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The interesting relationship between entrepreneurial activity and regional competitiveness has been a major focus of academics, university managers, and policy makers during the past decades—in particular the role of institutions in the establishment of political, social, and economic rules-. For example, since the enactment of the US BayhDole Act more than 30 years ago, many American cities and regions are increasingly viewing universities as potential engines of economic growth. In these new socioeconomic scenarios, the role of entrepreneurial universities is not only generates/transfers knowledge but also contributes/provides leadership for the creation of entrepreneurial thinking, actions, and institutions. Previous studies have shown the university’s role in economic development, but no empirical study has analyzed the entrepreneurial activity generated by university students per university at the country/regional level of analysis. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of the university’s entrepreneurial activity on regional competitiveness. Adopting the institutional economics and the endogenous growth approaches, a proposed conceptual framework was developed and tested with structural equation modeling using data from 102 universities located in 56 NUTS II of 12 European countries. Our results evidenced that informal factors (e.g., attitudes, role models) have a higher influence on university entrepreneurial activity than formal factors (e.g., support measures, education and training). Our results also evidenced a higher contribution of universities on regional competitiveness, in particular, when we used social measures (talent human capital) instead economic measures (GDP per capita).  相似文献   


This paper discusses the role of higher education institutions within the framework of the knowledge triangle between academic education, scientific research and innovation, as it has gained importance in recent years as a framework for innovation policies especially in the OECD and Europe. First, complementary concepts of universities’ outreach activities and extended role model such as ‘third mission’, ‘triple helix’, ‘entrepreneurial or civic university’ models and ‘smart specialization’ are reflected against their fit with the concept of the knowledge triangle, also with respect to new requirements for university governance. Second, a new understanding of spillovers between public sectors research and the business sector according to knowledge triangle is presented.


大学市场化行为的若干理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学市场化行为是人们对市场经济社会中大学行为变化的一种概括。大学市场化行为是指在市场经济社会中作为社会机构的大学遵循市场规则在与其他社会机构或个人发生商品交换关系时所产生的行为。市场经济社会是大学市场化行为产生的必要背景高等教育体制,高等教育传统等在大学市场化行为的形成过程中起着重要的影响作用。大学市场化行为对大学发展的影响首先是进一步改变了传统的大学观念,使大学更加贴近社会,贴近市场。市场化行为还促使大学之间的进一步分层、分化、使大学体系更加形式多样,丰富多彩。然而,市场化行为的增多将会助长在大学办学过程中的功利主义倾向,使大学行为染上浓厚的功利色彩。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and especially Article 6 entitled Right to a Fair and Public Hearing , all now fully incorporated into the UK via the Human Rights Act (HRA, 1997). This article discusses the implications for UK education institutions and the potential conflict with the exclusive jurisdiction of the Visitor in English chartered universities and colleges. Also discussed are UK schools, colleges and universities as 'public authorities' and 'emanations of the state', the creation of a Higher Education Ombudsman as a 'Super-Visitor' or 'HERO' (Higher Education Regulatory Office), the impact of HRA and ECHR less dramatic for schools than for universities (or at least for the Visitor function within them), and finally the coming three decades of legal uncertainty and fees for lawyers.  相似文献   

国际知识产权保护和我国面临的挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球化中知识产权保护不断强化、中央提出建设创新型国家的大背景下,我国的知识产权保护面临着挑战和机遇。基于对世界上主要国家、地区知识产权制度与相关国际条约及其对我国的影响之考察,对各国及国际的知识产权保护中值得借鉴之处的分析,我们应当做的是:一方面利用知识产权制度业已形成的高端保护推动国民在高新技术与文化产品领域搞创造与创作这个“流”,另一方面积极促成新的知识产权制度来保护我们目前可能处优势的传统知识及生物多样化这个“源”。这样,才更有利于加快我国向“知识经济”与和谐社会发展的进程。  相似文献   

Classroom recording systems (systems that capture audio or video footage of a taught session) are being adopted in universities globally in part encouraged by studies that suggest that use of recording technology is associated with enhanced student engagement and perceptions of a course. Notwithstanding increased adoption as a result of perceived benefits, approximately only 10% of higher education institutions have adopted comprehensive lecture recording systems. This study considered the benefits and advantages of classroom recording systems. Academic concerns over student attendance and use of recordings are discussed with the implications for teachers, cognisant of the synergistic relationship between teachers, students and their learning.  相似文献   

汤妩艳 《法学论坛》2020,(1):126-134
近70年来,来华留学生教育制度发展历经了政府直接干预到走向规则治理的历史转型,但仍面临立法和实践背离社会政策功能、高校自主权有待提升以及粗放发展模式下的监督和问责制度供给不足等现实困境。完善来华留学生教育治理,可借鉴元治理理论,在框定政府与高校各自作用的基础上,构建以分权和监督为核心的权责配置制度。具体而言,应坚持社会公共政策和人权保障原则,健全分权、自治、监督和问责机制;以社会政策功能为指引纠正现行规章和实践中存在的偏差,扩大高校招生自主权,构建留学生培养全过程监督制度,坚持趋同管理和权利保障相结合,改革政府奖学金年度评审规则,落实留学生教育问责机制。  相似文献   

"Sponsored research," wherein a business corporation or the government pays a portion of the cost of research activities carried out by a university or hospital, is increasingly important both for state institutions and for Section 510(c)(3) organizations. Sponsored research arrangements that are not properly structured can jeopardize the status of tax-exempt bonds issued to finance the facility at which the sponsored research occurs. While these rules have been difficult to apply in practice, properly structured agreements can provide funding for research without undue risk. This Article discusses the multiple pieces of guidance put forth by the Internal Revenue Service to clarify the many issues and tiers of analysis necessary to ensure a properly-structured sponsored research agreement.  相似文献   

胡加祥 《河北法学》2007,25(8):12-19
大学的兴衰与大国的兴衰密切相关.从公元11世纪欧洲大陆出现的第一批现代意义的大学至今,哪里有一流大学的兴起,哪里就有一个国家的崛起,一个民族的兴旺.今天,中华民族已经进入了一个全面复兴的历史时期,建世界一流大学,这是当今中国一些高校提出的响亮口号.然而,任何一所世界一流大学无不都是在众多世界一流学院的基础上烘托起来的.因此,创建世界一流大学,更具体的目标应该是先建成几所颇具世界影响的一流学院,在此基础之上,积少成多,集腋成裘,逐渐形成世界一流大学的规模.法学作为最古老的学科之一,在经历了近千年的历史变迁以后,已经成为现代高等教育的重要组成部分.法学院的办学特征也从一个侧面折射了现代高等教育的办学理念.  相似文献   

The implementation of restorative approaches in schools has been commonly seen in elementary and high schools, yet the development of restorative approaches in post‐secondary institutions has not been fully explored. In respect to university education, a more restorative approach to student discipline can be a proactive educational response mediating the response of student discipline boards to instances of student wrongdoing. Existing practices are explored, and critiqued from a restorative justice perspective. The rationale behind moving to a restorative response is outlined, and the experiences of student discipline boards that currently employ restorative approaches are assessed to determine how effective this paradigm shift could be. How university responses to student misconduct might function if aspects of the academic environment were built on restorative values and principles is explored, in particular, through looking at the benefits accruing to the development of restorative practices in the classroom, in distance education and for students who experience language difficulties.  相似文献   

The assumption that research findings provide the basis for spin-off projects at universities has been found up to now in literature and the practice. Supported by the theory of knowledge, the empirical study presented here shows that this idea is too limited. Only 45 % of spin-offs use codified research findings from the university, while 55 % use tacit knowledge that was acquired at the university. These spin-offs use knowledge beyond research findings, starting companies in the shadow of publications by academic institutions and drawing from the realm of tacit knowledge at universities. Tacit start-up knowledge is present in all scientific disciplines of universities; even the exploitation- and patent-oriented engineering sciences account for almost half of the start-ups. Start-ups based on tacit knowledge lead to both technology-oriented and service companies. They also do not differ from codified knowledge-based start-ups in the number of jobs that they create. The discovery of the tacit knowledge spin-offs as a phenomenon has an entire series of implications for the practice and research. The tacit start-up potential was not considered previously in the university promotion instruments and start-up consultancies. Furthermore, we can assume that tacit knowledge-based start-ups are only an initial indication of the innovation potential within the tacit realm of knowledge for universities and research institutes.  相似文献   

Institutions of higher education, especially universities, have undergone a gradual transformation in the last 20 years or so under the pressures of accountability-related measures such as the research assessment exercise, quality assurance procedures, outcomes-based teaching and learning, and the university rankings system. These measures have led academic institutions to adopt practices that emphasize corporate management concerns. Universities are no longer regarded as institutions of learning but more as corporate enterprise. One aspect of this transformation is also seen in the implementation of staff appraisal systems and promotion exercises, which are becoming increasingly formal and less transparent, often operating behind closed doors, and privileging increased power to decision-makers. There is a resulting danger of policies and procedures being designed, constructed, and interpreted to assign maximum control to decision-makers over the outcome of such processes. This paper presents analysis of a corpus of policies, rules, and procedures being used in a number of institutions of higher education, focusing on the issues of transparency, power and control in academic appraisals and promotions, to study the extent to which these rules and procedures are likely to make the exercise transparent and assign equitable power and control to the decision-makers as well as to the staff at the receiving end.  相似文献   

Research shows that there are important institutional underpinnings for building university–industry linkages. This paper aims to understand how China is developing the relevant organizational structures and incentives in its universities. What academic institutions shape the scope and channels of university–industry linkages? What incentives do universities provide to encourage and facilitate faculty engagement with industry? My analysis is accomplished through content analysis of university documents and in-depth interviews with personnel in two top institutions—Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, supplemented by official statistics. It shows that the hybrid organizational structure to manage technology transfer is a product of historical legacy and institutional learning—parts uniquely Chinese and parts adapted from the West. Faculty incentives also have varied effects. In spite of being enticed to disclose inventions and pursue commercialization, faculty remains keener on scholarly publications.  相似文献   

Universities are widely recognized as a critical source of technological innovation and are heralded for the entrepreneurial ventures cultivated within their walls. To date, most research has focused on academic entrepreneurship—new ventures that spin out of academic laboratories. However, universities also give rise to startups that do not directly exploit knowledge generated within academic laboratories. Such firms—and the societal and economic benefits they create—are an important contribution of modern universities. We propose a framework for understanding the full scope of university entrepreneurship and its driving factors, with the goal of providing scholars, university administrators, and policymakers with insights regarding the resources required to foster entrepreneurship from within the ivory tower.  相似文献   

An entrepreneurial society refers to places where knowledge-based entrepreneurship has emerged as a driving force for economic growth, employment creation and competitiveness. In this context, entrepreneurial universities play an important role as both knowledge-producer and a disseminating institution. In the literature, several studies contributed with relevant findings. Most of these studies reveal a tendency to use case studies to explain this phenomenon justified by the embryonic nature of the topic field, and with the lack of a robust theoretical framework to understand it. No empirical study, however, has highlighted the interrelations among environmental and internal factors that conditioned the development of entrepreneurial universities with the teaching, research and entrepreneurial missions that they need to achieve. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of these interrelations identifying the most critical factors that conditioned these missions and to this end brings a proposal model to measure this phenomenon empirically in the light of the Institutional Economics and the Resource-Based View. The methodology adopted is integrated by the Spanish Entrepreneurial University Scoreboard to identify this phenomenon and Structural Equation Modeling to analyze the relationships among independent and dependent variables that integrate the proposal model of entrepreneurial university. This research could cover invaluable strategies to bring further benefits to society (in terms of the creation of new business and employment) and, in particular, to educational institutions.  相似文献   

"少子化"是当今影响日本社会的主要人口问题之一.就高等教育而言,"少子化"造成学校入学人数减少,一些高等学校生源不足被迫关闭,学校为招揽学生降低入学要求,使得大学生整体素质下降,少子化对高等教育结构和师资也产生了影响.为此,日本政府和高校采取了一些应对措施,如开展高等学校的合并重组,推进高等教育的"高度化",加强学校个性化发展,尝试"高大合作"、扩大留学生招生,推动大学评价机制的形成等.  相似文献   

Start-ups increasingly find the prospect of university–industry collaborations to be a powerful driver of innovation and entrepreneurship activity. Moreover, at the geographical level, they are attracted by teaching and research institutions, either public or private. This paper focuses on the role played by universities. Our hypothesis is that geographical proximity favors the transfer of knowledge and technology from universities to industries and, consequently, represents a positive factor for regional economic development. Results show that university spillovers are positively correlated with the creation of innovative start-ups. Furthermore, the presence of human capital (graduates) exerts a significant influence on the location decisions of start-ups, being a source for competitiveness for firms close to universities. Research quality, especially in the social sciences area, attracts innovative start-ups, while third-mission activities have a weak impact on locational choice.  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》第六十一条第二款规定,患者要求查阅、复制病历资料的,医疗机构应当提供。第五十八条规定,医疗机构隐匿或者拒绝提供与纠纷有关的病历资料的,人民法院推定医疗机构有过错。病历资料作为医疗损害案件诉讼的核心证据,对病历资料保全自然就成为医患双方诉前关注的焦点问题。由于现行法律法规对病历资料规定的不一致,导致医患双方对病历资料的范围、保全的方式方法、封存病历资料期限、保全病历资料主体等诸多问题认识极不一致,争议颇多。造成医患双方在发生医疗纠纷的基础上进而引发次生纠纷,导致医患矛盾进一步加深,不利于纠纷的及时解决。笔者不揣简陋,试对病历资料保全环节中存在的问题及对相关问题提出规制建议,希望同仁不吝赐教。  相似文献   

Corporate influences that threaten the independence of science and trust in research often remain hidden from the general public. For university administrators these improper influences are often tacitly accepted as simply the new reality of funding environments—something to be managed, rather than eliminated. In this article, we structurally map patterns of corporate influence that threaten to distort the independence of research. Specifically, we map relationships between the fossil fuel industry and three major Canadian institutions of higher education. We also provide case studies of institutional corruption inside two of these universities. Our findings reveal elite interlocking networks between the fossil-fuel sector and academia as well as corporate influences that serve to decrease the independence of science and trust in research.  相似文献   

高等师范教育发展中的学科教学论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等师范教育在师范教育重组重构,综合大学试办教育学院的新形势下,遇到了严峻的困境和发展机遇,它必须寻求新的生长点。如何能把握自身优势积极发展教育硕士专业学位教育,如何能理智地明确学科归属,实现资源共享,提升学科实力,如何能重视建构学科体系,锻造学术队伍,开辟实践基地,学科教学论必将获得自身的突破性发展,并对高师教育发展做出重大贡献。  相似文献   

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