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非政府组织:国际法律秩序中的第三种力量   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
黄志雄 《法学研究》2003,(4):122-131
近几十年来 ,非政府组织在国际活动中迅速崛起 ,使现代国际法律制度面临着一系列新问题。非政府组织作为有别于国家和政府间组织的“第三种力量” ,有助于推动国际关系和国际法律制度的民主化 ,但在其“三角关系”中也孕育着某些危险的因素。为此 ,应当考虑以联合国为基本组织框架建立一种适当的机制 ,以便进行规范和协调。  相似文献   

张卫彬 《时代法学》2010,8(1):99-108
长期以来,成员国应否对国际组织的不法行为的后果承担责任,存在较大争议。这一问题不论从理论上押或实践上都涉及国际组织的法律人格问题。从本质上而言,如果国际组织具有独立的法律人格,成员国不应对国际组织的债务承担责任。但存在一些例外情况,在此情况下,必须刺破“国际组织的面纱”,由成员国承担共同或连带责任。关于国际组织的“主要责任”和成员国的“次要责任”赔偿顺序问题,受害国或受害国际组织理应有权自主决定责任国或责任国际组织的先后次序。次要性并不意味着在处理求偿要求方面必须按照时间顺序进行。  相似文献   

非政府组织的勃兴与国际法律秩序的变塑   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘超 《现代法学》2004,26(4):116-121
非政府组织在全球范围的勃兴,给传统的国际法律秩序带来重要影响和挑战,表层上它的活动与国际法诸项环节都发生关联,深层上揭示了全球化时代法治理念、秩序模式的变塑,并在此基础上确立非政府组织的国际法律地位。  相似文献   

李赞 《时代法学》2013,11(4):92-98
国际法是以维护和平与促进发展为根本价值取向的国际法律体系。实现和平的使命是国际法赖以存在的重要基础。康德的永久和平思想重视国际法的制度和组织建设,但忽视了实现和平的心理因素。深受康德永久和平思想影响的现代国际法体系也偏重于法律制度和国际组织的建设,对人类内心和平的建设重视不足。虽然一些国际法律文件和个别国际组织已经意识到了内心和平对世界和平的重要性,并做出了积极努力,但显然还是很不够的。真正的永久和平只能从人的内心开始实现。国际法应该在进一步加强和完善现有国际法制度和国际组织建设的基础上,更加重视人类内心和平的宣传和建设。这是国际法的新使命。  相似文献   

《Criminal justice ethics》2012,31(3):213-232

This article examines the common claim that there are gaps in international law that undermine accountability of private military and security companies. A multi-actor analysis examines this question in relation to the commission of international crimes, violations of fundamental human rights, and ordinary crimes. Without this critical first step of identifying specific deficiencies in international law, the debate about how to enhance accountability within this sector is likely to be misguided at best.  相似文献   

This paper examines the psychological dynamics of the Group-Value Model for a behavioral orientation which has seldom been considered in the social justice literature: acceptance and support for change. A field study was conducted, with 176 participants members of an organization which was undergoing a change process. Participants were asked (a) to think of a specific relevant conflict situation with their supervisor; (b) to evaluate supervisor's behavior in that situation, with respect to relational and distributive justice; (c) to state the justice aspects most valued in conflict situations with their supervisor. A test of the model was conducted through a mediation analysis. According to the Group-Value Model (GVM), respect experienced within the group and pride in the group were mediating variables between justice judgements and orientation toward acceptance and support for change in the organization. Interactional and procedural aspects (relational judgements) were the only ones to predict pride, respect, and behavioral orientation, and were also the ones most valued in general conflict situations with the supervisor. The model was also tested at three different levels of analysis: organization as a whole, department, and work group. This confirmed pride and respect within the group as mediating variables between relational justice judgements and orientation toward acceptance and support for change at the department and workgroup levels.  相似文献   

一段时期以来,由于我国上市公司中出现了一些大股东和董事、监事等公司的决策层侵犯本公司及其中小股东利益的情况;加之近一年来在素以法制健全、公司治理结构严谨、科学之称的美国,也相继发生了安然公司、世通公司、施乐公司等财务丑闻以后,各界要求强化公司外部法律监管、加重对侵犯公司利益和中小股东利益的公司董事、监事法律责任的呼声不绝于耳.  相似文献   


This article explores the effects of paradigm shifts, that is the transition from the law enforcement paradigm to the war fighting paradigm and vice versa, on the rules on the use of force for military operations. The concept and main elements of rules of engagement are explained, followed by an analysis of applicable law and its effect on the use of force in each of the two paradigms. Particular attention is focused on the divergent meanings of necessity and proportionality in the two paradigms. Finally, the effects of paradigm shifts on military operations and on the rules on the use of force are explained. The conclusion offers some guidance on the use of rules of engagement to support such paradigm transitions.


The article examines the international legal position of internallydisplaced persons (IDPs) in the wake of the ongoing humanitariancrisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan. The innocent civiliansof Darfur have become the primary target of an armed conflictin Sudan since 1983. The terrorised survivors fled their homesin search of safety, causing massive forced internal populationdisplacement. The number of IDPs in the world has steadily beenincreasing, and has now outstripped the number of refugees.Yet there is no specific international legal and institutionalapparatus for IDPs. This article highlights and addresses theproblems of their legal identity, rights, humanitarian assistance,and protection in international law. It traces the developmentof international legal and institutional frameworks for IDPsand their current state of coverage and protection. It offerssuggestions to overcome the inadequate legal coverage and uncertainprotection. The marginalised plight of IDPs needs to be addressedin a holistic manner as an integral part of the internationalprotection of human rights and the enforcement of humanitarianlaw.  相似文献   

精神赡养是亲属法规范中的重要内容,事关老年人权益的保障与和谐社会秩序的维护。老年人的精神赡养权既是一项道德权利,又是一项法定权利。作为一种特殊的权利样态,精神赡养权具有与一般权利不同的特点:形式上的不明确性、消极承认和不可预期性。在传统的"义务约束"思维模式下,精神赡养权的维护和保障面临着诸多困境。在法理层面充分解释和识别精神赡养权的法益性权利本质,并从法律技术上开辟新的"权利激励"保障理路,精神赡养权的实现不仅可能,而且在制度设计上具有可操作性。  相似文献   

On March 11, 1971, a scientist from Leningrad, Leonid Samsonovich Saliamon, defended his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology in Moscow.  相似文献   

国际商事惯例是无数商品生产者在商品经济交易活动中共同总结、提炼出来的,使各种经济行为从无序转向有序的,且至今仍在不断发展和完善的一系列规范。涉外民商事法律关系是复杂的,并且是不断变化发展的,一切成文法,包括国内立法和国际条约都因种种条件的限制而具有相对的稳定性,难以适应国际经济交往关系发展形势的需要,而国际商事惯例则具有广泛性、概括性、现实性和灵活性的特点,在涉外民商事法律关系不可能全部由成文法调整的当今国际经济交往的社会中,承担着越来越重要的使命。  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - In this article I use the notion of ‘plot’ to uncover where in their texts international legal scholars are ‘present’, directing...  相似文献   

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