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完善我国商业银行风险管理体系的基本思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完善商业银行风险管理体系、提高风险管理能力是<巴塞尔新资本协议>等国际银行业监管准则的重点,也是当前国内监管政策的核心.为适应新时期银行业发展的特点,国内银行应着重在培育风险文化、完善治理结构、加快体制、机制和技术支持体系构建,以及人才建设等方面强化风险管理,不断完善并确立具有自身特色并符合国际银行业发展要求的现代风险管理体系.  相似文献   

日本如何走职业能力开发兴国之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是一个岛国,国土面积近40万平方公里,人口1 2 6亿。从二战结束时的满目疮痍到2 0世纪末,经过几代人的不懈努力,已跃升为仅次于美国的世界第二经济强国,国内生产总值(GDP)已达5万亿美元,和拥有2 5亿人口的欧盟相差不多,人均GDP超过3万美元。日本创造了经济奇迹。一、日本社会当前所遇到的问题1 受到泡沫经济冲击。日本经济高速发展半个世纪,进入2 0世纪末期,出现了震荡,增长乏力。突出表现为银行的呆坏帐、不良债券增多,银行向企业贷款能力不足,企业由于资金等供应不足,出现了萎缩。部分企业从比较利益出发,把资金技术转移到国外,…  相似文献   

加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,是中央在国际复杂政治经济形势以及综合考虑国内发展阶段和面临的中短期任务的背景下作出的重要战略抉择.以国内大循环为主体,实际上就是畅通生产、流通、消费等环节,打造具有竞争力的国内经济,从而提高本国国民的福祉.为更好地构建新发展格局,研究建议:加快创新与改革,...  相似文献   

对日益融入金融全球化的国内银行业而言,加快战略转型不仅涉及到组织模式、风险管理、业务流程以及产品创新等管理要素的变革,也涉及到银行文化的转型。构建以价值为导向的现代商业银行文化,有利于知识化、智能化程度不断提高的国内银行建立有效的价值管理体系,推动文化与价值的互动,解决文化对银行关键管理环节的渗透、融合和执行的问题,并有效提升银行核心竞争力。  相似文献   

几年来,校企合作框架下的“学分银行”其办学思路与企业实际紧密结合,适应了当前企业提高职工队伍素质的总体要求;办学方式灵活多样,满足了职工特别是企业一线生产骨干提高自身学历水平、技能水平的迫切需求,产生了较好的效果.探究其理, “学分银行”项目作为高等职业继续教育的新模式已逐渐显现出生机与活力,必将为社会、企业以及职工个人的发展发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

当社会保险基金投资到固定回报债券的时候,由于债券的到期日和社会保险基金到期债务日不一致,社会保险基金有可能需要在债券到期日之前将债券折现。如果在购入债券很短时间内债券的到期回报率发生了变化,债券折现时就要使用新的回报率计算折现价格,社会保险基金折现收入可能无法满足原定的到期债务支付,由此产生了债务融资风险,这种风险就被称为回报率风险。通过数值模拟分析发现,虽然实际的到期回报率和原定的到期回报率存在差距,但是在某个合适的时点上折现是可以保证原来的投资效果的。这个合适的折现时点使得社会保险基金的折现回报不会受到实际到期回报率变动而带来的支付风险的影响,所以称这个折现时点为免疫折现时点。  相似文献   

发展商业银行零售业务需要建立高效率的零售业务团队。商业银行组建银行零售业务团队必须遵循一定的基本原则和借鉴发达国家的相关经验。当前国内商业银行在零售业务团队建设方面存在着各种问题,应该采取重新确立零售业务的团队构成、团队规模向前台一线倾斜等措施予以解决。  相似文献   

村镇银行是农村金融改革的新生事物,它的设立是为了进一步满足农村日益增长的金融服务需求.所以,村镇银行在发展定位上,应以"服务三农"为主要目标,从微观、中观和宏观三个层面建构村镇银行的发展模式,以更有效地解决目前村镇银行在农户收入结构转变中角色缺失的问题,使村镇银行在实现农户收入增长方式转变、促进农村经济可持续发展方面发...  相似文献   

本文梳理了国外网络信息监管法律的规范层级、制定方法等制定概况,分析了法律禁止的具有共性和个性的信息类别,并归纳了国外网络信息监管模式、监管措施、救济途径等执行机制.  相似文献   

为培养和造就知识型、技术型、创新型的高素质职工满足时代发展需要,将认证人员的能力保持问题纳入到职业资格制度的管理和监管框架下有利于从业人员能力保持工作的系统推进和规范化发展.目前我国认证人员能力保持方面存在一些不足,需要从组织管理制度的完善、专家队伍建设、认证人员诚信体系建设以及提高认证人员胜任度等方面做出调整,加强认证人员专业能力保持工作.  相似文献   

信用卡是一种集多种业务于一身的金融产品,其高投资回报的特点正在促使国内银行业形成一股新的竞争浪潮.然而曾经被树为亚洲典范的韩国却在近期经历着一场空前的信用卡危机,过度宽松的政策激励以及信用卡管理的不完善是导致危机的基本原因.总结韩国信用卡危机的经验有利于推动国内银行卡市场的健康发展.  相似文献   

论我国劳动争议处理机制之完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国现行劳动争议处理机制是强制性的多轨制,这一机制尚存在诸多弊端:费时耗力,有悖于程序正义和效益的原则;缺乏对仲裁裁决的监督,仲裁程序的职能弱化;仲裁和审判之间缺乏协调,重复审理,浪费审判资源。因此,应借鉴市场经济发达国家的成功经验,完善我国劳动争议处理机制,加强工会的作用,突出调解职能,使劳动争议仲裁与民事仲裁衔接,并建立劳动公益诉讼制度。  相似文献   

Feminist theories are concerned to analyse how women can transform society so that they are no longer subordinated, by understanding how patriarchal relations control and constrict them.(Abbott and Wallace, 1997: 284)Feminisms start from the position that women are oppressed within a society, which is patriarchal and socially constructed within knowledge which is malestream. This traditionally defines men such that they are rendered subordinate, within a social world constructed by men. Feminisms are engaged with making transparent patriarchal constructs, and illuminating the ‘spaces’ within which women-realities can become more visible.This paper presents research undertaken by two key services working with male sex workers in central London. The insights gained from this research are discussed, as they allow comparison between the traditionally subordinate position of women and the contextual experiences of the ‘hidden’ population of male sex industry workers. It demonstrates, that like women, for male sex workers, hegenomic and heterosexist constructs ensure that they also occupy a subordinated position within society.  相似文献   

The novelists Rebecca West, Winifred Holtby, Margaret Storm Jameson, and Naomi Mitchison developed an interest in politics during the 1930s as a response to the pervasive belief that their society was becoming increasingly uncivil and fragmented. The erosion of social bonds had adverse emotional effects on the members of their communities and prevented the creation of associations that would bring about the socio-political change needed to prevent another war. Politics was a means of establishing workable relationships between the state – felt to be increasingly distant from the lives of the majority of the citizenry; the sum of voluntary associations which constituted civil society; and individuals, demoralised by isolation. It was to the workings of civil society that these four writers turned their attention with a view to examining closely the intricacies of human relationships under adverse conditions. At the same time, they offered alternative models of human interaction that would allow individuals to develop their personalities more fully in a nourishing environment. This article analyses their position by placing their non-fictional work within the context of the political ideas circulating at the time, emphasising the moral implications of their political vocabulary.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of perceived parental, peer, and cultural factors on Black American adolescent attitudes toward substance use. One-hundred-eight Black American youth (grades 9–12) from economically disadvantaged urban neighborhoods of New York, completed self-report measures on: (a) parent-child involvement, parental supervision, and parent attitudes toward high risk behaviors; (b) peer bonds and peer attitudes toward high risk behaviors; and (c) ethnic identity, parental racial socialization, and extended family support. Youth disapproval of substance use was positively associated with higher perceived levels of peer and parental disapproval of high risk behaviors, parental supervision, and ethnic identity. Youth who reported parental messages about racial discrimination without balanced parental messages about racial pride and racial equality were more likely to approve substance use. Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. Her research interests include socio-cultural factors in the prevention of youth substance use, sexual risk, and violence. Director, Center for Ethics Education and Marie Ward Doty Professor of Psychology at Fordham University. Current research interests include research ethics with vulnerable populations, including children and adolescents.  相似文献   

School context,gender, and delinquency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compares two high schools serving the same community and compares student bodies with similar background characteristics. The purpose is to examine how control/strain variables predict delinquency in two distinct school contexts. It was found that minor delinquency occurred more often in the environment dominated by competitive academic achievement, routine handling of discipline, and unpredictable supervision. Examination of the model paths suggest that this environment is also conservative and unlikely to offer legitimate opportunities to girls with gender-egalitarian orientation. The school context characterized by a broader definition of success, more specialized discipline, and predictable supervision promotes stronger bonds with its students and lower levels of delinquency for both genders.The research reported here was funded by Grant 79-JN-AX-0030 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1984 meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Cincinnati, Ohio.Received Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Work from the University of Michigan. Research interests include deviance and control, and gender issues.  相似文献   

大连开发区外企工会联合会(简称外企联)是一个隶属于大连市开放先导区总工会的内部组织机构。外企联建立10年来,在加强工会组织网络建设,提升工会组织维权能力方面,进行了有益的探索,充分发挥"四平"、"四带"、"学校"、"顾问"、"创新"作用,取得一些有益经验。  相似文献   

劳动争议仲裁属于社会主义和谐劳动关系话语体系下的法定仲裁,与以民间合意自治为基础的商事仲裁无制度生成上的关联性。研究认为:劳动争议仲裁裁决不予执行是基于协议仲裁的一裁终局属性所生成的救济途径,不应适用于作为诉讼前置程序的劳动争议仲裁,并易造成重复救济,对效率和保护弱势劳动者的价值追求目标造成损害;相关司法解释为追求社会效果创设了对劳动争议仲裁裁决不予执行的监督程序,混淆了法定仲裁和协议仲裁的界限,扩大了民事诉讼法第237条的适用范围,易带来法律冲突和适用困境。研究建议,对劳动争议仲裁裁决进行司法审查,需尊重其公法属性,严格依据法律规定,按照法律赋予的救济手段作出裁判。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the links between maternal and paternal bonding, parental practices, orientation toward peers, and the prevalence of drug use and antisocial behavior during late adolescence. A model was tested using structural equation modeling in order to verify the robustness of the investigated links across 3 countries: Canada, France, and Italy. A self-report questionnaire was given to a sample of 908 adolescents, with an equivalent number of girls and boys, in Grade 11. The questionnaire assessed the following variables: parental bonding, parental supervision, parental tolerance, orientation toward peers, involvement in physically aggressive antisocial behavior, non-physically aggressive antisocial behavior, and drug use. The model was robust across the 3 countries, thus confirming a path that identified quality of emotional bonds between adolescents and their parents as a distal variable acting upon deviant behaviors through the following mediators: parental supervision, parental tolerance, frequency of conflicts, and orientation toward peers. Michel Claes is full professor at the Université de Montréal, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Education from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. His major research interest is in social development in adolescence, with a special focus on intercultural studies.  相似文献   

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