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传统财产创造模式,在打破平均主义弊端、取得巨大成就的同时,其内在弊病日益显露并成为我国经济继续健康发展的主要障碍。鉴此,保障我国财产总量持续快速增加、注重财产的价值归宿、实现新兴财产与社会良性互动,构建以人的素质的提高和人的全面发展为内核的以人为本的社会财产创造模式迫在眉睫。构建与科学发展、和谐发展相适应的以人为本的财产创造模式,应当从完善法治型市场经济和政府宏观调控两个主要环节着手。  相似文献   

程姝 《瞭望》2020,(5):29-29
新冠肺炎疫情,改写了2020年的这个春节。无论男女老少,无分医患干群,疫情面前,我们既是命运共同体,又是责任共同体。全民“战疫”,每一环节都离不开每个人的理解、支持与自律。勤洗手、戴口罩、不聚集,保持清醒头脑,提高辨别能力,相信科学的力量,不造谣、不信谣、不传谣。举手之劳便可以加强自我保护、阻断病毒传播、阻止恐慌蔓延,这是普通民众的自律。  相似文献   

谢灵 《学理论》2009,(19):272-273
艺术美的创作过程,主要表现在审美感受、艺术构思和艺术传达等方面互相渗透的步骤中。审美感受的积聚升华是艺术美创造的契机,艺术构思是艺术家对事物本质认识的思维过程,艺术传达是精神借助物质的具象化。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,劳动创造财富的同时,也是创造价值的惟一源泉.社会化大生产的不断发展,劳动创造价值愈加体现在人的智力和劳动的组织程度上.价值分配与价值创造的关系是现代社会生产关系与生产力的矛盾决定的,生产关系直接制约价值分配关系.应当把资本主义剥削方式与市场经济交换方式区分开来,搞清楚社会主义市场经济条件下按劳分配与按生产要素分配结合的客观依据.市场经济条件下的生产力发展本身存在着否定价值分配与价值创造背离的现象.社会主义市场经济条件下,随着现代科技进步,人的智能创造被充分挖掘,价值分配将越来越真实地反映价值创造.  相似文献   

人民群众是创造历史的主体。但是,历史唯物论同时又认为:人民群众是一个具体的政治、经济、历史范畴,人民群众创造历史不能不受社会历史条件的制约,在不同的社会历史条件下,人民群众所发挥的作用是不尽相同的。  相似文献   

15年前,太行山上有个村盛产柿予,但品种不好,皮厚肉少籽又大。于是,村民们纷纷为自己的果园更换了新品种,三五年之后,大家更换的新品种都开始产柿子了。唯独村里有一位穷困的小伙子依旧守着那片老果园过日子,每到了卖柿子的季节,尽管他卖出最低的价格,还是没人愿意买他的柿子。为了生活,他只好放弃了那片果园到城里一家餐馆打工。  相似文献   

卢新华 《党政论坛》2009,(14):55-55
我对财富最直观、最深刻的印象来自美国洛杉矶的扑克牌赌场。那时,我在美国打工做发牌员,每天一上牌桌,除了阅牌无数、阅人无数外,便是面对一摞摞、一堆堆五颜六色的筹码。  相似文献   

四川省的经济特点是农村富余劳动力丰富,经济总体水平较低,因此,在四川省应当大力发展劳动密集型产业.本文分析了劳动密集型产业的特点和四川省的省情特点,从七个方面论述四川省发展劳动密集型产业对于促进四川经济跨越式发展,构建和谐社会的作用。  相似文献   

宋杰 《学理论》2013,(7):55-56
我们普遍认为人的生命意义就在于追求幸福。当前社会经济高速发展,物质生活比较丰富,一些人认为幸福就是财富。亚里士多德认为财富是人们安身立命的基础,它使幸福成为可能,却不等同于幸福。幸福是一种最高善,一种合乎德性的实现活动;财富是满足生活需要的工具,是一种外在善。这种观点对当前我们追求幸福具有很重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

我们都有一个自己的过去,而且我们这代人的过去跟你们年轻人不一样。你们没有吃过苦,不会理解今天站在这儿的这个人怎么这么矫情。但是因为今天我在你们的眼里算是有钱、有地位、有话语权的人,所以我就有资格讲我的过去、我的苦难。因为那是一代人的记忆,因为是我的苦难,是我的财富。  相似文献   

The new American president promoted the value of “spreading the wealth around” as an election theme, providing low-income families with tax breaks, rebates, and credits. The practice of using federal income taxes to re-distribute wealth, which sometimes reflects the noblest of goals, frequently generates significant unintended harm. Prominent among those unplanned casualties is a reduction in charitable giving: American voluntary wealth transfers (e.g., charitable contributions) are in danger of being crowded out by mandatory transfers (e.g., federal taxes) used to redistribute wealth. This paper considers the social and economic costs of raising taxes that crowd out charity.  相似文献   

梁雅军  李爽  韩庆山 《各界》2007,(4):75-76
Part I IntroductionAmericanlinguist Mario Pei saidin his Englishin2061:AFore-cast:The factor that would truly make the Englishin2061differentfromEnglish of the present dayis newly created wordsinlarge scale.(Wang Rongpei,1998:334)So is the fact.English vo…  相似文献   

袁阁臣  郎玫 《行政论坛》2011,18(2):34-37
突破传统的行政价值分析视角,系统地、动态地看待行政价值的形成和变迁是进一步研究行政价值的途径。在演化视角下提出广义行政价值的内涵,构建研究广义行政价值的框架,将影响行政价值的因素内生于行政价值生成过程中,并结合这一过程对行政价值的历时变迁进行分析,其启示在于:为认识行政价值提供了新的视角;政府在行政过程中要重视来自公民和市场的影响作用;行政体制改革、政府职能转变要适应社会发展的主要矛盾变化,以扩大政府行政的社会基础和现实导向;处理好发展经济和提高社会福利的动态关系。  相似文献   

Tomas Hauer 《Society》2017,54(2):150-155
In many of his texts French cultural critic, city planner and philosopher Paul Virilio emphasises that speed is not a phenomenon, but a relation between phenomena. The difference between contemporary society and societies of the past consists in the fact that earlier speed used to be mainly connected with transport, now it concerns relations within information. The question of speed is central. Speed and wealth go hand in hand. To give a philosophical definition of speed, we can say that it is not a phenomenon, but rather the relationship between phenomena. In other words, it is relativity itself. Virilio’s influential books analyses new problems resulting from the fact that the development of industrial capitalism has reached the stage in which wealth and power in society have been interconnected with ever increasing speed. In view of Virilio’s statement that wealth is an aspect of speed it has become necessary to consider speed and all its aspects and consequences through a prism of a new discipline – dromology. Dromology originates from the Greek word dromos. Hence dromology is the science of the ride, the journey, the drive, the way. This means that speed and riches are totally linked concepts. And that the history of the world is not only about the political economy of riches, that is, wealth, money, capital, but also about political economy of speed. Text analyzes the two main themes. Firstly, the treatise attempts at an philosophical analysis of – dromology. Dromologic revolutions cause artificial acceleration of speed in the form of steam or combustion engine, or, nowadays, nuclear energy and they immediately form both e.g. waging wars and kinds of communication. The second part of the study discusses the difference between contemporary society and societies of the past. Vehicles of speed create new dromospheric chronology, new tracks and nodal points (ports, roads, airports, telecommunications etc.) through which things, goods, money, weapons, people or information will start flowing within a different structure.  相似文献   

澳星公司是一家成立于1998年的民营企业,共有职工126名,其中农民工90人,占职工总数的63%.公司经过十多年的发展,已形成了在维护职工利益中促进发展、在促进发展中更好地实现和维护职工利益的良性循环,由此获得了上海市劳动模范集体、上海市和谐劳动关系创建活动示范单位等称号.  相似文献   

入世后中国政府行政模式的创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
二十世纪七十年代以来,西方国家政府行政出现了许多引人注目的新倾向,并逐渐系统化为政府行政管理的新模式——新公共管理。从此角度看,入世也给我们政府行政管理带来严峻挑战。目前,我国政府行政管理虽也作了些改革,但就总体而论仍属传统行政范畴,政府行政存在深层次的范式危机。在范式转换之前,加强管理,只能是强化政府的全能统制倾向。为此,我国的行政改革必须要致力于政府行政范式的转换。  相似文献   

李娟 《理论探索》2007,3(4):86-88
共同富裕不是同时、同步、同等富裕,而是普遍富裕基础上的差别富裕;共同富裕不单是物质上的富裕,而是物质生活和精神生活的全面富裕;共同富裕也不是社会主义社会发展终极目标的固定模式,而是一个动态的、从贫穷到富裕再到高层次富裕的过程富裕。  相似文献   

《West European politics》2013,36(2):141-151
Economic health not wealth should be the decisive criterion when considering the prospects of the Central and East European (CEE) candidates for EU membership and the capacity of the EU to enlarge. Viewed this way the outlook is promising. The CEE countries are still very poor, compared to most of the existing EU members, but they are also much more dynamic. Growth rates are generally expected to remain around 4-5 per cent in CEE for the foreseeable future, compared to about 2-3 per cent for the EU. This still implies that full catch-up in terms of GDP per capita will take decades, rather than years, but full catch-up is not the relevant criterion if one is concerned about enlargement. Experience in the EU has shown that problems are much more likely to arise from established rich member countries with stagnant economies (Belgium in the 1980s and Germany today) than poor, but more dynamic states (such as Portugal and Ireland today). The fact that most of the so-called 'periphery' is now growing more strongly than the 'core' confirms that EU integration benefits poorer countries even more.  相似文献   

低碳经济——新的财富之源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低碳经济在全球蓬勃发展,正在创造出新的产业、新的增长点.文章采集全球最新的资料数据,展示了低碳经济在产业建设、战略投资、产值就业、新能源开发和碳金融市场等方面的发展情况与趋势.  相似文献   

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