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The efficacy of inpatient hospitalization on emotionally impaired adolescents was investigated using present and past MMPI data. The results indicated that there is a flattening of the profile toward normalcy from time of admission to discharge time. Further statistical analysis revealed that of the 9 clinical MMPI scales, the Depression scale showed greatest change toward improvement.Received Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Major interests are behavior therapy and adolescent psychology.  相似文献   


Fathers and fatherhood are increasingly visible in social science scholarship and public discourse, although the father’s different roles are yet to be integrated. Moreover, most existing studies on fathers and fatherhood focus on either European or North American fathers, or contemporary non-Western fathers; little is known about the historical changes in fatherhood culture in non-Western contexts. This article explores how elite fathers in Republican, Socialist, and Reform-era China see their roles as parents and as men amidst dramatic social changes in intergenerational and gender relations. A close examination of five elite fathers’ family letters and autobiographical writings reveals that the parent–child hierarchy began to diminish as early as Republican-era China and continued to decrease during the Socialist and Reform eras, as seen in fathers’ increasing recognition of their children’s autonomy and the heightened sense of intimacy in the father–child bond. However, changes in gender relations, especially in the fathers’ generation (as opposed to the fathers’ gender beliefs and practices towards their children) followed a much less straightforward path. The asynchronized changes in different facets of Chinese fatherhood may be attributed to the unique and complicated modern history of China in the twentieth century.  相似文献   

随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济的建立 ,我国的所有制结构发生了深刻变化 ,在国企改制的现时代 ,正确认识工人阶级的主人翁地位 ,发扬工人阶级的主人翁作用 ,切实维护工人阶级享有的权利 ,在理论上和实践上都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生发于20世纪三四十年代的抗战文学,作为救亡文学发展的最高阶段,有着它以前各阶段文学之共同点,即文化倚重上的传统性,但更有特定历史阶段赋予的特质。反映中国人民的抗战生活,表现爱国军民的民族正气,成为这一时期文学创作的主旋律。中国抗战文学对中华民族凝聚力的发展,具有巨大的推动作用与深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

中国共产党三代领导人,对现代化的内涵从不同的角度进行了阐述,从而使这一理论不断丰富和发展,对社会主义现代化建设具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本。改革以来,中国在劳动就业方面取得了突出的成就,初步形成了市场导向的就业机制。受人口增长的历史影响,中国当前和今后长时期将面临严峻的就业挑战。当前中国就业环境的变化特征是:劳动力供求矛盾突出,"强资本弱劳工"格局日趋明显;就业结构性矛盾严重,弱势劳工群体问题凸显;劳动力流动性增强,劳动关系的安全性下降;城镇失业率迅猛上升,社会保障亟待完善。劳动就业方面的这些变化特征要求今后工会工作应以中华全国总工会提出的"积极促进就业,稳定就业岗位,减少失业"为中心,在新的起点上,以新的思路、新的标准、新的要求实现新的突破,更好地维护职工的劳动权益。  相似文献   

从1983年开始的中国工会"职工之家"建设活动,至今已走过了20个年头.工会建家活动能够延续20年而不衰,原因就是因为它是在特定历史时期中国工会组织发展方式和中国工会运动发展形式的正确选择.在新的历史条件下,工会组织建家活动可持续发展的实现,对工会组织的长远建设和发展都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

当事人基本情况: 申诉人:李某,男 被诉人:某公司 案情简介: 2007年初,李某从上海某公司调入北京分公司,任项目部经理,月薪5000元.李某由于考虑问题不周全,工作中状况频发,虽然每次都有惊无险,但还是引起了分公司总经理郭某的警惕.  相似文献   

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