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当前在涉枪案件中。犯罪分子利用国外旧、杂式枪支杀人作案有所增加,由于受到枪弹的种类、数量及质量的限制,除发射原装的适用弹种外。发射再加工的复装枪弹已成为一个新特点,加上我们自身对这类枪支了解相对较少,这些无疑给认定发射枪种带来了难度。因此,在重视识别现场发射弹种的同时,应加强研究国外旧、杂式枪支射击弹痕所反映出的枪种特征。笔者结合本市“93.8.15”枪案现场弹痕的检验情况,谈谈对比利时1910年7.65mm勃朗宁式手枪射击弹壳上定位槽痕迹研究的体会。  相似文献   

枪支及枪支分类在《中国刑事科学技术大全·枪弹痕迹检验》一卷中枪支(Amm)是指发射枪弹的器械,是利用火药燃烧时产生的气体型射击武器。枪支口径通常小于10毫米,重量不超过50公斤。在1996年颁布实施的《中华人民共和国枪支管理法》(以下简称《枪支管理法》)第四十六条中规定枪支是指以火  相似文献   

从枪弹痕迹识别非制式枪支   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
区分发射枪支为制式枪支与非制式枪支是枪弹痕迹检验鉴定的第一道工序。对于一些制造粗糙的非制式枪支,其发射的弹头、弹壳上的痕迹特征属性很明显,容易与制式枪支相区别。但对于一些加工很好的非制式枪支,特别是那些用制式的零部件组装的枪支,仅凭单个痕迹就很难与制式枪支相区分。本文就此问题作如下讨论。1 制式枪支的痕迹特征制式枪支的生产、加工都有严格的标准,各个零部件的数据要求精确到0 .0 1mm ,其表面光洁度更有特殊的工艺要求,所以制式枪支发射的弹壳痕迹都很规则,基本上能反映出造痕客体的形状大小和加工特征。对于有一定磨损…  相似文献   

·综述·声纹鉴定用衍生化气相色谱法分析血液中巴比妥 类安眠药衍生化一气相色谱法在体内药物分析中的 应用应用化学反应剂提高发射光谱的分析灵 敏度 ·实验研究·静脉推注大剂量庆大霉素急性中毒死亡 1例氯丙嚓、异丙嚓混合药物的反相高效液 相色谱法测定对七七式7·62mm手枪弹壳上部痕迹 的探讨五四式手枪偶然射击枪弹的检验生物样品中三氯杀蜻醇的气相色谱分析抗人精单克隆抗体A10C。特异性的研究关于五四式手枪射击弹壳弹底窝痕迹特 征变异的实验研究草甘麟的气相色谱分析一阶导数光谱法直接测定血中一氧化碳 成分的研究O型红细胞泥…  相似文献   

陈和平 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):19-19
检验射击弹壳上的痕迹特征,常规方法主要是对枪弹在装弹、发射、抛壳等过程中枪支有关机件与弹壳对应部位在紧压贴合下产生相对运动和相互作用时在弹壳上形成的痕迹特征的检验。枪支的有关机件在弹壳上形成痕迹的形状、大小、位置以及它们的相互关系反映了枪支的结构特点,是据此认定发射枪种的种类特征;枪支机件在生产加工过程中和在使用过程中形成的轮廓异常及点、线状细小特殊的痕迹特征是认定发射枪支的个别特征。但是在实际检验中,经常遇到由于在射击过程中受到枪弹和各种射击因素的影响或者被破坏,使射击弹壳上供认定发射枪支的个别特…  相似文献   

捷克产“M52”式7.62mm手枪是近几年来我国涉枪案件中出现率较高的一种外国枪支,由于其能使用国产“51”式7.62mm手枪弹,且射击弹壳痕迹与“54”式7.62mm手枪有许多相似点,因而检验中往往难以区别.笔者对近几年来已破获的一些“M52”手枪射击弹壳痕迹进行了实验研究,并与“54”式7.62mm手枪射击弹壳痕迹进行了比较,发现二者存在许多差异点,现报告  相似文献   

陈钢  周海龙 《法制与社会》2012,(29):273+277
枪支发射时,在射击弹头、弹壳上将形成多种射击痕迹,对其进行分析检验可以帮助判明射击距离、射击方向、射击者和被害人所处位置,为侦查提供线索;可以确定犯罪行为人作案时所用枪支、子弹的类型;还可以根据弹头、弹壳上的痕迹,对嫌疑枪支进行同一认定,以认定现场上发现的弹头和弹壳是否嫌疑枪支所发射,为侦查诉讼提供证据.本文将根据射击弹头、弹壳痕迹特征的特定性及稳定性进一步研究其在枪弹痕迹鉴定中的价值.  相似文献   

枪,一般是指利用火药燃烧时产生的气体压力发射弹头,具有杀伤毁坏效能,口径在20mm以下(除信号枪、霰弹猎枪外)的轻型武器。除军用之外,我们能接触到的主要是警用、民用和杂牌枪。除民用枪支长短大小兼而有之外,其它大多为手枪型。在痕迹检验中,枪弹痕迹是一门独立的专业学科。在常规检验鉴定中,多涉及的是军用、警用或民用枪支。随着市场经济的发展,各种严重暴力犯罪、团伙犯罪,有组织的黑社会性质犯罪集团的出现,形成公开对抗,并普遍选用枪为作案工具,给社会治安带来极大的威胁。1997年以来,我市涉枪案件明显增多,有私造、销售、私藏枪支的…  相似文献   

1 枪弹痕迹对侦查破案的作用枪弹痕迹在刑事侦查破案中主要有两方面的作用,一是区分枪种,认定枪支,为破案提供证据;二是分析案情,为侦查提供线索.重视对涉枪案件枪弹痕迹的现场勘查和概念,在侦破涉枪案件中具有重要作用.对枪案现场的仔细勘查和研究,对现场痕迹物证的认真检验和充分利用,对正确确定案件性质和明确侦破方向,都有帮助.因此,在遇到涉枪案件时,首先应结合现场遗留的弹头,弹  相似文献   

从近期几起涉枪案件中发现的仿真枪支,有些在使用前稍经改制和加工、有些竟然在买到手以后可以直接装填子弹进行射击。一、玩具仿真手枪的结构性能□仿五四式手枪该枪外观上与真枪形状相似,尺寸略小,枪身由金属材料制成,一般由底座把、枪管、发射机构组成。所用子弹为经过改制的5.6mm小口径运动枪弹,由于受抛壳口长度的限制,未经改制的子弹尺寸较长,无法通过抛壳口塞入枪管末端。使用8发经改制的5.6mm小口径运动枪弹进行实验射击,全部射击正常。实验结果表明该枪结构虽十分简陋,但其性能却具有一定的可靠性。射击后弹壳表面烟垢较多,击针痕呈扁圆状凹陷,位于弹壳底部边缘与中心之间。射击弹头一般都会产生不同程度的形变,并且有明显的擦碰痕迹,这是由于弹头在出枪口之前与枪管  相似文献   

Abstract: Firearms identification is based on the fundamental principle that it is impossible to manufacture two identical items at the microscopic level. As firearm manufacturing technologies and quality assurance are improving, it is necessary to continually challenge this principle. In this study, two different makes of 7.65 mm Browning/.32 Automatic caliber self‐loading pistols of Turkish manufacture were selected and examined. Ten pistols with consecutive serial numbers were examined and each fired 10 times. The fired cartridge cases were recovered for comparison purposes. It was found that for each make of pistol, the individual characteristics within the firing pin impression, ejector, and breech face marks of all 10 pistols were found to be significantly different.  相似文献   

While type determination on bullets has been performed for over a century, type determination on cartridge cases is often overlooked. Presented here is an example of type determination of ejector marks on cartridge cases from Glock and Smith & Wesson Sigma series pistols using Naïve Bayes and Random Forest classification methods. The shapes of ejector marks were captured from images of test‐fired cartridge cases and subjected to multivariate analysis. Naïve Bayes and Random Forest methods were used to assign the ejector shapes to the correct class of firearm with success rates as high as 98%. This method is easily implemented with equipment already available in crime laboratories and can serve as an investigative lead in the form of a list of firearms that could have fired the evidence. Paired with the FBI's General Rifling Characteristics (GRC) database, this could be an invaluable resource for firearm evidence at crime scenes.  相似文献   

Firearms for police in China are registered along with their fired bullets and cartridge cases. A Registered Ballistic Database (RBD) of 1000 Norinco QSZ‐92 pistols with registered ammunition was established and was evaluated through the Evofinder® system. In this research, 1000 bullets and 1000 cartridge cases were randomly selected and correlated against an RBD of 2996 bullets and 2999 cartridge cases. Examiners found that successful identifications all ranked 1st, supported with land (100%), groove (97%) engraved areas, and primary marks (85.6%) for bullets, and firing pin impressions (99.8%), and breech face marks (99.9%) for cartridge cases. Two known matches (KM) for the same pistol rank in the top two (100%). The distribution of similarity scores varies from marks; however, the Evofinder® system could still effectively distinguish known matches from known nonmatches (KNM) for either bullets or cartridge cases. This study demonstrates the efficiency of the RBD.  相似文献   

Ballistic imaging databases allow law enforcement to link recovered cartridge cases to other crime scenes and to firearms. The success of these databases has led many to propose that all firearms in circulation be entered into a reference ballistic image database (RBID). To assess the performance of an RBID, we fired 4200 cartridge cases from 600 9 mm Para Sig Sauer model P226 series pistols. Each pistol fired two Remington cartridges, one of which was imaged in the RBID, and five additional cartridges, consisting of Federal, Speer, Winchester, Wolf, and CCI brands. Randomly selected samples from the second series of Remington cartridge cases and from the five additional brands were then correlated against the RBID. Of the 32 cartridges of the same make correlated against the RBID, 72% ranked in the top 10 positions. Likewise, of the 160 cartridges of the five different brands correlated against the database, 21% ranked in the top 10 positions. Generally, the ranking position increased as the size of the RBID increased. We obtained similar results when we expanded the RBID to include firearms with the same class characteristics for breech face marks, firing pin impressions, and extractor marks. The results of our six queries against the RBID indicate that a reference ballistics image database of new guns is currently fraught with too many difficulties to be an effective and efficient law enforcement tool.  相似文献   

Ballistic imaging databases allow law enforcement to link recovered cartridge cases to other crime scenes and to firearms. The success of these databases has led many to propose that all firearms in circulation be entered into a reference ballistic image database (RBID). To assess the performance of an RBID, we fired 4200 cartridge cases from 600 9mm Para Sig Sauer model P226 series pistols. Each pistol fired two Remington cartridges, one of which was imaged in the RBID, and five additional cartridges, consisting of Federal, Speer, Winchester, Wolf, and CCI brands. Randomly selected samples from the second series of Remington cartridge cases and from the five additional brands were then correlated against the RBID. Of the 32 cartridges of the same make correlated against the RBID, 72% ranked in the top 10 positions. Likewise, of the 160 cartridges of the five different brands correlated against the database, 21% ranked in the top 10 positions. Generally, the ranking position increased as the size of the RBID increased. We obtained similar results when we expanded the RBID to include firearms with the same class characteristics for breech face marks, firing pin impressions, and extractor marks. The results of our six queries against the RBID indicate that a reference ballistics image database of new guns is currently fraught with too many difficulties to be an effective and efficient law enforcement tool.  相似文献   

Subclass characteristics can be found on the breech face marks left on spent cartridge cases. Even if they are assumed to be rare and their reported number is small, they can potentially lead to false associations. Subclass characteristics have been studied empirically allowing examiners to recognize them and to understand in which conditions they are produced. Until now, however, their influence on the identification process has not been studied from a probabilistic point of view. In this study, we aim at measuring the effect of these features on the strength of association derived from examinations involving subclass characteristics. The study takes advantage of a 3D automatic comparison system allowing the calculation of likelihood ratios (LRs). The similarities between cartridge case specimens fired by thirteen S&W .40S&W Sigma pistols are quantified, and their respective LRs are computed. The results show that the influence of subclass characteristics on the LRs is limited, even when these features are prevalent among the potential sources considered in a case. We show that the proportion of firearms sharing subclass characteristics should be larger than 40% of the pool of potential firearms for the effect to be significant.  相似文献   

Over a period of 21 years, a number of fired GLOCK cartridge cases have been evaluated. A total of 1632 GLOCK firearms were used to generate a sample of the same size. Our research hypothesis was that no cartridge cases fired from different 9‐mm semiautomatic GLOCK pistols would be mistaken as coming from the same gun. Using optical comparison microscopy, two separate experiments were carried out to test this hypothesis. A subsample of 617 test‐fired cases were subjected to algorithmic comparison by the Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS). The second experiment subjected the full set of 1632 cases to manual comparisons using traditional pattern matching. None of the cartridge cases were “matched” by either of these two experiments. Using these empirical findings, an established Bayesian probability model was used to estimate the chance that a 9‐mm cartridge case, fired from a GLOCK, could be mistaken as coming from the same firearm when in fact it did not (i.e., the random match probability).  相似文献   

根据猎枪射击弹壳痕迹判别枪种的研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
对国内6家定点生产的撅把式和唧筒式猎枪进行实验射击,分析了在弹壳上形成各种痕迹的机理及利用价值,提出了根据猎枪射击弹壳痕迹判别枪种的方法。  相似文献   

In this study, the cartridge case ejection patterns of six different Glock model pistols (one specimen per model) were compared under three conditions: firing with a loaded magazine, an empty magazine, and without magazine. The distances, covered by the ejected cartridge cases given these three conditions, were compared for each of the six models. A significant difference was found between the groups of data for each of the tested specimens. This indicates that it is important that, to reconstruct a shooting scene incident based on the ejection patterns of a pistol, test shots are fired with the same pistol type and under the correct magazine condition.  相似文献   

目的研究95式5.8mm自动步枪射击弹壳上痕迹的检验价值。方法用10支95式5.8mm自动步枪分别射击50发,对收集的500枚射击弹壳在显微镜下观察测量。结果弹壳上痕迹反映普遍较浅,痕迹具有特殊性。结论95式5.8mm自动步枪射击弹壳上痕迹具有一定的同一认定价值。  相似文献   

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