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This study examined whether laboratory exposure to traumatic reminders potentiated the relationship between veterans’ posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and intimate partner aggression (IPA) articulations elicited during an anger-induction task. The sample included 82 male Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom veterans. The Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations (ATSS) procedure was used to assess physical IPA articulations (i.e., expressions of physically aggressive intentions toward the partner) and verbal IPA articulations (i.e., statements intended to insult or demean the partner) made during “relationship anger” provoking scenarios. Participants were administered versions of the ATSS both with and without trauma cue presentation. Results indicated that trauma cue exposure potentiated the relationship between veterans’ PTSD symptoms and physical IPA articulations, but did not strengthen the significant relationship between PTSD symptoms and verbal IPA articulations. Findings contribute to the literature on veterans’ PTSD symptoms and IPA perpetration by highlighting the influence of traumatic reminders.  相似文献   

This article analyses board structures in listed Danish banks in the years prior to the financial crisis by exploring the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and credit risk exposure. The article presents a novel approach as it relies on a newly developed risk metric entitled the “Supervision Diamond” introduced by the Danish FSA, which “external” board directors must address. It contains five thresholds for measuring a bank’s exposure to credit risks i.e. the proportion of large customers, lending growth, the ratio of lending/deposits, liquidity buffer and the proportion of real estate loans. By employing quantitative governance variables the article finds that increased executive director remuneration is associated with increased credit risk posed by the bank’s borrowers. On the other hand, increasing the number of executive/“inside” directors is associated with a lower credit risk exposure. It is argued that more “inside” directors on the executive board constitutes a stronger “checks and balance” system. The article also documents that the probability of obtaining state capital from the Danish credit bailout package is negatively related to larger boards as well as higher executive director remuneration. The policy implication is that financial authorities should be increasingly aware of insufficient corporate governance characteristics in order to prevent excessive credit risk exposure. Moreover, the article provides important insights on which corporate governance variables have a significant impact on a bank’s credit risk exposure. This knowledge is valuable for financial authorities/policy makers considering future regulatory initiatives and how they should administer bank monitoring.  相似文献   

A nationwide split exists with respect to whether the so-called “total” or “absolute” pollution exclusion precludes coverage for “nontraditional” pollution. Does the exclusion encompass only industrial waste that contaminates the environment, or does it also include a much broader range of damage, such as exposure to indoor fumes, chemicals, or mercury? A review of judicial opinions reveals that the split results from different approaches to policy interpretation. This article surveys recent opinions grappling with the “traditional” versus “nontraditional” pollution issue.  相似文献   

Drawing on earlier work on the conceptual structure of dignity, this paper will suggest a particular type of connectedness between vulnerability and human dignity; namely, that the “organizing idea” of human dignity is the idea of a particular sort of ethical response to universal human vulnerability. It is common ground among many, if not all, approaches to ethics that vulnerability requires us to respond ethically. Here, I argue that human dignity is distinctive among ethical values in that it values us because of, rather than in spite of, or regardless of, our universal vulnerability. The term “dignity” is used synonymously with “human dignity” here, since an investigation of the dignity of non-human entities forms no part of the present examination.  相似文献   

This article explains the breast physiology and epidemiologic criteria supporting the abortion breast cancer link and the sociologic factors that cause this risk to remain largely unknown to both medical professionals and the public. Abortion increases breast cancer risk through multiple mechanisms. Pregnancy exposes women to high levels of estrogen acting as a mitogen and genotoxin, and induced abortion then leaves their breasts with more places for cancers to start. They have a higher risk of subsequent premature deliveries that further increase their risks of breast cancer. Rampant breast cancer seen in ever younger women will not allow this issue to be suppressed.  相似文献   

Synthetic tryptamines have gained popularity for their hallucinogenic properties, unscheduled status, and availability from “head shops” and through the internet. Here, we present a case of synthetic tryptamine‐induced delirium secondary to 5‐MeO‐DALT ingestion in a previously healthy young male. 5‐MeO‐DALT led to the hospitalization of our patient after ingestion of a standard dose, presenting with extreme agitation, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and combativeness leading to physical restraint and intravenous sedation. A search of PubMed, Ovid, and Google Scholar for keywords of “5‐MeO‐DALT,” “5‐methoxy‐N,N‐diallyltryptamine,” or “Lucy‐N‐Nate” found no case reports or clinical articles in the literature. Rapid emergence and commercialization of this novel synthetic tryptamine 5‐MeO‐DALT points to the importance of health care and forensic professionals keeping abreast of the latest drugs of abuse and their clinical features. The authors hope this report leads the way in disseminating the potential risks associated with unscheduled and unregulated substances, synthetic tryptamines such as 5‐MeO‐DALT in particular.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on potential hazards and risks to forensic anthropologists while working in the field and laboratory in North America. Much has changed since Galloway and Snodgrass published their seminal article addressing these issues. The increased number of forensic practitioners combined with new information about potential hazards calls for an updated review of these pathogens and chemicals. Discussion of pathogen hazards (Brucella, Borrelia burgdorferi, Yersinia pestis, Clostridium tetani and West Nile virus) includes important history, exposure routes, environmental survivability, early symptoms, treatments with corresponding morbidity and mortality rates, and decontamination measures. Additionally, data pertaining to the use of formaldehyde in the laboratory environment have resulted in updated safety regulations, and these are highlighted. These data should inform field and laboratory protocols. The hazards of working directly with human remains are discussed in a companion article, “An Update on the Hazards and Risks of Forensic Anthropology, Part I: Human Remains.”  相似文献   

The “Blue Whale Challenge” is a dangerous Internet phenomenon. As per media reports, it involves a series of life‐threatening tasks imposed by a “curator” to “players,” who must fulfill the whole list, and it ends with the suicide of the player. The authors report the data of five suspected cases of “Blue Whales” managed from January 2016 to December 2017 by the staff of a unit (the “Bambi Unit” of the Pediatric Hospital “Regina Margherita” of Turin, Italy) that is dedicated to the evaluation of suspected abused children. Then, they analyzed this data in the light of the literature regarding self‐harm. This comparison highlights the role of the Internet in the spreading of self‐harm behavior among vulnerable adolescents who are characterized by epidemiological, psychological, psychiatric, social, and cultural risk factors. In conclusion, the authors suggest a multidisciplinary and specialized approach in the evaluation of adolescents who committed self‐harm activities.  相似文献   

In traditional or Old China, (especially from the 1890s through 1940s), soldiers seemed to enjoy “unlimited” opportunities to engage in bandit activities (e.g., looting villages, setting civilian houses on fire, extorting landlords, abducting and trafficking children, gang raping women, etc.). One important factor that allowed these armed personnel to commit various criminal acts was that China did not have an integrated military system before the 1950s. Therefore, state managers usually could not supervise (let along regulate) the behavior of soldiers. Given that an institutionalized system that could put soldiers under state control was missing, it was not surprising that when soldiers were sent to a certain battlefield that villages, rural towns, and cities surrounding that combat zone were always raided and looted by soldiers turned bandits. Unlike those “wicked” soldiers who became involved in various social evils related to banditry, hundreds of thousands of “good” bandits in Old China joined regular troops. This “righteous act” basically was connected with the fact that almost all bandits, as desperados, lived in a “Darwinian” world. Since this world is governed entirely by the law of competition (i.e., only the “strongest” and the “smartest” could survive), leaders of bandit gangs usually could not ascertain whether they can continue doing those “businesses” that do require investment in the foreseeable future. As a result of this uncertainty, joining regular armies (if this “application” was officially approved by the authorities) was normally the “best choice” for armed bandits (whether they were core members or followers). In other words, becoming a part of government troops usually allowed chiefs and adherents of bandit gangs to enjoy miscellaneous benefits (such as formal military rank, social position, and state-controlled resources like stipend, ammunition, and weapons). As these benefits include the elements of legitimacy and economic security, “big brothers” of bandit blocs generally wished that their personal troops could be transformed into part of the formal troops in order that the marginalized and illicit status of such private troops be terminated. In this paper, the issue of military delinquency will be explored; by using the interactive relationship between Chinese soldiers and Chinese bandits during the period of late-nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries as an example, the goal of this article is to examine those socioeconomic contexts that provide military personnel with opportunities to perpetrate antisocial or criminal behaviors. Four “Big Jobs” will be performed in this paper: first, the structural factors which, before the 1950s, gave Chinese soldiers opportunities to commit bandit acts will be addressed; then, the environmental causes that motivated marginalized populations (chiefly males) to join bandit gangs will be listed. After these two issues have been inspected, the connection between soldier-bandits and bandit-soldiers will be analyzed. The implications of this relationship will be summarized in the final section.  相似文献   

Abstract Over the last decade, public concern about the risks associated with running away has risen, and conservative policy makers have advocated for a “rethinking” of the juvenile justice system's liberal reforms of the 1970s, especially the deinstitutionalization of status offenders (DSO). Yet questions over the impact of DSO remain unanswered. This study examines the emergence of and debates about DSO to understand the contemporary “status” of runaways. Official reports on runaways and interviews with police and youth workers suggest that most youth return home and that police efforts to locate and assist runaways are constrained by legal and practical forces.  相似文献   

申梦晗  李亚青 《公共行政评论》2021,(2):61-84,229,230
【问题】患者普遍偏好在三级医院就诊,而三级医院对患者的“虹吸效应”直接影响了医疗服务体系的运行效率。差异化报销的医保政策干预成为各地推行“分级诊疗”的普遍手段。虽然三级医院的“虹吸效应”已经得到学界的普遍关注,成为医改领域的热点研究问题,但现有相关研究还主要停留在理论探讨层面。而且,医保政策干预作为分级诊疗推动措施究竟能够发挥多大作用,在实证方面还缺乏足够的文献支持。【方法】文章基于A市的医疗保险数据,使用固定效应等研究方法,对三级医院的“虹吸效应”和医保政策干预效果进行了分析。【发现】三级医院对使用社会医疗保险患者的门诊就医选择有“虹吸效应”,每10万人配备的三级医院数量每增加1家,赴三级医院门诊就医的患者比例就提高5.8%。“虹吸”的主要对象来自二级医院而非一级及以下医疗机构的患者群体。“虹吸效应”存在异质性:无慢性病群体、高收入者、儿童更容易被三级医院“虹吸”。医保政策干预能够缓解“虹吸效应”,且对“小病、常见病”的影响程度更大,可以有效引导把价格敏感的患者向基层医院分流。【贡献】文章从实证上检验了三级医院对需求方的“虹吸效应”及其程度,首次揭示了中国二级医院的“夹心层”困境;通过检验医保政策干预对“虹吸效应”的效果,为医保补偿政策推动分级诊疗提供了新的经验证据。文章对于推动分级诊疗、优化医疗资源配置具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Late-Victorian England witnessed a decline in the recorded level of violence. Recent historical scholarship ascribes this fall to the 19th-century “civilising offensive” and suggests that male violence was effectively targeted by legislators and subject to increasingly stringent punishment by the courts. Yet concern with violence persisted. During the 1890s, it was expressed both in the enduring debate on the problem of male violence against women and in the growing anxieties surrounding youth gangs and “hooliganism.” This paper examines a criminal trial, held in Birmingham in 1898, which effectively fused these apparently disparate phenomena. The conviction of a young metal polisher, an alleged gang member, for the manslaughter of his former “sweetheart” aroused considerable comment in the local press. Both gang membership and violence against women were denounced as problems of the Birmingham “slums.” Close inspection of the trial reports suggests that neither the perpetrator nor the victim in this case conformed fully to the stereotypes of the gang member and his “moll” that were applied to them. Yet these stereotypes performed an important ideological function, distancing the problem of violence from the mainstream of civic life and thus preserving the veneer of English civility, whilst masking the persistence of male violence within courtship as well as marriage.  相似文献   


This article further elaborates on the “pre-crime society” thesis as developed and examined by Arrigo and Sellers. Specifically, the article focuses on the ultramodern era of digital inter-connectivity and argues that productive psychic desire is held clinically captive. Ultra-modernity is populated by cyber-forms of human relating and of economic exchange that nurture hyper-securitization. We discuss how the maintenance of hyper-securitization supports a pre-crime society, and how hyper-securitization’s object of desire consists of sign-optics (i.e., panopticism, synopticism, and banopticism). We argue that the co-constitutive forces (i.e., relational flows and fluctuations) of this desire represent the sign-exchange values of post-criminology. Post-criminology’s signifiers include, among others, “predictive policing”, “crime mapping”, and “actuarial penology.” Post-criminology’s signifieds (re)produce captivity-generating bio-digital “laws” of human relatedness. Among others, these laws sanction the neurosis of de-vitalization and certify the psychosis of finalization. We explain how the unchecked excess neutralizations of de-vitalization and finalization cultivate clinical captivity. Clinical captivity is a social anxiety in which reciprocal consciousness, inter-subjectivity, and mutual power are limited in existence (the reduction of inter-relatedness) or are denied an existence (the repression of inter-relatedness).


iPad案中判断"白手套"交易是否存在欺诈,关键在于隐瞒买方真实身份是否违背了诚实信用原则。有关"诚实信用"的教义分析显然没有能力解决这一问题。有效的替代进路是对不同裁判方案的可能后果进行经济分析。"白手套"做法的正当性在于隐瞒相关信息有助于抑制"敲竹杠"、降低谈判费用、促成有效率的交易。  相似文献   

Late-Victorian England witnessed a decline in the recorded level of violence. Recent historical scholarship ascribes this fall to the 19th-century “civilising offensive” and suggests that male violence was effectively targeted by legislators and subject to increasingly stringent punishment by the courts. Yet concern with violence persisted. During the 1890s, it was expressed both in the enduring debate on the problem of male violence against women and in the growing anxieties surrounding youth gangs and “hooliganism.” This paper examines a criminal trial, held in Birmingham in 1898, which effectively fused these apparently disparate phenomena. The conviction of a young metal polisher, an alleged gang member, for the manslaughter of his former “sweetheart” aroused considerable comment in the local press. Both gang membership and violence against women were denounced as problems of the Birmingham “slums.” Close inspection of the trial reports suggests that neither the perpetrator nor the victim in this case conformed fully to the stereotypes of the gang member and his “moll” that were applied to them. Yet these stereotypes performed an important ideological function, distancing the problem of violence from the mainstream of civic life and thus preserving the veneer of English civility, whilst masking the persistence of male violence within courtship as well as marriage.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):565-587
Although academicians in criminology and criminal justice have come to appreciate the importance of the media in constructing ideological images of crime and punishment, apparently they have not considered how to use mass communications for the purposes of informing, interpreting, and altering those images to reflect more realistically the social, political, and economic conditions of crime and social control. Beginning with an analysis of the relationships among the developing political economy of the mass media, intellectuals, and conceptions of crime and justice, this essay introduces a criminological practice that can take advantage of the available opportunities in the production of crime news. I call this practice “newsmaking criminology.” It refers to the conscious efforts of criminologists and others to participate in the presentation of “newsworthy” items about crime and justice.  相似文献   

One of the most fascinating of human traits is their blase approach to possible disaster. Serious road accidents are something that happens to someone else, so drivers carry on taking appalling risks at high speed. In corporate terms management takes a similar approach to disaster, and computer disasters are no exception. “It won't happen to us” or “we'll muddle through somehow” are common excuses for the absence of a disaster recovery plan. Psychologists tell us that this is because we cannot come to terms with something we have not previously experienced: we simply cannot imagine the experience, therefore it has no reality as something that could affect us.In this series I am relaying the experiences of those people who have been involved in computer disasters, the lessons they have learned and the effects of the disaster on their company and on their own lives. If you are one of the great majority without a workable recovery plan, remember as you read: tomorrow this could be you!  相似文献   

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