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宪法至上与权威合法化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权威是保证国家政治忠诚、维持稳定的重要元素,它需要合法化支撑。合法化与合法性不同。合法性涉及规范和评价,合法化是一个过程。法治国家权威是形式宪法与实质宪法的结合体,其合法化条件包括社会力量和利益冲突、力量对比、工具意义上的宪法。宪法权威合法化的生成除修改宪法之外,尚需积累进化理性形成宪法惯例及发展宪法解释,以促进政治忠诚与自主性的结合,保持社会发展的活力。  相似文献   

Social Justice Research - A wealth of evidence has demonstrated that individuals’ participation in collective actions largely derives from perceived group disadvantages. In the present...  相似文献   

What are we to make of the authority of legislation within the EU? EU lawyers have questioned the significance of legislative decision‐making within the EU. This article challenges these views and argues that the EU legislature must enjoy adequate freedom to shape EU law with the general interest in mind. Institutional accounts that seek to curtail the authority of legislation tend to rest upon ‘content‐dependent’ conceptions of political legitimacy, according to which the legitimacy of a decision depends on its moral qualities. Such conceptions overlook reasonable disagreements on justice and rest upon an overly optimistic (pessimistic) view of the Court (the legislature). The article argues for a content‐independent conception of legitimacy, following which the benefits of legislative decision‐making are more easily understood. The authority of legislation deserves wider recognition among EU lawyers for reasons of political legitimacy and because the EU legislature is better positioned to decide in the general interest.  相似文献   

How is it that the U.S. Supreme Court is capable of getting most citizens to accept rulings with which they disagree? This analysis addresses the role of the symbols of judicial authority and legitimacy—the robe, the gavel, the cathedral‐like court building—in contributing to this willingness of ordinary people to acquiesce to disagreeable court decisions. Using an experimental design and a nationally representative sample, we show that exposure to judicial symbols (1) strengthens the link between institutional support and acquiescence among those with relatively low prior awareness of the Supreme Court, (2) has differing effects depending upon levels of preexisting institutional support, and (3) severs the link between disappointment with a disagreeable Court decision and willingness to challenge the ruling. Since symbols influence citizens in ways that reinforce the legitimacy of courts, the connection between institutional attitudes and acquiescence posited by Legitimacy Theory is both supported and explained.  相似文献   

The International Monetary Fund was designed to promote internationalmonetary cooperation and foreign exchange stability, so as tofacilitate international trade, high levels of employment andreal income, and the development of the productive resourcesof all its members. However, the Fund's capacity to influenceits key members’ policies through its advice, and to giveconfidence to potential borrowers by offering opportune andmeaningful financial assistance in case of trouble, has beenseriously put into question. Its governance structure is inconsistentwith its multilateral nature and is dysfunctional to its purposes.There is also an ideological bias in its policy advice thatprevents the Fund from being responsive to citizens' concernsand challenges posed by globalization. The ongoing reform processis tinkering on the margins and if not redressed will fail tobring additional credibility and effectiveness to the Fund.  相似文献   

反垄断执法机构是否该拥有独立审判权   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵芳春  刘超 《河北法学》2002,20(6):49-52
发展市场经济关键是激发和维系市场竞争 ,基于市场竞争而产生的垄断则排斥、限制着市场竞争 ,为此 ,发达的市场经济国家大都制定了统一的反垄断立法 ,并成立了专门的反垄断执法机构。目前 ,我国的社会主义市场经济正处于蓬勃发展阶段 ,尽快制定一部规范的《反垄断法》 ,加大反垄断的执法力度 ,已经成为社会各界的共识。为有效地实施《反垄断法》 ,强化反垄断法的执法力度 ,维护正常的市场竞争秩序 ,确保社会主义市场经济健康有序发展 ,我国有必要成立一个专门的、具有高度权威性的、高效的反垄断执法机构 ,但该机构不能享有独立审判权。  相似文献   

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) applications such as ChatGPT and its brethren erupted onto the scene last year and have been quite a disruptor throughout higher education. Like much new technology, generative AI brings with it benefits and challenges. This note focuses on early experiences with ChatGPT, attempts to learn how to use it, and possible changes needed for our assessment methodologies. I provide some suggested modifications to traditional assignments to adapt to generative AI's ubiquity.  相似文献   

Research Summary
To extend research on legitimacy to the correctional system, we study a sample of 202 adult inmates randomly assigned to serve their 6-month sentence at one of two institutions—a traditional prison or a military-style correctional boot camp. Findings show that perceptions of justice system legitimacy changed during the course of incarceration, that the prison (but not the boot camp) proved delegitimizing, and that certain regime characteristics explained why.
Policy Implications
Across academic disciplines, studies continue to link compliance with perceived legitimacy. Compliance with the law, for instance, is related closely to the legitimacy of the justice system and its actors. These findings suggest implementing legitimacy-building policies such as procedurally fair treatment and decision making by police officers and judges. This article, by finding legitimacy to be malleable even at the final stage of the justice process, proposes the efficacy of similar policies in the correctional system. As research from England and Wales has shown, legitimizing strategies in this context could increase compliance both during and after incarceration.  相似文献   

郭忠 《现代法学》2006,28(2):61-67
“法律是人民意志的记录”是卢梭提出的关于法律的一个重要命题,从此,法律权威建立在人民意志的基础上,使法律获得了不同以往的新的权威。正确理解卢梭该命题对我们今天树立法律权威有重要意义。  相似文献   

之所以说不是所有涉案查账都是司法会计鉴定,是由于两者具有对象与方法不同等实质性差异。然而,说两者不同,并非是对涉案查账的排斥,也并非说司法会计鉴定就不需要查账了。它们各有所长,也各有用武之地。  相似文献   

2005年,中国GDP达到22257亿美元,经济总量跃居世界第四位。面对新世纪新形势新发展,党中央高瞻远瞩地提出构建和谐社会这一宏伟战略目标。和谐社会首先是法治社会:政府依法管理;社会依法运行;公民依法办事。这种愿景的实现,最主要,最根本,最基础的,就是要在全社会树立法律权威。一、树立法律权威是和谐社会的必由之路“法令行则国治国兴,法令弛则国乱国衰”。我国历史上从商鞅变法使秦国迅速走上富国强兵之路,到文革时践踏法律权威造成社会大倒退的历程,就不断地印证这句名言,彰显着社会发展兴衰与法律权威之间极为重要的关系。西方发达国…  相似文献   

Law's Legitimacy and 'Democracy-Plus'   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Is it the case that the law, in order to be fully legitimate,must not only be adopted in a procedurally correct way but mustalso comply with certain substantive values? In the first partof the article I prepare the ground for the discussion of legitimacyof democratic laws by considering the relationship between law’slegitimacy, its justification and the obligation to obey thelaw. If legitimacy of law is seen as based on the law beingjustified (as in Raz’s ‘service conception’),our duty to obey it does not follow automatically: it must bebased on some additional arguments. Raz’s conception oflegitimate authority does not presuppose, as many critics claim,any unduly deferential attitude towards authorities. Disconnectionof the law’s legitimacy from the absolute duty to obeyit leads to the second part of the article which consists ina critical scrutiny of the claim that the democratically adoptedlaw is legitimate only insofar as it expresses the right moralvalues. This claim is shown to be, under one interpretation(‘motivational’), nearly meaningless or, under anotherinterpretation (‘constitutional’), too strong tosurvive the pressure from moral pluralism. While we cannot hopefor a design of ‘pure procedural democracy’ (byanalogy to Rawlsian ‘pure procedural justice’),democratic procedures express the values which animate the adoptionof a democratic system in the first place.  相似文献   

在“上帝死了”之后,人类社会进入到一个韦伯所言之诸神与诸魔的时期,这一时期的基本特点是一个人所认定的“神”在他人眼中很可能是“魔”。这使得对法之合法性基础的证成变得比较困难——至少,早期那种独断论式的合法性理论已经不能满足这个价值多元时代的需求。在这一背景下,以罗尔斯、哈贝马斯等为首的一批学者创设了一种程序论理论,对多元时期的法之合法性问题予以了强有力的回应。  相似文献   

In this paper I outline a theory of legitimacy that grounds the state??s right to rule on a natural duty not to harm others. I argue that by refusing to enter the state, anarchists expose those living next to them to the dangers of the state of nature, thereby posing an unjust threat. Since we have a duty not to pose unjust threats to others, anarchists have a duty to leave the state of nature and enter the state. This duty correlates to a claim-right possessed by those living next to them, who also have a right to act in self-defence to enforce this obligation. This argument, if successful, would be particularly attractive, as it provides an account of state legitimacy without importing any normative premises that libertarians would reject.  相似文献   

夏金华 《行政与法》2014,(10):17-21
信任是主体与主体、主体与客体间的互信关系、依赖关系、合作关系以及承诺与践行关系.以信任为基础的政治合法性能够产生社会和谐,政治合法性只有以信任为前提,才能增强人们之间的信任关系,形成信任与政治合法性的互动双赢格局.本文以信任为切入点,以信任的视域检视政治合法性,以期从中梳理信任与政治合法性的内在关联,从而前瞻其对中国未来政治发展的影响和意义.  相似文献   

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