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The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the QIAGEN QIAamp Stool Mini Kit against a standard phenolchloroform procedure for the extraction, quantitation, and STR-typing of human nuclear DNA from human feces. Stools from six subjects were sampled by swabbing and excision. Samples extracted with the QIAamp kit gave a wide range of DNA yields, whereas those extracted by the organic method yielded no DNA. DNA was not recovered from one subject's stools by either procedure. The QIAamp extracts were amplified with the Profiler Plus and COfiler kits, and PCR inhibition was observed with DNA extracts that were further concentrated. Substitution of water or TE-4 for the QIAamp elution buffer eliminated most, if not all, of the inhibition. A modified QIAamp procedure was used to extract thirty samples, which were subjected to one of five environmental conditions. DNA was recovered from all of these samples, and typing results were obtained on 93% of the samples.  相似文献   

DNA IQ磁珠法结合Maxwell~(TM) 16自动仪提取接触DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究DNA IQ磁珠法结合MaxwellTM 16自动仪对接触DNA提取的应用价值。方法 151份案件接触DNA检材95℃裂解后,采用DNA IQ磁珠法结合MaxwellTM 16自动仪提取DNA,然后进行DNA定量和STR分型检测,统计各种类型的接触DNA含量I、PC CT值和STR分型成功率。结果 151份案件接触DNA检材中,除果核平均DNA获得量为9.51ng以外,其它接触检材的平均DNA获得量均大于10ng,烟蒂检验成功率最高为93%,果核检验成功率较低,为60%。所有DNA样品的IPC CT值均在27左右,纯度高。结论大部分接触DNA检材采用DNA IQ磁珠法结合MaxwellTM 16自动仪可提取到足以进行STR分型的DNA。  相似文献   

The use of Qiagen QIAamp and QIAshredder for extracting DNA from envelope flaps and stamps is reported. The stamps or flaps can be added directly to extraction solutions and the DNA is bound to a spin column containing a silicon membrane for washing prior to elution. DNA extracted from four stamps and four envelope flaps was amplified and analyzed using a multiplex PCR system. Complete DNA profiles were obtained from five samples.  相似文献   

Abstract: The PrepFiler? Forensic DNA Extraction Kit enables isolation of genomic DNA from a variety of biological samples. The kit facilitates reversible binding of DNA with magnetic particles resulting in high DNA recovery from samples with very low and high quantities of biological materials: 0.1 and 40 μL of human blood (donor 2) provided 14 and 2883 ng of DNA, respectively. Following the revised SWGDAM guidelines, performance of the developed method was investigated using different sample types including saliva on swabs, semen stains on cotton fabric, samples exposed to environment, samples with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors, blood stains (on denim, cotton cloth, and FTA® paper), and touch evidence‐type samples. DNA yields for all samples tested were equal or better than those obtained by both phenol–chloroform extraction and commercial kits tested. DNA obtained from these samples was free of detectable PCR inhibitors. Short tandem repeat profiles were complete, conclusive, and devoid of PCR artifacts.  相似文献   

STR profiling using hard tissues obtained from a severely decomposed body is sometimes a laborious work. There is now on a market a new DNA extraction kit, PrepFiler™ Forensic DNA Extraction Kit (AppliedBiosystems), and we tested it for missing persons. Postmortem intervals ranged from weeks to several years. Fifteen bone fragments and eleven nails were used in this report. Genomic DNA was quantified by QuantiFiler® DUO Quantification Kit (AppliedBiosystems), and STRs were analyzed using AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® PCR Amplification Kit (AppliedBiosystems). The profiling of 16 STR loci was successful in all nail samples. However, STR profiling was successful in only 6 of 15 bone materials. Nine cases failed to analyze STR polymorphisms using another DNA extraction kit, the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN). For bone samples, it seems that STR profiling depends on the quality of samples.  相似文献   

The United States Postal Service is considering methods such as electron beam irradiation to neutralize biological agents sent through the mail. While this is proven to reduce/eliminate pathogenic organisms, it may also degrade human genomic DNA and therefore hinder the ability to garner forensically informative genetic profiles. To determine the effects of electron beam irradiation on DNA typing, 16 white, standard letter-sized envelopes were licked. Half of the envelopes served as nonirradiated controls while the other half underwent irradiation at dosages sufficient to kill anthrax spores (29.3 and 51.6 kGy). Total cellular DNA was extracted from all envelopes; nuclear short tandem repeat loci, as well as the hypervariable region I from mitochondrial DNA, were amplified by means of the polymerase chain reaction. Short tandem repeat profiles and mitochondrial DNA sequence haplotypes were acquired on an ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer platform. Analysis of data from irradiated samples revealed evidence of DNA degradation; however, the ability to construct full genetic profiles from both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA remained largely unaffected. The use of the polymerase chain reaction, coupled with florescent fragment analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequencing, should be considered to profile biological material from evidence enduring irradiation to inactivate infectious agents.  相似文献   

Analysis of STR profiles obtained from touch DNA has been very useful to the elucidation of crimes. Extraction method may be determinant for the recovery of genetic material collected from different surfaces. Vehicle theft is one of the most common crimes in São Paulo city, Brazil, but collection of biological traces in car steering wheels is not considered, because of the belief that profiles generated won’t be able to identify the thief, only the owner. This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of extraction methods for obtaining DNA profiles in samples collected from steering wheels. Eight criminal acts were simulated with 2 different individuals each (mixture of victim and thief), in duplicate, in order to compare two extraction methods: DNA IQ™ and Casework Direct Kit (both Promega Corporation). Genetic material was collected by double swab method and quantified by Quantifiler™Trio (ThermoFisher Scientific). Amplification was conducted with PowerPlex® Fusion System (Promega). It was possible to obtain STR profiles for all experiments. The mixtures were compared with reference profiles to evaluated how many alleles of each donor were observed. Samples extracted with Casework Direct Kit obtained STR profiles with higher averages of alleles for primary and secondary donors (88.7% and 59.9%, respectively) than those extracted with DNA IQ™ (60.4% and 38.1%, respectively). This could be explained by the differences established in the protocols of both methods, since DNA IQ™ is based on successive washes and can result in loss of DNA, whereas Casework Direct Kit minimizes this problem. We concluded that Casework Direct Kit was more efficient for processing touch DNA samples than DNA IQ™.  相似文献   

The Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit and the Quantifiler Y Human Male DNA Quantification Kit were designed for the quantification of human genomic DNA in forensic samples. The kits use a real-time PCR-based process to quantify, respectively, total human DNA or human male DNA only. We report the results of a developmental validation study that we performed with the Quantifiler Kits, following the official SWGDAM guidelines. The Quantifiler Kits were tested for performance criteria such as species specificity, sensitivity, stability, precision and accuracy, and in addition, were tested with forensic case-type samples and mixed (male:female) DNA samples. The Quantifiler Kit methods were highly specific for human DNA, and could detect as little as 32 picograms of DNA using 2 microL of sample per assay. The accuracy and precision of the Quantifiler Kit methods was comparable or superior to that of other quantification methods.  相似文献   

The potential to recover genetic profiles from evidence samples has substantially increased since robust and sensitive amplification kits are commercially available. Nevertheless, even the best amplification kits cannot succeed when the extracted DNA is of poor quality. In this study we compared the efficiency of silica (QIAamp DNA Mini Kit), Chelex and Phenol-Chloroform (PC) based protocols to recover DNA from different categories of samples (blood and saliva on cotton swabs, muscles, cigarette butts, saliva on foods and epidermal cells on clothes). The efficiency of the QIAamp system was improved when samples were treated with QIAshredder homogenizing columns. Overall, conventional Chelex or PC protocols allowed to recover conclusive SGM Plus profiles for 61% of the samples considered in this study. Contrastingly, 82% of them were successfully genotyped after being treated with a combination of QIAshredder and QIAamp systems. Our results further suggested that the QIAshredder/QIAamp protocol was particularly helpful to analyze evidence samples with few DNA and/or that were collected on substrates containing PCR inhibitors.  相似文献   

A duplex real-time qPCR assay was developed for quantifying human nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in forensic samples. The nuclear portion of the assay utilized amplification of a approximately 170-190 bp target sequence that spans the repeat region of the TH01 STR locus, and the mitochondrial portion of the assay utilized amplification of a 69 bp target sequence in the ND1 region. Validation studies, performed on an ABI 7000 SDS instrument using TaqMan detection, demonstrated that both portions of the duplex assay provide suitable quantification sensitivity and precision down to 10-15 copies of each genome of interest and that neither portion shows cross-reactivity to commonly encountered non-human genomes. As part of the validation studies, a series of DNase-degraded samples were quantified using three different methods: the duplex nuclear-mitochondrial qPCR assay, the ABI Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit qPCR assay, which amplifies and detects a 62 bp nuclear target sequence, and slot blot hybridization. For non-degraded and moderately degraded samples in the series, all three methods were suitably accurate for quantifying nuclear DNA to achieve successful STR amplifications to yield complete profiles using the ABI AmpFlSTR Identifiler kit. However, for highly degraded samples, the duplex qPCR assay provided better estimates of nuclear template for STR amplification than did either the commercial qPCR assay, which overestimated the quantity of STR-sized DNA fragments, leading to an increased proportion of undetected alleles at the larger STR loci, or slot blot hybridization, which underestimated the quantity of nuclear DNA, leading to an increased proportion of STR amplification artifacts due to amplification of excess template.  相似文献   

甲醛固定组织中DNA提取与扩增技术的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li L  Que T  Lin Y  Gong Y 《法医学杂志》1998,14(2):87-88
目的:探索从甲醛固定组织中提取并扩增DNA的方法。方法:采用高pH缓冲液,结合有机溶剂法抽提DNA,选择扩增片段较短的DQa位点作为检测位点。结果:甲醛固定组织中的DNA降解程度随浸泡时间的延长而加重,但浸泡1、5、10个月的3份心脏组织均获得了240bp的扩增产物。  相似文献   

目的 建立混合斑中精子DNA批量自动提取的方法.方法 对56例混合斑经第一步消化后的精子沉淀用DNA IQ试剂盒和Biomek(R)2000全自动核酸工作站自动提取纯化,3130xl型遗传分析仪分析结果.结果 56例混合斑检材均得到较好的STR分型结果.结论 DNA IQ试剂盒和Biomek(R)2000全自动核酸工作站批量自动提取纯化混合斑的方法快速简便,可应用于法庭科学实践.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA was extracted from human telogen hairs from 60 individuals. Six to nine hairs from each individual were individually extracted. The amount of DNA recovered from each individual varied greatly, and most samples yielded a quantity of 550 pg or less per hair. A selective extraction buffer was used to remove epithelial cell DNA and the amount of exogenous DNA was determined. DNA was also quantified by real time PCR using three different sized amplicons targeting an Alu sequence. The results were used to determine the state of degradation of the extracted DNA. Different quantities of sample (<100 pg, 100-500 pg, >500 pg) were amplified with the Miniplex kits to determine the minimum DNA template required for successful amplification. DNA recovered from hair showed degradation; however, partial profiles were obtained for those samples containing at least 60 pg using MiniSTRs.  相似文献   

In some forensic cases, nuclear DNA is degraded and cannot be analyzed. In such a case mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is usually used in forensic cases for identification because of its special features as high number of copies per cell, maternal inheritance and high mutation rate. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most abundant class of human polymorphisms. The aim of this study was optimization of 10 mtDNA SNPs by using SNaPshot minisequencing technique on ABI310 genetic analyser in forensic molecular genetics laboratory. At the end of this study, the optimization of minisequencing technique was done by changing some assay parameters. Also, during the optimization of 10 mtSNP loci in our laboratory.  相似文献   

A total of 36 ancient human remains from 12 individuals (three tooth/bone samples each) and one sample each of three individuals from the newest time was typed in a blind study using the amelogenin sex test. Prior to this molecular sex determination the sex of the individual was determined morphologically. The success rate of the amelogenin amplifications was >90%. For every individual an unambiguous molecular sex typing result was obtained. Furthermore, the morphological and molecular sex determinations were in accordance with each other, giving evidence for the authenticity and ancient origin of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications.  相似文献   

Environmental samples from indoor surfaces can be confounded by dust, which is composed largely of human skin cells and has been documented to contain roughly tens of micrograms of total DNA per gram of dust. This study complements previous published work by providing estimates of the quantity of amplifiable human DNA found in environmental samples from a typical indoor environment, categorized by the intensity of human traffic and visible quantity of dust. Dust was collected by surface swabbing standard 576 cm2 areas in eight locations, and evaluated for total DNA quantity, presence of human DNA (mitochondrial and nuclear loci using conventional PCR), quantity of human nuclear DNA using quantitative PCR, and STR analysis. The total DNA content of 36 dust samples ranged from 9 to 28 ng/cm2, and contained 0.2–1.1 pg/cm2 of human DNA. Overall, human DNA was detected in 97% of 36 dust samples and 61% of samples yielded allele distributions of varying degrees of complexity when subjected to STR analysis. The implications of this study are twofold. First, the presence of dust in evidence can be a significant contamination source in forensic investigations because the human DNA component is of sufficient quality and quantity to produce allele calls in STR analysis. This can be effectively managed by implementing stringent protocols for collection and analysis of potential biological samples. A second implication is the use of dust as a source of evidence for identification of inhabitants within a defined location. In the latter case, a number of additional studies would be necessary to identify relevant pretreatments for environmental dust samples and to develop the necessary deconvolution techniques to separate the composite genotypes obtained.  相似文献   

PCR-STR分型技术在尿样DNA分型中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 对尿样的DNA分型进行研究。 方法  10份尿样随机收集于无关个体 ,同时采集血液样本做DNA分型对照 ,用PCR -STR分型技术对尿样DNA进行FIBRA和D18S5 35基因座分型。 结果  10份尿样 10ml、1ml及 0 .2ml体积均获得准确的分型结果 ,且与同一个体的血样DNA分型结果完全相同 ;室温储存 4天及 4℃保存 4周的尿样均分型成功。 结论PCR -STR分型技术对尿样DNA分型是一种有效的方法 ,在尿样的个人识别中具有极高的实用价值。  相似文献   

目的:对尿样的DNA分型进行研究。方法:10份尿样随机收集于无关个体,同时采集血液样本做DNA分型对照,用PCR-STD分型技术对尿样DNA进行FIBRA和D18S535基因座分型。结果:10份尿样10ml、1ml及0.2ml体积均获得准确的分型结果,且与同一个体的血样DNA分型结果完全相同;室温储存4天及4℃及4周的尿样均分型成功。结论:PCR-STR分型技术对尿样DNA分型是一种有效的方法,在尿样的个人识别中具有极高的实用价值。  相似文献   

目的探索DNA IQTMSYSTEM在疑难指甲DNA提取中的应用。方法 15份疑难指甲采用Chelex方法检验没有成功获得STR分型图谱,采用DNA IQTMSYSTEM提取法并纯化,采用Identifiler PLUS试剂盒进行复合扩增,产物经ABI3130XL型DNA基因分析仪检测。结果成功获得15例疑难指甲的STR基因座DNA分型。结论 DNA IQTMSYSTEM方法能快速、有效提取疑难指甲DNA进行STR分型。  相似文献   

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