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Postmortem disturbance of human remains by rodents extends beyond production of characteristic tooth mark artifacts in dry bones. Three case examples are presented that demonstrate a spectrum of rodent damage to dry and fresh bone and to fresh and mummified soft tissue. In one case, human remains are used for nesting purposes. Rodents are also noted to be vectors of bone transport. Rodent activities can affect bone recovery, human identification, and interpretation of artifacts to bone and soft tissue. Guidelines to differentiate soft tissue artifacts caused by rodents and carnivores are suggested.  相似文献   

Five cases of postmortem bite-injuries inflicted by rodents are presented (five males between 41 and 89 years; three cases caused by mice, one case by rats, one case of possible mixed rodent activity by rats and mice). The study presents a spectrum of phenomenological aspects of postmortem artifacts due to rodent activity to fresh skin and soft tissue: the majority of the injuries have a circular appearance. The wound margins are finely serrated with irregular edges and circumscribed 1-2 mm intervals within, partly showing protruding indentations up to 5 mm. Distinct parallel cutaneous lacerations deriving from the biting action of the upper and lower pairs of the rodents incisors are diagnostic for tooth marks of rodent origin but cannot always be found. No claw-induced damage can be found in the skin beyond the wound margins. Areas involved in the present study were: exposed and unprotected parts of the body, such as eyelids, nose and mouth (representing moist parts of the face); and the back of the hands. Postmortem rodent activity may occasionally be expected on clothed and therefore protected parts of the body. The phenomenon of postmortem rodent activity to human bodies can be found indoors especially under circumstances of low socioeconomic settings; outdoors this finding is particularly observed among fatalities among homeless people.  相似文献   

广泛软组织挫伤导致死亡的案例 ,一般多发生在刑讯逼供、非法拘禁和监所内的暴力案件中 ,死亡机制主要为创伤性休克、挤压综合征、继发感染等。对于损伤时间的判定 ,简单可靠的方法是根据皮肤的颜色变化[1] 。本文通过对 4例死于大面积软组织挫伤的案例的皮下组织切片进行显微镜观察 ,描述不同时段血栓组织结构 ,印证挫伤部位容易形成血栓的观点[2 ] ,分析血栓形成的机理 ,以及对补充推断损伤时间的法医学意义。材料与方法1 材料标本均来源于本法医室 1 997~ 1 999年法医实际案例。分为 2组 ,挫伤组 :挫伤区皮肤皮下组织 4例 ,均为男性 ,…  相似文献   

A review of both deliberate and accidental anorectal trauma is presented. The mechanisms and types of injuries as well as the complications are discussed. Injuries resulting from sexual assaults are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Infections of the leptomeninges with the infectious agent gaining access to the intracranial compartment by traumatic means are termed post-traumatic. In cases with fatal outcome, the manner of death has to be classified as non-natural. Six cases of post-traumatic meningitis as the cause of death from the archives of the Institute of Legal Medicine in Hamburg, Germany with histological and microbiological investigations are presented. There were all males, age varying between 24 and 90 years (mean 58 years); range of the interval between original trauma and beginning of symptoms was 2 days up to 8 years; in 50% of the cases meningeal swabs yielded Streptococcus pneumoniae. Findings concerning origin and mechanism of post-traumatic meningitis as well as microbiological studies are compared with selected cases from the literature.  相似文献   

The Swiss German chapter of the Exit Association provides conditional assistance to individuals wishing to end their own lives. The Exit Association advocates death with dignity and fights for the right to freely choose the timing of one's own death. According to the Swiss criminal code (articles 114 and 115), altruistic assistance to suicide is not punishable. Active euthanasia is punished by imprisonment. An individual commits active euthanasia if he or she is driven by honorable motives (e.g., pity) and causes the death of another person wishing to die who seriously and insistently requests such action. Based on our information, the preparation for suicide and its completion relies on a well-defined protocol. First, the candidate's eligibility for Exit Association assistance is verified. The candidate then writes a farewell declaration that explicitly confirms the will to terminate his or her own life. A written report describes the events during the suicide procedure. Depending on the circumstances, the investigative judge requests a forensic autopsy and toxicologic analyses. The results of the forensic investigations conducted in the cases presented here are in agreement with the scenario described in the reports of the Exit Association, namely, suicide by massive ingestion of pentobarbital.  相似文献   

A total of 36,274 forensic autopsies was performed in Berlin, between 1980 and 1987, including 152 cases (0.42%) in which death had been caused by blunt violence due to kicking. Data were collected on both victims and offenders, postmortem findings, causes of death and the way violence had been perpetrated. The greater part of victims and offenders had been males originating from lower social strata. Most of the victims and offenders had been in relationship with each other prior to the offence. Typical course of events: Victims and offenders, under influence of alcohol, became involved in a brawl, usually for trivial reasons, which soon led to physical fighting. When the victim had been knocked to the ground, the offender started forceful kicking. Bleeding to death and head injury were frequent causes of death. More than 50% of all offences were committed by single offenders. The diagnosis of kicking to death can at best be derived from presence of boot traces leaving shaped injuries. The trace-generating boot can be identified as offending tool by means of comparative police investigation. In addition to evaluation of shoe sole profiles, there is other trace-relevant material that may be sampled from a suspected offender's footwear (skin cells, hair, blood, body tissue) and used to identify findings by DNA analysis. There may be injuries with visible patterns supporting suspicion of kicking and trampling, although conclusive confirmation can be obtained only by testimony by a witness or confession by the offender.  相似文献   

The physician, like any other human being, is subject to emotional problems, greed, jealousy, and instability of an individual under stress as well as mental disease which may all bring out improper behavior or criminal activity. Over the last two centuries, there have been instances where physicians have committed deliberate acts of murder on wives, relatives, patients, and others. Their motivation has ranged from ridding themselves of a nagging wife or for insurance and inheritance gains to insane acts. The methods used have usually been associated with poisons and drugs, of which the physician may have great familiarity. The frequency of physician-involved murders seems to have increased in the past two decades with several sensational cases being the topics of media coverage and further review in books and visual media, including television and the movies. The investigation of these cases may be very difficult, especially when a drug may be given to a victim which could cause severe problems after small amounts are given. The detection of death as being a murder may be the first problem faced, the demonstration of the fatal agent in the body in the next problem, and probably the most difficult is finding a suspect with the medication in his or her possession or paraphenalia for injecting such as a syringe and needle. The stealth and cunning of the murderer may further complicate the picture for the investigator as well as the reputation of the physician in the community, which is often above reproach so that the public has to be convinced of the actual involvement of the suspect.  相似文献   

A quantitative LC-MS/MS method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of 17 antipsychotic drugs in human postmortem brain tissue. Sample preparation was performed using Hybrid Solid Phase Extraction-Precipitation technology for the removal of endogenous protein and phospholipid interferences. The chromatographic separation was performed for 16 min on a C8 column, which used a gradient elution of formate ammonium and acetonitrile, and a flow rate gradient. Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry was employed to generate tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) data of the target analytes to select the ion m/z signals. Quantitation of the analytes was performed by operating in the dynamic multiple reaction monitoring (dMRM) mode using an electrospray ionization interface. Calibration curves prepared in the spiked brain tissue were linear in the range 20-8000 ng/g (r(2)>0.993) for all drugs (except olanzapine). Within- and between-day coefficients of variation were lower than 25% for all drugs at the LOQ. The LOQ in the matrix ranged between 2 ng/g and 80 ng/g. The method was successfully applied to the unequivocal identification and accurate quantification of antipsychotic drugs in human postmortem brain tissues: therefore, this method can be used in forensic investigations.  相似文献   

The temperatures of three body sites, namely, the brain, liver and the rectum as well as the temperature of the environment were continuously monitored, every 5-10 min, in 117 forensic cases commencing soon after death and in most cases, within 45 min postmortem. The body temperature at the moment of death was empirically determined by a computer-based extrapolation method. Thus, temperature data for the first 3h of each body site were fitted to single-exponential equations and the fitted curve was extrapolated backwards to obtain the intercept on the Y-axis (the temperature axis). The effect of body temperature at the moment of death on postmortem cooling rate is examined and factors influencing body temperature at death are discussed. Forensic fatalities associated with hyper and hypothermia are reviewed briefly.  相似文献   

目的 对不同类型案件中的死者进行死后尸体CT扫描和常规尸体解剖,探索PMCT在法医学鉴定中的应用价值.方法 对7例因不同原因死亡的个体进行全身PMCT扫描,随后进行系统的尸体解剖,通过比较两种方法检测的结果,分析PMCT与传统尸体解剖在不同类型案件中应用的优点和不足.结果 在7个案例中,尸体上总共检出67处阳性发现.其...  相似文献   

Brain, liver, rectal and environmental temperatures were continuously monitored under controlled conditions, in 117 forensic fatalities, for up to 60 h after death. Cases were studied either naked (63%) or covered with two blankets (37%). Bodies were classified into fat and thin groups. Statistical analysis and curve-fitting of the data yielded the average triple-exponential formulae for each body site and each body group. The effects of covering of the torso and body parameters such as weight, height, surface area and 'cooling size factor' (Z) on postmortem cooling are assessed and discussed. Results show that covering of the torso has a significant influence on the rate of postmortem cooling, however, there is no good correlation between the body variables and the cooling rate.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the fitness of an accused person to participate in legal proceedings is a classic forensic activity. Before the trial, the forensic expert will already assess any preexisting somatic and psychological illnesses and give a written expert opinion describing the condition of the accused at the time of the examination and assessing whether he is fit to stand trial. Nevertheless, decompensation or aggravation of a disease may occur--especially in stress situations as they are to be expected for an accused in the courtroom--so that apart from the current evaluation of the state of health of the accused, emergency treatment may occasionally become necessary in the courtroom. The article tries to answer the question how the expert can meet this challenge.  相似文献   

A set of statistical protocols is proposed for analyzing carrion-arthropod succession in forensic entomology investigations. A total of 23 carrion-arthropod data sets from temperate, tropical, desert, and coastal environments were assembled in a standard format and analyzed using randomization tests and methods derived from quantitative community ecology. The data were analyzed in three ways. First, patterns of arthropod visitation on nonhuman carcasses were analyzed in each of the 23 cases. Analysis revealed two groups of taxa: those that persist on the carcass over a single time interval (= nonreoccurring taxa, 80% of the taxa) and those that appear, leave, and reappear over time on the carcass (= reoccurring taxa, 20%). Reoccurring taxa, which can confound estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI), were found in 6 classes, 12 orders, and 29 taxonomic families of arthropods, including some forensically important taxa (for example, calliphorids, sarcophagids, histerids). The recognition that reoccurring taxa exist and that they are found in forensically important groups is an early step toward factoring in their potential importance in future entomological investigations. Second, temporal changes in the taxonomic composition of the carrion-arthropod community were studied by quantifying the degree of taxonomic similarity between pairwise combinations of time-specific samples of the succession. In 13 of the 18 illustrated cases, the midsuccessional samples, owing to their higher species richness, were taxonomically more similar to all other pairwise samples, on the average, than early and late successional samples which were poorer in species. Variability in taxonomic composition is the norm for most periods of the succession; however, in 17 of the 23 cases, some successional periods (particularly endpoint samples) revealed no changes in arthropod species composition (= matching sample-pairs). When applied to medicolegal cases, it is suggested that data sets with large fractions of matching sample-pairs should produce wider-ranging PMI estimates, on the average, than data sets with smaller fractions of matching sample-pairs. Third, Monte Carlo simulation was applied to each of the 23 assemblages to test specific hypotheses about community-wide patterns of arthropod visitation times on nonhuman carcasses. Simulation results revealed that arthropod residence times in the majority of cases (13 or 56%) followed a "clumped" succession model, whereas, the remaining 10 cases (44%) showed a more "uniform" spacing pattern of residence times on carcasses. Comparison of species accumulation curves for observed and simulated data further revealed that among the 13 "clumped" cases, most (9 or 69%) followed a "clumped, early" model (rather than "clumped, midterm" or "clumped, late" models).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dependence of postmortem blood-drug concentrations on the collection site and on the postmortem interval before specimen collection has been studied. These studies consisted of both sequential sampling from the same collection site at defined time intervals and a comparison of the drug concentrations of postmortem blood simultaneously collected from various sites. A site and time dependence was observed for postmortem blood-drug concentrations. The heart blood-drug concentrations were, in general, significantly higher than those of peripheral specimens. As a result of this phenomenon, the analysis of peripheral blood specimens and solid tissues is often necessary before a definitive interpretation of postmortem toxicological analyses is possible.  相似文献   

Propofol is a potent intravenous anesthetic agent that rapidly induces sedation and unconsciousness. The potential for propofol dependency, recreational use, and abuse has only recently been recognized, and several cases of accidental overdose and suicide have emerged. In addition, the first documented case of murder using propofol was reported a few months ago, and a high profile case of suspected homicide with propofol is currently under investigation. A number of analytical methods have been employed to detect and quantify propofol concentrations in biological specimens. The reported propofol-related deaths and postmortem blood and tissue levels are reviewed. Importantly, limitations of propofol detection are discussed, and future considerations are presented. Because propofol has the potential for diversion with lethal consequences, the forensic scientist must have a basic understanding of its clinical indications and uses, pharmacologic properties, and detection methods. In addition, medical institutions should develop systems to prevent and detect diversion of this potential drug of abuse.  相似文献   

The authors report on an acute suicidal arsenic intoxication (di-arsenic-trioxide). Death can occur one week after ingestion, despite intensive care. The forensic, anatomopathological and toxicologic aspects are reported. Forty titrations are realized at the level of the biologic fluid in viscera, by absorption spectrophotometry. These data are compared with those in standing literature, especially with the rates determined in normal subjects, following simple environmental impregnation.  相似文献   

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