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笔者受理了一起李控告魏将其强奸案,魏拒不承认。李将擦拭阴部的一块旧衣片送检。旧衣片上检有精子,每视野可见2~3个不完整的精子,偶见少量的扁平上皮细胞。用凝集反应确定李血型为B型;李的丈夫张的血型为O型;魏的血型为B型。用中和试验确定李的丈夫唾液为非分泌型;李与魏的唾液均为B分泌型。取该衣片精斑处与无精斑处检材浸泡,用16倍效价的抗A、抗B、抗H血清做吸收抑制凝集检验,空白检材与精斑检材均出现抗B血清抑制。由于李、魏、张三人的血型物质均可混于其中,而检材空白又出现B型,考虑旧衣片有李的B型物质干扰。李的B型…  相似文献   

应用间接免疫荧光技术,对40份精子标本进行 ABO 血型抗原检测。A 型人精子上存在 A 抗原;B 型人精子上存在 B 抗原;AB 型人精液中,一部分精子带有 A 抗原,另一部分精子带 B 抗原。各血型人的精子均有 H 抗原。精子血型抗原为本身所固有,并非来源于精浆。不同人的精子血型抗原含量各不相等,与其供体是否为分泌状态或强弱无直接关系。精子 ABO 血型抗原主要存在于精子的颈部和顶体等区域。  相似文献   

ABO血型系统属人类的重要遗传标记之一。ABO抗原不仅存在于红细胞膜,也广泛存在于人体的体液和分泌液中。在体液及分泌液中分泌ABH血型物质的人称作分泌型(Seers-tors,See)。A型人分泌A物质,B型人分泌B物质,O型人分泌H物质。所有分泌型人都有H物质的分泌;不分泌ABH血型物质的人称作非分泌型(nonsecretors,uSe)[1]。分泌ABH血型物质,首先是在检测人精液和唾液时被证实[2]。后来的研究结果表明:在人类分泌型个体的消化道(唾液、胃粘膜、胆汁、胎粪)、泌尿生殖道(精液、阴道分泌物、卵巢囊肿液、尿)、呼吸道及乳汁…  相似文献   

人精浆中A型血型物质的分离纯化及理化性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用凝胶过滤、阴离子高速液相色谱及免疫亲合层析方法成功地从A型分泌型人精浆中分离、纯化了具有A型活性的精浆血型物质(SPBGS-A)。理化分析结果表明:SPBGS-A为表现单一A型活性、分子量不均一的糖蛋白。其分子量约为100KD;等电点在pH2.7~3.5之间;糖含量占72.5%;蛋白质含量占24.2%。共检出了16种氨基酸成分,其中苏氨酸、丝氨酸及脯氨酸的含量约占50%。经与其它水溶性血型物质在化学组成上进行比较,提示其可能具有一定的器官特异性。  相似文献   

在侦破凶杀、伤害、抢劫等案件的有关血痕ABO型检验中,常遇到动物血或腐败细菌污染检材的情况。由于动物血中的AB型物质或细菌中类人血型物质的干扰,影响了人血痕ABO分型检验的准确性。笔者经过大量的实验,证明了利用单克隆抗体代替多克隆抗体进行ABO血型检验,可以有效地防止上述干扰,使检验结果准确可靠。现报道如下。材料与方法1.抗体(1)人执地执B血清,效价128倍。(2)单克隆抗A、抗B血清,效价128倍。2·样品制备(1败集马、驴、骡、牛、猪、狗、山羊、兔、鸡、鸭、鹅、鼠、鳝鱼、草鱼、鲤鱼、罗非鱼等16种动物血,制成…  相似文献   

缪明 《法医学杂志》2008,24(3):177-177
1案例 某日凌晨,刘某被两男子轮奸。现场提取受害人刘某的血液一份,内裤一条,长筒袜一只;嫌疑人朱某、王某的血液各一份。经初步检验,在长筒袜上未检出人精斑,在内裤前裤腰部、裆部及裆部后侧均检出人精斑,镜检找到精子。对三个部位的检材进行ABO血型检验,裆部后侧为A型,前裤腰部为AB型,裆部为AB型。受害人刘某的血型为O型,嫌疑人朱某血型为A型,嫌疑人王某血型为AB型。  相似文献   

一例H-缺乏分泌型个体被发现。其血清学表现为:红细胞上无A、B、H抗原;唾液中有B、H抗原分泌;血清中检出了抗A抗体。推测其为类孟买OHmB型。在该个体FUT1等位基因编码区上发现两处单碱基突变(T460C、G1042A)。这两个点变异,将导致两个氨基酸的置换(Y154H、E348K)。同时也破坏了限制性内切酶RsaⅠ和AvaⅠ的作用部位。用PCR-RFLP法可检出此两种变异。用PCR-RFLP法证实,该个体为T460C、G1042A变异的纯合子。在136例随机个体中未能查出上述变异。将该FUT1基因转染COS-7细胞未能检出α2-FUT活性及证实H抗原的表达。该个体的FUT2基因与野生型一致。  相似文献   

用等电聚焦免疫固定技术,调查成都地区225名无血缘关系汉族男女青年血浆抗凝血因子Ⅲ(ATⅢ)表现型的分布,发现B、AB两种普遍型和一种BV变异型;推算出ATⅢ的基因频率,即ATⅢ*A=0.1022,ATⅢ*B=0.8956,ATⅢ*V=0.0022。该遗传标记在中国人群中的频率分布系国内首次报道。  相似文献   

应用间接酶标抗体免疫组化法测出了53例新鲜精液、5例陈旧精斑及40例阴道分泌液中的精子与阴道脱落上皮细胞的ABO血型,30例精子与不同血型分泌型阴道分泌液孵育,未发现精子吸附阴道液中血型物质的现象,同时发现人类睾丸曲精细管中部份生精细胞、精子细胞,精子;直细精管部份上皮细胞、精液、精子;睾丸网大部份上皮细胞及副睾管中的精液与精子均含ABH抗原,故认为精子上的ABH抗原主要是精子固有抗原,13例性交后阴道内容物中精子的ABO型测定结果:7例与供者血型吻合,6例不吻合。6例中5例从O型精子中测出了女方分泌型阴道分泌液中的A或AB物质,1例B型精子未测出B及H抗原,文中对这种现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

周月琴  刘志萍 《法医学杂志》1997,13(3):151-151,153
本文应用96孔Ⅴ型微量酶标板,采用双向吸收-抑制试验对人指甲内ABH血型物质的测定进行了初步探索,对8例A型、8例B型、6例AB型和5例O型人的指甲进行了检测,其结果与已知血型完全相符。实验表明,用96孔Ⅴ型微量酶标板进行双向吸收一抑制试验,检测人指甲内ABH血型物质是可行的。  相似文献   

A series of examinations is presented for human origin identification and ABO blood grouping of doubtful minute human blood stains. A blood-stained thread (0.5 cm in length) was first tested to identify human origin by microprecipitation method and then the ABO blood type was determined by both a modified absorption-elution test and a modified mixed agglutination. In the continuous tests, the maximum limits of positive reactions of the microprecipitation method, the modified absorption-elution test, and the modified mixed agglutination were 1:640, 1:160, and 1:2,560 diluted blood, respectively. A and B agglutinogens were more sensitively determined than H agglutinogen. Hemagglutinogens of blood stains on cotton threads were more easily detected than those of polyester ones.  相似文献   

以人的红细胞膜为抗原,采用选择性免疫抑制的程序,免疫BALB/C小鼠。经免疫的小鼠脾细胞与SP2/0骨髓瘤细胞融合,用血凝法筛选出3株分泌抗人红细胞膜种属特异性单克隆抗体的杂交瘤,即M1A7C4.M3A5B7和M3D9F1。连续传代2个月及复苏冻存半年的杂交瘤,仍能稳定地分泌抗人红细胞膜单克隆抗体。初步鉴定证明:该抗体具有稳定的种属特异性,可鉴别人与其它动物,特别是猴的红细胞,不与己知的血型特异性成分交叉,可凝集成人及脐带血的红细胞。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用浓缩的分泌型人唾液免疫鸡,经吸收精制获得鸡抗A、抗B、抗H沉淀素血清的方法。用本法制备的抗血清,对相应血型人唾液的特异性沉淀价可达1:512倍以上,对非相应血型者的分泌液不出现非特异性沉淀反应。应用该血清进行环状沉淀试验、单向琼脂扩散试验等免疫学试验,可简便、准确地鉴定人唾液斑、精液斑等分泌液斑的ABO血型。  相似文献   

Using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique (PAP method), ABO characteristics of mother and child were correctly identified in tissue specimens from 10 mature human placentas. In one case, a weak infantile A reaction was overlooked in the agglutination test but correctly identified by immunohistochemistry. In accordance with the weak expression of ABO characteristics in cord blood, immunohistochemical labeling of infantile erythrocytes with monoclonal and human antibodies, as well as Ulex europeaeus agglutinin I (UEA I), was less pronounced than that of mature erythrocytes. Labeling of the chorionic vessel endothelium, in contrast to that of adult endothelial tissue, was negative with anti-A or anti-B but, regardless of the infantile blood group, pronounced with UEA I. Regular identification of the blood groups was possible in decomposed placental tissue stored at room temperature for 1 week, but not in tissue stored for 2 or more weeks.  相似文献   

<正> 1988年,壹岐裕志等报告了用吸附抗α_2-SGP 血清的硝化纤维素膜(NCF)检验混合斑中的精斑 ABO 血型,但耗时。本文作者通过对此方法的改进,采用常彩琴等研制的抗人精特异蛋白血清(anti-human seminalpeculiar protein,ASPP),采用蛋清粘片热解离法检验混合斑中精斑 ABO 血型,耗时短,效果好。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

Routine ABO grouping tests performed on vaginal swabs from a group O female showed the presence of blood group B activity as well as the expected A and H activity after intercourse with her group A partner. The source of the B activity was readily detectable using the Laboratory's routine elution test, but it was not detectable when a monoclonal anti-B was used and detection by the inhibition technique was possible only with a selected antiserum. A possible explanation of the reactions observed is that the acquired B is capable of reacting with only a portion of the antibodies present in normal polyclonal anti-B sera.  相似文献   

The immunoenzyme technique was used to determine the ABO blood group of strands of human scalp hair. The hair was obtained from 168 individuals of known blood groups (A1: n = 58; A2: n = 11; B: n = 28; O: n = 46; A1B: n = 16; A2B: n = 9). Immunostaining was carried out by using monoclonal anti-A, anti-B and anti-H as primary antibodies. Group-specific staining was clearly observed within the medulla of the hair. The ABO blood group of all hair samples was determined correctly by the Sternberger (PAP) or APAAP (immunoalkaline phosphatase) technique. The present study indicates that immunoenzyme techniques can be regarded as practical methods for determining ABO blood group of hair.  相似文献   

In this paper, the comparative analysis of ABO genotyping and serological typing was conducted in 360 unrelated blood samples from northern Chinese Han population using genotyping method and serological typing method, respectively. The results of ABO genotyping were obtained by Goldeneye 16BT STR plus ABO kit. The ABO serological types were determined by the antigen–antibody agglutination test. The ABO types were confirmed by the two methods and no contradiction types were found; two more types were obtained using the ABO genotyping method and the discrimination power was further improved; the information of ABO genotyping and 15 STRs could be obtained at the same time using the Goldeneye 16BT STR plus ABO kit.  相似文献   

本文对毛发ABO型测定时的解离温度及指示红细胞的选择进行了探讨。试验结果表明,在40℃条件下解离25min,结合抗体的释放与指示红细胞的凝集力均不受影响。用多人混合血液配制指示红细胞与效价为1∶128标准血清反应,便可获得满意的结果。  相似文献   

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