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在传统的城乡分割的二元社会结构体制下,农民工成为中国现代化社会转型中的特殊范畴.伴随着经济社会的快速发展,跨区域进城务工经商的农民工愈来愈多,农民工在为城市发展做出巨大贡献的同时,却没有获得相应的合法身份和公平待遇.因此正视农民工目前的处境并给予其相应的国民待遇是中国社会转型期的重要任务.  相似文献   

当前的社会管理已经进入了“标准治国”的时代,标准成为社会治理的重要工具,为现代行政国家的硬件运转提供重要的“系统软件”。近期的一系列社会管理事件背后,不约而同都浮现出标准规制的问题。对标准的制定主体类型及其效力模式的分析表明,由传统国家立法机关主导制定的强制性标准具有强制执行的效力,那些并不享有国家立法权的机关和组织制定的非强制性标准虽没有直接创设新的权利义务,但这不意味着这样的标准不具有强制执行力。如何完善标准的制定程序及纠纷解决机制需要行政法的更多关注和研究。  相似文献   

儿童拥有宝贵的天性资源,柏拉图问题便内隐对儿童的这一发现,以及对童年何以如此丰饶的追问。幼态持续学说则从进化论角度,对童年的天性资源何以如此丰饶做出科学说明。其实这类发现在中国古代哲学里并不鲜见。柏拉图问题和幼态持续学说可视为对中国童心主义思想的支持与支援。对人之天性的发现导致对儿童的发现。而对天性的发现以及对儿童的发现是现代教育学的逻辑起点。儿童及其天性在我国教育学界乃至具体教育实践中的地位还有待确认和提升。只有如此,教育与儿童相互对峙这一在传统教育中普遍存在的老大难问题,才能得以抑制乃至彻底解决。  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):522-540
The relationship between neighborhood disorder and fear of crime is well established. According to Wilson and Kelling's broken windows theory, physical and social disorder lead to fear and cause citizens to retreat into their homes. This breaks down informal social control mechanisms and may lead to more serious crime. Insofar as fear is related to quality of life, an implication of broken windows theory is that disorder may impact quality of life, but that relationship has not yet been examined in the research literature. The present study seeks to fill a void in the literature by investigating the relationship between neighborhood disorder and quality of life. Results indicate that disorder is related to quality of life. In particular, physical disorder is negatively associated with quality of life, but social disorder loses significance when controlling for physical disorder. Policy implications of the findings and direction for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

"被告能否申请追加被告"这个问题在司法实践中经常遇到,各级人民法院的做法不一。本文通过案例,分析了"被告能申请追加被告"观点中存在的误区,并从法律根据、理论依据及司法实践几个层面阐述了"被告不能申请追加被告"的理由。  相似文献   

Doe demonstrates that once an employer enters into a relationship with an individual and thereafter determines that he or she may be disabled, the employer has the right to ask the individual questions about the possible disability when those questions are relevant to assessing his or her qualifications for continuing on the job. In fact, once a health care provider is on notice that an employee's or physician's disability may render the employee or physician no longer qualified, thereby potentially endangering patients, the provider is required to determine whether the person is qualified for the job. In these sensitive matters, employers must draw a fine line between unreasonably following up on every rumor on the one hand, and on the other hand investigating reliable information when there may indeed be a direct threat to patients.  相似文献   

社会管理创新中的软法之治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以单位制为基础的传统社会管理模式在我国社会转型的背景下逐渐失灵,公法作为社会管理创新的制度支撑,需要对此作出回应。在“关系”视角和现代公法平等观的指引下,创新社会管理应从单一的硬法规制模式转向软硬并举的混合法治理。倚重软法之治推进社会管理创新需要在坚持以人为本、统筹兼顾原则的基础上,倡导柔性互动的理念、实施协同治理的结构、推行自律互律的机制以及拓展运用各种治理方式等。  相似文献   

现代社会生活复杂性趋势不断增强是附随义务理论产生的社会经济背景;协作关系意识的扩展是附随义务理论产生的政治理念背景;传统侵权法与契约法的不足是附随义务理论产生的法律制度背景;诚信原则的"超级适用"是附随义务理论产生的法伦理背景;自由法运动的兴起,概念法学之衰微,是附随义务理论诞生的法学思潮背景。  相似文献   

以建立多元化纠纷解决机制,应对诉讼爆炸带来的司法危机的学术活动和实务探讨眼下正在如火如荼地进行。在此背景下,一度被藐视的传统因素如民间权威力量、民间规范受到了青睐。本文试图对宗教在少数民族社会纠纷解决中的作用予以初步描述、分析和归纳。  相似文献   

Increasingly lawyers for children follow a model of “client centered” (as opposed to “best interests”) representation in child custody disputes in which the child client defines the objectives of the representation. The client‐centered model, while appropriate in most cases to give voice to the child's preferences in a process that deeply impacts him or her, can create an ethical dilemma for the child's lawyer in cases where a child is truly alienated from the other parent by the actions of the alienating parent. Alienated children strongly and unreasonably express a preference for objectives of representation that might further damage the alienated parent's relationship with the child. The alienated child's objectives may be the result of a campaign of denigration and “brainwashing” by the alienating parent. This Note suggests that when a child is truly alienated from a parent, as diagnosed by a mental health expert, the child may have “diminished capacity” and therefore, the client‐directed model of representation is not adequate. This Note proposes that the Child's Attorney must determine whether the child is of diminished capacity under the Model Rules of Professional Conduct and, if so, must treat the client accordingly under Rule 1.14. Specifically, the attorney may, if all other remedial measures are inadequate, override the child's wishes and advocate a position that the child would take, but for the brainwashing of the child used to alienate him or her from a parent.  相似文献   

亲亲相隐制度在我国历史上具有悠久的历史,上下传承两千余年,足以佐证其生命力的强大。新中国成立后,亲亲相隐被视为封建糟粕未被立法借鉴和吸收,法律依靠强力为国民营造了大义灭亲的氛围,其结果是国民在亲情与国法的二难选择中痛苦挣扎。近日颁布的《刑诉法修正案(草案)》规定了近亲属可以拒绝出庭作证,开始将"亲亲相隐"原则引入法律,尽管采取了极为审慎的态度,只是规定出庭阶段而没有规定亲属全程都可以拒绝作证,这仍然能够说明法律开始关注亲属身份权利,反映出法律对人伦、人性的回归。刑事实体法应该作出怎样的回应才能实现与程序法的协调与衔接,以进一步保障亲属的身份权利,实现法律对人伦、人性的完全回归,使法律更加具有根基性与正当性,这个问题迫切需要我们作出理性的回答。  相似文献   

In opinions addressing whether graduate students, medical residents, and disabled workers in nonstandard work arrangements are employees under the National Labor Relations Act, I analyze partisan differences in how National Labor Relations Board members, under the previous two US presidents, confronted the contradictory permeation of wage‐labor into relatively noncommodified relationships. I argue that Republicans mediated the contradictions by interpreting indicia of employer property rights as status authority. They constructed employment as a contractual relationship consummated through exchange relations and demarcated a nonmarket social sphere in which to locate the relationships before them. This construction suppressed the class dimension of employment and the connection between relations of production and relations in production ( Burawoy 1979 ). Democrats mediated the contradictions by recognizing them in part and arguing that the workers were engaged in commodity production. They proposed the Act as a means for workers to negotiate “differentiated ties” ( Zelizer 2005 ) in nonstandard employment.  相似文献   

高蒂尔社会契约互惠逻辑的理论前提是契约主义意识形态,"约定的社会"、"独占的人性"、"自然理性"、"效用最大化的合理性观念"构成其社会契约互惠逻辑的论证环节。高蒂尔社会契约互惠逻辑的意义在于对"霍布斯问题"的破解。  相似文献   

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