferred arrest jurisdictions increase the odds of arrest for domestic violence incidents and violations of orders of protection, compared to police agencies in jurisdictions with permissive/discretionary arrest policies. In addition, intimate violence increases the odds of arrest by 98%; forcible rape accompanied by simple assault or kidnapping increases the odds of arrest by 467 and 222%, respectively whereas forcible fondling accompanied by simple assault increases the odds of arrest by 293%. We discuss the implications of our findings for future law reform as well as TJ.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to analyse several serum biochemical markers in order to evaluate the discriminant capacity of trace elements individually and jointly in drowning (seawater drowning and freshwater drowning) and their correlation with age, sex, postmortem interval, time in water and concentrations of the trace elements in the drowning medium. Sixty-seven cases of drowning (53 seawater drownings (SWD); 14 freshwater drownings (FWD) and 73 control cases (other asphyxias, n=44, and other causes of death, n=29) were selected according to the scene, cause and circumstances of death, together with autopsy findings. Serum strontium (Sr), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), urea, creatinine (Cr) and cardiac Troponine T (cTn-T) were measured in the left ventricle (Lv), right ventricle (Rv) and peripheral blood. Lv-Rv differences for each marker and Sr, Mg, Na, Cl, Ca and Fe concentrations in the drowning medium were determinated. Mean concentrations of Sr, Cl and Mg in both ventricles and peripheral serum and Lv-Rv differences and Ca Lv and Na Rv were significantly higher in cases of drowning than for other causes of death. In SWD, Sr, Mg, Ca, Na and Cl were significantly higher in Lv than in Rv as a result of aspirating water. In contrast, haemodilution is evident from the significantly higher levels of Fe and urea in Rv than in Lv in cases of SWD, and from the higher Mg and Cr levels in Rv in FWD. In the case of SWD, serum levels of Sr are confirmed as the best parameter for diagnosis, although other trace elements may also be useful, such as the serum concentrations of Mg and Cl. In the case of FWD, the joint determination of Sr and other biochemical markers, especially Fe, may increase correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted using various types of pollen grain, powder and metal particulates to determine their persistence on a range of different types of materials. The decay curves generated in the repeated experiments all broadly conform to those obtained and already presented in the literature for fibres and glass particulates. The experiments presented in this paper were conducted for up to 647 hours for individual runs and it was found that a general rule existed that it was the material type rather than the particulate type that was the major controlling factor in the persistence of particles. For the pollen grain experiments the overall theory is sustained; there is a significant loss initially followed by a slower decay although this is not precise given the varied nature of palynomorph types. The manner by which the particulates were introduced onto the material had an initial immediate effect, however, the persistence of these particulates over longer periods of time was generally unaffected.  相似文献   

Two experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the processes of reincorporation and redistribution of trace evidence on garments when worn by a suspect or a victim (reincorporation) or after the garments have been seized and packaged for subsequent forensic analysis (redistribution). The first experiment utilised UV powder, an established proxy for geoforensic trace particulates and the second experiment utilised daffodil pollen transferred onto garments under conditions that mimicked forensic reality. It was demonstrated that reincorporation of trace particulates occurs from upper to lower parts of the same garment and also from upper garments to lower garments. Reincorporation also occurred to all areas of the lower garments, however the highest concentration of particulates was found to be the lap area of the jeans. Particulates also tended to be preserved around technical details such as stitching or relief design features of the garments. Thus the decay of particulates after a contact has been made does not necessarily involve a loss of those particulates from the entire system. These findings have implications for the interpretation of trace evidence when seeking to establish the source of initial contacts or the chronology of pertinent events. The second study demonstrated that folding and packaging items of clothing leads to a redistribution of any trace particulate evidence that is present thereby eliciting an alteration in the spatial distribution of that evidence. There is therefore a necessity to take the context of trace evidence into account and also to follow protocols that are sensitive to these aspects of trace evidence behaviour as a failure to do so may have consequences for the correct interpretation of such evidence.  相似文献   

The nature and basis of inalienable rights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper has two purposes. One is primarily (but not exclusively) conceptual and the other is normative. The first aim is to say what inalienable rights are. To explain this, inalienable rights are contrasted with the notions of forfeitable rights and absolute rights. A recent novel analysis of inalienable rights by Feinberg is explained and criticized. The first task is concluded by discussing what duties inalienable rights imply. The second aim is to see what moral principles, if any, justify designating some rights as inalienable. The claim of Nozick and others that inalienable rights must be paternalistically grounded is examined and rejected. After a brief critical discussion of the Lockean and Hobbesean accounts of the basis of inalienable rights, it is argued that the harm principle can serve as an adequate ground for categorizing at least the right to life (and perhaps other rights) as inalienable.An earlier version of this paper was read at Guilford College, Tulane University, and Wake Forest University. I have benefited from the suggestions and comments of members of those audiences and from Stephen Darwall, Thomas Hill, Jr., Edward Langerak, Ruth Lucier, James Smith, Lance Stell, Laurence Thomas, and Donald Van DeVeer.  相似文献   

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