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吕少勇 《学理论》2012,(5):80-81
合同诈骗罪是从传统诈骗罪分离而来,兼具经济犯罪与财产犯罪的双重属性。其所侵犯的客体为复杂客体,一方面侵犯市场经济秩序中的交易秩序、国家合同管理制度;另一方面侵犯公私财产所有权。在犯罪构成中,主观方面是故意,且具有非法占有的目的。根据《中华人民共和国刑法》第224条规定":以非法占有为目的,在签订、履行合同过程中,骗取对方当事人财物,数额较大的构成合同诈骗罪。"所以合同诈骗罪在主观方面必须具有非法占有目的。在司法认定中",非法占有为目的"对于正确区分合同诈骗的罪与非罪的界限、此罪与彼罪的界限,具有非常重要的意义。因此,如何认定"非法占有为目的"是合同诈骗罪的理论研究与司法认定的重点与难点。  相似文献   

保险诈骗罪的成立要求主观上具有非法占有保险金的目的,客观上实施了保险诈骗行为且诈骗数额较大。对保险诈骗中刑法有明文规定的数行为必须实行并罚,对没有明文规定的按照刑法理论解决。对保险诈骗中的共犯问题,应分别具体情况,根据刑法理论和刑法规定恰当处理。  相似文献   

票据诈骗罪若干疑难问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
票据诈骗罪中的非法占有目的应采排除权利人意思说.对非法占有目的的推定必须结合票据诈骗罪的实际情况,在坚持必要的前置调查取证和主客观相一致的司法推定原则的基础上,同时参照最高法院相关司法解释并通过排除合理怀疑和保障被告人权利方面进行有效推定.票据诈骗罪应以被害人所受损失数额说作为既遂标准,其中数额基本犯不存在未遂的情形,数额加重犯存在未遂的情形.  相似文献   

无权处分与财产犯罪在调整范围上重叠,两者在立法目的、归责条件、保护方式方面存在差异;未经同意而非法占有他人房屋并出租牟利的行为虽侵害了他人对房屋的合法占有,但此种不法占有不具有刑法中"非法占有"的排他性和现实性,因而不具有法益侵害性,仅妨碍他人房屋所有权中的处分权,属民法上的非法占有,进而使他人产生占有诉权。  相似文献   

民事合同欺诈与合同诈骗罪的界限模糊,容易导致司法乱象。在审判原则方面应遵循民事赔偿优先原则与刑法谦抑原则。在审理路径方面首先应考虑构成要件,前者的主观故意内容是"牟利",行为人企图通过履行合同来骗取不法利益;后者则以"非法占有目的"为主观方面的必要内容,行为人客观上没有履行合同的行为。虽然在理论上二者界限分明,但在实践上依然存在"模糊地带",社会矛盾依然存在。此外,还应从民刑责任的功能以及司法成本上分析,民事合同欺诈侧重于对当事人的赔偿,通过较低社会成本就能达到良好的社会效果;合同诈骗罪则因以预防和惩罚功能为主并且司法成本更高,并不能很好的解决社会矛盾。  相似文献   

实践中对于罚金刑量刑建议的提出形式与预缴罚金的效力认定具有一定随意性。应基于认罪认罚从宽制度特殊预防的核心本质,从预防目的入手建构罚金刑的适用与犯罪类型的衔接模式。具体的类型化过程应区分轻罪与重罪,在重罪中区分财产犯罪和其他贪利型犯罪。对于其他贪利型犯罪,应将之定义为在主观要素上具备“营利目的”“牟利目的”“非法占有目的”“非法所有目的”之一的犯罪。在不同犯罪类型中,对量刑建议的提出形式和预缴罚金的效力认定存在着不同要求。在上述模式的具体适用中,应着重考虑效率价值对于预防目的的影响,对相关模式所指向的不同要求进行一定变通。  相似文献   

邓小平理论博大精深,不仅是我们认识和改造客观世界的强大思想武器,也是我们认识和改造主观世界的行动指南。学习邓小平思想,运用邓小平理论指导和加强主观世界的改造,是我们的重要任务和根本目的。一、在改造客观世界的同时,必须改造主观世界。改革开放20年来,我...  相似文献   

恶意透支型信用卡诈骗罪的非法占有目的,是区分善意透支与恶意透支的关键,需要单独子以证实,其产生的最后时间界限是透支之时.在司法实践中,应采用推定的方法,综合案件全部客观事实加以具体认定.  相似文献   

曾军  师亮亮 《学理论》2009,(14):89-90
非国有单位委派人员为其他单位从事工作的情形日趋增多。委派人员在工作过程中,非法占有财物的行为,可能构成盗窃罪、职务侵占罪和侵占罪。在具体认定委派人员非法占有财物行为的性质时,应当根据“财物占有的归属”、“委派人员的权限”和“契约内容”等方面综合分析。  相似文献   

"无责任即无处罚",现代法治国家基于有责任始有处罚的原则,为提升人权的保障,对于违反行政义务的处罚,应以行为人主观上有可非难性为前提。我国《税收征收管理法》行政处罚条款中虽然未明文规定主观归责,但可以运用比较法、法解释学方法,推论出税收违法行为的构成必须强调纳税义务人主观过错,纳税人必须有税收违法的故意或过失始受处罚。  相似文献   

以公司为主体实施的集资类犯罪的客观行为一般比较复杂,存在多人共同实施、多环节分担实施的现象,司法实践中存在两个方面的问题:一是主观方面从证据上难以证明部分员工对公司的集资犯罪存在直接故意,其犯罪主观故意难以认定;二是公司员工之间的分工比较明确,个别员工实施的行为从外观来看,几乎与公司所从事的集资犯罪没有明显的关联,其共同犯罪行为也难以认定.但他们的行为却对公司的集资犯罪具有促成和加工作用,具有严重的社会危害性.解决这两个问题的理论出路在于,主观上可以引进间接故意理论来解决部分行为人的主观故意的认定,客观上采取“同心一体说”来解决其共同犯罪行为的认定.  相似文献   

刑事政策是指国家或执政党依据犯罪态势对犯罪行为和犯罪人运用刑罚和有关措施以期有效地实现惩罚和预防犯罪目的的方案。刑事政策的制定原则包括四个方面:一是法制原则,二是科学原则,三是谦抑原则,四是国际原则。刑事政策制定的依据主要有两个:一是现实根据,即犯罪变迁;二是理论根据,即犯罪学说。  相似文献   

公有制经济体制改革的成功与否,是整个经济体制改革成败的关键。党的十五大召开以来,公有制经济的改革取得很大进展,目前进入攻坚阶段。要完成攻坚大任,必须在理论认识上前进一步,即对所有制问题有一个科学的认识。要分清资本和资产的关系;正确认识所有制关系特别是生产资料的占有在所有制关系中的地位;不要简单地根据生产资料归谁所有来划分企业的性质。要正确认识公有制的实现形式。公有制的实现形式大致可以分为国家所有制、劳动共同所有制、社会基金所有制三大类。  相似文献   

运输毒品罪主观要件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,关于运输毒品罪的认定,有许多问题存在争议,特别是主观要件方面,如关于明知的认定,是否包括间接故意,主观动机和目的是不是必备要件,共同犯罪故意的认定,对象认识错误的认定和处罚等。因而有必要对其进行分析研究,以期对铁路公安部门打击运输毒品犯罪有点滴之借鉴。  相似文献   

Law governing agents' possession of and separation from land is given as an object of study by struggles over land possession in the conjuncture involving squatting, factory occupations, and public protests and gatherings infringing private property rights. Marx's mature method, incorporating a concrete → abstract → concrete logical trajectory, can be adapted and developed in relation to law so as to enable the successful concrete analysis of this object. The point of departure is the simplest and most irreducible expression of Trespass in concrete social practice: the right to exclude the world from interference with possession of land. The concrete particular is analyzed through abstraction, which further accompanies the movement from simple to ever more complex aspects of the object until the concrete totality of law securing the conditions of land occupation and conrol in the capitalist formation is completely revealed and explained. The basic social function of Trespass law, in its embodiment of exclusive private property right, is to guarantee the conditions of exclusive possession and control under capitalism; this area of law ultimately providing the means by which the legal and socio-economic crisis of the 1970s could be resolved to the advantage of the greater possessors, at the expense of lesser possessory inteests.  相似文献   

This study indicates that the three amnesties granted by Australia did not remove the presence of illegal aliens nor end the movement of persons into Australia who would become illegal residents. Instead, amnesty encouraged the growth of an illegal alien population. Some persons who were unable to get an immigrant visa decided to come to Australia and remain as an illegal alien living anonymously within an ethnic community. Illegal aliens expected that pressures from the ir ethnic communities would compel the government to grant another amnesty. Amnesty appears only to be a temporary expedient used by the government to appear humane and to relieve pressures from nonethnic Australians who want to end the presence of illegals and from ethnic communities who want their coethnics legalized. Amnesty turns out not to be a long-term solution to the existence of an illegal alien problem.  相似文献   

Strength of belief and risk   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this paper is to review work on subjective probability and strength of belief, in particular with reference to situations involving a high degree of risk. Work concerned mostly with cognitive limitations and shortcomings is discussed and some implications for societal responses to risky technology are offered. It is concluded that there is, in the literature on subjective probability, a lack of work on small probabilities and on the emotional influence of belief formation to be expected in situations that are related to large social values.This study was supported by a grant from the Committee for Future Oriented Research, Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   


Twenty‐five years after the Watergate affair culminated in the resignation of Richard Nixon, the country continues to be animated by the spirit of scandal—even if the alleged offenses against William Jefferson Clinton involved sexual misconduct rather than illegal bombings, break‐ins, and other non‐"crimes and misdemeanors.” In this article, Noam Chomsky discusses a more basic threat to the Constitution than Watergate found in the pattern of FBI break‐ins and illegal actions first revealed to the public in 1973. (Illegal actions by the national police are known to have continued in the 1980s as a tactic used against activists in the Central America solidarity movement.) Not only does Chomsky locate a pattern in the FBI's actions since the founding of the Bureau, he discusses historical antecedents in the Alien and Sedition Acts, the judicial murder of the Haymarket anarchists, and the Palmer raids. For Chomsky, the real meaning of these actions is that the system routinely works to stifle dissent using means far more problematic than those employed by the Watergate burglars. In Chomsky's view, the purpose of these criminal actions is to frustrate preliminary stages of organization before more advanced forms of “revolutionary radicalism” can develop.  相似文献   

The purpose of this response is to point out that claims of undue centrism in the MARPOR data are directly contradicted by its use to correct centrism in other leading policy measures including expert surveys.  相似文献   

陈小陆 《学理论》2012,(16):58-60
赫鲁晓夫的《秘密报告》主观上歪曲、编造、丑化和否定了斯大林,客观上却损害了社会主义建设事业,给马列主义的敌人制造了进攻的口实。而赫鲁晓夫的继承人戈尔巴乔夫以建设一个"人道民主的社会主义"为借口,从思想实践上彻底背离了社会主义,最终导致苏联的轰然解体。马克思主义的基本原理任何时候都要坚持,否则,社会主义因为没有正确的理论基础和思想灵魂而迷失方向,就会归于失败。  相似文献   

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