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综合行政执法改革与构建政府绩效评估制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方国家在政府绩效评估上的成功经验无疑为我国政府改革实践和政府公共管理研究开拓了新的视野,可资借鉴。在行政执法部门实行绩效评估,对于提高行政执法效率,降低行政执法成本,健全完善监督制约机制,建立权责明确、行为规范、监督有效、保障有力的执法体制具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

执法权是任何国家最基本、最具活力的一项权力,它在国家权力配置过程中有着举足轻重的作用;同时,执法权科学配置与否直接与国家的兴衰、国家的法治建设水平息息相关.在我国,关于执法权的法律特性、执法权的产生与发展演变、执法权的不同设置模式等重要理论问题急需从法理学的视角进行深入探讨,以便为当前的政治体制改革,尤其是执法体制改革提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Mast  Brent D.  Benson  Bruce L.  Rasmussen  David W. 《Public Choice》2000,104(3-4):285-308
The hypothesis that drug enforcementis relatively high in local jurisdictions where statelaws dictate that police retain seized assets istested in the context of a reduced-form equation ofthe supply and demand for drug enforcement. Theresults are robust across model specifications, someof which directly control for the level of drug use:legislation permitting police to keep seized assetsraises drug arrests as a portion of total arrests byabout 20 percent and drug arrest rates by about 18percent. Police bureaucrats apparently desirediscretionary budget increases, and they haveconsiderable discretion in determining resourceallocation.  相似文献   

Studies of local law enforcement actions toward immigrants show that while some cities engage in enforcement, many others do not. The extent and determinants of enforcement have been assessed, but these studies have not evaluated the full range of practices, including welcoming practices, toward immigrants. This article introduces the concept of “welcomeness,” develops a framework for measuring it, and, using a nationwide survey of local police departments, examines how widely departments are welcoming (or unwelcoming) to immigrants. The data show that many police departments have consciously and deliberately developed practices intended to foster positive relationships between the police and immigrants and to encourage immigrants to call the police for assistance.

Practitioner Points

  • Welcomeness encompasses a range of practices toward immigrants that are often intentionally created, thoughtfully implemented, and found in a variety of communities.
  • The dimensions of welcomeness provide a framework for police departments to assess their practices and provide a model for police departments that want to engage positively with immigrants.
  • Welcoming practices may improve interactions between police officers and immigrants and may improve immigrants’ perceptions of local law enforcement.
  • Welcoming police departments often have a deeper commitment to community policing.

This article examines the influence of empowering leadership practices on police officers' job performance, perceptions of managerial effectiveness, and unit performance. These relationships are examined using multisource survey data collected from 100 law enforcement managers, 446 of their subordinates, and 98 of their direct supervisors. The analysis shows that empowering leadership contributes positively to subordinate officers' job performance and unit effectiveness. Empowering leadership is also positively associated with subordinate but not with supervisor ratings of managerial effectiveness. Task‐oriented leadership, however, is positively associated with both subordinate and supervisor ratings of managerial effectiveness. Implications of these results for managerial leadership in law enforcement organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

执法制度的重理是我国改善执法状况、提高执法水平的需要,也是我国加入WT0后政府行为适应调整的需要。根据目前我国执法中存在的问题,我国执法制度的重理主要涉及执法形式重理、执法组织重理、国家公务员管理重理、执法方式重理、执法程序重理等。  相似文献   

行政执法中的执法不作为与乱作为与执法"有法不遵守、程序不规范、裁量不公正、行为不文明"等密切相关。十八届四中全会提出"深化行政执法体制改革,坚持严格规范公正文明执法"。这是行政执法改革的方向。推进严格规范公正文明执法,必须通过法治化的路径,从以下四个方面予以推进:严格执法以法制完备为前提、规范执法以公开透明为保障、公正执法以裁量正当为重心、文明执法以人性关怀为内核。  相似文献   

Major disasters represent infrequent events that often require response organizations to vicariously learn from the experiences of others in order to improve their operations. A primary mechanism for such knowledge diffusion is the different practitioner and empirical journals for the organizational fields that comprise disaster response. A review of the literature for the law enforcement field, however, reveals that little attention is given to how these organizations manage actual disasters. In particular, the presentation of organizational experiences, whether through case studies or other methodologies, is very limited in the practitioner and empirical literature of this field. This represents a considerable problem for improvements of disaster response operations given that law enforcement agencies represent a key component in such efforts. The research presented in this article is an effort to fill this knowledge gap and thereby facilitate organizational learning to improve future law enforcement disaster response activities. The authors traveled to Mississippi and Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina to examine the response efforts of state and local law enforcement agencies to the storm. The findings from this research are reported here in a lessons‐learned format to inform law enforcement disaster response policy.  相似文献   

我国反垄断法建立了中国反垄断执法程序制度的基本框架,但反垄断执法机构存在多头执法、交叉执法等诸多缺陷,而执法机制的有效性是反垄断法有效实施的重要保障。本文对中国反垄断执法机构的现状进行了评析,并结合我国反垄断执法的实践以及外国经验的比较借鉴等因素,通过提高反垄断执法机构的权威性和独立性,增强《反垄断法》的操作性,建立多机构执法的协调机制,健全执法人员任命机制,完善当事人的救济权等途径,以期建立符合中国国情、保证反垄断法有效实施的执法体制。  相似文献   

More than a generation ago, in the wake of investigations by the US Congress into improprieties carried out by US intelligence agencies, the United States, in effect, raised the wall between intelligence and law enforcement in order to protect the liberties of Americans. For similar reasons, its Cold War institutions enshrined distinctions between foreign and domestic, and public and private. The CIA was and is, for instance, enjoined from law enforcement and domestic activity.

Those distinctions served the country tolerably well during the Cold War but set it up to fail on September 11. Now, a rethinking of them is underway, as the balance between security and liberty is re-struck. It is imperative, though, to learn the right lessons on September 11. That means thinking carefully and proceeding slowly as changes are made. It also means carefully evaluating the effects of proposed changes, especially to avoid ‘pain for no gain’ measures that do inconvenience people, or even affect their liberties, for little or no gain in the war on terrorism.  相似文献   

当前我国的行政执法与刑事司法衔接的各项基本结构框架已经建立,并且在建立的过程中,行政执法与刑事司法工作的衔接机制也得以逐步完善。但不可否认的是,当前执法实践中仍存在着行政执法与刑事司法相脱节的问题,使不少违法犯罪分子没有得到有效打击,逃避了处罚。由于该衔接机制的相关实体性法律和程序性法律规范的缺失,要从根源上处理好这些问题,真正建立起行政执法与刑事司法的有效衔接仍然是一个复杂的过程。因此,研究行政执法与刑事司法的衔接机制中存在的问题并提出解决的方法无疑具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

公安机关内部执法监督是保证公安机关依法行政的一项重要法律制度。目前,公安机关内部执法监督存在监督意识、制度构建、制度落实等方面的问题,解决这些问题应从树立正确的监督理念、贯彻正确的监督原则、落实各项监督制度入手。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the advantages and limitations of economic evaluation as a measurement methodology within the Australian government's outcome and output framework including preliminary benefit–cost analysis of Australian Federal Police investigations. The results suggest that the Australian Federal Police is returning over $5 to the community for every dollar invested in fraud and drug investigations. It is concluded that benefit–cost analysis is a useful tool for comparing the price of an output to the value of an outcome. The method has limitations. Not all outcomes will admit of easy assessment and the information may be difficult to collect. However, the use of surrogate measures and extrapolation of results may overcome most of these limitations.  相似文献   

对综合执法机关的几点认识--兼论《行政处罚法》第16条   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合执法机关的设立是对我国传统行政管理体制改革的一种尝试 ,但由于它出现时间短 ,法律对它的调整还很不完善 ,无论是在理论上还是在实践中都存在着不少问题。综合执法机关的设立是我国行政管理的客观需要 ,有利于解决行政执法机构林立、行政处罚中的“滥”和“软”的问题。综合执法机关应有自己的独立的法律地位 ,有其固定的职权和管理领域 ,它的设立必须符合一定的法定条件和严格的法律程序。  相似文献   

当前,公安机关面临的执法环境发生了深刻而复杂的变化,公安机关必须适应新形势对公安执法提出的新要求、新挑战,推进执法规范化建设,理性、平和、文明、规范执法,努力实现执法无过错,积极构建和谐警民关系。  相似文献   

区域行政执法合作是区域经济一体化的实施保障。当前因行政区划、行政立法、执法体制、执法程序等方面的问题,区域行政执法合作面临诸多制度性障碍。根据我国区域合作的实践和发达国家经验,我国应建立起以制度化机制为基础,非制度化机制为补充的合作平台。  相似文献   

曹亚茹 《理论导刊》2006,3(2):57-59
行政许可法的实施使我国行政审批工作更加规范,但由于种种原因,行政许可法实施过程中还存在许多问题,这些问题阻碍了行政许可法的进一步贯彻执行。分析行政许可法实施过程中存在的问题及其产生原因,据以采取相应对策,对于进一步贯彻好行政许可法、规范政府行政审批行为、巩固行政审批改革的成果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在责任追究的逻辑处理上,“明显违法”这一概念帮助《公务员法》的立法者从服从上级与法治原则之间的两难境地中解脱出来。但是,“明显违法”的概念却招致了是否法言法语的众多质疑,也使如何界定“明显违法”成为《公务员法》实施后不容回避的一个难题。“明显违法”界定的主体应该是责任追究机关,界定的程序必须是法定程序,界定的标准可以进一步细化,而且需要将宪法列入不能明显违背的“法”的范围。  相似文献   

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