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刘持平 《证据科学》2008,16(4):487-494
实践证明,指纹与遗传有着密不可分的关系。我们应该从指纹群体数据中读懂那些蕴涵着的遗传统计学意义,以深入了解什么是正常遗传,什么是遗传变异。本文试从指纹遗传中的数字特征入手,进一步研究指纹与遗传规律之间深刻而又科学的联系。通过对指纹的8个方面的数字特性的阐述,使那些看起来杂乱无章、平淡无奇的“海量”数据,呈现出有序可循的数学特点与规律。它将使我们的认识深化到基因如何指导、控制指纹的发育与遗传,指纹如何“重现”胚胎发育的环境,指纹如何反映遗传中的重大缺陷,指纹遗传中有无定律和定理等等根源性的问题。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,计算机技术的运用在各专业领域起到了革命性的作用。在刑事技术领域现场指纹的固定提取从传统相机拍摄、暗房处理进入到了数字摄影和扫描仪录入的图像数字化时代,指纹的检验从之前单指分析法、借助放大镜人工查档进入到指纹计算机系统自动识别,如何规范技术操作,并将两者结合起来,使指纹工作更快更好地为侦查破案服务是一个新课题。笔者在对现场指纹的数字化采集录入,直接进入识别系统进行比对工作中,作了一些有益的探索。1现场指纹数字化的基本原则和具体操作方法1·1现场指纹数字化操作的原则所有原始图像必须保存…  相似文献   

计算机指纹自动识别系统后期管理,就是如何运用系统中正查、倒查功能,对指纹比中后使该信息为侦查破案服务的管理。我们在利用指纹自动识别系统中发现,大量指纹比中信息没能与人员系统、案件系统自动关联,核实工作仍需人工查档,费时费力;指纹管理单位与基层侦查单位未建立信息交流平台,破案信息不能及时反馈,造成已比中过的现场指纹得不到及时标识,重复比中现象时有发生;对比中的指纹信息,侦查员也不能及时掌握,需查档调取案件立破信息,这些都直接或间接与指纹自动识别系统后期管理方式不当有关,已成为影响广大侦查员运用指纹比中信息积极性的一大因素。  相似文献   

王军  李海 《法制与社会》2013,(16):133-134
科技的进步和生活水平的提高,使计算机、智能移动电话、移动存储器等电子设备成为工作、生活中的常备品,这些产品装载了使用人的大量电子数据,成为传递信息、记录事实的重要载体,是职务犯罪侦查中重要的线索及证据来源。本文从电子数据的概念、电子数据取证的对象、电子数据取证的方式和方法等方面进行了认真的总结,解答职务犯罪侦查中电子数据取证是什么,能做什么,怎么做的问题,为自侦部门在侦查中如何应用电子数据取证提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

阿碧 《检察风云》2007,(10):36-38
仔细看看我们的手指,我们可以指纹由一连串的凹凸构成,而在那些突出的部分上,又有很多的小起伏.指纹中每个起伏、中断或者分叉都隐藏着无数的信息,而这些信息就成为地球上每个人区别于其他人的标志.指纹是最古老的身份证,早在7000年前人类就会利用指纹来代替签名.……  相似文献   

在指纹实现计算机管理之前,如何使违法犯罪人员资料的指纹档案能灵活、便捷地服务于侦察破案,我们在不改动号码的情况下,摸索出了一套与原储存方法相统一的管理方法。1.将已编号的指纹卡逐一查漏、补缺,不合格的重捺印。2.建立簿册,对所有指纹逐枚进行分类标注。按左、右手之分,分别订制左手(1)、右手(2)两本簿册,薄册每页分拇指、食指、中指、环指、小指五个指位。按照《中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准》中对"违法犯罪信息管理标准指印分类"的规定,将指纹分为17类,并用口取纸分别在两本簿册上标注。将原已编号的指纹,按照17种纹形逐枚进行分类标注(可用铅笔在指纹卡上直接标注)。  相似文献   

在指纹检验中,能否在被检指纹中找到有价值的细节特征,对指纹检验的成败具有重要作用。但是,究竟什么是指纹特征?如何对指纹特征进行分类?发现指纹特征是一个怎样的过程?本文参照其它学科的研究方法,提出一种解决这些问题的办法,并称之为“指纹假定”,现论述如下: 1 提出指纹假定的思维过程 指纹假定的提出,是从为指纹特征下定义开始考虑的。长期以来,痕检人员在指纹检验中一直沿用九种指纹特征,名称分别是起点、终点、分歧、结合、小钩、小  相似文献   

近几年来,指纹自动识别系统(AFIS)逐步在全国各级公安机关普及应用,破获了不少有影响的大要案件,以快捷、高效的优点成为痕检技术人员的得力助手。捺印库数据作为指纹自动识别系统发挥功用的基础,其整体数据的质量决定着指纹自动识别系统的运行效率。在使用中发现,捺印库中存在着一些伪数据、重叠数据和错误数据,这些不良数据极不利于指纹自动识别系统的应用和发展。所以笔者认为,如何保障指纹自动识别系统捺印库数据的质量是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

在虚拟犯罪现场固定数字证据前,需要在大量数据中搜索和定位与案件事实相关联的数字证据。为了及时准确定位数字证据,必须依赖计算机相关技术,虚拟现场常采用的搜索技术包括基于字符串的搜索技术、基于特征码的搜索技术、基于数字指纹的搜索技术、基于痕迹信息的搜索技术等。  相似文献   

在指纹自动识别系统的建设中,其核心和关键部分是建成一个高质量、大容量的指纹数据库,它是保证整个系统发挥作用的前提和基础。如何才能快速、优质、经济、合理地完成建库工作,是我们在CAFIS系统建设中很有必要探讨的一个问题。 株洲是一座经济欠发达的内地小型城市,与沿海或先进城市相比,在警力配置、经费投入等方面均有很大差距。我市刑事犯罪信息中心仅有干警两名,以现有人力显然无法完成我市历年来搜集的近八万份库存指纹的建库工作,只能采取招聘临时工突击建库,或将指纹送至外地指纹工厂集中建库的方式。究竟哪一种方式更适宜?我们从多方面进行了比较:  相似文献   

指纹状态属性的认定是当前指纹鉴定工作的一个新课题。指纹鉴定中的押名指印一般情况下都是押名人生前主动捺印形成的,但在实践中有时会出现作案人为了扰乱侦查视线、逃避惩罚或获取某种利益,而利用尸体指纹捺印伪造死者生前的押名指印的情况,因此对尸体指纹种类认定的研究将有助于侦查破案或对事实的确认。早期尸体现象是尸体指纹具备区别于活体指纹的特定性和相对稳定性的关键,再加上指纹本身所具有的反映性,这"三性"共同构成了尸体指纹种类认定的科学基础,为判定尸体指纹提供了理论依据。对于尸体指纹的研究,一方面须得益于尸体指纹捺印外观特征规律的深入总结,而另一方面也需要将微观层面的尸体指纹汗孔特征作为研究的切入点。总之,研究的最终目的就是提高尸体指纹种类认定的科学可靠性,进而使这一认定结论能作为一种科学的鉴定意见在诉讼中运用。  相似文献   

Latent print examiners often use their experience and knowledge to reach a conclusion on the identity of the source. Their conclusion is primarily based on their personal opinion on the rarity of the matching fingerprint features. Fingerprint patterns, if present, can play a significant role in the final assessment of a match. The authors believe that statistical data on the rarity of fingerprint patterns strengthens the subjective evaluation of the corresponding information. In order to provide fingerprint examiners with additional numerical support, fingerprint patterns were manually classified in a set of 24,104 fingerprints. In this study the frequencies of occurrence of 35 different fingerprint patterns have been obtained. The frequency data presented in this study can be used in the ACE‐V process applied in forensic casework, allowing for the assessment of the evidential strength related to a specific fingerprint pattern type.  相似文献   

目的比较尸体与活体指纹的微观细节特征差异,以帮助判断指纹的状态属性。方法用VSC-5000文检仪在放大15~30倍的条件下,观察比较尸体与活体指纹的微观细节特征。结果尸体与活体指纹的乳突纹线的边缘形态、宽窄及汗孔印等微观细节特征存在差异。结论指纹的微观细节特征是尸体与活体指纹种属鉴别的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

Conventional development of latent fingerprints is compromised when the prints are decomposed by extreme temperatures, such as those encountered when a weapon cartridge is fired, an improvised explosive device is detonated, and/or in arson cases. Understanding how these extreme temperatures alter the chemical and physical properties of latent fingerprint residue could aid in the discovery of a reagent that could effectively develop these decomposed fingerprints. To mimic scenarios where fingerprints may be exposed to high heat conditions, standards of the five most abundant amino acids in fingerprint residue as well as extracted fingerprint residue were pyrolized under controlled conditions. Compounds identified as pyrolytic decomposition products were 3,6-dimethylpiperazine-2,5-dione (from alanine), maleimide, and 2,5-furandione (from aspartic acid). The pyrograms and selected ion traces show these products to hold promise as indicators of decomposed fingerprint residues and, therefore, may serve as good candidate substrates for a developing reagent.  相似文献   

在手印检验工作中,通过对乳突纹线局部形态特征的种类、特点及检验方法进行研究,并运用实际案例进行分析阐述,论证该类特征在手印检验中具有可操作性,能够提高残缺、少特征等疑难手印的利用率。乳突纹线局部形态特征的应用是对常规特征的重要补充,对手印检验工作具有实际意义。  相似文献   

Reliable and reproducible protocols have been developed for the routine DNA fingerprinting of individuals using the highly polymorphic minisatellite DNA probes 33.15 and 33.6. Comparison of DNA fingerprinting from 50 individuals has generated further data on the level of band sharing in the DNA fingerprints of unrelated individuals, as well as the number of bands scorable in individuals. These results are consistent with previous studies. The occurrence of mutant bands in offspring has been examined in over 100 families. Further support is presented for the Mendelian inheritance of minisatellite loci and for lack of significant allelism and linkage between different variable DNA fragments detected in a human DNA fingerprint.  相似文献   

STR genotyping and mtDNA sequencing of latent fingerprint on paper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A systematic study was conducted to investigate whether DNA can be successfully extracted from latent fingerprints deposited on ordinary paper and analysed using short tandem repeat profiling and mitochondrial DNA sequencing. In order to evaluate the performance of latent fingerprint analysis in a criminal case, experiments with varying conditions were carried out to improve our understanding of low copy number (LCN) DNA typing. After optimising the extraction methods to achieve increased sensitivity, the examination of touched paper can routinely yield the STR profile of the individual who has touched it. A fingerprint can therefore be considered as a potential source of DNA for genetic identification. Nevertheless, the findings of our "after enhancement experiment" (using chemically or physically pre-treated fingerprints), and our "mixture experiment" (using fingerprints from three to four people on the same sheet of paper) help to define the limitations of the low copy number PCR technique in forensic casework.  相似文献   

In an attempt to maximize the yield of latent fingerprints from paper items, we conducted a study of a fundamental process between fingerprint deposits and paper. Fingerprint ridges have been observed in the cross section of paper by fluorescence microscopy. It was possible to see, for the first time, how residue from fingerprint ridges is embedded in paper. Undeveloped, latent fingerprints, as well as latent prints developed by the two fluorogenic reagents, DFO and 1,2-indanedione, have been examined. The shape and depth of penetration of fingerprints vary with different types of paper. An inverse relationship between the smoothness of the paper and the penetration depth was observed: higher smoothness values result in lower depths of penetration. High quality prints appear to correlate with an optimal penetration depth-between 40 and 60 microns.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of using liquid latex as a pre-treatment for fingerprint recovery from the exterior surfaces of vehicles in summer. The sample of this study was 540 sebaceous latent fingerprints deposited on the lower body of three vehicles. Thirty control and thirty experimental fingerprints were deposited on each vehicle, and the experiment was repeated three times. The three vehicles were driven daily for either 2, 3, or 4 weeks after the deposition of fingerprints. After the vehicles reached their designated debris accumulation duration, the latent fingerprints in the control groups were developed with black fingerprint powder. Liquid latex was applied onto the fingerprints in the experimental groups, and they were subsequently developed with black fingerprint powder. A chi-sure test indicated that there was a significant difference in fingerprints recovery performance between two methods (X2 = 4.903, d.f. = 1, p = 0.027). An odds ratio test indicated the control method increases the probability of fingerprint recovery by 1.54 times. A Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the quality of fingerprints recovered from both methods and it indicated that there is no significant difference in quality using the two methods (p = 0.058). This study indicated that the traditional fingerprint powder method performed better for fingerprint recovery from exterior surfaces of vehicles in summer.  相似文献   

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