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Background . Over the past 10 years, the focus of assessment and treatment for sex offenders has changed from the assessment of skills and deviant sexual preferences to the assessment and treatment of cognitions that might be considered to encourage or justify inappropriate sexual behaviour. There have been a few assessment measures of deviant sexual cognitions developed for adults in mainstream sex offender populations but none in less able populations. The present study describes an assessment questionnaire consisting of 7 scales for cognitions associated with rape, voyeurism, exhibitionism, dating abuse, stalking, homosexual assault and offences against children, designed to be used by sex offenders with intellectual disabilities. Method . Four groups of subjects were employed in this study – sex offenders, non‐sexual offenders, non‐offenders all with mild intellectual disabilities or borderline intelligence and a further group of normal men. All subjects completed the questionnaire and 86 subjects provided reliability data. Results . Each item was subjected to 3 tests of reliability. Retained items were required to achieve an item‐to‐total correlation of at least 0.4. Of the 7 scales, 5 achieved an internal consistency coefficient of 0.8 or greater. All scales successfully discriminated between groups even when the normal controls were eliminated because their scores were so low. Conclusions . It is possible to develop scales to assess cognitions related to types of offences which discriminate between sex offenders and other groups with intellectual disabilities. The final scales have robust statistical properties and can be used for clinical and research purposes. Some caution was noted in the use of attitudinal assessments for sex offenders.  相似文献   

探索合并自杀的杀人行为的犯罪学特征、发生机理,为责任能力的评定提供依据,并提出进一步研究方向. 方法 采用回顾性研究方法 ,3名研究人员从1997年1月~2001年10月的鉴定案例中挑出符合研究条件的案例,进行统计学分析,并结合国内外相关文献进行讨论. 结果符合条件者共40例 ,男性被鉴定人较多(28名),平均年龄33.55岁,主要年龄段30~40岁,妄想和情绪低落等症状具有明显的作用,精神分裂症和无精神病在疾病诊断中占有显著地位. 结论 合并自杀的杀人行为具有一定的特征,应引起司法精神病学的关注,并展开更深入的研究.  相似文献   

在法医检案中,因创伤致死的案例较多.而其中由于伤者伤后即送医院抢救,在医疗因素的参与下而导致死亡的例数有增多态势,而由此产生的嫌疑人过多承担法律责任的问题,在法医检案中应引起充分的重视.现将笔者在工作中遇到的8例报道如下.  相似文献   

在法医检案中 ,因创伤致死的案例较多。而其中由于伤者伤后即送医院抢救 ,在医疗因素的参与下而导致死亡的例数有增多态势 ,而由此产生的嫌疑人过多承担法律责任的问题 ,在法医检案中应引起充分的重视。现将笔者在工作中遇到的 8例报道如下。案 例【案例 1】 某男 ,2 5岁。在某城区一家酒馆因纠纷被多人致伤 ,即送某三乙医院急救。病历摘要 :因受伤伴疼痛 1/2h入院。查体 :P 95次 /分 ,BP 90 /70mmHg ,身上未见伤痕 ,全腹压痛、反跳痛 ,移浊 (+) ,腹穿刺抽出不凝血 ,即予止血、抗休克治疗 ;行剖腹探查、横结肠坏死去除断端褥式吻…  相似文献   

Report on suicide with chloroquine in combination with maprotiline and trimipramine. Chloroquine and his metabolite monodesethylchloroquine could be determined in organs and body fluids. The highest organ-concentrations of chloroquine were found in liver and kidney. The survival time and dose are discussed.  相似文献   


Forty-seven adults with mild learning disabilities (mild intellectual disabilities) attending day-centres and thirty-eight adults from the general population viewed a videorecording of an accident. A day later the participants were interviewed using either a cognitive interview (CI) or a structured interview (SI, a control interview). Compared with their counterparts with learning disabilities, adults from the general population recalled more correct information and made fewer confabulations about persons and objects. Nevertheless, the type of interview had an impact. For both groups, the CI was more effective than the SI in enhancing recall although, for the ‘learning disabilities’ group, the CI also produced a disproportionate increase in the reporting of person confabulations. All the same, the accuracy ratios were similar across interview types (80% for the CI and 82% for the SI). It is suggested that the CI could be helpful in assisting people with learning disabilities to provide information about events they have seen.  相似文献   

民粹主义司法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘练军 《法律科学》2013,31(1):15-29
民粹主义正在席卷我国司法领域并形成了史上罕见的民粹主义司法现象.民粹主义司法的主要表现形式是利用现代网络平台如微博等实施舆论审判.在民粹主义司法形成过程中,社会精英扮演了重要角色.司法在我国是政府展开社会治理的机构之一,如此之司法职能定位决定了满足民粹主义诉求不可避免地成为司法的一项基本政策.民粹主义司法在谋求案件裁判实质公正的同时表达着对现行法律体制的愤懑与期待等多种民粹主义私货.无核心价值观的民粹主义犹如毒树,民粹主义司法堪称毒树之果,它导致程序公正的应然司法观在我国的确立和巩固阻碍重重.消除民粹主义司法现象需要法院、政府、社会精英和大众传媒的共同努力.  相似文献   

正如歌德所言,“在限制中才能显出名手,只有法则给我们自由”,律师被称为“戴着镣铐跳舞”的职业。但需要明确的是,律师在受到经济运行规则制约,即受那些经济“镣铐”的束缚时,律师必须戴着它们一起“跳舞”。问题是,律师。要戴着什么样的镣铐跳舞?  相似文献   

Recent developments indicate that Australia may be ready to recognise an action for interference with privacy. Similar progress can be seen in some other countries. When such a action is recognised, whether in the form of a new tort or in the form of a statutory action, it will doubtlessly give rise to conflict of laws questions. A person in one state will perceive that her/his right to privacy has been violated by a person or organisation in another state, and questions as to where she/he can sue the other party, and which law will be applicable, will become relevant. Such scenarios are particularly likely to occur in the Internet context. This article examines those, and related, questions. In doing so, focus is placed on Australian law and particular emphasis is placed on the action's application in relation to Internet conduct.  相似文献   

随着抗生素的广泛使用 ,流行性脑膜炎的发病死亡率已经很低 ,而成人患此病死亡则更罕见 ,[1] 现报道一例 :某男 ,2 6岁。某日被人发现死亡 ,死亡前一天因头痛、头昏、发烧、咽痛到某医院门诊就诊。家属怀疑死亡与临床用药有关 ,要求尸检确定死亡原因。尸检发现 :死者发育正常 ,营养中等 ,颜面部及躯干、四肢皮肤点状或片状出血 ,大小为针头大至 1.5cm× 1.5cm ,双眼睑结膜下出血点。左肺 5 5 0 g ,右肺 6 2 0 g ,双肺表面可见出血斑 ,切面未见结节及空洞。心包腔见少量液体 ,心 330g ,心包膜可见出血点 ,冠状动脉及心瓣膜未见明显异…  相似文献   

司法精神病学鉴定为无精神病刑事案例的智力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hu JM  Li Y  Huo KJ  Liu XH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):105-107
目的研究司法精神病学鉴定中被鉴定为无精神病刑事案件者的智力水平。方法对88例被鉴定为无精神病的刑事案例及89例被鉴定为精神分裂症的刑事案例的智力测验结果进行对比分析。结果无精神病组与精神分裂症组的性别、年龄、文化、职业、婚姻及案件类型的构成差异无统计学意义;无精神病组的智力测验成绩显著优于精神分裂症组但低于正常水平(常模);自称有精神病或否认有精神病案例间智商的差异无统计学意义。结论无精神病案例的智力测验结果反映这类被鉴定人的智力有轻微受损。  相似文献   

随着抗生素的广泛使用,流行性脑膜炎的发病死亡率已经很低,而成人患此病死亡则更罕见 ,[1]现报道一例: 某男,26岁.某日被人发现死亡,死亡前一天因头痛、头昏、发烧、咽痛到某医院门诊就诊 .家属怀疑死亡与临床用药有关,要求尸检确定死亡原因.  相似文献   

Effectively coping with criminal behavior is one of the most serious social issues confronting contemporary policy makers. Philosophical arguments have been made to address the causes of Crime rather than simply treating its symptoms. While this makes sense logically, the feasibility of such a endeavor is questionable. This being the case, it appears that treating the symptoms of criminal behavior is not only a necessary but possibly the only course of action. In this light, the measures taken to address crime to this point in time have, for the most part, been ineffective and in may cases, the costs have far exceeded the benefits. Recidivism rates clearly illustrate that a large percentage of newly committed crimes are being perpetrated by individuals who have been convicted of offenses in the past. Accordingly, effective rehabilitation emphasizing individually tailored programs of treatment during periods of institutionalization is necessary, prior to reintegration of offenders back into society. This need is particularly evident when faced with psychologically disturbed inmates.  相似文献   

记者:《中国共产党党内监督条例(试行)》已于2003年12月31日由中共中央正式颁布施行,这是我们党和国家政治生活中的一件大事。请谈一谈《条例》出台的历史背景及其重大意义。 岳宣义:我们党一直高度重视监督工作。50多年前,毛泽东同志在延安回答民主人士黄炎培先生提出的共产党在执掌全国政权后怎样才能跳出“其兴也勃焉,其亡也忽焉”的历史周期率问题时,指出:“我们已经找到新路,我们能跳出这个周期率。这条新路,就是民主。只有让人民起来监督政府,政府才不敢松懈。只有人人起来负责,才不会人亡政息。”1957年,邓小平同志在西安干部会上的讲话中指出:“党要受监督,党员要受监督”。改革开放以来,邓小平同志反复强调加强监督的重要性。1980年,他在《党  相似文献   

Melperone is judged to be a safe neuroleptic drug. Until now there has been no report of a melperone fatality, though it has been used in suicide attempts. We report on a case of a 36-year-old woman where no cause of death could be established at autopsy. Criminological investigation pointed to a homicide by poisoning but also the possibility of a suicide had to be taken in account. The toxicological analysis of blood, cerebral spinal fluid and urine revealed extremely high concentrations of melperone which had never been reported before. Furthermore, diazepam, nordazepam and carbamazepine were detected. To our knowledge, this case is the first melperone fatality. Possible interactions with diazepam and carbamazepine are discussed.  相似文献   

Open interviews and unplanned conversations with criminals are an important part of ethnographic research in criminology. This paper presents an analysis of conversations with members of Russian criminal groups. An attempt is made to explore the value of these informal interviews, the danger of informal contacts with criminals, and the reliability of the information received.
Dina SiegelEmail:

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