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在借鉴国内外相关研究成果,在问卷调查基础上,选择个人属性、工作满意、组织承诺的相关变量进行实证分析,其目的在于解析监狱警察的性别、年龄、学历、毕业院校、职位、连续工龄、未来晋升的概率及次数等个人属性,对工作满意度、组织承诺的影响。  相似文献   

随着家庭照顾负担的日益沉重和职场压力的不断增大,我国的"工作—家庭"冲突问题正变得越来越严峻。论文以西方"工作—家庭"的研究思路和成果为基础,结合中国的实际,梳理了中国"工作—家庭"冲突的表现、特征及其与西方的差异。文章发现,不能直接套用西方的理论成果来解释我国的状况,我国劳动者面临的"工作—家庭"冲突要剧烈得多,原因要复杂得多,来自工作和家庭两方面的压力源都与西方有明显的不同。  相似文献   

近年来.党和政府对调解工作越来越重视。党的十七大要求,将人民调解、司法调解和行政调解有机结合.“最大限度增加社会稳定因素,最大限度减少社会不稳定因素”.促进社会主义和谐社会建设。本文从调解组织的效率研究出发,重点探索我国人民调解组织结构的优化整合途径和机制。  相似文献   

从自我决定理论的视角,通过对浙江省制造业和服务业企业员工进行问卷调查,运用层级回归、被调节的中介效应等方法进行统计分析,探究员工基本心理需要满足在高承诺工作系统与员工组织公民行为之间所起的中介作用,考察领导—成员交换的调节效应。研究结果表明:高承诺工作系统对员工组织公民行为有正向影响;员工基本心理需要满足在高承诺工作系统与员工组织公民行为之间起中介作用;领导—成员交换对高承诺工作系统与员工基本心理需要满足之间的关系具有调节作用;领导—成员交换调节了员工基本心理需要满足在高承诺工作系统与组织公民行为之间所起的中介效应。  相似文献   

人离体肝组织胺类产生与死亡时间和环境温度的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨在不同环境温度下,人离体肝组织中有机胺类产生量随死亡时间变化的规律,为某些碎尸案的死亡时间推断提供参考资料。方法应用高效液相色谱仪外标法,动态检测人离体肝组织中组胺、腐胺、尸胺和未腐败氨基酸含量。结果在8℃、15℃、23℃和32℃环境下,有机胺类产生量分别于人死后肝脏即刻离体69h、54h、40h和33h趋于最大值,并且在到达峰值之前,各温度组离体肝组织中有机胺类生成量均与死亡时间成正比关系。结论人离体肝组织中有机胺类产生量与死亡时间和环境温度在一定范围内均呈正相关。  相似文献   

近日,全国各地按照中央政法委部署的三项重点工作,围绕"平安世博"、"平安亚运"等重点工作,不断深入打黑除恶专项斗争。由永嘉县检察院提起公诉的朱炳欢等14人组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪一案,于2010年5月14日在瓯北镇罗浮中学操场进行了公开宣判,首犯朱炳欢一人犯八宗罪名被判处有期徒刑二十年,并处罚金人民币505000元。作为我院2009年重点审查起诉的涉黑案件,经多名检察官历时半年的扎实细致工作,就本案探索出了一套科学化、规范化的涉黑检察工作措施,积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是,认真学习贯彻党的十七届六中全会和全国政法工作会议精神,按照《中央政法委员会关于深入开展政法干警核心价值观教育实践活动的意见》要求,对全国司法行政系统深入开展政法干警核心价值观教育实践活动进行动员部署,进一步加强司法行政队伍建设,促进司法行政工作改革发展,为维护社会和谐稳定、促进经济社会发展作出新的更大的贡献,以优异成绩迎接党的十八大胜利召开。  相似文献   

梁刚 《中国司法》2008,(12):38-39
认真学习领会科学发展观的科学内涵、精神实质和根本要求,是当前和今后一个时期的重大政治任务。用科学发展观武装广大监狱人民警察,统一思想认识,进而指导工作实践,提高监狱工作服务科学发展的水平和能力,对于正处于重要改革发展时期的监狱工作意义重大而深远。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of religious dissimilarity and religious personal identity on one’s job satisfaction. Data were collected from 260 top managers. Structural equation modeling indicated that religious dissimilarity positively affected perceived value dissimilarity from others, which in turn, held a negative association with job satisfaction. These effects were qualified, however, by a significant religious dissimilarity × religious personal identity interaction such that, for persons whose religious beliefs were a central part of who they were, being religiously different from others in the workplace strongly impacted their perceived value dissimilarity. Research contributions and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Job burnout can negatively impact individual officers, the organization that employs the burned out officers, citizens with whom these officers directly interact, and the community more broadly. The vast majority of the empirical research on burnout has been based on Western police officers. The present study extends our understanding of the associations that job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, affective commitment, and continuance commitment have with the three dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of accomplishment) among Indian police officers. Ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis was used to examine survey data from 827 police officers in the Sonipat and Rohtak districts of the Indian state of Haryana using a systematic random sample. The findings indicate that job involvement and job satisfaction were associated with lower levels of all three dimensions of burnout. Job stress was associated with emotional and reduced accomplishment burnout. High affective commitment was associated with lower levels of a reduced sense of personal accomplishment, while continuance commitment was associated with higher levels of emotional and depersonalization burnout. The results suggest that job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, affective commitment, and continuance commitment have effects on burnout among Indian officers, as has been found among Western officers. As such, police scholars and administrators should focus on reducing job stress and continuance commitment and increasing job involvement, job satisfaction, and affective commitment among officers.  相似文献   

Following uncertainty management theory, we argue that when people face increased uncertainty, fairness becomes more important to them and judgments of fairness affect their reactions more strongly. The organizational field study reported here examines the effects of uncertainty about performance standards and appropriate behaviors on the relationship between fairness and job satisfaction. Results reveal that uncertainty moderates the positive relationship between fairness perceptions and job satisfaction such that the more uncertain people are about performance standards and appropriate behaviors, the stronger the relationship between fairness and job satisfaction. Further results reveal a significant moderating effect of uncertainty specifically for procedural fairness and interactional fairness. We discuss the implications of our findings for the uncertainty management model.  相似文献   

EVA S. BUZAWA 《犯罪学》1984,22(1):61-81
The central issue of this study involves determining the importance of various demographic and job specific attitudes in predicting job satisfaction among patrol officers. Findings contradict much of the previous literature that suggested a predictable association between specific factors and officer attitudes. Instead this study supports a Situational approach to predicting job satisfaction. In addition, the impact of affirmative actions was shown to be highly associated with job satisfaction under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Despite increased representation in correctional work settings, women still encounter obstacles in this male-dominated occupation—obstacles that have the potential to affect their levels of job stress and job satisfaction. Although gender-based differences in job stress and job satisfaction have been analyzed in several prison settings, much less work has been conducted in the often neglected correctional arena of jails. The current study fills this empirical void by examining jail staff at a large county correctional system in Orlando, Florida. Ordinary least squares regression analysis indicated that different facets of the work environment differentially affected the job stress and job satisfaction of 419 women and 493 men working in a large urban jail system. Specifically, role ambiguity, perceived dangerousness, coworker relations, input into decision making, and administrative support had larger effects on job stress for women compared to men. For job satisfaction, the only workplace variable to have a gendered effect was administrative support, which also had a greater effect for women than men. The findings reveal gender-related differences, especially in terms of job stress.  相似文献   

卫生监督员是卫生执法工作的具体承担者,监督员的工作满意度对其工作积极性及执法工作水平和效率具有直接影响。本研究选取了山东潍坊16区县卫生监督机构的监督员,采用问卷调查法收集数据,分析了其在工作满意度各纬度上的差异以及影响因素,针对调查中发现的问题,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

It is an intriguing puzzle that women lawyers, despite less desirable working conditions and blocked career advancement, report similar satisfaction as men lawyers with their legal careers. The paradoxical work satisfaction reported by women and men lawyers obscures a more notable difference in their depressed or despondent feelings. Using a panel study of women and men lawyers practicing in Toronto since the mid-1980s, we find at least three causal pathways through which gender indirectly is connected to job dissatisfaction and feelings of despondency. The first path is through gender differences in occupational power, which lead to differential despondency. The second path is through differences in perceived powerlessness, which directly influence job dissatisfaction. The third path is through feelings of despondency that result from concerns about the career consequences of having children. The combined picture that results illustrates the necessity to include measures of depressed affect in studies of dissatisfaction with legal practice. Explicit measurement and modeling of concerns about the consequences of having children and depressed feelings reveal a highly gendered response of women to legal practice that is otherwise much less apparent. Women are more likely to respond to their professional grievances with internalized feelings of despondency than with externalized expressions of job dissatisfaction. That is, they are more likely to privatize than publicize their professional troubles.  相似文献   

Using nationally representative data, we test three theories about distributive and procedural justice and their relation to job satisfaction. Our results support the group-value model more than the personal outcomes model by showing that procedural justice is a more important predictor of job satisfaction than is distributive justice. Furthermore, although other research has supported the psychological contract model by showing that experiences with downsizing alter how procedural justice and distributive justice are related to organizational commitment, we find that downsizing does not alter their relationship with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Jails are important, yet understudied, components of the American criminal justice system. While most research on correctional personnel has focused on prisons, a growing body of work is beginning to emerge on jails. This is encouraging given the unique circumstances that occur within jail environments (e.g., diversity and mobility of offenders, health issues among detainees, overcrowding, lack of training among staff, etc.). Given these conditions, the staff members who run jails become the glue that holds them together. The following study contributes to this burgeoning area of empirical inquiry by examining a variety of antecedents of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among jail personnel. Using survey data collected from a large county correctional system in Orlando, Florida, the findings indicate that staff perceptions of professionalism, detainee control, and administrative support all significantly impact degrees of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the differences in perceptions of motivation to lead, mental health, and job satisfaction of male and female police constables. Police constables (N = 203, male = 144, female = 59) were surveyed at four districts (Varanasi, Mirzapur, Allahabad and Lucknow) in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Republic of India. Participants’ responses were obtained on questionnaires which measured demographic characteristics, motivation to lead (Dubrin, 1998), psychological well-being, psychological distress (Heubeck & Neill Psychological Reports, 87:431–440, 2000), and job satisfaction (Dantzker’s Journal of Crime and Justice 16:171–181, 1993). Results of t test analysis indicated that job experience, salary, education, motivation to lead, and psychological well-being were significantly different among the male and female police constables. Motivation to lead was a significantly positive correlate of job satisfaction among male participants only while psychological well-being was significantly, positively correlated with job satisfaction of both male and female participants. Psychological well-being also exercised partial mediator effects on the positive relationship between “motivation to lead” and job satisfaction in male police constables only. However, psychological distress was negatively correlated with job satisfaction of male police constables. The findings have significant implications for increasing job satisfaction in the police department. Findings indicate that the government should concentrate on removing anomalies in the job conditions of the female police constables so as to promote psychological well-being. Simultaneously, the police department should also pay attention to conditions which can increase motivation to lead among its female police constables.  相似文献   

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